The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 02, 1896, Image 3

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Ladies' Fine-ribbed, Fleece-lined Underwear, '
V&sts and Pants to match. : .... .50c per piece
Children's Heavy Wool Bicycle Hose,
' Just the thing for cold -w-eather...... 20c and 35c pair
Extra good quality..............
Ladies' Ostrich. Ruffs, fine quality ,
... -
- Black only
...25c per pair
....... . $1.75 eaoh.
Gentlemen's Extra Heavy Ribbed Underwear,
y ' ' - " Fleece Back, special value ..J... ...:.$1.00 per suit
P Gentlemen's Heavy Overshirts,
a Extra value : '...75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50
p Gentlemen's Heavy Sanitary Wool, ' ;
V Finest Australian, double carded ...$1.50 per pair
V Gentlemen's Quting Flannel Nightshirts, '
a Something to keep you warm... ... ....$1.25 each.
Ralston 1 J J
Koffy, v "
Pan Kake Flour,
Grano and )
Breakfast Food:
Clamp Skates,
50e a
AT ,
.... r.
The Dalles.
We have strictly First-class ' .- .
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25 " JOS. T. PETERS & CO
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
DEC. 2. 1896
Random Observation and Local Events
of Letier Magnitude.
The returns of the Sharkey-Fitzsin -mona
fight at Umatilla Houae tonight.
Hon. Henry Blackman was a -paseen
ger on ..the : west-bound train tbia
The weather forecast for tonight ant),
tomorrow is snow or rain, with Chinook
wind probable. '
Joe Howard is in from Prineville with
300 head of cattle for shipment east.
He has his stock on 10-Mile, awaiting
the opening of the road.
The town is flooded' with book agents
today, nearly every man you meet hav
ing one under his arm. They are
gathering up lots of money too.
The west-bound passenger arrived at
9 o'c'ock-this mormon. The rotary
from Pendleton reached the Cascades at
10 o'clock last flight, and is cleaning the
track below that point.
A lecture will be given by Bishop Earl
Cranston at the M. E. church on Mon
day evenini , Dec. 7, 1896. Subject,
"Professor Satan." Admission, adults
25ceute; children 15 cents.
Bishop Cranston of Portland,. Or.,
resident bishop of the M. E. cliurch for
the Pacific Northwest, will preach next
Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. at the
M. E. church. Everybody cordially in
vited to attend.
v The regular meeting of The Dalles
Assembly, United Artisans, will be held
at the K. of P. hall this evening. All
members are requested to be present, as
there will be election of officers and
other important business
Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg,
the eye specialist, and have ye-ur eyes
examined free of charge. . If you suffer
W ttf headache or nervonsnesB you un
, doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if
corrected, will benefit you for life.
Office in the Vogt block. '
The suit in equity of Mary Davenport
- against St phen M. Meeks and others,
the declare void a certain mortgage on
the ground of frau'1. was argued .before
Judge Brailshaw today and . submitted.
H. H. Riddill for plaintiff, Dufur &
Menefee for defendant.
The sleiehin seejlis to be good, at
least the fellows in wTecuUers look as
though they enjoyed it. ' The walking,
however, the only means of locomotion
permitted to the newspaper fraternity,
is execrable. The snow crawls under a
fellows feet as if i i were alive.
. Only thirty days in which to seenre
.Berrin'a unrivalled photos. Mrs. Her
rin will leave The Dalles January 1st
for-a long visit in Southern Oregon, per-
. haps to remain. You can' secure bar
gains now in all kinds of work dupli
cates, cabinet, polished, only $2 per
doeen until Jan. 1, 1837. d2 2w
The Si Perkins company is billed for
Saturday, Dec. 5th. . This company is
meeting with great success in this part
of the country and is receiving flattering
press notices. Their midday parade is
novel and funny and the band is the
talk of every town they have played in.
They give a free band concert in front
of the opera house at 7 o'clock and all
lovers of classical 'music should hear it.
Remember the date. . Admission 50 and
75 cents. ... .
' The -- west-bound 'paRsenger ' arriving
this morning is still held here awaiting
developments at Bridal- Veil. It is
hoped . the road may be opened some
time during . the night. - The rotary is
moving slowly down from Bonneville,
meeting with considerable trouble on
accouut of the sliding snow. . The cuts
made by her have been partly filled, so
that It is impossible to tell exactly when
the blockaded train will be got out .The
snow is melting, and if this continues
the road will soon be "open, as the plows
can handle it if It gets damp. ' V
Elects New Ofllcera and Ssarts
Second Tear.
Dr. TJavldsSn's I. ant Cnrletn
lbs at ram-
Jan Maclaren in McClure's Magazine for December.
Hit gifts, with a special message to
each person, he sent by faithful messen
gers, and afterwards he went out through
be snow to make two visits. The first
was to blind Mar jorie, who was Free
Kirk, but to whom he had, shown much
kindness al' her life. His talk with her
was usually of past days and country
affairs, seasoned with wholesome humor
to cheer her heart, but today he fell into
another vein, to her great delight, and
thev spoke of the dispensation of
Providence. " -
" 'Whom the Lord loveth, He chasten
etb,' Maijorie, is a very . instructive
scripture, and I was thinking of it last
night. Yon have had a long and hard
trial,-but you. hav ' doubtless been
blesseo for if you have -not seen out
ward things, you have seen the things
of the soul."- The doctor hesi
lated once or twice, as one who bad not
long traveled this road. ' - '
. "You and I are about " the same age.
