The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 23, 1896, Image 3

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6 Continued this
Before purchasing your Thanksgiving Turkey, 'tis well to look
unto your stock of TABLE DAMASK and NAPKINS. With a nice
Satin Damask Cloth, the Turkey will be enjoyed very much more.
Our regular 65c goods for.. ..........$ .52
Our regular 75c goods for...! .59
Our regular 85c goods for 67
Our regular $1 goods for .77
We have a large stock of Napkins, ranging in price from 75c to
$7.00 per dozen, which will be reduced in proportion.
The Dalles Daily Gnronide.
NOV. 23. 1896
Weather- Forecast.
Portland. Nov. 23, 1896.
Fob Eastern Oregon Tonight and tomorrow
fair, colder.
Faoue. Observer.
Random Observations and JLpcal Events
of Lesser Magnitude.
Take your watches, clocks and jewelry
repairing to Clark, the East End jeweler.
Mr. Ketchum made a large shipment
of sheep to Tacoma this morning on the
The concert which was to have been
given at the Congregational church Fri
day evening, has for several reasons been
postponed, and will be given sometime
in December.
The preliminary examination of
Heater charged with committing an as-
sault on Brook9 was held before Justice
Filloon this afternooD, but had not been
decided at the hour of going to press. .
Exhibitors at the Second Eastern
Oregon District- Agricultural fair lor
1896, who have not received their
premiums, will oblige the secretary by
calling at his "office with T. A.Hudson
and getting their checks-.
The time card on the O. R. & N. will
be changed, taking , effect tomorrow.
Under the new schedule No. 1 arrives at
4:45 a. m.,. leaves at 4:50 a.m. No. 2
arrives at 10 :lo p. m., leaves at 10:20 p.
m. No. 7 leaves for Portland at 1 p. m.
The stockyards are doing an immense
business, and one that is increasing
steadily. This morning there were
eighty-five hogs there that will be
shipped tonight, and tomorrow there
will be ninety-fire hogs, 1200 cheep and
a large lot of cattle received. Friday
300 head of cattle from Prinevile are ex
pected. Mrs. S. A. Davenport was this morn
ing adjudged insane, and will be taken
to the asylum in the morning. She is
flighty on the subject of Christian Sci
ence audit is hoped a few weeks, or at
most a month's treatment, may restore
her mental balance. The examination
was made by Judge Mays and Dr. Hol
lister. The house of Mrs. Houlton, on
Quinault lake, was carried away by the
big freshet, and in attempting to get
out, Mrs.' Houlton ran into the woods,
and while taking shelter under a tree
was struck by another and received
serious injuries, besides a. broken arm.
In this condition she lay from Friday
until Sunday of last week before she
was found.
The work of tearing down the boxes in
the poetoffioe, prepanngtremovlng
them to the Vogt buildng began
this morning. Only the stand at
the -corner containing the de
livery window will be removed at
presenf:, this being taken down for the
purpose of fitting another wall of boxes
to it on the right, similar to those on the
Our regular $1.25 goods for. .90
Our regular 1.35 goods for. 1.10
Our regular 1.40 goods for 1.15
Our regular 1.50 goods for.. 1.25
left. The boxes are here and it will
only take a short time to complete the
The Prineville Review says : "Howard
& Stearns, Jessee Bros., Perry Read and
others left last Wednesday for The Dalles
with 300 head of beef cattle. Unless
they meet with n buyer at The Dalles,
they will ship to Omaha on their own
responsibly. Columbus Johnson re
cently shipped a lot the same place,
and received a fair price and that en
couraged the second shipment.
The sacred concert given at the
Methodist church last night' was one of
the most successful of its kind ever
given in the city, and the church was
well filled in spite of the inclement wea
ther. The singing was especially good,
every number on the program deserving
special mention. The collection, which
was liberal, will be used to procure sing
ing books for the Sunday school.
Special comment is due to little Addie
Favart,, whose song and dance "Di, di,
di," called forth a storm of applause.
This young ladv, who is only ten years
of age, is said to be one of the prettiest
dancers in Melbourne, and there is no
doubt that the assertion is very near the
truth. Her reputation will be under
stood in a measure when it is mentioned
that she baa thirty pupils under ber in
structions. The Age, August 31, 1895.
