The Dalles Daily Chronicle, The only Republican Daily Nevsspapet n Wasco County. THUBSDAY. DEC. 3. 1896 EASTERN OFFIVES30 to SS4 Temple Court. N. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. TIME TO INTERFERE. The United States has been more than fair to Spain in the matter of Cuba. It 'ias been almost cowardly in the extent of its inactivity. With Spain's fight with its rebellious sub jects we have but little to do, and not much that we can give except sympathy. With the enforcing of the neutrality laws and the policing ul the coast, not only of Florida, bat of Cuba, we have done all that one friendly government may do for an other towards keeping its citizens from in any manner asking or giving comfort to those at war with that other government. How have our actions been re ceived? and in what spirit have they been met? Let the records of Moro castle answer, and the Ameri can citizens confined in Spanish jun geons speak! Friendship ceases to be a virtue under such circumstances, and if the butcher, Weyler, and the high-toned assassins, who run the affairs of Spain are not amenable to kind treatment, it becomes necessary to adopt some other system. Spain never did understand any law but the law of force, or admit any rights except those backed by the ability to enforce them. We have thrown grass at her long enough, and it is high time to use a few locks. It is time to turn the management of American affairs in Cuba over to some of our naval officers. They, better than any others, know how to Jeal with the matter of protecting United States citizens. A notice to produce such Ameri can citizens as now suffer in Spanish prisons, delivered by the commander of a war vessel, has the elements in it, or behind it, that compel prompt, if not gracious, response. If this is a, government capable of protecting its citizens, it is time to convince them of the fact by doing it. It is .. time to protect our own people in stead of spending our money to pro tect Spam. If we cannot do this our citizens in foreign lands should retnrn to their homes here, where they may be safe under the protect ing care of our justice courts, or re nounce their allegiance and become citizens of the Transvaal. President Kruger knows how to protect his people. CLEVELAND IN HISTORY. paper had a kind word for him; now he is spoken of as a true and loyal patriot. Eight yeirs ago the Orego nian usually spoke of him as a "Dem ocratic hind quarter of beef;" today it does him reverence as the bulwark of our financial honor. When he becomes ex-president and his biography is to be written, he may well exclaim, "Save me from my friends!' and ask that his history be written by his political enemies. It is difficult to even guess what position will be given Grover Cleve land in the history of the country. No person has ever filled the presi dential office about whom public opinion has changed so much. At the close of his first administration he was the idol of the Democratic party, and though defeated for re election, he had so firm a hold on the party and was so esteemed by it, that the nomination was given him for the third time. Not only this, but a large number of Republicans had become admirers of the man, and showed their pieferences at the ballot box in a way that gave him elates that before that time were overwhelmingly Republican. But immediately on his taking his seat the second time, bis course separated him from his paaty and drew him towards the Republican - party so strongly that at this date Lis friends are nearly all among the ranks of the latter party. No president ever went out Of office so little regretted by bis followers as will Cleveland, and none so highly esteemed by his politicul enemies. Eight years have made wonderful changes in the public sentiment tow ards Cleveland, such changes that be wculd be bold indeed who would say what the future may do for him. Eight years ago nc Republican news Now that the election is over, the prize-fighters and their doings are again filling the big dailies. We suggest that their managers go down to Cuba and take a few lessons in the art of warfare. That is the only place on earth where both sides are nvariably winners. Statb of Ohio, City of Toledo L.VCA& County, ) Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in .the City of TMedo, County a nd state afore said, and that said firm will pay' the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my preeence, this 6ib day of 'December, A. D. 1896. A. W. Gleaso.n, . seal Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Core