n nn pit a t nrrnn nnn mmo ttttitit7 o 2 o Ladies' Fine-ribbed, Fleece-lined Underwear, Vests and Pants to match 50c per piece Children's Heavy Wool Bicycle Hose, Just the thing for cold "weather :.20c and 35c pair Ladies' All Wool Hose, plain and fine ribbed, Extra good quality -, 25c per pair Ladies' Ostrich Ruffs, fine quality, Black only $1.75 each Gentlemen's Extra Heavy Ribbed Underwear, Fleece Back, special value $1.00 per suit Gentlemen's Heavy Overshirts, Extra value 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Gentlemen's Heavy Sanitary Wool, Finest Australian, double carded $1.50 per pair Gentlemen's Outing Flannel Nightshirts, Something to keep you -warm $1.25 each PEASE & MAYS ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. 9 O 3 9! 9 Ralston Koffy, . Pan Kake Flour, Grano and Breakfast Food, All-Steel Clamp Skates, 50e a Pair. -AT- MAIER & BENTON The Dalles. MAYS & CROWE. Remember. We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES. Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & GO The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY. - DEC. 3. 1898 Weather Koiecant. Portland, Dec. 3, 1896. Fob Eastern Orboon Tonight and tomorrow warmer, ruin; probub.e Chinook winds. Pagdk. Observer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Uandom Observations and Loesl Eienti of Leaser Magnitude. Captain Wand and Mr. Alden, mate on the Kegulator, came up from Fort land last night. ' State Treasurer Metschan was married in San Rafael, Calif., yesterday after noon to Miss Sweetser Sutherland. License to wed was issued November 30th to Charles D. Smith and Miss Ida 3. Haneberry, both of Hood River. The sleighing is stip good and certain ly more pleasant than when the thermo g the cellar a few days lunjjn; meteor was hun ago. There was a bowline contest at the club last night between the married and single men, the blessed benedicts win ning as usual. The ice jam hereChows no sign of breaking, being still hard and firm. The crossing is safe yet, many people making the trip every day. The ice gorge belowancoaver broke last night, but that above the town is still solid. No boats are running on the Astoria route on account of floating ice The Republicans of Salem have nom inated Dr. J. A. Richardson for mayor. The Dr. was formerly a resident of this city, being a member of the firm of Richardson & Logan. Dalles people always come to the front. . Miss Clara Grimes returned to Port land on the afternoon train. A sleigh ing party was given in her honor last evening, and enjoyed by the members of the last summer's camping crowd, of which she was one. The blockade between jtxere and Port tana was Droaen lass j' nig tit, and no farther trouble is anticipated, at least until the coming of another storm. It was quite warm west of the mountains yesterday, a chioook Jblowing all day. Sid Kelley and Bbbe t Jordan yester day loaded 8.00G pounds of lime for the Warm Springs agency. The roads are - in bad condition, and It is quite proba ble tbey will have trouble in getting down the big bill this side of the agency. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and bave your eyes . examined free of charge. If you suffer with headache or nervousness you un doubtedly Lave imperfect vision that, if corrected, will benefit you for life. Office in the Vogt block. The bright sunshine and bigher tem perature are conducive to a more cheer ful vieT of life, but they fail to bring any items to this shop. The item mar ket is absolutely bare, and the belief might easily be entertained that the crop is still in the ground, like the potatoes. Only thirty days in which to sernre Herrin'a unrivalled photos. Mrs. Her- rin will leave The Dalles January 1st for a long visit in Southern Oregon, per haps to remain. Yon can secure bar gains now in all kinds of work dupli cates, cabinet, polished, only $2 per dozen until Jan. 1, 1837. d2-lw It works both ways at La Grande. One man is sending hogs to Nebraska to fatten on cheap corn, and another it im porting corn from that state to fatten hys hoes. The latter plan is the one that ought to win. Wheat is too dear to leave any profit in feeding bogs, and hence the demand for Nebraska corn. The weather forecast for the past week has been remarkably good, striking con dition here every time. For tomorrow the forecast is rain and warmer. We know this storm was not intentional on the part of the weather clerk, and that as soon as he discovered his mistake it would be rectified. As a matter of fact the storm was cut to fit Montana, and was missent. The fellow who formulated the prov erb that "No news is good news," lived long before newspapers were invented, or weary reporters anguished for items. He knew nothing of the hunger and thirst after items, the joy of a scoop or the mild satisfaction of a two-line per sonal on off days, when a couple of local columns waited to be hi led. .Besides we believe be was a liar on general prin ciples. SHE CAN The Dalles A PalDfal Accident. Air. Hermann Augustus