Marjorie, and we .must oon
depart. My life was very - pros-
Derous. but lately -it has pleased the
Almighty to. chasten me.
have, therefore, some hope also that
may be one of His children."
"He was aye gude grain, the doctor,'
Marj rie said to her friend, after he had
left, "but he's hed a a touch o? the bar
vest sun, an' he's been ripening."
Entertainment Program.
The 'following program will be given
at the Chiistian church Friday evening,
Dec. 3, 1896, at 8 o'clock :
: , Choir
A. D. Scaggs
...Mrs. ana Hiss Scaggs
......Lloyd Barzee
... .-Ten Young Misses
..- Two Little Girls
. . .................. .Blx little Girls
. .'. L ..'.....I..;, i . V ... . Geo Eaton
Bessie Rowland and Archie Barnett
. . ,-. : '. .'. Katie Barrell
on lta
The regular annual ' meeting of The
Dalles Commercial ancr Athletic Club
was held last evening lit the club rooms,
Vice-President E. CPease 'presiding..
The secretary's report was read and
adopted. W. Hi Wilson being absent,
hia report was read by the. treasurer,
Roger Sinnott. It showed that the to
tal receipts or the year were'over $4,,000
and a balance on hand of about -$600.
As the club rooms have been fitted up
during the ' yeas, the showing is au ex
ceedingly good one. ' ' ',
On ' motion it was ordered tbax the
seven members receiving thehighest
number ,-of voles should beAdeclared
trustees. Upon- a .ballot ybeing taken
W. L.. Bradshaw, E. CyPease, W. H.
Wilson, R. B." Sinnottf H. M. Beall,
Geo. C. Blakeley, received the most
votes-, there being fi. tie between the
names of R. H. Lonsdale, J. P. Mclner
ny and J. F. Hampshire. ' A second bal
lot was taken and Hampshire declared
elected. - The trustees will elect the
other officers.
The outgoing board of trustees have
made an enviable recoid, and as three
of the old board, are re-elected and some
first-class material ; added in the new
trustees, the affairs of the club will be
looked "after as' closely:' in. - the year to
come as in the year gone by. The club
has done much.' in the year of its exist
ence towards; advancing the interests of
our: city, and in the future will be able
to do much more." It has become one of
the- features' Dalles social life, and has
come to stay.
wanted ; General Lew Wallace, the fam
ous author; "Horace Greely, prinee of
newspaper men ; Col'. A. Bush, the
shining light of the pld-fashioned Ore
gon Democracy; friend of Grover Cleve
land, and boss banker of Salem, besides
hundreds of others. "It was here," ad
ded the colonel, "that Abraham Lincoln
had his firBt and only fist fight, of which
I am the sole surviving witness." 'I will
giyo you that story-some time, ' said he.
and then he turned away to attend to
one of the hundred gnests who came in
on the west-bound train this . morning
and who are awaiting the'opening of the
road. . -: '-;
More Hopeful Today.
' A telegram was received by Mr. J. T.
Peters from-Agent Alloway, of the D- !
4 A. N. Co., dated at the Cascades yes
terday afternoon. It stated that two of
the crew from ' the Dalles . City had
reached, that point ' and spoke rather
more hopefully of the boat's condition.
He also ordered a bill of lumber sent to
Wyeth, but since ' ordered to the Cas
cades, and 6tated that an attempt would
be made to repair the damages and float
the boat to the Cascades.
Just What Miners Want;
Slnnott- Crows Reminiscent
- ' the Old Hostelry.
Duet .......
Recitation. .
Recitatinn .
Clock Bong;.
Recitation .
tDuet. ...... .
Recitation .
Liialogne "City and Country . 81x Young Ponplo
Sons; j. . .. -Choir
Good Night Drill ,. Eight Little Tots
" ' : .' . t '
The burning of the old Peoria hotel
at Peoria, Illinois, a week or, ten days
ago put Col. Sinnott in .-a reminiscent
mood, and to our reporter he gave quite
a long account of what be calls one of
the most famous old hotels in the coun
try. "I was bead c.lerk in the hotel dur
ing the 50s," said he, "and iuthosedavs
it was the meeting place cf the" political
leaders of those days. While there I
often saw Douglas and Lincoln,, and to
give a list of those who have slept with
in its walls would be to publish- the
names of all' the great Westerners' of
the West. Judge Lyman Trumbull,
the great statesman' and jurist ; ' David
Davis, senator from Illinois and member
of the supreme . court, also one of
the commission or fifteen to Settle . the
Hayes-Tilden election controversy ; : Col.
