c ') VOL. IX THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1896 NO 263 AMERICANS ATTACKED Weyler's Butchers Slash an American Planter. NINETEEN CUBAN WOMEN KILLED Banks Resume Specie Payment Wheat . Still Goes Up on Acconnt of Deficiencies. Another American Maltreated by IV e y -- ler's Soldiers. Kby West, Fia., Nov. 9. Advices re ceived from Havana last night per steamer Olivette give details of an out rage on an American citizen and the butchery of nineteen non-combatant Cabana, including four women, by Span ish soldiers. The massacre occnred last Thursday near the town of San Fran cisco de las Lavas, Havana province. A detachment of Spanish soldiers sur prised six insurgents, who, however, made their escape, which angered the Spanish and they began to -raid the houEes in the neighborhood, alleging that the inhabitants were in sympathy with the rebels. They went to the sugar estate of Frederick L. Craycroft, who came here from Indiana about three years ago. Some of the soldiers entered the house, and two of them seized Mrs. Craycroft and assaulted her. The hus band in desperation rushed to bis wife's aid, but was struck down by a sword in the bands of an officer. Two terrible gashes were made in his back and his right arm was - nearly severed. The Spaniards looted the house, took $860 in cash and then raided . other bouses on the estate. They burned eight buildings and shot nineteen inmates, four of Whom were women. Graycroft, when he bad recovered suf ficiently, wrote to Vice-Consul Springer at Havana. It is understood that the vice-consul cabled an account of the out rage to Secretary Olney. The Spanish authorities in Havana are greatly . disturbed because several thousand ineurgents from Gomez' army have : entered Matanzas province. So serious does Weyler consider the situa tion that he has withdrawn 6,000. troops from Pinar del Bio and despatched them into Matanzas to stay the advance. Daring the siege and subsequent cap ture of Guayamara City by the insur gents, the Spaniards lost 260 killed and wounded. Three hundred and seventy Spaniards surrendered to Garcia, com manding the besieging force. Garcia sent word to General Castellanos that they would be exchanged for Cubans held by'the Spaniards. Banks Feel the Effect of Restored Confidence. New York, Nov. 9. The banks are contemplating the resumption of specie payments which they suspended in Feb ruary, 1892, by refusing to supply gold for export and for payment of govern ment dues. That action threw the bur den of supplying gold upon the treasury, and eventually forced the Issue of bonds by the government, which aroused so much complaint. Since the ejection the metal has been coming into the banks in such a flood that they see their way clear to what can be termed a re sumption of specie payments. By this action of the banks gold will be put into circulation, and no occasion whatever will exist for boarding it. They will also resume the task of supplying gold for export and thus relieve the treasury of a great strain. Wanted. Table boarders in private family, borne cooking. Charges, $16 per month. Schilling's Best 'tea gro cer gives your money back if you don't like it. It's one thing to say money back, ' and another thing to do money back. We say it, and your gro cer does it; and we pay him. A Schilling & Company ' , . . ' Saa Francisco ' 400 ,liU Absolutely Pure- A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all In leavening strength. Latest United States Government Food Report. Royal Baking Powdee Co.. New York Merchants Will Convene. Chicago, Nov. 9. Large numbers of merchants throughout the Western and Southern states have signified their in tention of attending the meetings of the National Association of Merchants and Travelers in Chicago this week, and the event promises to be of national import ance. The merchants are eager at this particular time to hear the views of Ly man J. Gage, who has announced bis in tention to speak on the banking situa tion. Scarcely less in importance to the subject to be bandied by Mr. Gage is the address to be delivered by J. V. Farwell, jr., on the mercantile situation. As the 50,000 retail and wholesale mer chants comprising the association are located in the states where the money question was the paramount one in the recent campaign, the merchants are de sirous of hearing the financial views ' of one who is able to discuss it intelligently. The merchants who will comprise the largest attendance at this, the second meeting of the the association, are chief ly from the dry goods, clothing, boot and shoe, hardware and grocery branches. More than the usual amount of late season buying ' will be done by this week's visitors, if their letters to Secre tary Tomlinson are any indication. Nearly all of them - add the facts that they have been running on light stocks, and