ft ( VOL. IX THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25. 1896 NO 276 ... " THE CAT C4ME BACK treme northeastern part of the county, near Pierce county line, on the. head waters of the Nesqually river. BEHKING SKA CLAIMS. Weyler Brings Himself in Out of the Wet. BRYAN IS RECEIVED AT DENVER An Insane Wash., Woman in Lewis County, Cat the' Throats of her Three Children. Washington, Nov. 24. A dispatch from Jack eonville, Fla., reciting a cipher telegram received from Havana in which it is stated that General Weyler was driven to return to Havana through Tear, ia discredited here. From the Spanieh point of view it wopld be absurd for the captain-general to place himself at the head of troops and follow straggling bands of insurgents from one cover 'to another. BRIAN AMONG HIS FRIENDS. to Bis Thi Kz-Candl1ate Pays at Visit JTrleud In lieurer. Denver, Nov. 24. Had William J, Bryan come to Denver as a conquering hero, whose victory presaged the restor ation of silver, he would not have re ceived any more enthusiastic greetings than those given him today. The occa 8ion of his visit is the 20th anniversary of the admission of Colorado into the Union. Beiore being nominated for the presidency be agreed to speak at the ex ercises commemorative of this event He arrived at 7:15 this morning and met at the depot by a committee of prominent citizens, including T. M. Fat terson, C. S. Thomas and Mayor Mc- Murray. Even at that early hour sev eral thousand people were assembled at the Union depot, who ewung their bats and cheered lustily. Bryan was driven to the residence of C. S. Thomas, .where he breakfasted and remained until 10a. m.t-when be went to the Brown Palace hotel to attend a reception iciven by the women ofDenver, lew brief remarks introduced Bryan as the "First president of 20th century. Mrs. Mary C. C. Bradford delivered an address 'of welcome. Mr. Bryan spoke fur half an hour, being frequently interrupted by applause from 2000 wom en who filled the rotunda and balconies. As a souvenir a memorandum book of Colorado in chased silver was. presented to him, he having declined to receive valuable si'ver service. After speeches the ladies filed past shaking hands with him. On a drive about the city this aft ernoon he will make half a dozen out door speeches. i A MOTHER'S IN8AME ACT. First Contest Won by the British After Courteous Debate. Victobia, B. C, Nov. 24. The Beh- ring Sea claims commission to settle the compensation the United States must pay for the illegal seizure of sealers opened yesterday morning, the visitors present being Lieutenant -T3o7ernor Dewdney and '" the' provincial cabinet. Chandler P. Anderson of New York was appointed joint secretary. After the preliminaries, all rules for procedure were agreed to by both the United States and British commissioners, ex cept one, which caused some courteous debate between Hon. F.' Peters, Q. C, senior counsel for Her Majesty, and Hon. Don. M. Dickinson, 'senior counsel for the United States. The British wanted each care settled separately,' while the United States wanted all of the 'British caBea put in before the United btates makes its defeiiBe. The decision was given this morning in favor of the Brit ish contention, and the 16 British claims were then filed. Compensation is asked in the total of $459,300, with in terest from date of seizure at 7 per cent. FBKNCa MILITARY MEASURES. Cot Three the The Throats of Her - . Children With a Razor. Chehalis, Wash., Nov. 24. News of a horrible tragedy that occured in the east end of Lewis county was received here this afternoon.. Mrs. A. R. Swen yer, the wife of a farmer living near Ash ford poetuffice, with a razor cut the 1 1) routs of her three children, one 5 years old, one 3 years old and one 9 months She then cut her own throat, using the same razor. Her husband arrive4 short y after, and was horrified to find his family weltering in a pool ot blood. The 3-year old girl and the eldest one is ex pected to die, hut the baby will live. The mother did not succeed in killing herself , but her condition is precarious. .No de tails of the tragedy are known except those received by the coroner here in note from a neighbor. No reason is given for the mother's act. The coronar and sheriff have gone to the scene, which 50 miles from the railroad, in the ex- however, that President Crespo is highly pleased with the terms of the proposed treaty. The whole question will be dis cussed Wednesday at a cabinet meeting. B'anna Don't Want a Cabinet Position. Washington, Nov. 24. Senator Proc tor is authority for the positive state ment that Mark Hanna will not be a member of McKinley's cabinet. The senator is not only a close political, but is also a warm- personal friend of Mark Hanna. It was while talking over the political eituation today that Senator Proctor gave this interesting informa tion concerning the political prospects of Mr. Haryia. According to senator Proctor, the