'9 OUR ! SpecihL SALE I. All-Steel Clamp Skates, 50e a Pair. 9 5. Ralston ALL NUMBERS OF OUR POPULAR ma, Nn. 28 9 3 o I t Vm- v, -;'' .--iAr. WJWTf iYi" t .'.'OF Jirf ""it?" " KID-FITTING" Style 224, KID FITTING CORSETS Will be sold at.. " KID-FITTING "Style 213. ONE-FOURTH OFF THE REGULAR PRICE. ALL GOODS MARKED-IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS 5 o 9 j 9 Koffy, Pan Kake Flour, Grano and Breakfast Food, -AT MAIER & BENTON The Dalles. O MAYS & CROWE. Jbcememoer We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAP E WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES. Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY. - NOV. 27. 1896 Weather Forecast. Poetland. Nov. 27, 1896. Fob Eastern Orkgon Tonight and tomorrow lair, and continue cold. Paodk. Observer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random Observations and Local Events of Lesser Magnitude. Saner krant at Maier & Benton's. Circuit court adjourned over today until Dec. 23th. Mr. Ketcbum last &ight shipped 1200 head of sheep to Trcutdale. Up in Montana the mercury is down to SO and 35 degrees below zero. One carload of hogs was shipped to Seattle last night by Mr. Parrott. We have be'ard no complaints about mosquitoes bothering anyone last night. Have you? About 350 head of cattle from Crook county were shipped from Grants today to eastern points. Mr. Parrott has purchased and shipped about 2,500 hogs from this point to Seattle since the first of September. Roller Ekating promises to become quite the local fad if Jack Frost sees fit to withdraw his opposition. The ice is being well patronized today. The Thanksgiving services at the Congregational church were appropriate and beautiful. The sermon was a re markably good one, and the singing ex ceptionally fine. Don't forget the social at the Good Templar hall tomorrow evening. A brief program will be bad, after which baskets containing lunches will be auc tioned to the highest bidder. Three carloads of- cattle were shipped on the Dalles City this morning to Port land, where they will be loaded on the cars and sent to Port Townsend. Thev were shipped by Chas. Butler. Mr. ft. Li. Brooks gives the tempera ture this morning as 2 depress below ero, the coldest for Ndvtfrober in 25 years. Other thermometersiiajve read ings varying from zero to 6 below. The extensive plant of the Inman Poalsen Lumbering Co., of Portland, was destroyed by fire Thursday night. The loss is about $85,000, and 150 men will be thrown out of employment. A very' pleasant afternoon was spent at the club rooms yesterday, when ladies and gentlemen alike enjoyed the pleasures there afforded. In a bowling contest between "the ladies and gentle men, the former were victorious. Judge Bradsbaw opened court this morning, and the case of the Davis Sew ing Machine Company against Wm. Tackman is being tried out without the intervention of a jury, Huntington & Wilson for plaintiff, H. H. Riddell for defendant. ' With a continuation of the present weather for a few days, the 4eeharvest will begin. At the Umatilla Juflrkjthe genial, is arranging for the storage of about 100 tons of coldness, and the ice companies are all getting ready to be gin active work. The Sunday school of the Christian church will give a concert and enter tainment Friday evening, Dec. 4th, at the church. A very entertaining pro gram is promised. In making engage "merits for that night, don't forget the "little ones." Mrs. S. L. Young received a telegram yesterday morning announcing the death of her brother, George Marshall, at Oregon City. She left on the afternoon train for that place. Mr. Marshall was about 33 years of age and bad been sick for a long time. Quite a number of young people sur prised Rev. W. C. Curtis and wife Wednesday evening, taking possession of the house and spending a delightful evening. On departing they left a neat little pile of silver to be used in pur chasing a memento of the occasion. The Red men's entertainment and ball .'ast night was a success in every way. The expose of spiritual manifestations by Professor and Mrs. Read, were com plete, and highly gratifping to the large audience. The dancing was kept up to a late hour, and was thoroughly enjoyed The ladies of the Episcopal guild met at Mrs. Donthitt 8 Wednesday, and among other things elected officers for the ensuing years-. Mrs. Sheldon was elected president, and