The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 04, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. IX
NO 283
... . . .
Otherwise the Situation Re
mains Unchanged.
Turks Tear Down Old Clory and Theu
Tear it jrp--Itallan Officer
Murdered In Africa.
CuiPi-EWA Falls, Wis., Dec. 3. With
the water again climbing, the outlook
for this threatened valley ia still rather
uncomfortable. For fifteen miles be
tween Chippewa Falls and Eau Claire,
and nearly the eame distance at Durand,
the river is massed with packed ice and
timber and ia hourly becoming worse.
The water has been backed up, flooding
part of Durand and the lower levels of
tbia city. Lumber mills are surrounded
and partially engulfed by the water,
which has frozen. Near by business
places and dwellings are in the same
predicament, although being a little far
ther away from the river channel, their
situation is not so serious.
The railroads are not suffering as
much as might be expected. The
Omaha runs along high bluffs, and has j
not been in the least hampered. The
Wisconsin Central tracks are covered
with water and its trains use the Omaha
tracks. Tht river branch of the Mil
waukee & St. Paul has stopped business
for the present.
Colonel W. A. Jones, of the United
States army of St. Paul, in charge of the
government works in this section, will
confer with the authorities in regard to
another attempt to break the ice dam
here. It is feared that a break in the
Little Falls dam, thirty miles above
hers, would carry nearly ' everything
away here. The people of Eau Claire
fear, the result if the ice gorge here
. breaks too suddenly, while those below
Durand are entertaining fear for the
outcome there.
Yesterday the water touched 24 feet 8
inches, the highest yet, and later
dropped a foot, but at 8 :30 o'clock "this
morning again had risen to the highest
figure, and was still rising slowly at 9
o'clock. Mayor Irvine drove down the
river to Gravel, six miles from here,
where an attempt will be made to break
the gorge. The people are still moving
from their houses today. Many offers
of relief have been received from various
quarters, and relief will be necessary
before the end of the trouble comes.
An Italian Consul and Officers Murdered
In Africa.
Zanzibar, Dec. 3. The massacre of
Senor Cechi, the Italian consul here,
the captains of the Italian warships Vol
turno and Stuffet, and about six other
Italian officers by Somalia, at Magadoxi
on the coast of - Somalland, East Afri
ca, occurred on November 28. The,
.party was accompanied by 70 Askaris
on a trip into the country outside of
Magadoxi, when Samolis attacked them,
killing all the whites and 30 of ' the
Rome, Dec. 2. Additional details . of
the massacre of Senor Cechi, the Italian
consul, and the Italian officers who
were with him at Magadoxi, Somaliland,
state that 14 Italians were killed. The
caravan waa attacked in the night by
Somalia. They were repulsed, but ral
lied and continually attacked the re
treating caravan. The - Italians ' and
their escort of Askaris fought desperate
ly, but were eventually overcome.
As soon as the news of the fighting
reached Magadoxi a detachment of sail
ors and a force of Askaris were sent to
the assistance of the caravan, but arrived
too late to save the Italians. The rescue
More comfort and pleas
ure from tea try Schillings
No risk if you don't like
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L Schilling-& Company
Sea Francisco
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of
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Government Food Report.
Royal Baking Powdbb Co.. New York
party recovered 27 bodies, and arrested
many Somali tribesmen,, who were pun
ished in an exemplary manner.
Glory Grosfly Insulted by the
Turkish Soldiers.
New Yoek, Dec. 3. A letter from an
American missionary, for nearly twenty
yeara a resident of Constantinople, baa
been received by Rev. Dr. Strong, sec
retary of the American . Evangelical
League, which confirms the recent state
ment" of Rev. Dr. Cyrus Hamlin witb
relation to ' the status of Americans and
the American flag in Turkey, especially
witb regard to the occasion when the
flag was torn and trampled upon in an
Armenian village, The letter is dated
September 30th, and say a:
"The rascally police officer, Hassan
Chaousb, who tore down and tore up
our flag, was caught the Sunday follow
ing the massacre, with (600 upon him,
merely obtained from the Armenians on
his promise to save their lives, and
whom he had treacherously given up to
death. Everybody is asking whether
Mr. Terrill will do anything to vindi
cate the honor of ou- flag, but as yet we
bear of nothing being done."