president-elect and many of his follow ers will be delighted if Mr. Hanna would consent to take a place in the cabinet. Mr. Hanna, however, has no aspirations n that direction, and it is useless to use his name in connection with the cabinet. Senator Proctor also took occasion to wipe bis own name from tne cabinet slate. He has enjoyed all the glory that goes with a cabinet position, and he would not relinquish bis seat in the sen ate for the cabinet. Army to Aristocratic Tendency In the be Reformed. Paris, Nov. 24. M. Billot, minister of war, in addressing a deputation of mili tary editors on Monday, made a remark able speech, in which he complained the present system of dispensation and exemptions in the army resulted in the fact that 50 per cent of the men only served with the colore in a single year. These abuses, he said, gave ajdistinctly anti-equity and aristocratic character to the army, which is utterlv at variance ith the republican idea, and which must be amended. He was working ac tively, he added, to this end, and also at an important measure aiming at the creatioii of army inspectorsjas an inter mediary authority between the war min ister and the commanders of the 20 army corps. These commanders, General Billot said, must not be satraps, subject to no rule but their good will and pleasure Therefore he proposed to appoint a su perior grade of inspectors, each having under his command two or three army corps, which they would command in time of war. Slave Traffic In the New Hebrides. Sydney, N. S. W.t Nov. 24. Reports have been received from New Hebrides islands, lying west of Fiji, that the na tives are being sold like sheep for from 6 to 10 per bead, and that many are subjected to great cruelties. The New Hebrides are- under joint Anglo-French control. The New Hebrides Company which has large interests in the islands last year sent a deputation to Sir T. Mc Ilwraith. the colonial treasurer of Queensisland, complaining of this join control, and suggesting that Sir W. Mc Gregor, administrator of British New Guinea, have jurisdiction over the New Hebrides.' Sir T. Mcllwraith said in reply that the only solution lay in the annexation of the islands by iGreat Britain or the estaohshment of a protec torate over them. There is a British high commissioner of tbe West Pacific, who has jurisdiction to settle disputes between British sub jects living in these islands and others The Anglo-French control was fixed by a convention between Great Britain and France October, 1887, in which it was agreed that the protection of persons and property in the new Hebrides should be secured by means of a mixed com mis sion composed of naval officers belong ing to the English and French naval eta tiona in the Pacific. The best way to buy any thing is to borrow it first Get a package of Schil ling's Best tea of your - grocer. : He pays you your money back if you don't like it That's our way of lend ing. A Schilling & Company San l-rancisco - ,- 413 Minister Andrade Arrives Home. Caracas, Venezuela, Nov. 24. Senor Andrade, Venezuelan minister to the United States, arrived here on the last steamer from New Tork. His .coming waaDot publicly announced. : He was accompanied by Mr. Storrow, counsel for the Venezuelan government in the boon dary dispute with England. - ' Tbe minister will give the governmen full details in relation to the agreement between the United States and England upon which tbe Anglo-Venezuelan treaty is to be based for tbe disposition of the disputed territory. Tbe government is reticent about 'the arrival of Senor Andrade. It la reported San FTmctsco" Latest Sensation. San Fbancisco, Nov. 24 Judging from appearances tonight, the people of this city have gone-daft over the flying machine which is alleged to have soared through the heavens during the past few nights. On every street corner down town hundreds of people were gathered, with heads thrown back, gazing at the sky. Anything irom Jupiter to the moon was picked out as an airship by the credulous people, who stood looking at one bf the planets until aching neck and limbs made them desist. Early in the evening a fire balloon went sailing through tbe air, and the newspapers were overwhelmed by telephone mes sages from people in various parts of the city who thought they bad discovered the mysterious airship. Doubted at Washington. Washington. Nov. 24. The state de partment lias received absolutely no in formation from Havana or elsewhere concerning tbe report that the Compet itor prisoners have been tried by a sec ret summary court. From further in quiries it (8 apparent tbe Spanish author ities are making an investigation of tbe Competitor case similar to that'provided for under our grand jury system. The consuls of Spain in this country are in vestigating the claims to American citi zenship of tbe persons arrested. From Spanish sources it is learned there is no intention of dealing with the Competitor prisoners in