en o o srMiarLff"Lare o o vu --- . IOURC Spe,cihL Ail-Steel ALL NUMBERS OF OUR POPULAR 50e a Pair. Si?, Ill 21. Clamp Skates, t O I i o ) o o$a,ML'r':x(Lr'i:' o KID FITTING CORSETS " KID-FITTING" Style 224, " KID-FITTING " Style 218, Will be sold at ONE-FOURTH OFF THE REGULAR PRICE. Ralston Koffy, Pan Kake Flour, Grano and Breakfast Food, MAIER & BENTON ft -i - j " The Dalles. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FI"3UCv. PEASE & MAYS MAYS & CROWE. Remember. We have, strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAP E WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES. : Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO The Dalles Daily CHronieie. 8ATUKDAY. NOV. 28. 1896 Weather Foiecast. POBTUND. NOV. 28, 1896. For Eastern Orkron Tonight and tomorrow talr, and continue cold. Pagtjk. Observer. WAYSIDE CLEANINGS. Eftndom Obaervatioria and Xjoeal Event or Lvtser Magnitude. qaently ; at the 8am end of his spree. Some friend found bim, and seeing his nervoaa condition, asked him to take a drink. While in the saloon a peddler showing a burglar alarm, sprung the tbing, exploding a cartridge.- This was too much for the shattered nerves of the Dalles man, and he imagining someone was shooting- at tiim,took refuge under the bar, from which place be was dragged in all the full enjoyment of a serpentine jag. He was sent to the hospital. - There will be a short session of lodge before the social this evening at the Good Templar's hall. " License to marry was issued yesterday evening to Mr. F. Osbur Crevling and lljss Adelia F? Milligan, both of this county. ' The subject of the evening sermon to morrow at the Methodist church tomor row ia "Countinu the Cost." A special invitation is extended to business men and those interested in the political is sues of the day to attend. . , ' November has broken the record for Portland, it showing the heaviest rain fall to the 15 Ui, the . highest winds ever know, there, and - the ' cjldest weather ever known inx that month, and 'only lacking a few degrees of being as cold as the record, two below in 18S3. Mr. Henry Darnielle received a tele gram this morning announcing the death of Nellie, the 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Feeney. at Port land. Mrs. Feeney is a sister to Mr, Darmelle and he went to Portland this afternoon to attend the funeral. ' Th? Regulator arrived at the Cascades tbia afternoon at 1 fclock, but found tbe canal frozen solid. L Iceswas. forming very rapidly along the( lower river, and in. .consequence she "did not Btqp long, but steamed back to Portland, - where she will reoaain until the weatherinod eraies, as it is quite likelv tbe Columbia will be solid by tomorrow, - Dr. J. C. Lannerberg arrived here yes itay aud baa opened, an - office in the -rooms "recently occupied by Dr. Kane The doctor is a graduate of the Spencer Opthalmic college of New York city, and makes a specialty of diseases of the eye. He was at Heppner for .some . time, and has some very ; tine recommendations from Editor Patterson and other leading citizens of that place.- . - '. William Shearer, aged Sop .'was drowned in the ' pool at the foot oi the flume at Cook's Landing, on tbe Colum bia, November 19 h. He was a good swimmer, and his friends that were with bim thought it a good joke when he fell in the water. But their mirth was ' changed to consternation when they saw bim sink with cramps, and drown be fore he could be rescued. He leaves a wile and several children. Glacier. A Svrp.ntlD Spanish Students Tonight. The Spanish Students will be here to night, arriving at 7 o'clock on a special train chartered by the D. P. & A. N. Co. While the. unfortunate wrecking of the Dalles City caused an annoying delay, it was one that could neither be foreseen nor prevented. Manager Webber re grets exceedingly that information could not be obtained in time to .inform the public so that -they would not have been put to the inconvenience of facing the cold weather oniy to be disappointed As it was, & telegram sent to Hood River elicited tbe reply that the boat had passed there a little before 8, which was of course a mistake. The curtain will go up tonight . promptly on time, and the building will be thoroughly warmed. The program' will be ren dered as printed yesterday. A Fire Alarm. An alarm of fire this morning about 9 o'clock sent the bovs skurrying up to the East End with tbe engine and hose carts, but the ' fire was out before tbey arrived. The cause of the alarm was small blaze in the' basement of the building belonging to