The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 11, 1896, Image 1

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NO 264
Tears, Doctors and Wealth
Set Mrs. Castle Free.
Altgeld Will Be Nominated for Senator
by the Illinois Democraby, .fast
for Discipline.
London, Nov. 10. Mre. Walter M.
Castle, of San Francisco, sentenced at
the Clerken.well sessions Friday last to
three months' imprisonment without
hard labor, after having pleaded guilty
by advice of ber counsel to a charge of
shop-lifting, was released from Worm
wood Scrubbs prison today on medical
grounds, by order ol tbe borne secretary,
Sir Matthew White Ridley. Tbe com
missioner of prisons, it appears, directed
the medical board to inquire into and
report upon tbe health of Mrs. Castle,
whose condition was causing anxiety to
prisoa authorities. She was watched
day and night by special attendants at
the infirmary and shown every atten
tion possible. The commissioners alter
receiving tbcr report of the medical board
on the state of Mrs. Castle's health,
communicated witb the home secretary,
who promptly ordered her release from
prison and that she be placed in the
care of her husband, who has under
taken to take her back to tbe United
States witb the least possible delay.
Mr. Castle called at tbe home office at
11 o'clock and was informed that bis
wife would be released at 1 o'clock. Ac
companied by a nurse be entered a car
riage and drove to Wormwood Scrnbbs
prison, where he arrived at 12:45 p.m.
The jailers ushered him into tbe waiting-room,
and after a brief delay Deputy
Northy granted the unusual permission
for the carriage to enter the gates and
drive to the door of the hospital prison.
Mr. Castle and nurse alighted and
went to' the door, and a few moments
later Mrs. Castle, dressed in black, was
almost carried out of tbe hospital by the
female attendants. She was deathly
pale, and her face was tearstained. She
appeared to be on the verge of a col
lapse, and 'sank faintirjg into her hus
band's arms. He tenderly embraced
and tried to console ber. The nurse en
veloped Mrs. Castle's face in a heavy
veil, wrapped ber up in a shawl and as
sisted her to tbe carriage, where ber
head fell on ber husband's shoulder,
and she sobbed hysterically. As the
carriage passed out of the prison gates
the driver applied the whip and drove
rapidly away.
While Mr. Castle was in the waiting
room of the prison he was interviewed
by a representative of the Associated
press. He said :
"I feel twenty years .younger and as
though the nigbtmrre of tbe padt month
had vanished. My wife was informed
last night that I would come for her to
day. Sfie was utterly prostrated yes
terday. I shall immediately retire to
the country, place my wife under a doc
tor's care and endeavor to restore ber
health in order to permit her speedy re
turn to America. I desire especially to
thank the Associated Press for its kind
ness to me and mine for the manner in
which it has placed the matter before
the American newspapers."
Bernard Abrahams, of the counsel for
Castle, received the following note from
tbe home office last evening ; - "Pris
oner, Ella Castle, wiH be released on ac
count of her mental and pbysicial con
dition and other circumstances. (Signed),
Digbt, Under Seer etary.
Shot a Follow Hobo.
Robebcbg, Or., Nov. 10. A quarrel
among hobos this afternoon resulted in
one of them purchasing a Winchester at
a second-hand store near the railroad
station. He passed through the station
New thought to you per
hapsthat tea is inspiring.
Schilling s Best tea is
new to you then.
At grocers' in packages
A Schilling St Company
Saa Francisco
r. Jl
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking oowder. Hitrhest of
all In leavening strength. Latest United States
Government ooa Keport.
yard a short distance, met one of a party
and deliberately shot him in the lower
part of tbe body. He would have shot
him again, but bystanders begged bim
not" to do eo. Tbe hobo then shouldered
his gun and crossed tbe TJmpqua bridge
toward Coos bay. After some delay a
depaty sheriff started in . pursuit. The
nanes of those concerned are unknown.
This is the second tramp that has been
seriously injured here this week, and
the man who did the shooting today is
supposed to have committed the first
crime. .
Coxey New Platform.
