C3) o o OUR SpecihL SHLE Saturday, Wot. 2lst. We Have Just Received .A LARGE STOCK OF.. c 6 -'-i-HV-H -J-... 'J O t Before purchasing your Thanksgiving Turkey, 'tis -well to look unto your stock of TABLE DAMASK and NAPKINS. With a nice Satin Damask Cloth, the Turkey will "be enjoyed very much more. REDUCED PRICES. Our regular 65c goods for $ .52 Our regular 75c goods for 59 Our regular 85c goods for. 67 Our regular $1 goods for 77 Our regular Our regular Our regular Our regular 11.25 goods for. .. $ .90 1.35 goods for 1.10 1.40 goods for 1.15 1.50 goods for 1.25 We have a large stock of Napkins, ranging in price from 75c to $7.00 per dozen, -which will "be reduced in proportion. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS 9 2 9 O Ralston Koffy, Pan Kake Flour, Grano and Breakfast Food, AT MAIER & BENTON The Dalles. Air -Tight Heaters. io--Different Styles - -1 o TO CHOOSE FROM. Prices to suit the purse of everybody. Give us. a call before buying. MAYS & CROWE. Remember. We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES. Phone 25, JOS. T. PETERS & CO The Dalles Daily cnronieie. SATURDAY. NOV. 21. 18U8 Weather Fotecast. Portland, Nov. 21, 1896. For Eastern Oekgon Today and toinoriow, now and waimer. Fagux. Observer. WAYSIDE CLEANINGS. Random Observations and Coeal Event of Leaser Magnitude. Take your watches, clocks and jewelry repairing to Clark, the East End jeweler. The county clerk today issued lincense to wed to Frank Bolton and Miss Cath arine Heialer of Dufur. The"beautiful" commenced falling last night, there beingNfearly an inch of nature's whitewash onhe ground this morning. I Weather reports from the East show heavy storms prevailing generally. Here the perfumed breezes of Cathay are not blowing, not by a long shot .Boreas is at the bat and the snow sprites are making the home rnus. Hon. VV. H. Wiison leaves tonight for bis old home down inySouthern Illinois, He goes to visit his parent?, now grown quite old, and erpgets to he away for from three weeks toashionth. We wish him a pleasant trip, and the fall meas nre of pleasure the visit promises. Last nisht the merry-go-round folded its tents like an Arab, etc., and retired from business. Mrs. C. S. Van Duyn was declared the winner in the contest to decide the momentous qaeetion as to who was the most popular lady, and so received the gold watch awarded the winner. Those who having been well dined and comforted Thanksgiving day and want to tiive a kindly thought to their an ' cestors, are requested to come to the Congregational church that evening and bear the songs with which their grnad fathers serenaded their sweethearts in days of old. At the Methodist chnrch tomorrow morning the snl'j"ct will be "Temper ance;" in the evening a sacred concert will be given, the program for which is published elsewhere. The collection which will be taken during the evening is to be used to purchase Sunday school singing books. All are invited to attend The Hood River G'acier- rather tar castically says: "We have been asked a good many times how many candidates there wonld beor the Hood River post office. We don't know. We can only give the Republican vote in the two pre cinctf; East Hood River cast 83 votes for McKiuiey and West Hood River 185. We etated yesterday rather prema tnrely that tne case of the Oregon Luru bfr Company against Levi and Buras Jonos, was argued and snbmilted. We had pnpposed this result would be ac complished by the time we went to prefp, but the reading of the testimony, which "covered seventy-two pages of closely typewritten matter, was not con cluded until 8 o'clock' last night, at which time the argument was set for 9 o'clock this morning. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hood left for Cal ifornia on this afternoon's train, going to St. Helena, Napa county, to epend the winter. He came around to tell us good-bye, and impress on our minds the fact that even in that land of fruits and flowers life would be'a dreadful round of solitude, without the breezy locals and soulful editorial notes of Thk Chronicle. He shall have it if it takes the laet button off Gane's coat to eet it there. Ask and Ye Shall Receive. THE WEATHER A Snow Storm Succeeds . Rainfall. Recently we made a touching appeal to the city fathers for light. We did not ask for much, but just a little, and we are proud to eeS the evidences that we are going to get almost all we asked for. The holes are being planted in various and sundry places, and the old-fashioned amp-posts will soon be bearing aloft the good old g'asa frames and the coal-oil lamps therein. It is not much, it is true, but even the "light of other days" is preferable to