f ' ) VOL. IX THE DALLES, OREGON, SATDRDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1896 NO 273 SHE BOUGHT HER LOVE Paid $150,000 to Her Lover to Drop a Rival. y THE DAUGHTER WINS THE SUIT Arbockle's Death Still Unexplained TJurle Sam Getting Gano for His Soldier. Atlanta, G., Nov. 20. Aliss Leono ra Dean ban succeeded in breaking a sale of property made by her mother, a widow, to her lover, under circum stances of peculiar . interest. Mrs. Lola Marshall Dean, the mother of the young woman, was a woman of great beauty and decided literary ability. When her husband died, he left her a fortune of $150,000. For several winters she passed her time at a Florida resort, where she made the acquaintance of S. M. Pink ham, a well-know hotel-keeper and lo cal politician, with whom she became desperatly enamored. Pinkbam appeirra to have been likewise smitten, but when be pressed his suit he was met with the objection that the lady had made a promise to her dead husband-that she would never marry again. She decidej, however, that their love coSild be of a platonic kind. This was notquite warm enough for Pinkham, who thereupon be gan paying bis respects to another lady in a neighboring town. When Mrs. Dean heard of this she wa9 terribly agi tated, and sending for her lover prom ised tnat if he would not visit her rival for a space of 18 months she would deed him her property. - The. lover was more practical than sen timental, and quickly accepted the prop osition, and the lady made out formal deeds and reciting a nominal sum as the consideration, put him in possession of her estate. Shortly afterward she died, and her minor daughter brought suit for the recovery of the property. There was considerable latitude in the discussion of the case, it being -claimed that an undelivered love like Pinkham's was not sufficient collateral for so much property. The jury took this view-of the case, and returned a verdict declar ing the deeds to be void, and restoring ' the property to the young girl, who tias fought so hard for it. , SHROUDED IK MY8TKKY." Frank Arbackle'i Death In Still Unac . coasted For. New Yoke, Nov. 20. The general of fice detectives today made , three addi tional arrests in connection- with the death of Frank P. Arbuckle, ot Denver. The prisoners are George Stevens, a saloon-keeper: Joseph Davidson, a sten ographer ; and Frederick Meager, a bar tender. Ttie investigations-of the de tectives have disclosed the fact that on Wednesday evening' Arbuckle was in Luchow's saloon, on Fourteenth street and Irving, in company with the three men named. On Davidson one of Ar bockle's cards was found. Davidson said they had arranged a meeting for today. m The three prisoners admitted having seen Arbuckle at Luchlow's saloon Wed nesday night. sTbey denied, however, having gone uptown with him. Menger said Stevens was trying to get Arbuckle to go Harlem with him "to go against a brace gambling game." They did not know whether Stevens succeeded. The three pi Isoners were arraigned in Har lem court today, i . ,. .Butler, the negtp, arrested last night, wae released today, there being no evi dence to connect him with the alleged murder or robbery.' . Detectives are said to be looking for a man known, as "Sheeny Sam," who What's the use of tea if you don't'have fun drinking it? -'. Schilling's Best is Jull of fun- " laugh and grow fat" Money back if you don't like it -at grocers' in pack ages A Schilling St Company San Francisco 410 EC1 Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavenlne strength. Latest United States Government food Report. Royal Baking Fowdeb Co.. New York bears an unsavory reputation and whose haunts are in East Fourteenth- street. The detectives have learned that this person was in the crowd accompanying Arbuckle while he was in Luchlow's sa loon. It is alleged that" after they left the saloon and stood n the sidewalk outside "Sheeny Sam" and Menger got into. an altercation. It was about this time, it is alleged, that the "brace game" uptown was suggested. "Sheeny Sam" is believed to have quarreled with Men ger, thinking be was to. be cheated but of his share of A r buckle's money. Men ger is said to have left the party after the row. Richard Arbuckle, of Erie, Pa.,! a brother of the dead man, reached the city today. Professor Witthaus, a chem ist, is making a microscopical analysis of the stomach of the dead man. Menger has made the following state ment: - , . I, in company with Joseph Davidson and George Stevens, both of whom came from Bentley, Kan., met Arbuckle at Lnchow,s' saloon, on Fourteenth street. They wauted to 8 tear him up against a "brace game" and get bis money. I had nothing to do with this, and left the three men in Miner's theater. That's all I know about the cage, anyhow." Gddb for Uncle Sam's Soldier. . New Havkx, Conn., Nov.20. It is re ported that partial orders have been