With the Spanish Students here Thurs
day night. ,
A Favorite Remedy.
Simmons' Liver Regulator is one of
the most meritorious and popular prep
arations offered to the public. It is en
tirely free from injurious mineral sub
stances, and as a vegetable preparation
made of southern roots- and herbs it is a
sovereign remedy for all liver and bowel
complaints. The merits of this remedy
commend it to the public as a standard
to be kept constantly in the family. It
has the most unqualified endorsement
of thousands of - our most prominent
citizens in all parts of the country, who
have used it and testify to its excellent
medical and curative properties. Pur
chasers should be careful to see that they
get the Genuine manufactured only by
J, H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia.
Spanish. Students Concert Company.
The entertainment by the famous
Spanish Students and concert company
at the Vogt opera house Friday evening
promises to be most successful, a large
number . of seats being already sold.
The list of instruments embraces all
those which are now the rage, including
bandurria, guitar, cello, violin, as a
matter of course, and also the most fas
cinating and rarely heard ealterio, by
Senor Marin, the renowned soloist.
For finished and artistic playing, an
ensemble such as is rarely seen in the
largest and best orchestras, the Spanish
Students have no superiors, and are to
be commended as a truly remarkable or
ganization. ' ' ,. .
Clark, the East End jeweler, makes a
specialty of fine watch repairing. Call
and see him.
An Aerial Craft Invented y -a Cali
fornia Man.
The .dispatches from, San Francisco
Sunday contain among other things the
following description of the flying of a
new high-flyer, invented by a Califor
nian. It seems plausible enough, but it
seems to us, as we have read something
of that kind somewhere before, that
turned out to be not the whole and un
adulterated truth. On this account we
will not vouch for the story below :
"The mystery of the airship which
has been puzzline some worthv citizenn
of Sacramento for several days past has
made a change of base, and now there
are plenty of reputable people in and
about San Francisco ready to make oath
that they have sen the strange thing in
tne neavens. More than that, there is a
San Francisco attorney. Georee D. Col
lins, who asserts that the airship exists ;
mas tne inventor is his client; that the
at ranee craft ' sailed without, rmahan
from Oroville to San Francisco"; that it
did pass over Sacramento, and that
within a few davs this 'invention, whinh
isthe solution of one of the world's old
est and toughest problems, will be navi
gated in daylight, so that all Sab Fran.
cieco may see it, and that it will circle
and rise and sink over tne central Dart
of the city. Collins said tonight:
" 'It is perfectly true that there is at
last a successful airshiD in existenm.
and' that California will have the honor
of bringing it before the world. The in
ventor is a wealth v man. who has hft-n
studying the subject of flying-machines
tor niteen years, and who came here
seven years ago from the state of Maine
in order to be able to perfect his ideas
away from the eyes of other inventors.
During the last five years he has spent
at least $100,000 on his work. He has
not yet secured his patent, but is appli
cation is now in Washington. I cannot
say much abouf the machine he has per
fected, as he is my client.
' " I saw the machine one night last
week at the inventor's invitation. It is
made of. metal, is about 150 feet long,
and is built to carry fifteen persons. - It
is built on the "aerop'lane system, and
has two canvas-wings eighteen feet wide,
and a rudder, shaped like a bird's tail.
The inventor climbed into the machine,
and after he had been moving some of
the mechanism for a moment, I saw the
thing begin to ascend from the earth
very, gently. The wing flapped slowly
as it rose, and then a little -faster as it
began to move against the wind. The
machine was under perfect control all
the time. .
' 'My client's airship started from"
Oroville, in Butte county, and flew 65
miles in a straight ' line, directly ever
Sacramento. After running . up and
down once or twice over the capitol, my
friend came right on, a distance of an
other 70 miles, and landed at a shop on
this side of the h&f, where the macnine
now lies, guarded by three men. The
inventor found during this trial trip
that his ship had a . wave-like motion
that made bim seasick. It is this de
Pan Kake Flour,
Grano and
Breakfast Food,
The Dalles.
fect that he is now remedying.