Cleveland, Nov. 10. J. S. Coxey has
a new doctrine for 1900. His platform
declared for the demonetization of gold
as well as of silver, state ownership of
railroads, highways, waterways, tele
graph and telephone lines ; municipal
ownership of street-cars, water works,
market-houses, electric light and gas
plants ; employment of surplus labor in
public works ; woman's sufirage ; state
control of the liquor traffic and the elec
tion of president by direct vote of the
Coxey had called a conference . of all
the friends of the initiative and referen
dum and advocates of tbe above prin
ciples at tbe Lindell hotel, St. Louie, for
January 12 next.
Strang; Disease Killing; Touns; Balmom.
Obegon City, Nov. 19. A strange dis
ease has developed in the young salmon
at tbe Clackamas hatchery, by which
about half of the 2,000,000 brought from
the Salmon river have been destroyed.
The only visible sign of the disease is a
white spot on the belly of the young
fish, and in every case it appears to be
fatal.' Superintendent Hubbard will
send specimens that have died of the
strange malady to Washington for ex
Harney County for Bryan.
Btjbns, Or., Nov. 8. The official count
of this county will not be made for sev
eral days, but all the precincts are now
in but one, and that will give most of its
vote for tbe Bryan electors, which will
make the county about 255 majority for
Bryan. This is not official, but it will
not vary more than one or two fiom tbe
actual vote.
State op Ohio, Citt of Toledo)
Lucas County, J
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is the senior partner of tbe firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and state afore
said, and that said firm . will pay tbe
sum of One Hundred Dollars for each
and every case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1896.
A W. Gleason,
seal Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly and acts directly on the blood and
macuos surfaces of tbe system. Send
for testimonials, free.
. . ' . . F. J.. Cheney a Co., Toledo, O.
37Sold by Druggists, 75c. No3-ll
Leave orders at Tbe DalleB Commis
sion Co'. '9 store for dressed chickens.
Telephones 128 and 255. Ring 'em
up. ". " ' " " sll-dlm
Anyone desiring . their chimneys
cleaned can have ft done by calling upon
or addressing Mr. Ike Peary or James
.Hogan, The Dalles or telephone , to No.
89.' ol7-tf
Table boarders- in private .family,
home cooking. Charges, $16 per month.
Illinois Democrats Will Nominate Alt
geld for Senator.
Chicago, Nov. 10. Governor Altgeld
will be nominated for United States
senator by the Democrats of the general
assembly next January. This action,
although merely complimentary, is in
tended to be the response of the regular
Democratic organization to the talk
about dropping Altgeld from the sliver
movement. The original intention had
been to compliment Samuel P. McCon-
nell with the Democratic vote for sena
tor, but the predictions of Governor Alt-
geld's enforced retirement have led to
tbe change of program. The announce
ment of the change was formally made
at the Democratic county headquarters
Aside from other considerations tbe
nomination of Altgeld is expected to
maintain discipline amoung Democrats
in a way that no other nomination, not
even of McConnell would. That is, the
governor's nomination is looked upon as
certain to result 'in every Democratic
vote being cast for him, and in none be
ing bartered to a Republican aspirant in
case a break-Dp should occur in the Re
publican forces.
Old People.
Old people who require medicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
find the true remedy in Electric Bitters.
This medicine does not stimulate and
contains no whisky nor other intoxicant,
but acts as a tonic and alternative. It
acts mildly on the stomach and Dowels,
adding strength and giving tone to the
organs, thereby aiding Nature in the
performance of the functions. Electric
Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old people find it just exact
ly what they need, rnce ou cents and
SI 00 per bottle at JBlakeley & Hough
ton's Drug Store.
It is tbe same old story and yet con
stantly recurring that Simmons Liver
Regulator is the best family medicine.
We have used it in oar family for
eight years and find it the best medicine
we have used. ' "We think there is no
such medicine as Simmons Liver Regu
lator." Mrs. M. E. S. Adineton.Frank-
Hn, N. C. Each member of our family
uses it as occasion' requires." W. B.
Smith, Mt. Vernon, Ivy.
Rucklen's Annca salvo.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required"
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
Work Horses
For sale, or will exchange for cows
and calves. Time given on first-class
security. For particulars inquire of C.
E. Bayard, Tbe Dalles, Or., or Frank
Watkins, at ranch on 15-Mile. 21-wlm
Female Help Wanted.
Wanted Red-beaded girl and white
horse to deliver premiums given away
with Hoe Cake Soap. Apply to any
where. Dalles-Moro Stage
Leaves the Umatilla bouse 8 a. m
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Douglas Allen, Prop.