hieppcer, a prominent druggist and society young nan of Albina, met with a serious arci dent on the ice a few days ago. He is an artistic and very skillful skater, and was engaged in a game of shinny. He broke a good many shins, but finally it came his turn. In some wav his face came in hasty contact with a tin can on on the ice, and the face was very much di "figured. -It was cut considerably an der one of his eyes, and . he was other wise, bruised np. He was carrid to the effice of Dr. Curtis Holcomb, who, with the assistance of several intimate friends, succeeded in dressing the wound. Tele' gram. Xntertalnment Program. The- following program will be given at the Chii8tian church Friday evening Dec. 3, 1896, at 8 o'clock : 8ong . Choir Prayer A. D. 6caggs Duet Mrs. ana Miss Scaggs Recitation ;' ; Lloyd Barzee Tableau Ten Young Misses Recitado.i ..Two Little Girls Clock Bong...., Six Little Girls Recitation ..Geo Eaton Duet Bessie Rowland and Archie Barnett Recitation Katie Barrell Dialogue "city and Country. Six Young po-plo Bonn - Choir Collection....'.....;....... Good Night Drill . : : Eight Little Tots Dt-a. In this citv. of t vuhoid fever, Wednes day evening? at 6:31). Frank, the 12-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. tsartlett. The funeral will take place from the family residence on Eleventh street, be, tween Liberty and Lincoln, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. BE REPAIRED. City Will Be Repaired. Raised and Agent Allaway arrived home from the Cascades last night. He reports the condition of the Dulles City as not nearly so bad as reported. . She is resting on a smooth bed of sand in about four feet of water and is in no danger from the ice. Since she struck, the water has fallen about two feet, enough so that the ex tent of her injuries can be told. She struck on the starboard side, the point of contact being about opposite the fire box, and the hole in her side extends from that back about the length of the boiler. ' The bog chains parted, but owing to the fact that she is lying nearly level on the sand the wood work is not much twisted or damaged. Lumber was sent down this morning to the Caecades, from which point it will be taken to the scene of the accident, and used in re pairing damages. A bulkhead will be built around the damaged part, and it is thought she can be patched np in pretty good shape in twenty-four to thirty-six hours. If the river falls another foot she cannot be floated, but from present indications there will be a slight rise in a day or so, so that no trouble will be encountered on tbat score. , In this connection it is proper to cor rect an erroneous idea that the locks were closed on Thanksgiving day on ac count of it being a holiday. Superin tendent in charge, Engineer Morris, says that the valves in the hydraulic machinery nsed in operating the gates had frozen, and when the water was turned on were injured. The locks were therefore kept closed necessarily until the damage could be repaired, and so instead of taking a holiday the em ployes, aa well as Mr. Morris, were hav ing an extra hard day's work. The officers ot the D. P. & A. N. speak in the highest terms of Mr. Mortis and his management of the locks, be sparing no effort to facilitate the passage of the boats, and are under obligations to him for valuable suggestions in the present trouble with the Dalles City. ing out out the hole made by . the ice pick, which was followed with a probe for five inches. Her recovery is not an ticipated, and death from septic men ingitis is considered only a question of time. ' . The marvel is, where the woman ob tained the strength to drive the pick - to such a depth into her head, as her sku'l was of unusual thickness, and the oper ator who handled the keen-cutting tre phine saw, experienced more than usual difficulty in cutting through the bone. The surgeons at the hospital are unable to understand this part of the case, as it is something new in their experience. Sharkey Won on a Foal.. The much talked of fight between Fitzaimmons and Sharkey came off ac cording to contract in San Francieco last night, and was won by Sharkey in the eighth round on a foul. Fitzsimmons had his opponent whipped from the first round, Sharkey being unable to fo any thing with him. It was claimed before the fight that the referee, Wyatt Earp, intended to give the fight to Sharkey on some pretext or other, and the sports all claim this was done. Sharkey had made a foul before that, but Fitzsimmons made no claim on that account. The fight all the way through was fair on Fitzsimmons side and if any foul blow was struck it was bv accident, fitz simmons says he made no foul and that the referee has simply robbed him. The fight by rounds shewed that Fitz bad no reason to resort to a foul, as he bad bis man well whipped at the time, and it is doubtful , if he could have stayed the round out. Legal steps will be taken to prevent Sharkey drawing the stakes. School Books Supplies. Jacobson Book & Music Co. No. 174 