' Another letter from Constantinople
dated September 30th, only five days
after the occurrence, says :
"Hasseky, the house which Miss
Gleason and Mrs. Sceleve occupied, waa
looted and the servant left in charge
doubtless lost his life. Men wearing
uniforms beaded the mob which attacked
the house and pulled down and tore to
shreds the United States flags that had
been hung out."
Venezuelan Government Ratifies
- Orlnlco Concession.
Caracas, Venezuela, Dec. 3. The
Venezuelan government has published a
decree ratifying the Orinoco concession.
This means the success of an American
enterprise. The Orinoco concession re
ferred to doubtless means a grant of ter
ritory supposed to embrace 10,000,000
acres of the Manoa country, which was
transferred to the Orinoco company,
The grant includes territory extending
from near the western or upper limit of
the Orinoco delta to the coast, Including
by its northern boundry several of the
delta islands, and extending southwest
to the crest of the Imitaca mountains.
It is said to have been been indicated
by Humboldt as the most promising
and favorable region for colonization he
had seen in bis travels in South
A dispatch from Lima, Peru, says the
Commercio prints a leading article bit
terly attacking the new treaty between
Chile and Bolivia. The paper eays that
Bolivia, by the terms of the treaty,
practically sui renders her sovereignty to
Chile. The authors of the treaty are
called traitors, and the agreement is de
ionnced as & ' disgrace and menace to
the autonomy ot the nation.
Insurgents' Were Victors.
Particulars of the Cuban Attack Upon
Guanabarcoa. - -
' Havana, Dec. 3. The insurgent at
tack on Guanabarcoa, on the outskirts
ot tnis city, luesaay, . was mucn more
serious than at first' eta ted. Guanabar
coa was attacked aimoltaneously at eev
eral points, while Trwetber insurgent
force fired upon the Spanish outposts at
Buearanaa, on the coast.. A garrison
was left at that place to resist the attack
on the town, but was ambuscaded bo-
tweea stone walls and farm fences by
about 303 insurgents, and in spite of a
gallant defense, all the Spaniards were
killed. The exact number slain is not
known. The insurgents are said to have
burned 74 houses in Guanabarcoa, in
stead of one house, as the official report
stated. ' ;
Prizefight In a Hospital.
Chicago, Dec. 3. It has . leaked out
that an eight-round prize fiuht has taken
place in the county hospital between
Eddy Santry, of Chicago, and Jimmy
Carroll, of Omaha, feather-weight pugil
ists of. note. A purse was made up by
about twenty-five employee an doctors,
who gave a reception to Chief Clerk-M.
K. Mandelbaum. The pugilists were
brought together in a large carpeted
room. The fighting was warm from the
Start. Santry knocked his opponent out
n the ekchth round. Among the spec
tators were three women.
Encland to Aid Egypt.
Cairo, Dec. 3. Lord Cromer, the
British agent here, has informed the
Egyptian government that he is .author
ized to stale that in the event of that
government deciding to reply to Caisse
of the Egyptian debt the $2,500,000 ad
vanced to meet the expenses of the
Anglo-Egyptian expedition upon Don-
gola, Great Britain is prepared to ad- I
vance such a sum as the Egyptian treas
ury Is unable to provide for that pur
pose. -
An Asylum Burned.
New York, Dec. 3. The administra
tion building of the New Jersey state in-
Ptitntion for feeble-minded children, at
Likeview, took fire at midnight and was
totally destroyed. The loss is $25,000.
Twenty-five teachers and others lodging
in the building escaped with most of
their effects. There was no panic among
the 200 occupants of the other eight
The Ideal Panacea.
Jamea L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago.
saya: "1 regard JJr. a flejr .Dis
covery as an Ideal Panacea for coughs,
colds and Lung Complaints, having used
it in my family for the last five yeara,
to the excluaion of physician's prescrip
tions or other preparations."
Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa,
writes: "I have been a Minister of the
Methodist Episcopal church for 50 vears
or more, and have never found anything
so beneficial, or that gave me such speedy
relief as Dr. King's New Discovery;"
Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial
bottles free at Jilakeley & Houghton s,
Drng Store. . -
Old People.
Old people who require medicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
find the true remedy in Electric Bitters.
