The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 17, 1896, Image 1

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    11 -
NO 269
The Willamette Valley Un
der the Flood.
The Soohomlih Breaks All Records, and
Has Flooded Every thine--Niagara
Falls Making; Electricity. .
Qregon City, Nov .15. Daring the
past ' 24 Lours, the Willamette has lisen
seven feet below the falls, and half as
much above, stand 22.2 below and 11.3
feet above the falls. , One and eeven
tentbs of an inch , of water fell today,
and the rain continues. The river is
still rising at the rate of one inch an
hour. The wind has' changed to the
northward, and the temperature is per
ceptibly, cooler..-"
The upper tributaries of the Will
amette are reported as booming and
considerable rise is looked for. ,
Reports from the foothills are to the
effect that a jcreaj deal of snow has
melted in the last three days.
TThe canal closed ' at 4 o'clock this
An old scow from up the river went
over the calls this evening, and another
strncture, resembling a crib-pier or box
house, went over a little, later. It was
too dark to distinguish the character of
the building.
In town, every drainage channel is
filled to bursting. Singer creek burst
its bounds and threatens damage to
streets and private property. ; Tbe ris
ing water suspended work on the new
electric power house. Many basements
and cellars are flooded. Water put out
the fire in the Methodisi church furnace
this afternoon, and no services .will be
held tonight. . .
The trolley line to Portland ' was dis
abled by deep water on Birney fiat. -The
north-bound Roseburg local Avaa three
hours late here tonight.
The Clackamas cut a wide channel
round the north end of the Gladstone
dam, and is eati.ig a large Elice out of
the big peach orchard there. The
Clackamas bridge is in danger." .
wharf at the foot of Hewitt avenue is
partially submerged.
At Lowell the water has, washed out
the tracks of both the Great Northern
and Monte , Cristo roads. .The lower
floor of the paper mills is flooded, and
the fires have been put out in the fur
naces, v J
The Monte Cristo train of yesterday
was not able to get through the canyon,
the track being covered with water most
of.the way, and water filled the tunnels
to the depth of several feet. Three
bridges across the Ebey slough and the
river at Lowell -are not damaged.' -
Ranchers on the Bottom Lands Rescued
by a Steamboat.
Seattle, Nov. 15. A special- to the
Post-Intelligencer, from Everett says :
The Snohomish river has broken all
records, and is now about two feet high
er than the top high-water mark of pre
vioua years. Disregarding the regular
channel, ft has broken- over I the banks
and dikes and , is taking a short cut
across the country on its mad race to the
Sound, and the water is still rising.
The ranchers on the bottom lands
were only partially prepared for the
flood. While their loss must be consid
erable in the aggregate, it is impossible
to get details. Mr. Powers, who keep-a
dairy on the" Bast place, is reported to
have lost all his cows. ' - .
The steamer Florence Henry has gone
out on the bottom lands east and: south
of Lowell, and is now"gathering up the
rancher's families from their submerged
dwellings, some of them miles from the
The Monte Cristo track between Ever
ett and Lowell is all under water. The
If your tea is good, it is
cheap; if it is not good, it
is dear, no matter what you
pay for it -r- you had better
drink water.
But good tea is better
than water sometimes, be
cause it tastes : good, and
whatever tastes good makes
the stomach work right ,
So good tea: Schilling's
Best is cheap.
A Schilling & Company ,
San Francis ..... 40S
1 fmn
Absolutely Pure ,
A cream of tartar baking powder. Hienest of
all In leavening strength. Latest United States
Government Food Report.
The Tarolsg of toe Switch..
Niagara Falls, N. Y., Nov. 15. The
fact that, at midnight wan .begun the
transmission of electrical power from
rtlre falls .to Buffalo far ihe first time
drew a very large crowd of people to the of the Niagara Falls Power
Company .tonight. -So, many , were try
ing to gain admission to the place that
at 9 o'clock the doors were closed. Those
present in the power house proper were :
Messrs.; W. B. Rankin, secretary of the
company VV. A. Breckinridge, resident
engineer; .Paul M. Lincoln,, electrical
superintendent; I.E. Edmonds, of the
General Electric Company, and Hod.