is taken internal ly and acts directly on the blood and mncuos surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney a Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. No. 3-11 Cftbh In ITonr Check. All county warrants registered prior to July 11, 1892, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Oct. 20- 1896. C L. Phillips, Connty Treasnrer. There's more clothing destroyed by poor soap than by actnal wear as the free alkali rots them. Hoe cake is pure- Iy24-ij t Yon'll be surprised when you try Hoe Cake soap, and wish we had told you sooner. It is made bv patented pro cess. ' llv24-n CATARRH local'disease and is the result of colds and sudden climatic changes. For your Protection we positively state that this remedy does not contain mercury or any other injur ious drug. Ely's Cream Balm is acknowledged to be the most thorough cure for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all remedies, it ooena and cleanses the nasal Dassaces. allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses of taste and smell. Jrnce SOc. at Dru0sta or by man. ELY BKOTHEBS. 64 Warren Street, New York. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. oj-Xj is iLsriisr. Administrator's Notice. Good Times Coming. Now is the time to lay in your Fall and Winter" Supplies before they go higher. We have a good stock of Hay, Grain and Feed, Flour and Groceries, Seed Wheat, Oats and Rye. y Garden and Grass Seeds in Bulk. Now is the time to put in Fall Seeds. Experi ence has demonstrated that fall plonting is the best for most things. We have a good supply of Fertil izers for exhausted and worn-out gardens, lawns, or chards, &c. Fresh Butter, Hams, Bacon and Lard. Eggs, Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese bought and sold. Goods sold atBedrock Prices for Cash. Free and prompt delivery. J. H. CROSS. Corner Second and Union Streets. Vogt Opera House, ONE NIGHT ONLY, SATURDAY, DEC. 5, 1S96. THE COMEDIAN, SAM J. BURTON, And the Charming Comedienne, MlbS LILLIE COLEMAN, IN THE NEW SI PERKINS A Superior Scenic Production. A Hip! Hnrrah! Hilarious Sensation al Cotnedv Drama. A Roaring, Rousing Kally of Fan, Laughter and Rells. THE NOTED "SI PERKINS " SOLO ORCHESTRA Of twelve skilled musicians, Is the strongest ever presented to the public by a traveling com pany. One of the most necessary features for a tirst-elass ierformance is the best of music ren dered in an artistic; manner. Espefiallv is this so in SI PEhKlNS, running over with songs, dances and catchy music, where a good orches tra is absolutely uecesary . See the Street Parade at Noon by the Famous ' PDGHTOWH FARMER BAND. Free Concert in fiont of the Opera House at 7 o'clock in the evei ing. Prices. . 50c and 75c Administratrix' Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been dnlv appointed by the county court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, adminis trator of the estate of V. H. Lochh?ad, deceased. All persons having claims against taid estate are hereby reqnired to present the same to me properly veiiried, as by law required, at the Wasco Warehouse, Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from da e hereof. Dated this 30th day of ct- ber. 1896. MALCOLM MoINNIS, Administrator of the estate of W. H. Loohhead, deceased. oct30-ii NOTICE OF FINAL. SETTLEMENT. TCotfe is bereDy given that the undersigned, admioisirator of the estate of Theodore von Bor stal, deceased, has filed his final account as such adminintrator. and that the 5th dav of Januarv. 1 1897, at 2 o'clock V. m. has b en fixed by order of J of the County Judge a- the time fir hearing any oDjec'ione to said account ana settlement there of. All teirs creditors or other persons inter eted in said est te are duly notified to file their objections to said account, n any mey nave, be fore said tlate. Dated this 24th day of November. 1896. GEO. VON BOK8TEL, Administrator of the Estate of Theodore von Borstel, deceased. n26-l Notice is hereby given that the undersigned bas.been appointed administratrix "f the estate of George W. Turner, decea-ed, and has dulv qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are therefore notified to pre sent the same to her. with protter vouchers, within six months from the date hereof at the office of the County Clerk of Wasco co mty, Ore ton, or at the office ot her attorney, W. Y. Mas ters, rooms 1 to 4, Hamilton Building, Portland, Oregon, within six months f nin this date. MARGARET E. SYKES, Administratrix of the estate of Geo. W. Turner, deceased. oct3-il Dated October 2. 