.o VOL. IX THE DALLES, OREGON TUESDAY, -NOVEMBER 24, 1896 NO 275 AFAYETTE LANE DEAD bnce in the State Legislature and Once jh Congress. V SON OF GENERAL JOSEPH LANE Be'Vii Associated With Judge Deady In the Work of Codifying the Laws of Oregon. Eosebubg, OK, Nov. 23. Hon. Lafay- tte Laae, an er-conizressman of Oregon, ied at hia residence here this afternoon. he body will be buried Wednesday. Lafavette Lane, a eon of General Jos- ph Lane, Oregon's first territorial gov- rnor, was born on bis father's farm, ear Evansvilla, Vanderbarg county, ndiana, 54 years ago. He was one of family of 11 children, of whom Mrs M. . Shelby, Mrs. L. F. Mosher, of Port land, Or.; Mrs. E. S. Flood and Colonel ohn Lane, of Spokane; and Simon Lane of Myrtle Creek and Joseph Lane f Rosebnrg-, are jBtill living. In 1853, Jour years after bis appointment as gov- rnor of Oregon, General Lane returned o Indiana and brought his fanjily out to he territory, making bis borne in South- rn Oregon, near Rosebnrg. Lafayette Lane was then nine years old. A few ears later be was sent to school at Stanf ord, Conn., and upon bis return read aw in the office of Judge Aaron E. Wait, bf Portland. Immediately after being Vdmitted to the bar, when be wasscarce- y 21, he was elected to the legislature rom Umatilla county in 1864, being the youngest member euer Bent to that body. After the expiration of his term, be Went to Rosebnrg and began practicing aw. He married Miss Amanda Mann, an Alabama girl, with whom be lived happily, and whom survives bim. In 1875 he was elected as a democrat to ongresa, to fill the term made vacant by he death of George La' Dow. While in ongresa be took an active part in the passage of the bill providing for the building of the locks at the cascades, re- ently completed. In 1871 be was aeeo iated with Judge Deady in tbecodifying pf the laws of Oregon. After the experatioo of his term in ongreas, he returned to Koseburg, Where be practiced bis profession up to Within six weeks of his death. Besides pis wife, be left two sons: Lafayette Lane, now in California, and -Rev. feather Arthur Lane, a recently ordained briest of the Catholic church, now at Bt. Mary's Home, Beaverton ; and Miss iRose Lane, at Roeebarg, the only sur Iviving daughter. ' Although on what proved to be his (deathbed, Mr. Lane took great interest fin the recent camDaitrn. Dnrinz the Sclosing day 8 of the fight for sound jmoney, he addressed a letter to J udge M. L. Pipes, which was read by the lat ter from the platform at Rosebnrg. In phis letter, Mr. Lane expressed bis regret that he was physically unable to go to the polls and vote for McKinley. TWO INSURGENT VICTORIES. Spaniards Defeated at Dua Camlnoi and Holguln. Nbw Yobk, Nov. 23 The World this morning publishes the following corres pondence from Santiago de Cuba, under date of November 12 : General Linares and Cara del Rev, with 2000 men, were defeated November 10 by Mendoza and . Freire at Barracoa, near Dos Caminos. The Spanish fled, leaving many killed and wounded, aruorjg the latter a colonel. The wounded, in cluding the colonel, were cared for by Absolutely Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest United States Government. Food Report. - Royal Baking fowDKa Co.. New York some women living near. When the Spaniards afterward returned from Dos Caminos to get their wounded they ar rested and shamefully, treated the women. " On the 9th Spanish commander Ard anaz, with a large force, was defeated by the rebel leader Torres, near the wharf of Banes ( Holguin), where there is a fort. Tbe rebels laid a wire cable across the harbor entrance so when the gunboat Vincente Tanez went to protect tbe Spanish column she could not get in. She retired in a shower of bullets, after losing two men killed. Tbe Spanish col umn again fought the insurgents on its return in Loma de Los Angeles, and suf fered considerable loss. Commander Garndos' guerillas and regulars were de feated on the 10j.h by Brigadier Bonne. Garridos was severely wounded. Alnuut the entire force of the guerillas joined the rebels. General Weyler's orders to send fire men to tbe field has produced a result jnst contrary to hia expectation. Of tbe 100 colored firemen who left Havana for Pinar del Rio, November .7," 90 have joined the rebels at tbe first chance. A selection of 150 firemen of Santiago were ordered to be ready to take tbe field yes terday. Forty disappeared night before last, taking their arms and ammunition. Tbey had joined the rebel force of Col onel Veea. In Manzanillo 250 'firemen with a lieutenant did likewise as soon as they got tbe order to be ready for ser vice. Mr-TEKIOUS FLYING MACHINE. Queer terms for tea. Buy a package of Schil ling's Best of your grocer. If you don't like it, tell him so, and " have " your money again. It costs him nothing; we pay him. Not queer at all. It