The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 17, 1896, Image 3

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If you want to be "one of the-boya," you had better
fall in line and have yourself fitted to one of the
A Complete Stock of this famous make of Clothing '
' and at Popular Prices. Round-cornered Sack Suits -
in all the popular Cheviots, with fly fronts and flaps ..
on pockets, are the latest. ' .
If you want a swell 3-Button Cutaway
You can have it, with Trousers of the same or some
other pattern if you choose. v-
T3vto'" ( r-h-i n rv We are putting on sale today our new ar
JDUyb ,VlU,llllIlg. als in Boys' and Young Men's. Cloth
Lome early it you want some of the good things.
See Our Window for Display.
Air Tight Heaters
are the best and
. - - - - - .
most Economical
heaters made. Call
and See our"
and get our prices
before buying else
where. ,
Jhe Dalles.
The Original Air-Tight Stove,
: : 1 ; : .
'.. King Heater.
Take a look at them before you buy something
else. They are all right.
Sold only by - .MAYS & CROWE.
We have strictly First-class , r
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
NOV. 17. 1896
Weathtr Forecast.
' Portland, Nov. 17, 1896.
For Eastern Oregon Tonight snow; tomor
row, cooler.
. " Pagde. Observer.
Random Observationsand Local Events
of Lesser BXacnitnde.'
Trains are running on time again.
Mr. W. B. Perry came up from Hood
River this afternoon.
; It. T. North was yesterday sentenced
to ten months in the county jail, a sen
tence none too severe.
Mr. W. C. Allaway went below on the
Dalles City this morning, and will visit
Salem before be returns.
- One' hundred head of "hogs were
brought over from Klickitat yesterday
for the Columbia Packing Company.
Mr. Brooks reports the total Jnow fall
here last night at six inches, Urqagh bat
about half of that remained inBight this
morning. . - '
The Columbia added six inches to its
depth last night, wad is getting
towards the foot of the D. P. & A.
wharf. : -
Judge Bradshaw has about cleaned up
the dockets for this term- of court and
the jury will probably be discharged to
morrow, or the latest, Thursday. ; But a
few equity cases remain to be heard.
We call attention ot the legal frater
nity and others having business with
the land office, to the amendment to
rule 114, concerning "Motions for review
and rehearing?," which we print is this
A west wind has been blowing nearly
all day, bnt it does not seem to have
much Chinook in it. The thermometer
kept above freezing point, though, and
nearly all the snow is gone from the
streets and sidewalks.
Ed. Marshal, found guilty of larceny,
was yesterday sentenced to pay a fine of
$25. The jury recommended him to the
mercy of the court, and the . fact that he
had spent nearly five months in jail
awaiting trial, no doubt, bad much to
do with maklnz'bis sentence light
A letter received"by Mr. J. S: Schenck
today from Mr. Gray of Astoria, says
that owing to, the . inclement weather,
the Astoria Chamber of Commerce will
not visit- The Dalles. It is - to be re
. gretted that this has been decided upon,
as we should all be glad to welcome a
delegation from -Astoria, and especially,
the first one through the canal and
The recent Btorm extended over a
wide extent of territory, and the rainfall
haa not been equaled for many years.
At points in the valley the precipitation
has amounted to an inch a day for fif
teen days. At all other points the rain
fall 'has been heavy. - The Willamette is
on a rampagend the" rivers.of Wash
ington are all running over their banks
doing considerable . damage to railroad
property.. ,'''"
v. ;
The great emotional drama "East
Lynne," will be produced at Antelope
Nov. 26, under the auspices of the Brass
band and Dramatic Association of that
city. The performance will be followed
by a. grand ball and supper, and the
tickets for the ' whole combination are
only $1.50. If the play is as well execut
ed as the posters gotten out by the An
telope Herald it will be all right, for
they are as neat a specimen of job work
as we. have seen fora long time.
We lift our bat to the Portland "wea
ther man, who in the midst of yester
day's downpour telegraphed the news
that it would be clear today and cooler.