Executors Notice 'of Final Account
Notice is hereby givei that George A. Liebe,
executor of the estate of Richard G. Closter, de
ceased, has filed the final accounting of the es
tate of Richard G. Closter, deceased, with the
guardianship estate of Albert Lehmau, an in
sane person, of the pe: son and estate of which
said Albeit Lehman, an insane perron, the said
Richard G Closter, deceased, was at the time of
bis death the duly appointed, qualified and act
ing guardian, with the clerk of the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County,
and that said court has appointed 10 o'clock a.
m. of Monday, November 2, 1896, being the first
day of the regular November term of said court,
for the year 1896, at the county courthouse in
Dalles City, Oregon, as the time and place for
tne n earing or. saia .nnai accounting ana oojec
tions thereto if any the re bey
This notice is published . by order of said
county court, entered uctODer za, lew.
GEORGE A. LIEBE, Executor.
Condon & Condon, Attorneys for Executor.
Administrators' Notice.
Notice is hereby (riven that the undersiened
have been duly appointed by the County Court
of tbe State of Oregon for Wasco county, admin
istrators with the will annexed of the estate of
Perry Watkins, deceased. All prsons-having
claims against said estate are hereby required
to present the same, duly verified, to said ad
ministrators at the office of C E. Bayard In
Dalles city in Bald county aud State, within six
month from he date hereof, and all persons in
debted t. suid estate are hereby notified to make
lmmKiiute settlement witn tne administrators.
Dalles City, Oregon, Sept. 14, 1896.
Administrators with tbe will annexed of th
estate of Ferry Watkins, deceased. sepl&-
Mackintosh Coats for
Umbrellas and
Rubber Footwear
Of all kinds at Bedrock Prices.
Watery Blisters
Turning- To Complete Sore.
Family Doctor Could not
Heal Without Loss of Hair.
Economical and Speedy Cora by
How no Trace of Disease.
Hair Thick, Child Fat, Good, and
When four days old my babe broke out over
one side of his head and body with watery
blisters, which turned to a complete scab.
We called the family doctor, and he said that
" he could heal them up," but " the baby
would never have any more hair on bis head,"
and we were completely discouraged. We
were' told to -try Cuticcka Remedies and
did so. We used two boxes of Ccticcba. two
cakes of CtmcoRA Soap, and he now is all
right. The hair is on thick, and you would
never think there was anything the matter
with him, he is so fat, good, and hearty, and
1 do not know how to praise Cuticura. Rem
edies enough for the pood they did my child.
- Mas. WJI. II. TSCOTT, Luzerne, ta.
CTJTICURA REMEDIES have effected the
moat wonderful cures of torturing and dis
figuring skin and scalp. diseases of infants
and children ever recorded. They afford in
stant relief , permit rest and sleep, and point
to a speedy cure when the best physicians,
hospitals, and all other methods fail.
Bpeedt Curia Treatment Warm baths
with Cuticura fioAP, gentle npnlication of
Cuticttra (ointment), and mild doses of CUTI
cufcA Rsbolvzwt (blood purilicr).
Bold throughout the world. Potter Deito St
Che. Corp., Sole l'roprietors, Boston, U.S-A-Mf"
How to Core Skin Diseases," mailedree.
PR DY'C 8kin and PcalppurifiVd and beautified
DnD I O by Cuticura Boat. Absolutely pure.
Concurs Anti-Fain Fluster
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Itching and Blind. Bleeding or Protrodiri Pile rtold ml to
ER. BO-8AN-KO'8 PILE REMEDY. Stop. tck
Absorbs lutuor. A positive cure. Circui.r sent tnm. Priom
Ma. Druuiiu r mmil. StiL. HOHAMkLi, -"r i Pa.
When you mant to bay
Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, .
Rolled Barley, Whole Barley,
Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts,
Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the
Oar prices are low and onr goods are first-class.
Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR.
Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY.
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTER andPAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MASTJRY'S PA1NT8 need in all onr work, and none but th
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to.
Store and Faint Shoo earner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles. 0reo
175 Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon
HJCT" Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention..
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
Traded for TTcttt Crni-n "R si Won T,nrrl
The Dalles, Oregon.