Mr. Mrlnerny and occupied by Mr. Frank Gabel. Tbe fire started in some empty sacks, bow, no body knows. Mr. ' Gabel" grabbed the burning sacks and carried them out burning his hands and faceqnite severely in doing so. He also cut a bad gash in the back of his thumb, probably from piece of -. broken glass. Outside of the damage to Mr. Gabel, no barm was done. ; ' ' ' " ' It lieain Uan. At Pendleton the weather is decidedly cold, the thermometer dropping down to 23 and 25 degrees below zero. The East Oregonian is responsible for the following concerning it: . The pipes at the mills were all frozen and (this is no fairy story; the big pump which stands within six feet of Xhe bat tery of boilers in the brick . engine, room of the pcourtng mills', was frozen solid with 65 to 7d pounds of steam on and the pump running at full force. Today the mills are chock ablock with ice in all the pipes. It is thought by tomorrow the mills can be in operation again. The Telegram of last night contains an article about one Amos Crowley, said to be of that city, ana a sheep-shearer by-occupation, who blew, in his money there and a day or so since found him aeli at'tbe end if bis sack, and conue- The Dalles City Damaged. The steamer Dalles City left the locks at 6 o'clock last night, and should have been here at 9:40. Instead she is lying n a sand bar just above Spragae land ing, with a big -hole in her hull. . Just this side of Spragne there is - a big rock in the river, and this she ran into. How much damage was done we have not learned, nor can it be estimated until she Is raised, though it is not probably anything worse than tbe knocking out of -a few ribs and the breaking of some sheathing. kAs soon as she struck, her bow was turned towards the sand bar near by and she sank in a few minutes in 6 feet of water: She had on board passengers transferred from -the Regu lator, amqncthem the Spanish Students, and the cattle and. other freight taken from- here in ' the - morning. Arrange ments were at once made with Messrs. J. G. and I. N. Day of the Caecades.to raise her. . Since writing the above it is learned that the steamer Maria, belong ing to the Days, took the passengers and freight' from the Dalles. City, today land- ng them at the Cascades. '. It is feared that' the steamer: is 'much more badly damaged than was at first supposed. The D. P. & A. -N. Co.; arranged for an extra on tbe O. R. & N. to run from Portland this afternoon, which will pick up the passengers and- bring them through, arriving here at 7 o'clock this evening, . Blown to Atoms. and waterscapes, icebergs, trees, 'birds and bees, fountains and mountains, del icate traceries of figures irregularly reg ular, suggesting a-design, yen leaving it incomplete, but satisfactory a hint to the imagination that like a half forgot ten dream,' left memories of things beau tiful, yet indistinct, or like remembrance of our childhood fairv tales, where each saw for. himself the wonderful gardens of Aladdin's cave, and- yet none saw alike, As an artist and treeco painter Jack Frost has no equal, and he certain ly left some of bis mas. erpieces with us last night. - - -- - - i . The Spanish Students. program for this The following is the evening at the Vogt : J PART II. .8oua 10. March ''Directorate" -, Sixmisb Students. ' Soprano Solo "Through All Eternity" .. Mascheroni Miss Susie Lehman. Selection 'ill Trovatore"' Verdi bpai ish btuuenls. Spanish Dance .-. -...Little Addle Kavart Cello solo "Kcmana" StrckzU Senor F. JBioeamonte. - PART II. Intermezzo "Cavalieria Kustleana"....'. ' Mwcagni Spanish Stadents . Soprano Solo. "Dream Uue Dream of Me" Jinbyn Miss Susie Lehman. ' Bandnrria Solo "Saluia EHpagUole. . Pabicio benor M. B. f ala los. (otiitar uccotup - niment bv Carlos -tiebuo-liaM.) - Descriptive Soug "one Alwa Dressed in DiacK ... , Little Addle ravrt. "American Patrol". . i. Spauioh Students. s Spanish Students Concert Co. ASSISTED BY Misses "Wainwright, Layhman . and Add?" e Forrest. Vogt's Opera House, Saturday, Nov. 28. Prices... 75c and. $1.00 School Books Braham .-.Mtacham Lamps Tonight. Mr. H. C. ' Lovering, writing to the Hood River Glacier- from Illocillewaet, British Columbia, under date of Nov. 9th, gives the following account of the death of Chas. ' Berger, . formerly a resi- : dent of Hood River valley :- 1 ; "We have had a terrible accident here in which one of your old citizens, Chas. Berger, met swift and awful death. Mr. Berger and Chris. Miller' went out about nine miles from here ' to do some work in a mine- which is being opened up. Tbey. were last -seen, on Monday, Nov. 9ih. There was then three boxes of dynamite in the cabin. A heavy shot was heard that evening at; dusk. On Wednesday the cabin was blown ' to atoms. Search parties have been out almost all the time since and have succeeded in finding parts of the body of Miller, put nothing has been found that can be identified a9 part oi Mr. Berger. - . - - '- ' "The family is with ns here and tbey are bearing up bravely in their terrible trouble.. Mr.