The Dalles Daily Chronicle, The only Republican Daily Newspapei n Wasco County. FRIDAY, -' DEC. 4, 1896 EASTERN OFFICE 230 to 234 Temple Court, N. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. WE HAVE THE COAL. Besides the immense stock inter ests of this section, interests that produce for shipment annually 25, D00 head of cattle, 200,000 sheep, and 8,000,000 pounds of wool ; be sides these and the 2,000,000 bushels of wheat shipped from Wasco and Sherman counties, the immense amount of fruit, aDd the great yield of salmon that keeps four canneries running during the season, there is undoubtedly stored up in the ground right here in the vicinity of our city untold treasures in the shape of coal. , Borings made in the city for water have passed through a broken vein of coal of good quality at a depth of from 50 to 70 feet, but so far no, effort has been made to pros pect the discovery. We have called attention to the ooatter,several times, and are glad to state that there is a prospect ot the' means being raised to examine into it. The coal measures are the very best, consisting of conglomerates and sand shales, and if we have not a good paying vein of coal here, all indications lie. The opening of a good vein of boal here means the immediate doubling of business, property values and population. We urge those having the matter in charge to bend every effort to the ac complishmert of the work so that by spring we may announce to the world that Nature has denied us nothing. We have the finest fruit lands, the most valuable fisheries, fine wheat lands, and the mighty slopes of the Cascades furnish the stockmen with ideal ranges. The surface of the earth and the bosom, of the river yield immense products; and surely after everything else Nature never forgot to put the black ' diamonds down under the sand shales to com plete the perfection of her works. At Portland Wednesday evening Mrs. Jones, a partially demented colored woman, attempted to com mit suicide by driving an ice pick through her skull and five inches into her brain. She held the pick against her head and drove it in with a hatchet. It is remarkable that she was able to stand up and keep hammering the ice pick after it had penetrated the brain at all, but it is no more astonishing than the statement made today that she will probably recover. The case excites some interest as to the woman's mental condition should she recover, The doctor's have expressed no opin ion on that subject, but it. strikes that she may have punctured the seat of her mental unbalancing, and if the Medicos do a good job of plumbing, we ' see no reason why it would not be possible for her to re cover the use of what brain she has left. Arizona will again make applica tion for statehood, and she makes a pretty good showing too, with more than $13,000,000 a year in mineral products. Besides this she shipped in the last eighteen months 597,876 head of cattle. Her population is large enough to entitle her to one congressman under the apportion ment now in force, and there seems to be no good reason "why she should not be admitted. New Mexico, will probably also make application for admission into the TJnion, and it is more than likely every territory es:- cept Alaska and Indian Territory will bemade states during McKinley's administration. . The papers ot the state are almost unanimous in their demand for a registration ' law. The Australian ballot system is the most nearly per- feet of any ever devised ; all it lacks is a good registration !aw tfeat will prevent absolutely colonization and repeating. A law that will give every citizen a voie, and Lave th:it vote counted, is all that is needed, and a registration law will do this, because it prevents colonization, acd the killing of legal votes by illegal ones. While Weyler was out looking for Maceo, and. regretting his inability to find him, that clever general, just to show the world that he was not liable to be starved out in the mountains, made an attack . on the suburbs of Havana, and killed over 300 Spanish troops in the attack. Weyler looking for Maceo is much like cur ever-present hobo looking for work. An enthusiastic reporter on the Oregonian heads a local, "Hail, Blessed Chinook!" Portland may not have had enough yet, but up this way we have had all the hail we want. Our most urgent desire is that the