E. D. Baker, who afterwards became
famous on this coast, was ' senator from
tbis state and fell early, in the war;
General Shields',- Mexican - war veteran
and United States ' senator from two
states ; William Pitt Kellogg, afterwards
governor 'of . Louisiana, during recon
struction days; Robert Ingersoll, and
hie brother; Congressman Kellogg, who
went out from Washington to 'see ' the
battle of Bull Run.and saw more than be
All who are, or expect to be, interest
ed in .mines will be glad to know that
Henry N. Copp, the Washington, D. C,
land ' lawyer, has revised Copp's' Pros
pector's Manual. The mineralogical
part of the work has been almost en
tirely re-written by a Colorado. mining
engineer, who has had years of . expert
ence as a prospector, assaver 'and super
intendent df mines and United States
The book is a popular treatise on as
saying and mineralogy, and will be
found useful to all who wishto discover
mines. The first part of . the work gives
the United States mining laws, and reg
ulations, .how to locate and '"survey
mining claim, various forms and, much
valuable information. The price is. 50
cents at the principal book' stores, or of
the author. .:'.'.'
Hot clam broth every
Ad KellarW
at noon at
. . Awarded .
Highest Honors-World's Fair.
. Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Supplies. ;
JacotSbn Book & Music Co.
- . . No. 174 Second Street,.
' . . -.'.' " 0
Ne-w Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
' v , Successor a Cbrisnuin & Corson.)
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my formei patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
. Taken TJp.
- Came to my place on November
a re l Jersey lieifer, branded M 11..
n30-d&wlm. . JesseSimonsbs.
The Dalles, Or,
' .Found
' Most Perfect Made.
40 Yeaxa the Standard.
In Dr. SiddalPa office, a gold pin.
Owuer can have same by calling at bis
office. ; ;
There's no clay, floor, starch or other
worthless filling in "Hoe Cake" and no
free alkali to burn the hands. . jly24.
Furnished room for rent, with board
if ' desired. . Address Mrs. C. Adams,
Jackson street." ..- - novl2 6t
Office nexr door to the First National Bant,
The Pallcs, Oregon. novl9
Administrator's Sale.
' Notice is herebv given thut the nnnersig-ned.
in pnrsuan e of an older mnde by the Honorable
County Court of the St te of Oreiron for Wasco
County, oil the 2d day of November. 18!6, will on
Monday, the'2Mth dny 01 Decern l r, 1896, upon the
premies hertdnalter deKCrlbeJ. sell t- th- high
est bidder ftr (ab in band, the following; de
scribed real estate belongiiis; to the e-tate of
Mary M Gordon, deceased, to-wit: - The south,
west qnarter of cee.tlou thlity-two in township
ft-ursonth of lange thirteen east of th Willam
ette meridian, iu Wuco county, Oregon, eon
tuiniDa: 160 acres. '. -
Dated Uls-25tn day of November. 1896. ' --ASA
Adminlat-ator of the estate of Mary M. Gor
don, deceased. ' - - nov28-5t-i
Executor's Notice of Final Account.
Notice Is hereby (tiveiv that George A. Liebe,
executor of the evtute of -Richard G. Clter, de
ceed, has tiled the ilual accountinx of the es
tate oi Kichard a. Closter, deceased, with the
KuardiaiiHhip estate of Albert Lehman, an in- .
sane p-rbOii. of the eison and e-tate of which
Hid Albert Lehnaii, an insane per-oti, the baidl
'RU'htnd G- Closter, deceased, whs at the time of
his death te duly appoint a. qualified and act-"
inft iiuardian, with the clerk of the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco. County,
ii nd that said court has at pointed 10 o clock a.
m. of Monday, November 2, 189t, being the ttrst
day of the regular November term of tafd court,
foriheea .1S96, at the county' courthouse in
Dn.le City, Oregon, as the time and place for
the hearing o' raid final accounting and objection!-tbeiem
if any th re be-
I tils notice is published by order of said
County Couit, entered ictober 2d, 1S96. .
GEOKGE A. LIEBK, Kxecntor.
CbNnor? & CONuois, Attorneys for Executor.
Guardian's Sale of Real Estate.
Notice is- hereby given that the undersiiniea,
gnardinn of the p-tsoiis and estate of Alice Al
inirr Udell snd William Edward Udell, minors,
under and in ac-ordance with an order of the
cou ty court of the btate of oieg. n, fir Wasco.
Cinntv, heretofore made, wi 1 sell at public-auction,
forca-h In hand, on Saturday, tl.e Wtb.
day of December, 18u6. at the hour of 12 o'clock,
noon, at the eou'thonbe door in Dulles City, in
Wasco "ount . Oregon,- all tbe real state be
longing to the esrate of said minor, to-wit:
Tbe southeest quarter of section thirty In .
township one north range ten east Willimette
Meiidian, in Oregon, containing 160 acres.
IraUes City, Oregon, Nov. 19, 1896. ,
Gnardian of said Minors.
-' Worst Roraeft '-'
For 'sale, or will ; exchange for cows
and calves. '-Time given, on first-class
security. -For" particulars inquire of C.
E. Bayard, The Dalles, ' Or., or Frank
Watkins, at ranch on 15-Mile. 21-wlm