-Berger was respected by all who knew him here, and his wife and children have our sihcerest and pathetic sympathy.' .' A Dainty Artist, -. If you should see anything strange in the shape of Iiitbts tonight, do not im agine that it is either the California fly ing ship or Coll Sinnott's. The fact is that the council has let a contract for lighting the city, and .the lamps will be touched off tonight. As the lamplighter will make his first round tonight, and is not familiar with the location of : tbe lamps, it is requested that it any lamps are not lighted, those living near them report the fact. - . . ''' : - There's no clay, flonr, starch or other worthless tilling in "HoeUake " and no free alkali to bnrn the haiida. jly24 Furnished room for rent, with board if 'desired. Address Mrs. C. Adams, Jackson street. nr.vl2-6t Bneklco'i Arinca salve. - The best salve in tne world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt' rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruption, and posi tively cures piles,- or no pay -required It is guaranteed to eive perfect satisfac tion, or money refunaed. Price "25 cents par box. For . sale by Blakele; and Houghton, druggists. Jack Frost was abroad last night, and while the cunning rogue may have done considerable mischief in tba way of fool ing with water-pipes and. similar tricks, it is quite certain that tne artistic in stincts of the little scamp caused 'him to do some ornamental, work on the big plate glass windows of our business houses. Borne of the windows were in deed 'beautiful, there ' were -landscapes -". Awarded.. ,. .' Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Supplies. Jacobson Book & Music Go. .'' No. 174 Second Street, '. Nevr Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Successor to Chrisman 5i Corson. ' ' 1 . FULL, LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old ptarsd.' -1 would be pleased to see all my formeipatrons. Free delivery to any part of town. w .r -f iiost jtreriecx aiaae. - 40 Year the Standard. V 1 UJ Executor's Notice of Final Account. Notice Is hereby sven that Geo'ge A. Lleb, executur of the estate of Richrd G. Clter, de ceased, has filed tbe finl aoconntfim of the es tate of Klchard li. Cl-ister. deceased, with the Kuardlauship estate of Albert Lehman, an in SHue p-rfcon, of the peison and e-tHte of whli-h Mid Albert LehHian, an Insane per on, the Mid ftt-hmd (i C lifter, deceased, ut the time of his death te duly appoint-a. qualified and act ing guardian; with the cleik ii the County Court of the Stare of Oregon for Wasco County, and that said- court has aiipointed 10 o clock a. m. of Mnndiiy, November 2, J8y6. being the Hrst day of the reeulnr, November term of -said court, for tbe yea ,181)6, at the coauty coarthnuse in Dalles CI ry, Oregon, ss the time and plate for the hearing o saiT final accounting aud ubjeo tlonk thereto if any th re be. . Ibis notice is published by order of said County Court, en rerrdirceober ltd, 1896. .' - GEOKGE A. LIEBK. hxeculor. Cokdom i;oiOfl, Attorneys for Executor.. -oci3-5t-il v,-. Notice of Final Settlementi Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, the duly appointed, qualiti d a' d aciiug admin- Istrat'r of tbe estate of Anna Francis Carlson, deceased, has filed his liiiHl account and report In stud ebtnte. and t at Moi da, tbe 4lh dtiy of January, 197, at the Dour of 2 o'clock p. ni. of said day, at the County urtroomof the(kunty Ciurt Houne in Hallcs Citr, Wasco County, Ore gou, has been fixed and nppoiwted by the Hon orable County court ns the time and . place for hearing sxid final account and report. All per sons are hereby notified and requir d to up ear at iid time aud pIhco aud show cause ir any there te why an order of ibis Court -fchou!d not be mride approving s Id final account and dis ctmrg ng the -aid adminiKtmtor from further acting, und-r t-ald trutt and exonerating, bia bondEihen from furtht r liabil ty thereunder. . Inb-d this 23d day of November, 18. -H2 -5t-l FKANK HliFEE, ' Administrator of the Estate ol A ana F.ancla .Carlsou, deceased. - .