a harsh manner. Three Fatally Burned. Minneapolis, Nov. 24. By the over turning of a gasoline lamp a terrible ex plosion occurred at the residence of F. A. Walker last night, and as a result Mrs. Walker and her daughter Mabel, 13 years bid, and the domestic, Mary Over land, are in Asbury hospital. The lat ter cannot survive, tbe clothing having been burned entirely off her body, and leaving her in a terrible condition. The girl Mabel is not expected to live, but some hope is held out tor the mother. A Heavy Ran the Cause. Sioux Falls, S. D., Nov. 24. The Dakota National Bank baa closed, on ac count of a heavy run. The bank was heavily loaded with real estate of a de preciated nature. The officers hope to reorganize and resume. . Tbe last state ment showed 816,000 deposits; loans and discounts, $19S,0G0. r Grain Clearances at Galveston. Galneston, Nov. 24. Total grain clearances for this week : For Mancbes ter, wheat, 72,000 bushels; Hamburg, corn, 127,000 bushels; wheat, 8,090,900 bushels. Liverpool, wheat, 32,000; corn, 64,428 bushels. Bremen, corn,' 69,000 bushels. Balles'City aafl lore Stap Line Leaves w illiams Hotel, Moro, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m. prompt. Leaves Umatilla House. The Dalles, Tuesdays, Thvrsdaya and Saturdays at 8 a. m. Dronibti' -. "' ' '' .. FrHnht rateb-Tbe Dalles to Moro, 40c per 100 lb': small packages, 15 and 25c Passenger rates The Dalles. tt, Moro, l.o0; round trip, $2.50. - -'. .' V . Agencv at UmatillaHouse.Th'e Dalles, and at Williams Motel, Moro. . tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop, SALE. aturday Next We -will offer ; our regular $1.00, $1.25 and $150 values in Kid Gloves, including the am Three-Row, Four-Button LADIES' APPOIXO, In all new shades' for street wear, at reduced price of fig 1 Cents a . Pair. Don't IVLiss It. AT HIS WITS' END Father Tells How His Baby - Suffered from Eczema. IN ITS WORST FORM drew Worse Under Treatment of Best . ' Physicians. Tried CUTICURA REMEDIES Great Chance In Five Says. To-day Entirely Cured, With Nice Bead of 11 air. Lively and Hearty. I had a baby that had Eczema in Its worst form. I had one -of the best physicians in the city attending her, but she continued to get worse all the time under his treatment, e finally admitted that he was at his wits' end. I then got Cuticuua Remedies, and in a feus day ndticcl gYrat change jn her con dition, bhe continued to imnrove after that, and to-day it entirely curd, has nice head of hair, and is lively and hearty. 1 can fully recommend them as beinf; the best medicines for the cure of this disease. I spent con siderable money for drues and doctor's bills, which was useless in. this case, for I think if your remedies don't cure, nothing will. I am telling every one that I see suffering, about CUTiciittA Remedies, and can cheer fully recommend them to those in need of them. J. B. JACOBS, 2031 Wilkins Ave., Ba&, Sid. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS Warm baths with CunctntA Boat-, gentle applications of Citticu ttA (ointment) the great Skin Cure extemallv, and mild doses of Cuticura Resolvent (bloed purifier) inter nally, cleanse tbe blood and skin of every eruption, impurity, and disease, when the best physicians and hospitals fail. The cures daily effected by them are simply wonderful. They are beyond all doubt the greatest shin cures, blood purifiers, and humor remedies of modern times. Sold throughout the world. Tottsr Pbtt9 AID Chbm. Coop., Solo Props,, Boston, U. B. A. "How to Co re every Skin Disease," mailed free. CUM PLASTER THE I MINUTE AIM CURF Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker I Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. SURE CURE for PILES I toting and Blind, Bleeding or Pro trad Id Piles tUU ml mm DR. BO-8AN-KCS PILE REMEDY. Stop. it,h- uitbsortMluuiori. A positive cure. Circnir tent fraa. Priaa DrauUuarMlU Pit. IMWAHh t"- . Pn When yon maot -to bay Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley, Whole Barley, . Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the WASCO : WAREHOUSE. Oar prices are low and onr goods are firt-c1ap&. Airents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY. 33 - V . DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the Moat Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and" PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS nsed in all onr work, and none but th most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem icel combination or soap mixture. A first-claBS article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. . Store and Paint Shop corner Third and Washington fits.. The Dalles. 0reoi BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon - - AXC;X D X O -IVI -L -C-l-XTO-l I Ik - JPaConntry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. Lumber, Building Material and Boxes Traded for Hay. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE & CO., The Dalles, Oregon