1890. J. B- GO,T' COUNTY SURVEYOR. Reesidence, Tenth and Liberty Streets J1Y23- RIPANS The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. TR&DC -V riTjlODD P0ISDE3 01 A OPkCIAU Ym3S ? Clary 15I.OOO JPOISON permanently !cn red In 16 to 35 days. You can be treated at ; home for same price under same gruaraa t ty. It you prefer to come here we willoon. iwrmny tracttODavrailmnrl f nrpand hntnlhlll. Docharge, if we fail to cure. If you have taken mer cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and pains, in mouth. Sore Throat, Ilmples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of thelody. Hair or Eyebrows fallin se out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISON we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti nate cases and challeosre the world for a case we cannot cure. Tots disease has always baffled the skill of the most eminent physi cian i. 500,000 capital behind our uncondl. tionai guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on BDpllention. Address COOK REMEDY COZ MuxMiio Xempie, UIICAUU, JXXT EKS.TI GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane Denver Minneapolis Omaha St. Paul Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN 8TEAMJER8 Leave Portland Every Five Days for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. For full details call on O. K A Co. s Agent Th3 Dalles, or address W, H. HDRLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon E. MUEIIX President and Manager. New Schedule. Train No. 1 ai rives at The Dalles 4 :45 a. m.. ai.d leaves 4:50 a. m. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :15 p. ni., and leaves 10:20 p. m. Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 11 :55 p. m., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves at I p. m. Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing The Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and ar riving at I he Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con necting with train Nos. 8 and 7 from Portland. E. E. Lytlb, Agent. Monuments and Headstones. Before going elsewhere, call on L COMINI, The Dalles, Or., For s Tombstone. Warranted to stand for all time, regardless of wind or weather. American Market, 74 Second Street. Fruit, Produce, Butter, Eggs POULTRY, FISH and GAME IN SKA SON. 69 TELEPHONES 69 The Glades Ranch, WHITE SALMON, WASH. lire Brei America Jery Cattle Clob JERSEYS Cf the St Lambert, '"omtnassic and Tormentor mine. Three ( hnlce Bulls for sale or rent. so some unoice cows and Heifer for sale. Pu e Bred Poland Cbiua H-gs. While Plymouth ttocs: Chickens. Ad-trees: . MRS. A. E. BYB.KETT, Prop. Jy25-w3in White Salmon, Wash, DR. GUNITS - IKPBOVEO 3L1VEIS. Jk iiiit .ftiystc. One fill far m. Hose. A movement of the bowels each d&jr ta oetenajj for nealth. TbApe pilln supply wb&t the system lacks to mm-k St regular. They earn Headache, brighten tbe Eyes. nd clear the Complexion better than cosmetics. Toey neither irripe nor sicken. To convince yon. we nil mail fuunple free,; or f nil box for 2-So. Sold every swv PU, BOaAA'&tf UMIX, OU, Fhilsrts.phs fts CO o t-t F I J-t-P. o to -M II o p -i i-"- i CD o 0) -Mm Full Assortment of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to examine onr new stock, which we personally selected in New York City and Phila delphia. We guarantee the lowest prices in town. 4ip Vogt Block. H. Herbring. Wholesale. IVTflLtT LtlQUOHS, tHines and Cigafs. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER sV!Zu.28ie Anhetiser-BTasch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. 7T r1" Buys a good BOYS'sUIT at C. F. Steph- V" vO ens.' Intermediate prices up to $4.50. Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The best Black Diagonal for $12.00. Ladies' Cloaks. An elegant assortment of 1896 styles just received, a part ot which may be seen in show window. Remember, all these goods are latest made, warm, serv iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap proached in The Dalles. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your orders for Dressed Chickens, Fish, Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds,. COAL, AND ICE, AT THE DflltLES CtWISSIOH CO.'S STOflE Corner Second and Washington Sts. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune" . The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale ofjorniturc and Carpets. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who We selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates- MICHE LB ACH BRICK. - - UNION ST.