Mrs. Oandall secretary, but trie name of the vice president our news-gleaner failed to gather in. The water in the Colombia ia-deci dedly cold, at least lheocore finckelsen thinks so, since bis impromptu bath yesterday. He went onbo the ice to see bow far ont from the shore it wonld bear, and determined the line of de marcation between' that strong enough and that not,, toa; nicety. There promises to be a very large at tendance at the Vogt tonight to greet the Spanish Students. The cold weath er cuts no figure as the room will be thoroughly warmed, and the outside temperature will not be permitted to en ter. . All lovers of music should hear the Spanish Students as it is a first class company, of first class artists. Wheat is looking up and it is now claimed that seventeen million bushels will be required monthly by Europe from now until next July. As it is im possible for one year's crop to overcome a year of short crop and at the same time make a surplus, the outlook for good prices is very bright.- It is toler ably certain that next year's wheat cro will not sell below 70 cents a bushel. Hon. J. N. Brown, of Morrow county and a member ot the coming legislature arrived here Wednesday evening and spent Thanksgiving in The Dalles. Mr. Brown is a candidate for the position of speaker of the house, and is evidently making a canvass for the place. He in terviewed Wasco's representatives yes terday, but with what success only the parties to the conversation know, and they have not come around to tell us. Stage Accident. On Tuesday morning the Fossil-Arl ington stage met with a terrible accident while coming down the thirty-miie hill. One of the wheel horses slipped and fell and tipped the stage over against the bank, breaking the coupling and tongue. Wm. Stewart, the driver, was hurled violently to the frozen ground and the four horses and front wheels of the stage all rolled into a barbed wire face at the foot, of the hill, cutting several of the horses in a frightful manner. Although conscious, Mr. btewart was unable to get up and attempted ' to crawl to the home of J. B. Smith, a mile down the canyon, but bad to give that np also. He lay . there from about 9 o'clock until after 11 o'clock, when Charley Baker, who was on bis way to the saw mill for umber, foand the poor fellow, who was almost frozen. He brought him to the home of Mr. Smith, where bis injuries were looked after as well as possible under the circumstances. As no bones were broken, Mr. Stewart did not think it necessary to send for a doctor, saying that he thought he'd be all right in a couple of days. Mr. Baker gathered up the mail pouches and brought them to Condon, reaching here about dark. The mail was sent on horseback to Clem and like ly was taken through to, Arlington last night. v ' This makes the third accident within the last month that has happened at the same place Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Dodson bad a terrible smashan with a load of nmber, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Edwards' buggy broke down, and now this stage accident. Condon Globe. and that he will give us an article of weather litted to the season ..instead of this mid-January quality. Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un called for Nov. 28. 1896. Persons call ing for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Backus, Lizzie Beary. C Brown, Mrs Martha Brown, -II J Farell, Wm Franklin, G B Hill, W S Hix, Mrs Davis Jensen, Mella Little, John Mott, O G McPreod, Jessie Fates Mies C Gossen, Charley Haskell, George Hunter, E -Kahler, Mrs Josie Langhlin, Lizzie Miller, John McAaren, J K Ike Weather Clerk's Negligence. The weather clerk was evidently in vited ont to dinner yesterday, and it is also evident that he accepted the invita tion, and went off withiut leaving any one in charge of the office. As a.result. the weather went on A spree, kicked ont of the traces and remarking "It is a cold day when I get loft," proceeded to pop the sidewalks, burst the water pi pee, frost the window panes, set humanity stamping its fee and blowing its collect ive nose, star! the oldest inhabitants tongue wagging about the winter of 1492, and tha unaccountable freaks of the thermometer, since that time. The snow creak en under foot as though it were alive, ajhd the stars in the evening came out bright, twinkling, cold and distant, as a best girl to