placed by the United States government with the Winchester Arms Company of this city for 100,000 guns of the Lee pat tern. The information is given by a commer cial agent who made a business call up on the officers of the company. He was told by the officers the order would be closed today, and that the government was contracting for the rifles on account of a possibe war with Spain. It is known the works will soon start up to their full capacity on-a btg government order. . Nearly a year ago the Winchesters re ceived an order for 100,000 of them, which is now nearly, if not quite, filled. At the time it was received the company had no tools for making this particular firearm, and had to manufacture them. This preparation delayed the work for several months; It is believed it will no require only a few weeks to get out the 100,000 rifles. Statk of Ohio, City or Toledo) Lucas County, J Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and state afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh., that cannot: be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. - Feank J. Chunky, v Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1896. A W. Gliasoh, skal . . . . Notary Public. . Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly and acts directly on the blood and mucuos surfaces of the system. - Send for testimonials, free; ,; . ' f i . - ; F. J. Cheney a Co., Toledo, 6. " Sold by Druggists, 75c. No. 3-11 The" Wasco, Warehouse" Co. begs leav to inform Farmers that they have STOR AGE ROOM for 200,000 SACKS of WHEAT .and any one wishing to store their wheat and hold .or later' market can do so on usual terms. Also, thev will pay the. HIGH EST CASH -PRICE for Wheat, Oats, Kye and Barley. CIIBA.V AKJIY 19 SAFE. Troopa Sttll Intrenched In Their Moun tain Fastnesses. Key Wist, Fla. Nov, 20. Reports by steamer from Havana are disaptioli.ting to the Spaniards in the results expected of General Weyler's operations in Piuar del Rio. Maceo is ' entrenched in tt e Cierreras del lae Organad in - the. center of his mountain fastnesses, awaiting the attack. ' The rumors of his having crossed the tfocha are without founda tion. General Weyler, according to Havana reports, Is expected back in the city within a few days. The excuse givi-n for his return is that the roads are not in condition for active operations, on ac count of the recent . heavy rains render ing the movement of troops impractica ble. The impression already prevails in military circles in Havana that General Weyler's campaign has been a complete failure and his carefully prepared plans to drive Maceo out of Pinar del Rio have received a severe set-back. With the exception of a few unimport ant skirmishes with the advance guards of the insurgent leader and the capture of the rebel captain, Valdez, with, eight followers, nothing of great consequence has been accomplished, although the Spaniards have lost several prominent generals aud many men killed or wounded. An apparently well-authenticated re port which it was said emanated from a high military official in Havana, says ttie city of Puerto Principe has been be- sieged by insurgents. What Venezuela Wants. Caracas, Nov. 20. It is stated on competent authority . that . Venezuela will be glad to accept the 50-year clause, provided the question ends there. ome think that toe proximity of the British is liable to cause further trouble, making an excuse for further invasion, and they suggest a tribunal be established to pass upon all doubtful cases until all have been disposed of. ' ' " EASY-GOING KING HUMBERT. His One Conspicuous Weakness a Fond ' ness for Military Display. King- Humbert has the reputation of being; the most constitutional of all the constitutional monarchs of Europe. So well has he fulfilled this rule that, according' to the - Baltimore Sun, he may be said to have, save in one point only, completely extinguished his per sonality. That point is his determina tion, at all costs, to keep up the army and navy to their present state Of effi ciency and numbers. The various min istries that have succeeded each other in Italy with such ' rapidity have real ly governed the state. This one condition they had to , accept the maintenance of the army as desired by the king1.