W. H. Ely. Mr. Edmunds bad charge
of the transformer-house. At 11 :45
Messrs. Rankin, Breckinridge and Lin
coln took positions on tljp raised plat
form -in front 'of the switchboard, on the
main floor of '-the 'power house, and ar
ranged the switches. "
Shortly before 12 o'clock Mr. Breckin
ridge informed Mr. Edmonds, in the
transformer-bouse, that electricity was
ready for the transformers, rind a mo
ment later . the switch' was thrown and
the power was' rushing through the
transformers out on tbe line and away to
Buffalo. Mr. Edmonds pronounced the
machinery all right, and . formally de
livered ft to Mr. Breckinridge, for .the
"power company. It was accepted, and
then the current was shot off for a brief
space. -Communication was bad with
the street-railway company in Buffalo,
and word was -received .from them that
everything was in readiness at that end
of tbe line. Mr. Rankin then stepped
to the platform, threw the switch over,
and Niagara's power was in Buffalo. A
salute of ;wenty-one gnus was fired by a
battery stationed near tbe power bouse,
The btorm In Lane County.
Cottagb " Geo ve, Or., Nov. 15. The
heaviest rain Btorm that has been known
in this section for many years has pre
vailed for tbe last forty-eight hours
Tbe river is breaking dyer its banks and
causing much damage. Many families
are leaving . their homes for safetfr, and
if the rivet; continues to rise till morn
ing, it is feared many booses will be
carried away. Some business bouses
are also in danger. ' ' -
Two miles north of here, a. quarter of
a mile of track is under water. Tbe
south-bound local was stopped at Cres
well, and there is no telling when the
track - will be safe for traffic. , The fain
and wind- since noon' have been at in
tervale, " though ' ' the temperature re
mains about 65.
finoklen's. Armca salve.
. The beat salve in. the world for tents,
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all ekin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists. -
Much Depended. Upon the
Court Decision.
San Feancisco, Nov. 16. Much local
interest is felt in tbe decision of the
United States supreme court in tbe Irri
gation bonds case, for on it the develop
ment of the state greatly depende.
About $8,000,000 of irrigation tonds are
held in this vicinity and in Europe. Lo
cal banks and capitalists have' advanced
much money upon tbe bonds as collater
al securities, and a decision that they
are valid means the immediate establish
ment of a. strong market value for them,
the issuance of more bands nd opening
np of vast areas of rich farming lands,
which, coupled with the advance in
wheat, will make the state more pros
perous than ever.
' A decree of the supreme court confirm
ing Judge Ross' decision that tbe bonds
were invalid would bave meant a loss to
the extent of. the money invested in
them and loaned upon them, and the re
tarding of the" important work of irriga
tion for a time. ' ' '
In the irrigation districts directly af
fected by tbe.decision, the sustaining of
Judge Ross by the supreme court would
bave worked a great hardship. Nearly
$5,000,000 has been spent already in
building dams! etc., and preparing to ir
rigate and cultivate 20,000,000 acres.
Under the exact provisions of the
Wright act, an adverse decision would
cause thi i money to be lost. On the
other hand, a favorable decision would
cause at least $15,000,000 more to be
spent for improvement purposes.
floods in Turkey.
Constantinople, Nov. 16. This is the
fourth day that Constantinople has been
cut off from postal communication with
tbe outer world, as owing to tbe floods,
Orient express service is interrupted
trains only running from isoaa irregular
The Ideal Panacea.
James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago,
says: "I regard Dr. King's New Dis
covery as an Ideal Panacea for coughs,
colds and Lung Complaints, having used
it in my family for tbe last five years,
to tbe exclusion of physician's prescrip
tions or.other preparations."
Rev. 1 John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa,
writes: "I have been a3X mister of the
Methodist Episcopal church -for 50 years
or more, and bave never found anything
so beneficial, or that gave me such speedy
relief as Dr. King's . New Discovery."
Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial
bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's,
Drng Store1 . v
The Wasco Warehouse Co. begs leav
to inform Farmers that they have STOR
AGE ROOM for 200,000 - SACKS, of
WHEAT and any one wishing to store
their wheat and hold for later market
can do so on usual terms. Also, tbev
for Wheat, Oats, Rye and Barley.
Vork Horsea
For sale, or will exchange for cows'
and calves. Time given on first-class1
security. For particulars inquire of C.
E. Bayard, The Dalles, Or., or Frank
Watkins,.at ranch on .15-Mile. . 21-wlui
Anyone, desiring their chimneys
cleaned can have it done by calling upon
or addressing Mr. Ike Peary ' or James
Ilogan, Tbe Dalles or telephone to No.