pays; for the tea surprises you more than the terms. A Schilling & Company San Francisco 412 San' Francisco Continues to Speculate : Regarding It. San FbAncisco, Nov. 23. The inven tor of the mysterious air ship which has been puzzling local scientists and others for the past week, is believed to be one "Dr. E. H. Benjamin," an alleged den tist, who has occupied rooms in an Ellis street lodging house' for the past two years, but so far he has successfully evaded all attempts to discover bis iden tity. .. His attorney, Collins, 'when Been yesterday and pressed to tell further about the alleged inventor and his ma chinery, said : "This morning the inventor came to my office in the Crocker . building and told me that he bad tested tbe merits of the ship in last night's storm, with the greatest success. The wind currents weie very contrary, and tbe test tried the merits' of the machine in the hardest possible way, but it came out of the or deal n tbe best condition, having breast ed tbe storm like any bird. He started in the locality where the vessel is housed, and flew over Alcatraz and oat through the Golden Gate, skirting the Cliff house and returning by the same route across the bay. He hovered over the seal, rocks for fully 10 minutes and played bis searchlight on the seals. His intention is to make another trip this evening, probably over the same ground, running on hia return trip as far as Sac ramento." i A dispatch was received from Sacra mento last night that hundreds of peo ple there bad again seen- tbe mysterious meteor in the heavens; but as yet, no one has been able to see the object suffi ciently to state definitely what it is. Fatal Accident to Pallbearer. 1 Double Springs, Ala., Nov. 23. John Welton met a horrible' death at Shilob burying-ground near here, while acting as one of the ball bearers at the funeral of Junius Roberts, a farmer.' Tbecoffln was lowered into the grave by straos. The strap beld by Welton and another man snapped as the coffin was being lowered. WeTton lost bis balance as the strap broke and fell headlong into the grave, which was six feet deep. At the same time the rear end of the coffin which had' been beld by the broken strap also plunged downward. Tbe fall ing coffin t truck Welton on the head and banged him against th side of tbe grave, which was of hard (toil. - Weltoii was extricated, but died two hours afterward. CHILD BURNED TO DEATH. It Mother, Who Was Crazed With Grief, Tried to Kill Herself. Spokane, Wash., Nov. 23. Russell Warren, tbe 2-year-old child of Solomon S. Warren, burned to death this after noon in tbe apartments of -the Holland block. Mrs. Warren went out for a few minutes, and when she returned she found the child on tbe floor with bis clothing in flames. He had apparently turned on tbe gas in tbe stove, struck a match and was knocked down by the concussion, lie lived about two hours, in great agony. ; His father was at Lewiston, Idaho, - and Was summoned home by a telegram.' Tbe child's moth er got a revolver and attempted to kill herself, bnt was quickly disarmed. She was crazed with grief, but was somewhat calmer this evening. Solomon Warren is a brother of ex-Chief of Police Joel E. Warren, of this city, and of Felix War ren, a well-known driver. Insurgents Blow Up Spanish Explor ing Train. Havana, Nov. 23 At tbe approaching public trial of Luis Someillan, an Ameri can citizen, long imprisoned on charges of conspiracy, rebellion', etc., counsel for tbe defense will demand bis acquittal upon conclusions arrived at by tbe pub lic prosecutor when he asked that a life sentence be imposed on the prisoner. Insurgents' have dynamited- an explor ing train near Cardenas, Matanzas, de railing the engine and upsetting and burning the cars. . A passenger train which followed it was fired upon. A lady and five gens d'arms and a fireman were wounded. . Stats of Ohio, City of Toledo) JL.UCA8 County, . J. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be is tbe senior partner of tbe firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and state afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of CatarrhJJj at cannot be cured by the use of Hall's CatarrtrCure. Fbank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me arid subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1896. A. W. Gleason, seal Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly and acts directly on the blood and mucuos surfaces of tbe system. Send for testimonials, free. F. j.. Cheney a Coi, Toledo, O. CeSold by Druggists, 75c. , No. 3-11 Dropped His Booty and Ran. Cincinnati, Nov. 23. A stranger to day siole a tray of diamonds from Clem ens Oskamp's store on Vine street. Be ing closely pursued he dodged into an adjoining building, where Le left bis overcoat and diamonds in a , washroom and escaped. The diamonds were worth $6000. , , - . . The Wasco Warehouse Co. begs leav to inform Farmers that tbey have STOR AGE ROOM for 200,000 SACKS of WHEAT and any one wishing to store their wheat and hold for later market can do so on usual terms. Also, thev will pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE for Wheat,Oat8, Rye and Barley. . Fresh Tillamook creamery butter re ceived direct' every week at Tbe Dalles Commission Co.'s store. Ring 'em up. 