the wrong fel low. About 11 o'clock the moon sailed up the eastern sky, lying fiat on ber back, evidently knocked ont by the cold, while Lthe old bachelor who lives up there with her. had his legs doubled .up like a jajcfc knife and bis whickers covered with frost. This morning the wood dealer bas a smile as big as a Bryan dollar and the haugbty plumber is easily distinguished by bis kingly bearing, and the homage done by meek and honible citizens with "busted" water pipes and flooded basements. ,It is to be hoped the weather clerk may return to bis job soon, filled with good things, and consequently in good humor, McDonald, Rht, care Osborn, Luttie Martin, P T Odell, Emma Patterson, Levia (2) Purser, Geo T (2) Pearson, H.A Richardson, C W Robertson, Sarah Stangle, Joseph Signe.Letty Mrs (3) Wa.-d, C D Williams, Walter Walters, O Wright, W D Young, Mabel - J. A. Ckossen, P. M. The apanish Students. The following is the program for this evening at the Vogt: PART XI. 1. March "Directorate". ' Souta Spanish btudents. 2. Bonrano Solo "Throueh All Eternity" . . Mascheroni Miss Susie Lehman. 3. Selection "II Tn.vatore-' Verdi boat isb Students. 4. Spanish Dance . . Little Addle Favart Cello nolo "Komanzit ' StrcWzld Senor F. Brocamonte. . PART II. 6. Intermezzo "Cavalieria Rustlcana" Marcagm epamsn Brauencs. , Soorano Solo! "Dream Oil. Dream of Me" Riibyn Miss Susie Lehman. Bandurria Solo "Sal uta Espagnole. Paliciot beuor M. B. Pala lot, (tjuuar accompa niment by Carlos Kebagliati.) Descriptive Souk "she Alwass Dressed in Black" Brakam Little Addle Kavart. 10. "American Patrol" ifeacham Spanish Students. The Wasco Warehouse Co. begs leav to inform Farmers that they have STOR AGE ROOM for 200,000 SACKS of WHEAT and any one wishing to. store their wheat and hold for later market can do so on usual terms. Also, they will pavthe HIGHEST CASH PRICE for Wheat, Oats, Rye and Barley. Clark, the East End jeweler, makes specialty of fine watch repairing. Call and see liiin. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREAM MIS TOME. Most Perfect Made. 40 Tears the Standard. CominG Spanish Students Concert Co. ASSISTED BY Misses Wain wright, Layhman' and Addie Forrest. Vogt's Opera House, FRIDAY. NOV 27. Prices 75c and $1.00 GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER- Successor to Chriaman & Corson. FULL, LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at ihe old stand. I would be pleased to see all my formei patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. mm School Books i Supplies. Jacobson Book & Music Co. No. 174 Second Street, New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, the duly npnointed, qcinlifl d a"(i aciing admin istrate of the estate of Anna Francis Carlson, deceased, has filed bis final account and report in said estate, and tnal Monday, the 4th day of January, 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said dav, at the Comity Courtroom of the County Court House In Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore gon, has been fixed and appointed by the Hon orable County tkjurt as the time and place for hearing ssid final account and report. All per sons are hereby notified and requir-d to apt ear at said time and place and show cause if any there be why an order of this Court should not be made approving sid final account aud dis chant ni the said administrator fiom further acting utidtr said trust and exonerating his bondsmen irom lurtni r uaDtiity tnereunaur. Dated this 23d day of November, 1896. n25-6t-i FRANK MENEFEE. Administrator of the state ol Anna Francis Caruon, Deceased. Notice to Contractors. The undersigned will receive bids for the con struction of a water ditch 7000 eit long. 100O feet is mostly loose rock work; some blot-ting. Balance sciaper work. Ditch 10 be five feet wide on bottom, and two feet deep. Twelve miles from The Dalles. For further particular- ad-dres-, M. i. COCKRLlNE, n25 2w i-il Boyd, Oregon. Cnlrheater'a F-nff!!.h Diamond Braais. EflfJYROYAL PILLS Original and (Hily cnln. AFC, ajwmja reliable, ladies ftsk , DrngKist tor Chichester RngUmh Via- umn ifrand in khi ana uoca oeBiiN v oxe. wmied with blue ribbon. Tsk .xhaa. fr-rCim -. risiniisi SM jSsf If tiHM and imitation. At Drwri. or wad4& la stamp for pau-tleniars, testiznooMi And RaUaT for iAdlok" in Uttr. br retarm T Mail. lOjeOOTmoolata. Aptr. nili li i aim fiiMlMlfa Mm Tin o . MABjatf