o flif Tight Heatera The Original Air-Tight Stove, m -4 ssvi 3 Specialties Hagey's King Heater. Take a look at them before you buy something else. They are all right. Sold only by MAYS & CROWE. Ladies' Underwear. a- o We are showing, the most popular priced line of Ladies' Underwear ever put on our counters. The following numbers are worthy of your attention: No. 6627 Ladies' Ribbed Vests, fleece back, flesh color 75c suit No. 8927 Ladies' Fine Ribbed, heavy weight, grey color 80c sust No. 7747 Ladies' Fine Jersey Ribbed, wool face, fleece back, color silver grey, special value $1.00 suit No. 7874 Fine Jersey Ribbed, wool face, fleece back, heavy weight.... 1.25 suit No. . 7646 Fine Merino Ribbed, medium weight 1.50 suit Rubber Footwear. We carry a full stock of everything made by the Boston Rubber Shoe Company the best Rubber Goods on earth. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS 2 7 5 9 9 ? o o Air Tight Heaters are tlie best and most Economical heaters made. Call and See our STOVES and get our prices before buying1 elsewhere. MAIER & BENTON The Dalles. Remember We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES. Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO Tfcs Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY. NOV. 9. 1896 Weather forecast. Portland, Nov. 9, 1896. For Eastern Oregon Tonight and tomor row, continued rain and cooler. Pague. Observer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random Observations and Local Events of Lesser Magnitude. Suitable re- Lost A bunch of keys. ward if left at this office. The rain still continues in a mild way, and as it is reasonably warm the range will probably be greatly improved. ,- Kates to the Portland ratification are according to the Oregonian to be $1.00 for the round trip, from this point, Wednes day. One and 22-hundredtha of an inch of tain fell Saturday night and since Satur day at 5 p. m,, one and 92 hundredths have fallen. other Prohibition electors 1 each. The National Democratic vote has as fol lows: Cox 39, Holmes 24, Seufert 23 and Trenchard 24. Dr. Matchette8 Indian Tobacco Anti dote will care any one . of the tobacco habit in 72 hours. It is compounded by a celebrated physician, and is the result of a life-time study. Guaranteed harm less. Price, only 50 cents for a big box enough to cure any ordinary case. All druggists, or by mail, postpaid. Circulars free. Dr. Matchette, Chicaco, Illinois. W. H. Weaver, who ia directing Et- tinger's attractions, which include "A Clean Sweep," now in the East. "A Tangled Affair," now in the South, and Miss Orris Ober and her Eastern Co., is in the city today in the interest of Miss Ober, who play's a week's engagement at the Vogt opera bouse, beginnihg Monday, Nov. 9th. Her prices, as well as the company, are Eastern 10, 20 and 30 cents. Pease & Mays received this morning their third shipment of plush capes and their complete stock of felt Bhoes and warm footwear. An agent representing H Askin & Co. of San Francisco is in the city examin ing into the matter of furnishing electric lights for the city. Lost A leather-covered whipstock, last Wednesday evening, between city marshal's office and Umatilla House, Finder please return to Wm Waggen- man. nov6-3t The special carrying Hon. Thomas B Heed stopped at the Locks 40 minutes today, and from here went to Celilo to look at the rapids, Mr. Reed's two daughters accompanied him. The Columbia hotel has changed hands, Mr. T. T. Nicholas, who has con ducted it for a number of years, retiring and Mr. F. J. Toomey taking charge. The transfer was made this morning. The Dalles city filed the first manifest of freight and passengers with the super intendent of the locks at 12 :30 Thurs day, and the Regulator filed hers, the first from the upper river to Portland, at noon Friday. Goldendale was to have had a grand ratification blow out tonight, but on ac count of the rain and mud, the affair has been postponed, but no definite date has yet been agreed upon, it depending on the weather. A young man named F. L. Leonard was arrested this morning, charged with forging the name of George Thompson to an order for two weeks' board, the order being addressed to Mrs. Davis, who keeps a restaurant in the East End. Indian Sampson, an old timer, who was guide for Col. Wright and later for General Canby in the Modoc war, and who lost his left arm in that war, made ua a call today. He is needy and de sires, apparently, above all things, something to eat. The official vote in Crook county gives Caples 607, Geer 607, Smith 604, Yoran 693, Butler 675, Hofer 676, Spaugh 571, Watkms 570, C. J. Bright got 2 and the Eev. J. H. Wood preached a very able eermon yesterday evening, taking as his subject "The Election," and in connec tion therewith the text "Many are called, but few are chosen." The sub ject was treated from a non-partisan standpoint, and urged upon all the ne cessity of studying political questions closely and voting intelligently and hon estly, without being misled through par tisan prejudices or bias, and also took the ground that prosperity now, or at any time, can only be secured by honest and persistent efforts on the part of all Wasco County Vote. The vote of this county was canvassed this morning and showed the following results : Republican Caples 1C98, Geer 1701, Smith 1680, Yoran. 