f 2) The Dalles Safly Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Newspapei n Wasco County. SATURDAY. NOV. 14, 1896 EASTERN OFFICE 230 to 234 Temple court, m. i. City. E.KAIX, Agent. THE TRAMP PROBLEM. The tramp problem has caused, is causing, and will continue for an in definite time to cause comment as to his wherefore and suggestions as to his whilherness. That he is an un mitigated nuisance is undoubted; that he is a source of danger at all times, a threat to property and a menace to peace is freely conceded by all ; that he is often a dangerous criminal, always a petty one, bis his tory shows. What then to do with him, and how to" control him have become im portant questions. The remedies suggested have been multitudinous, ranging from the rock pile and en forced work to a great national home for him, where he may be sent and cared for until his moral nature gets thoroughly renovated and he becomes a good citizen, by contagion. The tramp disease, like leprosy, once contracted, js incapable of cure, It goes from bad to wcrse, eating into the morals, into the manhood of the victim until disease or a slip from the break-beam sends him into the beyond. It seems to us that the proper way to deal with the tramp is to prevent him, and we believe this can be done easily. We premise that the great mass of tramps were not born to that condition, but made so; that they were not born with criminal instincts, but acquired them through circum stances. The only difference, after . all, between your moral citizen and the criminal is a half dozen or so meals. When hunger makes the demand, crime will, if necessary, furnish the supply. What then is the remedy ? By making steady em ployment possible, the first step in tramping will be avoided. How can this be done ? By stopping immi gration, or so controlling it that it will be reduced to a minimum. With 350,000 to 1,000,000 people coming here annually, besides our own natural increase, the supply of labor outruns the demand. The re sult is steadily decreasing wages, trending ever to the level cf those in Europe, and forced faster and faster to that level by the sharp competi tion of the labor of Europe imported and competing with that already here. r The laborer, accustomed to certain wages and to the mode of living per mitted from them, becomes disheart ened as year after year his wages de crease and the practise of the 'most rigid economy is forced upon him. He. refuses to work fer the reduced wage and takes a tramp seeking some place where he may better his condition. The European laborer, accustomed to flower wages, goes to work willingly, for to him .it is an increase in pay. The result is that the new immigrant is employed ; the older one and the American becoming idle and tramps. Tho mining re gions of Pennsylvania and Ohio are in consequence practically foreign coun tries. The tramp cannot be cured by punishment, but he may be prevented by wisdom. Haye we as a nation the latter quality ? A MORAL DUTY. The dispatches yesterday lead us to believe .that the administration foresees the possibility of trouble with Spain, and the probability . of being compelled to interfere to settle the struggle in Cuba. That this gov ernment has no right to interfere in the affairs of Spain or Cuba is freely admitted. It is a matter between the parent government and its colo nies. The only excuse for any inter ference must be based upon the man ner in which the war is conducted. Higher than international law or international courtesies is moral duty. To take part in the war is beyond us; to stop the butchery of women and children is our duty. Warfare at its best is a bloody butchery of men, but civilized nations have cer tain well-defined rules that govern the conduct of all wars. One of these is that non-combatants shall not be disturbed.- Another that pris oners shall be treated humanely. Syain has violated both of these rules, and has turned her licentious soldierly loose to rob, to ravish and to murder. As long as Spain con ducts war against the rebellious sub jects, according to the rules of X" ized warfare, It is none of our affair; but when she resorts to the methods of the savage, it becomes our duty to stay the red hand of murder. This sentiment is shared by fifteen millions of free men in this country, and it is high time the head of the government discover this fact. Let Spain stop her butchery of babes, or let her be swept by the strong hand of free America trom her last toot hold on this side of the Atlantic. The English government acceding to the demands of the United States for the arbitrtion of the Venezuela boundary lines, is more of a victory than it at first seems. It' is not the concession in this particular case that is of importance, but the acknowl edging ot the principles expressed in the Monroe doctrine by the greatest government on earth, except our own. It was not Venezuela's border lines that were in issue, but the ques tion as to whether the United States, looking after its own interests and providing for its own protection, might interfere between the govern ments of Europe and those of South America, or rather of this continent, and compel the submission of differ ences to arbitration. The" United States, in England's opinion, at least, has this right, and the far-reaching effects of this admission can scarcely be estimated. For Sale. One span draft horses, one set of har ness and a wagon, for sale at a bargain. Address box 429, The Dalles. Or. oct28-dwlm Hot clam broth every day at noon at Ad Kellar's. tf House to rent for $6 per month. In quire of George Ruch. novl2-6t LOCAL 'DISEASE and is the result of colds and sudden climatic changes. For your Protection we positively state that this remedy does not