must therefore do same buying, to the otber reasons for their coming to the city at this time. The present officers of the association are: ' General chairman, A. C. Bartlett; vice-general chairman, J. V. Farwell; general. treaburer, Adolph Nathan ; gen eral secretary, C. S. Tomlinson. The Wheat Crop Deficiency. London, Nov. 9, The Mark Lane Ex press, in a long article on the crop, says : " The deficiency in India is now known to be very serious, but it is not likely that any large wheat imports will occur. Although prices only range from 26a to 36s per quarter, the extreme poverty of the Indian populace renders anything over' 308 almost prohibitive, and 15s to 25s is the usual range. Owing to the failure in India and Australia a defi ciency of 2,033,500 quarters has. created in Great Britain, the iisual sirpply of which must be made up: from other sources, and is a change in the situation, which itself is suffcient to uphold eccen tricities. '"The quanties of wheat on passage to the United Kingdom November 7 were 2,045,000 quarters, of which Russian wheat amounts to 400,000 quarters North American 300,000, South .. Ameri can 100,000 Californian 1,220,000, and eleewbere 25,000." Wheat la London. , London, Nov. 9. Business at the Bal tic in wheat opened steady and quieter. On MaTk Lane wheat was firmly held at about Is $d .higher than on Friday . i Business at the Baltic closed very quiet, but holders adhered to opening prices. ; i - - ' . . , No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes Kinerely Drag Co. Telephone No. 3. Clark, the East End jeweler, makes a specialty!' fine watch- repairing. Call and see him. i -' ' " The Wasco- Warehouse Co. begs leav to inform Farmers that they have STOR AGE,. ROOM for. 200,000 SACKS of WHEAT and any ,one wishing to store their wheat and bold for .later' market can do so on usual terms'. Also, thev will pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE for'Wheat, Oats, Rye and Barley. British Bark Zlnta Goes Ashore Near Gray's Harbor. Aberdeen, Wssh., Nov. 9. The Brit ish bark' Zinita of Greenock, an iron vessel of 1525 tons, went ashore on North beach' this afternoon, about five miles north of the entrance to Gray'e harbor, and close to where the bark Abercorn was wrecked a few years ago. The ves sel was forty days out from Nagasaki, Japan, to Portland, Or., in ballast to load wheat, and first sighted - land on Sunday morning about 9 o'clock, she being then about five miles off the coast, and abreast of Quinault river. The heavy current that sets in along the coast, and a heavy southwest gale, made it Impossible for her to stand out to sea, and at 1 o'clock she was forced to let go both anchors. They failed to hold her, and she gradually drifted ashore, being in a similar position to the Glenmorag, wrecked north of the Columbia. The crew consisted of 27 men under command of James Fraser, and all are safe ashore. One sailor named McNamee received a ecalp wound from being struck on the head by a stanchion, which broke loose as the vessel rolled in the heavy breakers, he being the only one in the crew that was injured. The vessel was first sighted by Mr. Damon, of Oye hut, who, noticing the signal of ditsress, dispatched bis eldest boy to Hoquiam, 12 miles distant, for tugs, and telegrams were at once sent to Wesport to the tug Traveler, and to South Bend for tugs, and for the life-saving crew, but before the tugs could arrive.'the vessel was too far in shore to receive any help, and the crew was all ashore, having experienced no trouble in launching a boat on the lee side of the vessel and reaching the friend ly assistance of the hospitable people who dwell along that shore; MqNamee, the injured sailor, was" brought to the hospital at Hoquim, Captain Fraser and the balance of the crew remaining at Oyehut to look after the vessel. The captain says that he is confident that he can save the vessel with but little if any damage, and the condition of the ship at this time would seem to warrant his statement, as she stood the heavy pound ings received In the breakers without any perceptible damage, not even spring ing a rivet, and she now stands at low ti1e boldly oat, as though in her usual element, instead of in the golden sands ot a strange coast. Norember Record Broken. Chicago, Nov. 9. Wheat broke the record for November this morning by selling at 804c for December, 2 cents advance over Saturday's close. The ad vance was not attended by great excite ment. Few open orders to take profit on long stuff at even .figures brought only a temporary setback. Outside markets were" particularly strong: The visible increase . was only 1,243,000 bushels. The threatened crop damage in Argen tina,' doleful rumors of unsatisfactory fall seeding in Russia and France and large seaboard clearances -were the chief factors which contributed to