blessed chinook reign. State of Ohio, City op Toledo? Lucas County, f " Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of tbe firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in flie City of Toledo, County and state' afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. ' Fkank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1896. A. VV. Gleason, seal Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly and acts directly on the ' blood and mncuos surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney a Co., Toledo, O. fflSold by Druugists, 75c. No. 3-11 Cab In Tour Checks. . All county warrants registered prior to July 11, 1892, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Oct. 20' 1896. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. There's more clothing destroyed by poor soap tban by actual wear as the free alkali rots them. Hoe cake is pare- ' . )y24-ij You'll be surprised when you try Hoe Cake soap, and wish we had told you sooner. It is made by patented pro cess. jl?24-ii CATARRH local'disease and is the result of colds and sudden climatic changes. For your Protection we positively state that this remedy does not contain mercury or any other injur ious drug. Ely's Cream Balm is acknowledged to be the most thorough core for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages, allays pain and inflammation, heals the Bores, pro tects the membrane from colds, restores the senees of taste and smell. Price 60c at Druggists or by mail. ELY &ROTHEKS, 66 Warren Street, New York, DOORS, WINDOWS, ) SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. Administrator's TTotice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been dulv appointed by the county court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, adminis trator of the estate of W. H. Lochhead, deceased. All persons having claims against raid estate are hereby required to present the same to me properly veriiied, as by law required, at the V aaco Warehouse, Dalles City, Oregon, within six mouths from da e hereof. Dated this 30th day of Oct- ber. 1896. MALCOLM MCINNI8. Administrator of the estate of W. H. Loobhead, deceased. . oct30-li Subscribe for Thx Chkoxiclk and get tbe news. Jsi Good Times Coming Now is the time to -lay in your Fall and Winter Supplies before they go higher. We have, a good stock of Hay, Grain and Feed, Flour and Groceries, Seed Wheat, Oats and Rye. Garden and Grass Seeds in Bulk. Now is the time to put in Fall Seeds. Experi-. ence has demonstrated that fall plonting is the best for most things. We have' a good supply of Fertil izers for exhausted and worn-out gardens, lawns, or chards, &c. Fresh Butter, Hams, Bacon and Lard. Eggs, Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese bought and sold. Goods sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Free and prompt delivery. J. Corner Second and Union Vogt Opera House, ONE NIGHT ONLY, SATURDAY, DEC. 5, 1S96. THE COMEDIAN, ' ' SAM J. BURTON, .And the Charming Comedienne, MISS LILLIE COLEMAN, IN THE NEW SI A Superior Scenic Production. A Hip! Hurrah! Hilarious Sensation al Comedy Drama. A Roaring, Rousing Rally of Fan, Laughter and Rells. THE NOTED "SI PERKINS' " SOLO ORCHESTRA Of twelve skilled musicians, is the strongest ever presented to tbe pubJic by a traveling com pany. One of the most necessary features for a iirst-elass performance is the best of music ren dered in an artistic manner. Especially is this so in SI PEtKlN8, running over with songs, dances and catchy muhic, where a good orches tra is absolutely necessary. Bee the Street Parade at Noon by the Famous PDGHTOWH FARMER BAND. Free Concert in fiont of the Opera House at 7 o'clock in the evei ing. ' Prices 50c and 75c Administratrix' Notice. Nptice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appoln tea administratrix of the estate of George VV. Turner, deceased, and has dulv qualified as such. . All persons having claims against said estate are therefore notified to pre sent tbe same to her, with proper vouchers, within six months from tbe date hereof at tbe office of the County Clerk of Wasco co'inty, Ore ton, or at the office ot her attorney, W. Y. Mas ters, rooms 1 to 4, Hamilton Building, .Portland, Oregon, within six months f oin this date. MARGARET E. SYKES, Administratrix of the estate of Geo. W. Turner, deceased. ocl3-ii Dated October 2. 