We rather apologized yesterday in pub
lishing the notice, for it did not seem
possible then, that the Ea&tera sun
should this morning send his bright rays
gleaming back from the snow
clad hills. The snow fall here was
about three inches, but south of us, ac
cording to reports, it is considerably
Portland had quite a fire last night, it
being the building occupied by the Ore
gon Cracker Co. on, the corner of Front
and Davis streets. The alarm was
turned in about. 10 o'clock, but the
flames had gotten such a start that the
fire was beyond control by the time the
firemen arrived. The south end of the
building was destroyed, the total loss
being estimated at $30,000, two-thirds
of which will fall on the Oregon Cracker
Co., the balance on the estate of J. C
All Inland Empire Towns Invested by
Thieving Gang;.
Cruelly Abandoned.
Just what imp of the perverse blunts
the intelligence of compositors and
blinds the eyes of proof readers is past
all finding out. Under the bead of
"Hiaitoriai musings" we yesterday gave
to a critical and skeptical world a few
lines of poetry. We had arranged ' the
rhyme so that the girl with eyes of blue
was to get next to us in good shape, un
til we could feel her heart thumping the
inside of her cor&et; but alas 1 it was not
to be, A cruel compositor put the girl
up next to another fellow, and oar eyes
were so blinded to the wicked deed that
we failed to notice it in the proof. It
will be seen from this that we are not
next to ourself, and neither is the girl
In tact, there seeocs to be a vacancy
now open for some girl to fill, one with
experience enough . not to make a mis
take, and leave us in the lurch again
mo otner need apply. We are wearing
a doubled-sized Menthol plaster on onr
noble cheBt iust bow, . buf no extra
charge will be made on that account
We are willing to throw in a plaster.
The Mosler School.
Following i the . report of Wood vale
school, district No. 52, for the. term be
ginning Aug. 24 and ending Nov. 13
1896: . '
Number pupils - enrolled, 28 ; No. pu
plls belonging, 26 ; No. of -days taught;
60; No., of days absence, 40; No. of days
attendance, 1039 J Average daily at
tendance, 19.2; No. of visitors, 24.
Katib E. Davenpobt Teacher,
Burglaries and thieving have 'been
common in Irendleton, Athena and
Walla Walla arid nil towns in these
parts during the past month. In Pen
dleton, only a few have occurred and
the vigilance of the city police officers
has kept down the number of cases
there. But Athena suffered no less than
half a dozen last Saturday night, Walla
Walla had . another , case Wednesday
night, and all the towns appear to be
infested with a gang of (lawless charac
ters such as go the rounds every fall in
this oountry-and were due here several
weeks ago.
The advance guard began by stealing
grips and bundles from the cars in Pen
dleton and Walla-Walla, says the East
Oregonian, and about one dozen cars
were reported robbed during one week a
month ago. Rewards have been offered I
in-some cases. Business men should j
take care to secure their places from the
burglar "by barricading the doors more
than usual and the people should see
that their dwellings are locked and no
opportunity given for the thieves to
break through and steal. The Athena
robberies' constitute, a rather -remarka
ble instance. It is reported . that six.
stores were entered during one night
and all the money taken from the tills.
But little merchandise was taken, only
articles that could be worn with little
danger of detection were stolep. Sheriff
Houser and his deputies have the Athe
na case, in charge, but no clues, have
been found. La Grande Chronicle.
GolDglnto Business.
MTrHenry A. York was a passenger
for Hood Kiver7on the Dalles City this
morning. 'He took with him the stock
for a drugstore,1 which he will -open for
business this .week. He has lived in
Hood River valley since boyhood and
has a Jiost of ' friends there. That he
will get a good share of the business of
that thriving community is, therefore,
assured. ; Although his will be the sec
ond drugstore in our neighboring town,
the rap id growth of that wonderful
region will assure, plenty of business.
Already the valley contains a population
of 2,500, and from the rate of increase in
the past year, by -the end of 1898 its
population . will be double that sum.
His many friends here wish him abun
dant success in bis new field.
Land Office Business.
Un the Death or AV. Cederson.
-, Thb Dalles, Nov. 16, 1896.
The following resolutions were adopted
by Friendship Lodge at their last regu
lar convention :
Wbsbeas: Bro. W. Cederson. a. mem
ber of this lodge, who was with us but
a short time' ago,- has passed away. As
a member of this order he was always
friendly, courteous and kind to, his
brothers, and he received and deserved
the confidence, respect and esteem of
this lodge. We loved him . for his vir
tues, we mourn his , loss, aijd while
memory holds her seat, we will keep his
memory green, and in God's good time
may we meet again.-
Rf solved, That our heartfelt spmpathy
be extended" to bis relatives and friends
in their great affliction. Be it further
Resolved, That these resolutions be
spread upon the minutes of this "lodge,
that a copy of the eame . be tent to the
relatives of our deceased brother, and
published in the local papers, and that
our charter be draped in mourning for
a period of thirty-days. -
- . C. E. Bayard,
W. W. Smith,
D. W. Vause,
; t Committee.