the success of the bulls. Corn, oats ' and provisions participated in the advance proportion ately. Executor's Notice of Final Account Notice Is hereby given that George A. Llebe, executor of the estate of Richard a. Closter, de ceased, bas filed tbe final accounting of the es tate of Richard G. Closter, deceased, with the guardianship estate of Albert Lehman, an iw sane person, of the peison and estate of which said Albert Lehman, an Insane perron, the said Richard G Closter, deceased, was at the time of his death tbe duly appointed, qualified and act ing guardian, with the clerk of tbe County Court ot the State of Oregon for Wasco. County, and that said -court has appointed 10 o'clock a. m. of Monday, November 2, 1896, being tbe first day of the regular November term of said court, for the yea 1896, at the county courthouse in Dalles City, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of said final accounting and objec tions thereto if any tht re be-: - - - This . notice - is published by order of : said County Court, entered October 2d, 1896. . . GEORGE A. LLEBE. Executor. Comdon A Condom, Attorneys for Executor. oct3-5t-U Administrators'. Notice. Notice is hereby given that tbe undersigned have been du y appointed by the Coauty Court of the State of Oregon- for Wasco eounty. admin istrators with the will annexed of the estate of Perry -Watkins, deceased. .All. persons having claims against said, estate are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to said ad ministrators at the office of C. E. Bayard in Dalles city in said county and State, within six inon tin. from 'he date hereof, and all persons in debted toaid estate are bereby notified to make imnit diafe settlement with the administrators. " Dalles City, Oregon, Bept. 14, 1896. C. E. B A YARD, t. FRANK W ATKINS, , i Administrators with tbe will annexed of th estate of Ferry WatkJns, deceased, i sepl6- . ' . " '. . I Mackintosh Coats for I I LKDIES, v:MEN BOYS. I I Umbrellas and I I Rubber Footwear 1 I Of all kinds at Bedrock Prices. 5 JHZu WIIiIiIAMS CO. S BABY'S HEAD & BODY Watery Blisters Turning: To Complete Sore Family Doctor Could not Heal Without Loss of Hair. COMPLETELY DISCOURAGED Economical and Speedy Cora by CUT1CURA REMEDIES Now no Trace of Disease. Hair Thick, Child Fat, Good, and Hearty. When four days old my babe broke out over one sido of his bead and body with watery blisters, which turned to a complete scab. We called the family doctor, and ho said that " be could heal them up," but " the baby would never have any more hair on bis head,1' and we were completely discouraged. We were told to try CunouitA Remedies and did so. We used two boxes of Cuticuka. two cakes of Cuticcb Soap, and he now is all right. The hair is on thick, and yon would never think there was anything the matter with him, he is so fat, gooil, ana hearty, and I do not know how to praise Cuticoh Kkh edies enough for the good thev did my child. Mas. WM. H. SCOTT, "Luzerne, l"a. , CUTICUKA REMEDlCs have effected the most wonderful cures of torturing and dis figuring skin and scalp diseases of iufants and children ever recorded. They afford in stant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure when the best physicians, hospitals, and all other methods fail. Bpetot Cotie Treatment. V.'nrm baths with CtrricunA Soap, gentle application of Cutxcttra (ointment), and mild doses of Coti cura Rbsolvzht (blood purifier. I Sold-thronghbut the world. Potter Dnno fc . Caxii. Coup., Solo proprietors, Boston, U.SA. JUT" How to Cure Skin Diseases," mailed Jree. Q H RY'C Bnnnd Scalp puriflVd and beautified DAD I O byCtrricuBASoAP. Absolutely pure. KisPaiiiialS - ' Cnticcr Antl-Paln Plaster. '' '. '' . Harry Liebe,, PRACTICAL All work promptly attended to, ' and warranted.; v 174 VOGT BLOCK. for Sale. One span draft horses, one set of bar. ness and a wagon, for .sale at a bargain. Address box 429j The bailee Or'.:- " ' oct28-dwlm Watciimakerl Jeweler When yog oiant to bay Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley, Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the WASCO : WAREHOUSE Oar prices are low and onr goods are firt-claps. Agrents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY. -DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. , . And tbe Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and" PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS nsed in all our work, and none bat tha most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. . All orders promptly attended to. Store and Paint Shoo corner Third and Washington Sts.. The Dalles. 0reo BLAKELEY 175 Second Street, C9TCoantry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. Lurnber, Building. Material , and- Boxes Traded for- TTott d-nairt "RnnriTi T.jvrri; Jr.r ROWE & CO., & HOUGHTON The Dalles, Oregon The Dalles, Oregon.