- His" usual costume on gala days and. and when he shows himself to his subjects is the military costume. He is the first soldier in Italy. That he possesses great " courage has been made, fully evident by his devotion when, the cnolera having broken out with, virulence in Naples,, he visited the sick and dying- day after day in their low and unhealthy dwellings. What be may- be as a legislator,1 a thinker, or a wit, the public is not informed. No legislative measures of paramount benefit or importance are attributed to his initiative; no striking thought that mig-ht enter the heart of the nation has been pronounced by him-'or 'has reached -the people; even' the faculty of making a witty phrase, which, though little in itself, being uttered by one in high place acquires a value and a cur rency which ' "carries it. far and renders popular its originator, is not a quality which he pos sesses. ' A' L generous, ' - good-natured, easy-going gentleman, who desires to live- and let live --in fact, a person of rather' neutral " characteris tics is the picture that people make to themselves of King Humbert. He is to the fore when a review is held. He looks well when,- arrayed in prand military costume and riding a noble steed and surrounded by the excep tionally brilliant staff of the ' Italian army; hereviews theHroops in their march past him. Again, -when seated in one of the gala carriages, accom panied by the fall, steel-clad royal guards, he goes to open a new session of parliament . he is a figure ' well worth noticing. - So deeply "has ' the military spirit entered into the nation that the king is never publicly seen on state occasions in any other than a military costume.-. l'rinale Help Wanted. W!iTEi--Red-beaded girl and - white horse to-dt-liver premiums; given away with Hoe Cake Soap. Apply to any where. --' Capes are Going. Still a few ofHhe choice ones left: No time like the present for looking the in over. Special. All Misses' and Children's Long Cloaks . to close at COST. No Way-hack Styles. Every one only last Season's. Correct Sleeves, Length and Colors. AT HIS WITS' END Father Telia How His Baby Suffered from Eczema. IN ITS WORST FORM Grew Worse Under Treatment of Best Physicians. Tried CUTICURA REMEDIES . .Great Chance in Five Days. To-day Entirely Cured, With Nice Bead -of Hair. X.lvely and Hearty. I had a haby that had Eczema in its worst form. I had one of the best physicians tn the city attending her, but she continued to Set worse all the time' under his treatment, e finally admitted that he was at his -wits' end. I then got Cuticura Remedies, and in few day noticed grut change in her con dition, she continued to improve after that, and to-day is entirely cvrrd, has nice head of hair, and is lively and hearty, i can fully recommend them as being tuo best medicines for the cure of this disease. I spent con siderable money for drugs and doctor's bills, which was useless In this case, for I think if your remedies don't cure, nothing will. I - am telling every one that I see suffering, . about Cuticura Remedies, and can cheer fully recommend them to those in need of them. J. B. JACOBS, 2031 Wilklns Ave., BaltMd. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS Warm baths with Ccticttra- Soap, gentle applications of Cuticuba (ointment) the great Skin Curo externallv, and mild doses of CimcqEA Resolvent (blood purifier) inter nally, cleanse, the blood and skin of every eruption, impuritv, and disease, when the best physicians and hospitals fail. The cures daily effected by them are simply wonderful. They are beyond all doubt the greatest skin . cures, blood purifiers, and humor remedies of modern times. Sold thronijhont the world. Pottkb Putts Am Cbem. Corp., Sole Props., Boston, U. S. A. " How to Core every Skin Xisease," mailed free. PIASTER 'THE I MINUTE PAIN CURE Harry Liebe; PRACTICAL All work promptly attended to, ' and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. SURE CURE Fote WlLGS PR. BO-8AN-KO'3 MU REMI DyTSuJIZh- . iruu'U ar atll. Uli-iuuini.il, un P Fnwflfflffi UUllUUllii Watchmaker? Jeweler . .j Another shipment of... .... Popular Priced Jackets. Real Values, every, one of them. . Latest Fads in Cut. ' Large Button; Half Fly Front Effects. Call and "see what $4.75, $6.00 or $fi.50 will buy in our Jacket Stock. O Q j&. EH. WIIiLIASSS CO. When yog mact to bay Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley, Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, . - Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the WASCO : WAREHOUSE. Our prices are low and our eoods are firet-clapp. ' Aeenta for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUB. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY. U 6:-:. 4! -DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the .MoBt Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in : . WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. ' PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all oar work, and none bnt th most skilled workmen employed. Agents, for Masury Liquid Paints. No cbem icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to.' - - Store and Faint Shop corner Third and Washington 8ta.. The Dalles, 0reo BLAKELEY 175 Second Street, ARTISTS Dtvfl: fir Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. Lumber, Building: Material and Boxes Traded-for Irlay. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &a nrw iti- r I VVi, & HOUGHTON - ... The Dalles, Oregon ATIEIR,! ALS. The D alles, O rcgo.