1688. Demo cratic, etc Butler 1367, Hofer 1363, Spaugh 1361, Watkins 1361. Prohibi tion Bewerman 33, Bright 34, Butler 35, Hoskins 32. National Democratic, Cox 28, Holmes 22, Seufert 25, Trench ard 20. , Notice. . Trs Dalles, Nov. 9, 1896. All persons having bills contracted for the celebration of the opening of the cascade locka will please have them cer tided to by the proper committee and presented to the First National Bank for settlement. H. M. Bball, J. T. Peteks, N. J. SlNNOTT, Executive Committee, The Official Const. The official count of: the county gives the following as the general result. By adding the votes of the four Republican electors, and dividing by four, and doing the same with the Democratic electors the difference Bhows the .true majority in the county, which is 328. Female Help Wanted. Wantkd Red-beaded girl and white horse to deliver premiums given away with Hoe Cake Soap. Apply to any where. Council Meeting. City council met Saturday evening in regular session, present Mayor Menefee, Recorder Phelps, and Coulcilmen Nolan, Kuck, Thompson, Ross and Champlin. The minutes of last previous meeting' were read and approved. Petition for lighting streets by elec tricity read and referred to committee on streets and public property. Judiciary committee reported by Councilman Thompson on the petition L. Story to have the city accept deed to certain lands in settlement vof claim against him held by city recommending that petition be not allowed. Petition of Francis Croaeen for repay ment of $150 alleged illegal fines paid by him, reported unfavorably by commit tee. Both above reports were adopted. Health' and Police committee report by Councilman Ross that sewer in west end of Third street needed repairing, and recommending extension of sewer to Mill creek. Reports of officers read and received, and claims as reported by city marshal allowed and ordered paid. Recorder was instructed to have in surance policy changed from $500 to $300 on recorder's office and to cancel all in surance on water commissioner's office. Communications from outside parties concerning furnishing electric lights, read and referred to committee on streets and public property. The following bills were allowed. Unas F Lauer, marshal salary $75 00 Geo Brown, engineer 75 00 J J Wiley, night watchman. . . 60 00 C J Crnndall, treasurer 20 00 G W Phelps, recorder. 50 00 Maier & Benton, nidse 4 90 Mays & Crowe, mdse 3 50 Dalles Lumbering Co, mdse 2 18 James Hannan, labor 1 P F Burbam, hanlmg. Morning Oregonian, printing 1 Dalles Uity Water Works, water. . 32 00 H Zirka, sawing wood ....... 7 20 Chas Denton, 16 cords of wood. . 56 00 JJr k L Doane, prof services 2 50 W iSIakenev, haolme hose carts 1 50 Stephens Bros, hauling drunk to iail 25 Oakes& Stringer. hauline on sts. . . 5 00 James Like, special police 18 00 James Like, labor 9 00 J H Heebner, special police 10 00 J H Heebner, labor... 1 00 W R Brown, labor 1 70 Columbia Hotel, meals 7 50 California Restaurant, meals ..... 5 85 "Suicide at Mitchell. water, that stood upon the table. Al though these indications pointed, to the fact of Spitzer having taken the poison With suicidal intent, Dr. Houck, the autopsy physician, was unable to find evidence of the drug in the man's stom ach. Spitzer's remains were buried at Mitchell last Sundav. The Review is nformed that William Spitzer haa been employed at various placea in Crook county for several years, but npon in quiry we were unable to find any knowl edge of his former name or of any rela tives he may have had. Prineville Re-, view. Vogt Opera House. 50 50 60 The VOGT GRAND OPERA HOUSE, Just One Week, Beginning MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9th. Miss Ober, who begins a week's en gagement at the Vogt opera house Mon day night, Nov. 9th, at eastern prices, 10, 20 and 30 cents, and by an eastern company, will produce comedies, witn two exceptions, they being "Trilby" and The Bells." On Monday night that political satire, 'A Race for Congress" will be produced. It is a comedy in three acts, and is said to be very funny. The Cheyenne, Wyo., Herald of Sept. 18th says of the production of "The Bells,'.' a play that made Sir Henry Irving famous : "The Bells." aa presented by the Orria Ober Co. last night, was without) aloubt as fine a production as was ever wit nesned in our beautitel theater. Mr. Gilbert Toasick in the leading role, "Matbias," showed himself to be an actor of such cleverness and ability that we unhesitatingly predict for him a suc cess in his theatrical career that is sel dom, achieved except by the favored few. From the time he commenced to epeak until the enrtain descended on the last act, he held the audience nnder such complete control that a pin could bave been heard all over the house had any chosen to bave dropped it. In tact we can only repeat what we said in our yesterday's issue that every member of this company is exceedingly clever, and it will be a long time beiore we will have a chance of witnessing another as good. Every piece they have produced has been a decided success, we under stand that the piece produced tonight is equally as good as any that has gone before. Seats are now on sale at the Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co.'s. Take your watches, clocks and jewelry repairing to Clark, thf East End jeweler. Saturday night, October 31, William Spitzer committed enicide in his room at the Central hotel, Mitchell. Spitzer was a laboring man, and bad been em ployed during the past summer by Will iam Nelson aa a '. sheep herder. About four weeka ago he entered upon a pro tracted "spree," . which was brought to an end the day before his death by the liquor leaders refusing to sell or give him more drink. Sunday morning, after a failure to arose him, the hotel people went into his room and found him dead. The proper authorities were summoned, and upon investigation a phial of strych nine was found in his ' pocket, from which several grains had been spilled upon the floor. Strychnine waa also found in a glass, partly filled with s Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. mm GHEAM Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. flffiss OHHIS OBEH And Her Eastern Company of 15 Artists, In a New Play Each Night. MONDAY NIGHT. EACE fox M TT AnTCT" COMEDIES and DRAMAS, NtlVV llO 1 SONGS and. DANCES, Electrical and Musical Specialties. IF You want to Laugh You Love Music You Enjoy Good Comedy GO Prices, 10, 20 and 30c. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Successor to Cbrtsman fc Corson. FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to aee all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. School Books Supplies. Jacobson Book & Music Co. No. 174 Second Street, Ne-w Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Job Printing at this Office