the absence of light of the winter nights. We can get along with these through the winter, with the aid of the swaggering old moon that gets full occasionally ; but it does not speak well for us. It seems to be the beet that can be done, and eurely none of us can profitably kick when we have the best there is. The great bard of Avon paid graceful tribute to one small candle tbat sent its beams twinkling through rents in the sable curtains of Night to illuminate a crateful world Why then should we complain when we have the more odoriferous coal oil? It has been demonstrated to the satis faction of the demonstrator, at least. that coal is nothing but the heat of the sun stored up through countless millions of years for the use of man, and coal oil surely is the light of our great orb stored away at the same time. Let us then be thankful for what we have, realizing, as we do, that some places not half our size are really in greater darkness than we are. A Fleasaut Surprise Party. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lane were made the victims of a most happy surprise last evening by a goodly number of their friends, taking them quite unawares at their home in the eastern portion of the city. Their uninvited guests took full possession of the house at about 8 o'clock, and from that time on until a late hour, the fun and merriment reigned supreme. A bountiful luncheon was served, which wa9 one of the most enjoyable parts of the evening's enter tainment. Athletes, Take Notice! All members of the Athletic Club who are. interested in foot ball, are requested to meet in the club rooms this evening e at e:dU o clock to organize a foot-ball team. Geo. C. Blakeley, .Chairman Athletic Comm. . Clark, the East End jeweler, makes specially of fine watch repairing. Call and see him. , N GREAT VARIETY tering Portland has been resumed on al- Heavy ! moet schedule time. it is expected that the passengers who will leave Portland and Tacoma today on the Northern Pacific for the East will go through "without transfer. Between here and the Sound, traffic bas "been re sumed and trains are on time. Passen ger Agent Carlton has received advices showing tbat all the delayed passengers at Clark's Fork in the mountain district in Washington were being transferred with but little delay and the break is being rapidly repaired. Information from Vancouver, B. C, yesterday was to the effect that no trains bad come over the Canadian Pacific Bince last TburedayT The pusseng' rs who were started out on Friday 'a tr in were held at Agassiz until Sunday, when they were brought back to Vancouver, and are being kept there until the line is open. The report on Tuesday night was, tbat they expected to get a train through by yesterday afternoon. On the Southern Pacific the water has not yet receded sufficiently in the Clackamas valley bottoms to ailow the passage of the Roeeburg local. Passeh gers are being transferred and possibly the water will abate sufficiently by to morrow to allow the trains to pass. The through train is making good time by the West fcide. The O. R. & N. and the Union Pacific have escaped damages and tbe trains are on time. Thirty-miles-an-bourgalep on the Ore gon coast; heavy rains over in Northern California; a blizzard in Montana; 30 degrees below zero up in the cold-weather-batching regions in tbe northern British territory, and a driving snow storm over Oregon, Washington and Idaho is the weather situation summar ized today at noon. There is lots of weather up here in the Northwest. By tomorrow morning it will be rain ing again, as tbe temperature is "loosen ing'.' up. Yesterday and last night the temperature was stationary, being about the freezing point west of the Cascades, and from 16 to 24 degerees above zero east of there. It is 4 degrees below zero at Helena, and np in the northern region it is cold enough to suit the oldest inhabitant.' Considering the time of the year it is noteworthy. The enow Btorm today comes from up in the British posses sions. ' It doesn't come direct. It has a curve in its delivery which baffles de scription, besides which a baseball pitcher's wouid be easy. The wise man should have known from the way the wind howled last night in the cold, clear atmosphere that this installment of the storm was coming. . It is 16 above at Spokane. 