Second Street, New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Successor to Cbrisman & Corson.) ' FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in bnsinees at the old stand. I would be pleased to see all my formei patrons. - Free delivery to any part of town. Taken Hp. Something; JSntlrely New, An lee Pick In Her Head. Last nights Portland Telegram says: A most extraordinary attempt at suicide. was made about 6 o'clock last evening by Mrs. Benjamin I Jones, a demented col ored woman, living at 513 East Eigh teenth street, wno with one hand held a dirk-shaped ice-pick up to the right side ol her head above the ear, while with a hatchet in the other band she drove the pick with repeated blowe through bone and brain five inches into the skull, when she fell unconscious to the floor. Her husband, in an adjoining room, found her lying npon the floor, the ice pick imbeded almost to the handle in bead, and it required the exertion of his utmost strength with his body braced against bis wife's to draw it forth. . .The woman was afterward removed to the Good Samaritan hospital,' where Dr. Richard Barber, assisted by Dr. Harry F. McKay, performed a very delicate op eration, trephining ber skull and wash- On Saturday night the Salvation army will have a decidedly novel meeting, un der the name of "Hallelujah musical feast." There will be solos, quartets, duetts and trios, accompanied by auto harps, guitars, violin and mandolii. There will be no admission at the door, but everyone is invited to remain and partake of coffee and cake at 10 cents, after the meeting. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. EMMS Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. Came to my place on November 26, a red Jersey heifer, branded MH. n30-d&wlm. Jesse Simonsen. The Dalles, Or. Pound. In Dr. Siddall's office, a gold pin. Owner can have same by calling at bis office. .' There's no clay, flour, starch or other worthless filling in "Hoe Cake" and no free alkali to burn the hands. jly24 Furnished room for rent, with board if desired. Address Mre. C. Adams, Jackson street. nov12 6t D. ROBERTS. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. Office next door to the First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon, i novl9 Administrator's Sale. Notice Is herebv given' that the undersigned, in pursuance of ao older made by the Honorable County Court of the btte of Oregon for Wasco County, on the 2d day of November, 18M6, will on Monday, the 28th day 01 Decern bi r, 1896, npon the premises hereinafter described, sell f the high est bidder for cash in hand, the following de scribed real estate belonging to the e-late of Mary M. Gordon, deceased. lo-wit: The south west quarter of section thiity-two in township four south of range thirteen east of th- Willam ette meridian, iu Wasco county, Oregon, con taining 160 acres. Dated this 25th day of November. 1896. A8A 6TOU6D1LL Administrator of the estate of Mary M. Gor don, deceased. I nov2S-5t-i Executor's Notice ef Final Account. Notice is hereby given that George A. Liebe, executor of the estate of Richard G. Clter, de ceased, has filed the final accounting of the es tate of Kichard G. Closter, deceased, with the guardianship estate of Albert Lehman, an in sane person, of tbepeison and e-tate of whii-h said Albert Lehman, an insane per-011, the said Richard G Closter, deceased, whs at the time of his death the duly appointed, qualified and act ing guardian, with the clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, and that said court has appointed 10 o cl.ick a. m. of Monday, November 2, 1896. being the Hrst day of the regular November term of said court, for the yea 1896, at the county courthouse in Dalles City, Oregon, as the time and plaie for the hearing 01 said final accounting and objec tions tbeietn if any tlw re be. 'I his notice is published by order of said County Court, entered October -2d, 1896. GEOKGK A. LIEBE, Kxecntor. Condon & Condon, Attorneys fur Executor. oct3-5t-ii Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. Notice Is hereby given thst tha undersigned, guardian of the persons and estate of Alice Al roir Udell snd William Edward Udell, minors, under and in ac ordanee with an order of the com-ty court of the State of oieg n, f--r Wasco Countv, heretofore made, wi I sell at public mic tion, forcaoh in hand, on Katun. ay, tie lHb. day of December, 1896, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, at the couitboose door in Dalles city, in Wasco fount) . Oregon, .all the rel -state be longing to the estate of said minors, to-wit: The southeest quarter of section thirty in township one north range ten enst Will iinetta Meiidian, tn Oregon, containing 160 acres. Dalles City, Oregon, Nov. 19, 1896 - GEORGE PliELL, nov21-li Guardian of said Minora. Work- Horses ' For sale, or will exchange for cowa and calves. Time given on first-class' SHcuritv. For particulars iuqnire of C. E. Bayard, The Dalit-, Or., or Frank Watkins, at ranch on 15-Mile. 21-wlia