This medicine does not stimulate and
contains no whisky nor other intoxicant,
but acts as a tonic and alternative. It
acts mildly on the stomach and Dowela,
adding strength and giving tone to the
organs, thereby aiding Nature in the
performance of the functions. Electric
Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old people find it just exact
ly what tney n.eed. rrice op-cents and
$1 00 uer bottle at Blakeley & Hough
ton's Drug Store. '
Tola Is Tour Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
56 Warren St., New York City.
Hev. John Reid, Jr. , of Great Falls, Mont. ,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if nsed as directed."
' Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents.
Assignee's Notice.
' Notice is hereby jrlven that on October 20,
1896, C G: Hickok of Cascade Locks, Oregon,
made a general assignment to me for the benefit
of ail bis creditors In proportion to the amount
of thfir respective claims, of all his property.
All persons having claims against said C. G.
Hickok are hereby notified to pr- sent them to
meat Oseade Lock, Oregon, with- the proper
vouchers therefor, within toreemouths uom
this date.
Dated Oct 21, 1896. "
J. G. DAY, IB, .
oct24-ot-ii Assignee of C. G. Hickok.
Guardian Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court
f the State of O epon for Wasco county, guar
dian of the person and estate of Albert Lehman,
on ittPiuie person. Ail persons havincr claims
semii t estate are hereby required to pre
sent them to me at my residence in Dalles City.
Oregon, with proper voucher-. - -
- Guardian of the person and estate of -Albert
Lehman, insane. .'' . .-
Dated this 26th day of September, I89C. -
M i M
. . WARM ... $
blankets V
jL ... HEAVY ... I
I , . . CHEAP ... 2
f A. BfiE. WIILaXalillVIS t CO. I
Hands and Limbs Covered with
- Blisters, and Great
Red Blotches.
Lay Awake Night after Night
Scratching Until almost Wild.
Speedily Cured by
I was a sufferer for eiht years from that
most distressing of all diseases. Eczema, lint
can now say truihfully that 1 am entirely
cured. I tried some of the best physicians .
in tha country, but they did me little good.
The palms of rhy hands were covered, and
would become-inllauied; little. white blisters
at first would appear, then they would peel
off, leaving a red, smooth surface which would
burn like fire and itch ; well, there is no name .
for it. On the inside of the upper part of
both my limbs, great red blotches not unlike
hives would appear, and as soon as I became
warrri, the burning and itching; would begin.
Night after night I would lie awake all night
and scratch, and almost go wild. I heard of
Cuticuba remedies, got a box of Cuticuka
(ointment), a bottle of Ccticuiia Resolvent
(blood purifier), and gave them a thorough
trial, and after a few applications 1 noticed
the redness anil inflammation disappear: be
fort I had tvted one box ther'- vat not ot
Eczema left. I can truthfully asser; "2.(50
worth of Cutioitba. Hem ehies cured me. Any
one I meet who has Eczema, I do not hesitate
a moment in recommending vonr remedies.
Gen'l Real Estate and Insurance liroker.
.-. 1115 Carsoa St., 1'ittsburg, Pa.
Sr-EF.DT Cube Tkeatmext. ' Warm baths
with Cuticcira Soap, penile applications of
COTicunA (ointment), and mild doses of C'CTi
CUB.A Resolvent (blood purifier).
' So'd throaehoat the world. Pottkb Dbuo Chkh.
Cour.. Sole Proprietors, Botton. IT. 8 A.
. All about the Blood. Bkin end Selp,"ftee.
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attendSd to,
. and warranted. .
DR. BO-SAM-KO'S !!IE D P M r n V HrwTh.
lttfc,bon lutuors. A pftMtlve core. Circular sent fra. Prio
to. fiivitlittwwU, OS, tttfUkJNk.Ok pfcUtw p.
Watchmaker jeweler
When yog mant to bay
' Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat,
Rolled Barley , Whole Barley,
Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts,
. Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the
Oar prices are low and our good 8 are firet-clafB.
Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR.
Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY.
Kill or catch those Flies
Only 5 c a Double Sheet at
Donnell's Drugstore.
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTEE anrt PAPER HANGER. None bat the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none bnt th
most Bkilled workmen employed. Agents for Maanry Liquid Paints. No cbem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. 'All orders
promptly attended to. '' .
Store and Faint Stop corner Third and Washington Sts., . The Dalles, 0reo
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
Traded for Hav Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
THe Dalles, Oregon