1896. j. B- go;t- COUNTY SURVEYOR. Reesidence, Tenth and Liberty Streets J1V2J- RI-PAN-S The modern stand ard Family- Medi cine : Cures . the common every-day ills of humanity. foLODD poison J-Urrr"?- onoaryorTer. f j-.uiuunwoguayB. on can De created as 1 home lorsame price nnder same gmarao- J ty- If yon prefer to come here we will con nocnarffe, if we fall to core. If yon have taken meir enry. Iodide potash, and still have aches and pains, MocousTa tchc in mouth. Sore Throat. X imples. Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of tbebody. Hair or Eyebrows falling out, it la this Secondary BLOOD POISON we guarantee to cura. We solicit the most obsti nate cases and challene-e the world for at case we cannot core. This dioease has alwava baffled the skill of the most eminent phys clanj. SSOO.OOO capital behindonr nncondW Clonal guaranty. Absolute proof sent sealed on application. Address COOK REMEDY CO. 03 Haaonlo Temple, CiiltUOv iluli FEBKM H. CROSS. Streets. ERST! GIVE8 THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane Denver Minneapolis Omaha St. Paul Kansas City Low Rates to ail Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland KverT VlY9 Days for SAIST FRANCISCO, CAL. For full details call on O. R & Co. s Agent Tha Dalles, or address W, H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon E. M NEILL President and Manager. New Schedule. Train No. 1 arrives at Tbe Dalles 4:45 a. m., and leaves 4:50 a. m. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :15 p. di., and leaves 10:20 p. m. Train No. 8 arrives at Tbe Dalles 1 1 :55 p. m., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves at 1 p. m. Train 23 and 24 will carry pr.ssengers Oetween rne .Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing ine Ualles at l p. m. daily and ar rivinz at Tbe Dalles 1p. m. dailv, con necting with train Nos. 8 and 7 from Portland. K. K. Lytle, Agent. Monuments and Headstones. Before going elsewhere, call on L. COMINI, 'The Dalles, Or., For a Tombstone. Warranted to stand for all time, regardless of wind or weather. American Market, 74 Second Street. Fruit, Produce, Butter, Eggs. POULTRY, FISH and GAME IN SEASON. 69 TELEPHONES 69 The Glades Ranch, WHITE SALMON, WASH. Ti 3 America JERSEYS Club Of the StLambert, '"omraasslc and Tormentor raine. rnree cnoice nulls for sale or rent, so some Choice Cows and Heifer for sale. " Pn-e Bred Poland China Hogs. White Plymouth Kock Chickens. Address: MRS. A. K. BYRKETT, Prop. Jy25-w3m White Salmon. Wash. DR. GUNITS IXPBOTKD JPIULS Jk. i I i I rl fitwrnif- (ttifi III fav m A morement of tbe bowels each dtvj is necssnarr far beeltti. Them pills supply what the system lacks to nk it ream lax. They earn Headache, brighten tha Kyes, and clear the Coraplexkm better than cosznettcs. They neither frripe nor sicken. To convince yon. we will mail trample free, or fall box far &o, fold every twna DU. 03An0 HJO. CO. PhilaWphi t (5 t3 D r-l U . c6 g P o ft o Fnll Assortment of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to examine our new etock, which we personally selected I in New York City and Phila delphia. We guarantee the lowest prices in town. Vogt Block. Wholesale. CCIines and CiQars THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Btisch. Malt Ntitrine, a non-alcoholic "beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS- 7 r rQ; Buys a god BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph- Lvj. ens.' Intermediate prices up to $4.50. Ladies' Cloaks. Remember, all these goods are latest made, warm, serv iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap proached in The Dalles. BLAKELEY St 175 Second Street, -ARTISTS MATEBIALS.- aW Country and Mail Orders will receive Leave your orders for Dressed Chickens, Fish, Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds, COAL AND ICE, ' THE DflLItES COjaiBISSIOS GO.'S ST0tE . Corney Second and Washington Sts. l'There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune? The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates MICHELBACH BRICK. - - UNION ST. mmm mm W f) H. Herbring. - BUSCH and BEER SSddSu5JSie. Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The best Black Diagonal for $12.00. An elegant assortment of 1896 styles just received, a part ot which may be eeen in ebow window. HOUGHTON The Dalles, Oregon prompt attention.