18 at AValla Walla, 28 at Seattle and 2 degrees war mer at Portland. It is somewhat chilly for unprotected whiskers at Havre, Mont. It is 88 de grees below zero, and a sensible person will take the weather prophet's word for it without going there to investigate If you would' like, more figures, it is 30 below at Edmonton ,'22 at Qu' Appelie, 14 at Calgary and12 below at Bismarck, N. D. It is snowing in Montana and parts of Idaho, and' it is thought the beautiful is falling 5n Washington. ' Forecaster Pague says the nigh baro- metic pressure, which is central to tbe north of Montana, ia rapidly moving eastward, and a storm area is appearing off the coast. A secondary low pressure is over Nevada and Utah, which bas produced general rain over California, Nevada, Utan and Southern Idaho. The area of low pressure off the Washington coast will most likely develop during to day, and control the weather over tbe Pacific Northwest for tbe next 48 hours. At 5 o'clock this morning the weather bureau issued the following as to the future conduct of the river : "The Willamette river ac Portland was 20.2 feet above zero yesterday morn ing, at which height it remained station ary until about 6. p. in., when it began to fall ; by 8 :30 p. m., a fall of 0.6 of a foot had occurred. The fall will be more rapid Saturday and Sunday, amounting to from 7 to 10 feet by Monday morning. Saturday morning tbe height of the river at Portland will be about 18 feet, Sunday morning abont 14 feet and Mon day morning 9 to 11 feet above the" zero of the gauge." .At Albany tbe river has fallen 7.1 feet daring tbe past 24 boars. Train service on all the railways en- GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER, Successor to Cbrisman & Corson. - FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old etarsd. I would be pleased to see all my formei patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. Sacred Coucer' Following is the program for the sacred concert tomorrow evening at the Method ist church : Organ Voluntary ..Mrs. J. V. Condon Scripture Beading Psalrn cxlix Hymn "Uxbridge" No. 192 Congregation Prayer Pastor Anthem "He Will Havfe Mercy" Choir Bee. "An Angel in theStreet ..Grace Willerton Song "Little Sunbeam' Infant Class ' Ten Young Ladles Misses Beck and Barnctt ' Kev. J. H. Wood tain" Myrtle Michell . .Charlie Campbell Edit a Clarno lieps to the Por'al". .Choir . . Congregation Recitation "Tlie Crostf Duet "Uethseraane" . i Short Address "Musiq" Solo "There Is a Fou Kec "Diifted Ont to ilea", golo "Bobolink". ...J....'. Anthem '.'Guide My 8 Hymn "stockwell," Nb. 110 Benediction Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Meda?, Midwinter Fair. School Books Supplies. Jacobson Book & Music Co. No. 174 Second Street, New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Job Printing at this Office Tne Siianlb Students. CREAM IPKS IMC m Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. There is a genuine treat in store for lovers of good music. The manager of the Vogt opera house baa secured the celebrated Spanish Students, an excel lent company of vocaliststs and instru mentalists. They need but little men tion, being Well and favorably known to the niutiu-loving public. Tbe advance sale opened today at noon. The eale will be enormous, and those who contemplate going will do well to call early and secure a seat be fore tbey are all gone. A. J. Francis of ibis company was oat yesterday a short time with the guarantee list and the sale was simply remarkable. Tickets 75 cents and $1. On sale at the Suipes Kmersly.drug store. . . Miss Walnwrlgnt, Too. I Therebeing a roiuor poing the rounds that the Spanish Students may fail to appear as advertised, Mr. A. J. Francis, tbe genial and energetic advance agent, desires as to say that the company will positively appear as advertised on the 27th. Lovers of vocal music will be pleased to learn that Manager Webber bas booked Miss Wainwriglit, the charming soprano, who will make her first appearance with the company at bis place. Wanted. Two bright lady representatives, for light, refined work. Good pay and good position open if successful. Call at room 4, Umatilla house, from 5 to 8 p. m. ' You'll be surprised when you try Hoe Cake soap, and wish we bad told yoa sooner. It is made by patented pro- cess. - jivz-n There's no clay, flour, starch or other worthless filling in "Hoe Cake" and no free alkali to burn the hands. jly24 Save tbb wrappers Hoe Cake Soap wrappers are worth a cent apiece. Ask Pease & Mays for premium book. j!y24-i There's more clothing destroyed by poor soap than by actual wear as the free alkali rota them. Hoe cake ia pure- , . ly24-ij No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. Th e SnipeB Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. House to rent fqr $6 per month. In quire of George Rueh. novl2-6t Anyone ; deeiring their chimneys cleaned can have it done by calling upon or addressing Mr. Ike .Peary or James llogan, Tbe Dalles or telephone to No. 89. o!7-tf