Leave orders at The Dalles Commis
sion Co. 'a store for dressed chickens.
Telephones 128, and 255. Ring 'm
up. " : sll-dlm
Nelson P.' Johnson made- cash
on the e hf sw qr, and lots 3 and 4. sec
19, tp 2 n of r 18 e.
W. L.' Lamborn made final proof on
his homestead, it being the nw? qr of sec
21, tp n of r 17 e.
Neil McDonald made final homestead
proof on lots 1 and 2, and the s s hf of
the ne qr, sec 4, tp 2 a of r 18. e.
- Court Notes.
Successor to Cnrisman dc Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my formet patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
, Saturday L. D. Holgate was granted a
divorce from Margaret E. Holgate on
ground of desertion. ',
Eosilla Perry was granted a divorce
from I.?1 C. Perry on the ground of
desertion. . i
, Monday Wiliiam Wing was granted
a divorce from Hj. A. Wing on the
ground of adultery, and on the . same
day Fred Furter was granted a divorce
from Elsie Furter, pn'the same grounds.
There is but one jury case left on the
docket for trial ' this term, ' that of
Richard F. Cox, receiver, against Mar
tin Fuhrman. J
Kobbed the Till.
Ba-kek City, Nov. 16. Ja;k Walker's
saloon was last' night visited by four
masked men, who robbed the till of its
contents,' $10. Tbe robbers -cornered
the men in the saloon with shotguns and
pistols, and made good their escape.
- ' - Awarded
Highest Honors Word's Fair,
. Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. ,"
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
No. 174 Second Street,
NeV Vogt Block, Tlie Dalles, Oregon.
Job Printing at this Office
Assignee's JTotice.
Notice Is hcrebv given that on October 20,
1890, u. G. Hick ok of Cascade Locks, Oregon,
made a general assignment to me for the benefit
of all his creditors in proportion to tbe amount
of their respective claims, of all his property.
All persons having claims a gains, t said C. G.
Hickok are hereby notified to present them to
me at Cascade locks, Oregon, with the proper
vouchers therefor, within three months irom
this date.
Dated Oct. 21, 1896.
J. G. DAY, Jr,
oct24-St-ii Assignee of C. G. Hickok.
Tile coiumoia Pacing Co.,
Pofk and Beef
Administratrix' Notice.
Most Perfect Made., .
40 Years the Standard. '
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed administratrix of the estate
of George w. Turner, deceased, and has duly
qualified as such. AU persons having claims
against said estate are therefore notified to pre
sent tbe same to her, with proper vouchers,
within six months' from the date hereof at the
office of the County Clerk of Wasco county. Ore
con, or at the office ot her attorney, W. 1 . Mas
ters, rooms 1 to 4, Hamilton Building, Portland,
Oregon, within six months from this date:
Administratrix of tbe estate of Geo. W. Turner,
deceased. - ' oct3-ii .
Dated October 2, 1896,.
Owing to pressing obligations, I am not pro
ptt red to extend the time tor payments due me
later than Oct. 1, 1896. I like to accommodate,
but find now I must collect my accounts, il I
fail to collect, my creditors will do it for me.
Don't forge the date, Oct. 1, 1896. .
. Frankly Years, ,
septl2-2w . . - . F.S.GORDON.
- - l
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Dried BeefJEtc.
Ch-cherter Earf!?. Diamond Braad.
Original Ud Oaly CenMlitCt
Arc, alwajui reliable, utoict ask
Urajrgist lor Ckichmter m n.iit
mondBranH iu Kerf and Gold. UMallioX
boxes, aealod with bine ribbon. Tak
tiotu anditmitatiotLs. At DrusciM. or wndM.
in stamps for particulars, testimonials and
" Kefter Tor suikw," m icuer. by rwsrn
lB.MMfe Testimonials. JVoaae Matter.
fTili lii i.ff 1 I hiSBiliTailf a iia " ii HnmApd.,
- I