" 'In another six days it is his inten
tion to give the people a chance "to see
his machine. He will fly right over the
city and cross Market street a dozen
times. The "inventor lias forsaken the
ideas of Maxim and Langley entirely in
building the machine, and has con
structed it on an absolutely new theory.
I. O. R. M.
The entertainment and ball under the
auspices of Wasco Tribe No 16, I. O. R.
M., at tne Vogt opera house on Thanks
giving night, will be a grand affair in
every detail. Prof. Birgfeld's full or
chestra will discourse the music,' all the
old members of the orchestra having
united for this occasion. The fame of
this orchestra is second to none in this
state, and under tbe skillful direction
of that prince of musicians, Prof. Birg
fe!d, is enough in itself to bring out a
large audience. After Prof.; Read, the
man of mystery, has entertained the
audience for an hour and a half, expos
ing all the tricks ot the famous mediums,
etc., the grand ball will commence.
Tickets can be had at all the business
houses in the city, and from members
of the order. ' Doors ' open -at 7 :30, cur
tain rises at 8, sharp. Tickets admit
ting gentleman and ladies, 75 cents.
Land Office Business.
The following business, was transacted
in tbe land office today :
Isaac Penrose made cash entry of nwj
sec 3 tp s of r 18 e and ee4 sec 33 tp 1 n
e 18 e. .
.John C. Uren made'easb entry of lots
1, 2, 3 and 4 and swV nej sec 7, tp l's
of r 19 e. '
Robert A. Murray made cash entry of
nwj sec 35, tp l n of r 18 e, and e
bw and s.i eej sec 27 tp 1 n of r 18 e,
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
AO Years the Standard-
Office next door to the First National Bank.
The Dalles, Oregon. novla
We Have Just
Air -Tight Heaters.
i o --Different Styles-- io
Prices to suit the purse of everybody. Give us j
a can ueiore ouymg.
r .
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my formez patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
School Books
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
; " . No. 174- Second Street,
New "Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Job Printing
Tne Spanish Students.
There is a genuine 'treat in store for
lovers of good music. The manager of
tbe Vogt opera house has secured the
celebrated Spanish Students, an excel
lent company of vocaliststs and instru
mentalists. They need but little men
tion, being well and favorably known to
the music-loving public.
' Tbe advance sale opened .today at
noon. The sale will be enormous, and
those who contemplate ' going will do
well to call early and secure a seat be
fore they are all gone. A. J. Francis of
this company was out yesterday a short
time with the guarantee list and the
sale was simply remarkable.. Tickets
75 cents and $1. Oh sale at the Snipes
Kinersly drug store. -
'. I
. Hiss Walnwrlgtat, Too.
There being a rumor going the rounds
that -tho Spanish Students may fail to
appear as advertised, Mr. A. J. Francis,
the genial and energetic advance agent,
desires us to say that "the company will
positively appear as advertised on the
27th. Lovers of vocal music will be
pleased to learn that Manager Webber
has booked Miss Wainwright, the
charming soprano,, who will make her
first appearance with the company at
his place.
Received . .
Successor to Chriamap fc Corson. '
at this Office
Vf anted. .
Two bright lady representatives, tor
light, refined work. Good pay and good
position open if successful. Call at
room 4, Umatilla houee, from 5 to 8
p. m.
.You'll be surprised when you try Hoe
Cake-soap, and wish we had told yon
sooner. . It is made by patented pro
cess. . jly24-ii
There's no clay, flour, starch or other
worthless filling in "Hoe Cake" and no
free alkali to burn the hands. jly24
Save the wrappers Hoe Cake Soap
wrappers are worth a cent' apiece. Ask
Pease & Mays for. premium book. jly24-i
There's more ' clothing destroyed by
poor soap than by actual wear as the
free alkali rots them. Hoe. cake is
pure- ly24-ij
No more BOILS; no more PIMPLES
Use Kinersly'e.Iron Tonic! Tb e Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. .
House to rent for (6 per month. In
quire of George Ruch. novl2-6t
Anyone . desiring their chimneys
cleaned can have it done by calling upon
or addressing Mr., Ike Peary or James
Flogan, The Dalles or telephone to No.
89. ' ol7-tf -