contain merenry or any other injur ious drug. , Ely's Cream Balm is acknowledged to be the most thorough cure 1 Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Bay Fever of tot of all remedies. L op pens and cleanses the nasal passages, u inflammation, heals the sores, nro- Allays pam am tccts thi e membrane from colds, restores the senses of taste and smell. Price 60c. at Druggists or by mail. ELY BBOTHKR.S. 66 Warren Street, New York. DR. GUNK'S - IMPROVED A Milil I'Utisic. One Fill for a. Tone. A movement of the bowels each day is necesaary fat .health. There pills supply what the system lacks to make it regular. They cure Headache, brighten the Kyes, nd clear the Complexion better than cosmetics. They neither prripe nor sicken. To convince you, we win xuaii wiuuiH irww, r iu u dox tor ziK3. oojci ewery- utL. iUl&tVN&.0 MJl1. CO., Philadelphia, Pa, Monuments and Headstones. Before going elsewhere, call on ' I. COMINI, : The Dalles, Or., For a Tombstone. Warranted to stand for all time, regardless of wind or weather.-.. American Market, 74 Second Street. Fruit, Produce, . Butter, Eggs. POULTRY, FISH and GAME IN SEASON. 69 TELEPHONES 69 Good Times Comin Now is the time to lay in your Fall and Winter Supplies before they go higher. We have a good stock of Hay, Grain and Feed, Flour and Groceries, Seed Wheat, Oats and Rye. . , Garden and Grass Seeds in Bulk. Now is the time to put in Fall Seeds. Experi ence has demonstrated that fall plonting is the best for most things. We have a good supply of Fertil izers for exhausted and worn-out gardens, lawns, or chards, S;c. Fresh Butter, Hams, Bacon and Lard. Eggs, Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese bought and sold. Goods sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Free and prompt delivery. . J. H. CROSS. Corner Second and Union Streets. "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. P THKOTJGH Frsignt and PassengerUns The company's elegant steames give daily service (Sundays excepted) between The Dalles and Portland. Steamer "Kegnlator" leaves The Dalles on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 :30 a. m., arriving in Portland at 5 p. m. Returning leaves Oak-gtreet dozk on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6:30 a. m., arriving in The Dalles at 5 p.m. Steamer "Dalles City" leaves The Dalles on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 7 :30 a. m., arriving in Portland at 5 p. m. Returning leaves Oak-street dock on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:30 a. m., arriving in The Dalles at 5 p. m. PABSEMOKB BATES: One way ; $2 00 Round trip 3 00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. in. Live stock shipments solicited. For rates call on or address W. C. ALLAWAY General Agrent THE DALLES. - OREGON Wholesale. GCtines and Cigats. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch. Malt. , beverage, unequaled as a STUBLING & WILLIAMS. GHffiENT DURABLE, SUBSTANTIAL, ORNAMENTAL Cost only twice as much as wooden walks, and will last forever. One should surround every block in the city. Make a specialty of laying Cement Walks, and guaran tee their work. Estimates of cost furnished on appli cation to the above. r " BflORTHERN jl PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL. ' MINNEAPOLIS UTJLUTH KAKGO TO GRAND FORKS CBOOKSTON WINNIPEG - HELENA and . BUTTE - Thtfoagh Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON -PHILADELPHIA NEW YOKE BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For information, time cards, maps and tickets, W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255. Morrison Cor. Third, Portland Orego n J. B" GO,T' COUNTY SURVEYOR. Reesidence, Tenth and Liberty Streets Jly23- - BUSCH and BEER TXn t.Ti n a - w -Wa W A.VU-dii.VIIUUV tonic. D t iH U 08.. JA 9 ui . CD g -I d g I ,w p Pi O GO Jvii It i QJf if -is rim xkm Full Assortment of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to, examine our new stock, which we. personally selected in New York City and Phila delphia. We guarantee the lowest prices in town. Vogt Block. V r pf O Puys a good BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph- l"0 ens.' Intermediate prices up to $4.50. $3-50 Ladies' Cloaks. Remember, all these goods are latest made, warm, serv iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap proached in The Dalles. Leave your orders for Dressed Chickens, Fish, Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds, COAL AND ICE, THE DALLES GOpiISSIOfl GO.'S ST0lE. Corner Second and Washington Sts. When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side . ......AT THE ' ' " JiEM COIiTjVlBm HOTEIi. This large and popular House aoes the principal hotel business, and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any House in the city, and at the low rate of $1.06 per Day. - first CJass Teals, 25 Cei?ts Office for all Stage tines leaving The Dalles for all polnta In Eastern Oregon and Kastern Washington, In thi Hotel. Corner of front and Union Sts. T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr Caseade -Waim Springs flotel IS NOW OPEN FOR GUESTS. Board and Room per day $1.25 Board and Room per week ; $7.00 and 8.00 Baths .....25c each For Particulars Address T. TvTC JbJj,JUJL,"-Ly ' 274 Taylor Street, - - aug7-dylmo - - PORTLAND, OREGON " 'There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates MICHELBACH BRICK. - UNICt. BT. Kill or catch with "TANGLEFOOT" or "DTJTCHER'S LIGHTNING- FLY KILLER; Only 5c a Double Sheet at Donnell's Drugstore. o hi- GO H. Herbring. o 2 s- II -i p. Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The best Black Diagonal for $12.00. An elegant assortment of 1896 Btyles just received, a part ot which may be Been in show window. AT those Flies