89. - " --- ol7-tf
There's more clothing destroyed by
poor soap than by actual wear as the
free alkali rots them. Hoe cake is
pure- ' ''" : ly2-ij
No more BOILS,"no more PIMPLES
Use Kinerel-y'a Iron Tonic. Th e Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. .
Clark, tbe East End jeweler, makes' a
specialty of fine watch repairing. Call
and see him.
Table, boarders in; private family,7
home cooking. Charges, $16 per month.
Savb thx WBAFPKB8 Hoe, Cake ..Soap
wrappers are worth a cent apiece. Ask
Pease &, Mays for premium book. jly24-i
Bake Oven, and Mitchell
THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprietor
Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope
every day, and from- Antelope to . Mit
chell three times a week.'
Bin b
' 25c, 50c,-62c, 75c and $3,00
And better if you like it.
Every one admitted to a special
Ideal Winter Hosiery.
Our 25c Camels Hair Socks.
Our 25c Black Fleece-lined Socks.
Our 16 Extra Heavy Cotton Socks, in
Black, Tan or Mixed, form a good
assortment of the ideal Winter Hos
iery. '
See Window Display.
and Misses'
Gossamer Coats
To close at from 50c to $2.00
Just the thing for school or marketing
wear. -
A little " out of date, perhaps, but all
right in every other respect.
Values from $1.50 to $8.
Umbrellas from 75c up.
Umbrellas from 75c up.
Largest assortment in the city.
Largest, assortment in the city.
.1. so. wiLiZ.iia.ivis s co.
Watery Blisters -Turning
To Complete Sore
Family Doctor Could not
Ileal Without L.oss of Hair.
" Economical and Speedy Car "by
Sow no Trace of Disease.
Hair "Thick, Child Fat, Good, and
-S. Hearty.
When four rlaj-s old my babe broke out over
one aide of his head and body with watery
blisters, which- turned to a complete scab.
- We called the family doctor, and he said that
" he could heal them up," but ' the baby
TOmld never haveanymore hair on his head,
and we were completely discouraged. We
were told to try Ccticcra Remedies and
" did so. We used two boxes of Cutkxtra, two
cakes of Cuticuba Soap, and he now is all i
right. The hair ij on thick, and you would
never think there was anything the matter
with him, he is so fat, good, and hearty, and
, 1 do not know how to praise Cuticura. Rem
XiS enough for the good they did my child.
.... Mas, WJI..11. SCOTT, Luzerne, l"a.
CDTICETRA' REMEDIES have effected the
moat wonderful cares of torturing and dis
flfruring .skin ahd scalp diseases of infants
.anil children ever recorded. . They afford in
stant relief, permit rest and sleep, and jvoiut
to a speedy cure when, the best physicians,
hospitals, and all other methods fail. .
8rtriiT Curj TEEATjrewT. Wnrm hatha
with Cuticura Soap, gentle application of
Cuticura (ointment), and mild doses of Cuti.
cuua Rjuolvsht (blood portlier).
Sold throughout the world. -'Potteb Duns Ac
Chem. Cobp., bole I roprielors, Boston, U.S-A
Kf" now to Cure Skin Diseases," mailedreo.
D I DV'C ekln and Pcalppuriflrd and beautified
DAD I O byCoTicraAlSoAP, Absolutely pare.
' " Cuticura Anti.tsdn Plaster.
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker? Jeweler
A.U work promptly attended to,
; and- warranted. - .
Itching Mtd Blind, Bleeding or PrwadlBff Plies ytotd ml ue to
DR. BO-SAN-K.O'8 PILE REMEDY. Stop. itch.
int, bort tumors. A positive cure. Circular sent froa. Prloo
sua. lrasslu r haU. DM. ttOOAAfeflfc tMUw p.
When yoa mailt to bay
Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat,
f:. Rolled Barley, Whole Barley,
Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts,
Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the
v. .
Our prices are low and our goods are first-claps.
Afientefor the celebrated W AISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FIXHTR.
Highest caeb price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY.
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTER and'PAPER HANGER. None bnt the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS msed in all onr work, and none but. tha
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to. . .
Store and Faint Shoo corner Third and Washington -fits The Dalles. Oreos
175 Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon
JGT" Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
TradeoVfor Hn.v. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
The Dalles, Oregon.