'Phones 128 and 255. oct24-lm Dalle i City aiS loro Staie Line Leaves Williams Hotel, Moro, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m. prompt. - .Leaves Umatilla House, The Dalles, Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and Saturdays at 8 a. m. prompt. Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, 40c per 100 lbs; small packages, 15 and 25c. Pa8fngsrratea The Dalles to Moro, $1.50; round tri p; $2.50. - Agencv at Umatilla House, The Dallep, and at Williams Hotel, Moro. tf DOUGLAS, ALLEN, Prop. OUR TflflfSGlVp SPECIALS. Commencing Tuesday- morning "we "will offer our s Finest Overcoats, BLACK BEAVER, VELVET COLLAR, FLY FRONT, SATIN" and FARMER SATIN" LINED. Latest style and bf guaranteed workmanship, at the following reductions: Our $20.00 Coat for .1..... ..$15.00 Our $22.50 Coat for . $17.50 Our 24.50 Coat for..:. 19.50 Our 18.00 Irish Frieze Ulster for 15.00 BOYS' OVERCOATS, with or without Cape, ages 5 to 10, for .....$1.00 These have been sold regularly for $1.50 and $1.80. SCHOOL SUITS. Boys' Knee Suits, ages 4 to 14 w ... Value 75c Special 50c Boys' Knee Pants Suits ages 4 to 14....L... Value $1.50 to $1,75 Special $1.00 Special assortment of $3.50 to. $4.00 Suits : 7... Choice $3.00 rax. CO. AT HIS WITS' END Father Tells How Hia Baby - Suffered from Eczema. IN ITS WORST FORM Grew Worse Under Treatment of Beat Physicians. Tried CUTICURA REMEDIES Oreat Change In Fire Days.- To-day ' Entirely Cared, With Nice Head -of Hair. Lively and Hearty-. ' I had a baby t'hat had Eczema in its worst . form. I had one of the best physicians in the city attending her, but she continued to get worse all the time under his treatment, e finally admitted that he was at his wits' , end. I then got Cuticura Remedies, and in ikfeio day noticeti great change in her con dition. She continued to improve after that, and totay ie entirely curd, has nice head of hair, and is lively and hearty. J can fully recommend them as being the best medicines for the cure of this disease. I spent con siderable money for drugs and doctor's bills, which was useless in this case, for I think t if your remedies don't cure, nothing will. I am telling every ono that I see suffering, about Cuticoka Remedies, and can cheer fully recommend them to those in need of them. - - J. B. JACOBS, 2031 Wilkins Ave., Bait, Hd. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS Warm baths with CcnctmA Soap, gentle applications of Cctiouba (ointment) the great Skin Cure externally, and mild doses of Cuticdra Resolvent (blood purifier) inter nally, cleanse the blood and skin of every eruption, impurity, and disease, when the best physicians and hospitals fail. Tae cures daily effected by them are simply wonderful. They are beyond all doubt the greatest skin - cures, blood purifiers, and humor remedies of modern times. Bold thronsrhout the world. Pottmb Tbuo' axtd Chiic. Cobp, Sole Props., Boston, U.S. A-i " How to Onre every Bkin Disease," mailed free. cifflciiy PLASTER THE I MINUTE AIN CURE Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL All work promptly attended to, ' and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. SURE CURE for PILES Itching n Blind, Uleedtu or ProcrwMti Pile yteWI aft mm to PR. Bq-8AN-KO8 PILE REMEDY, atop. ink, tbiorbi uiiugri. A Kulve cure. Ctrcuura acot frM. Prio Ate. VraUuraU. DK. ttO&AJtawO, fkiJUk. Pa. When ! yog igant to bay Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley, Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the WASCO : WAREHOUSE. Oar prices are low and oar pooria are firt-clai. Aeents for the celebrated WAISTBTJRG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS arid BARLEY. 33- "TiT. VAUS DEALER IN . PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And tbe Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None bnt the best brands of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS nsed in all onr work, and none but th most skilled workmen employed. Agents ' for Masary Liquid- Paints. No chem icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Store and Faint Shon corner Third and Washington Sta., The Dalles. 0reoi BLAKELEY& HOUGHTON DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon I ; ARTISTS MATEHIALS.-. ' Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.. Lumber, Building' Material and Boxes TradedfbrHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE & CO., The Dalles; Orego