The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 09, 1896, Image 1

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    C i
NO 262
Canton Has an Immense and
Brilliant Parade.
McKinley's Election Believed In Europe
to Be a Threat to frpaln.
Over Cuba.
Improved Business in a Manufacturing
Lyons, N. Y., Nov. 8. The Manhat
tan silver-plate factory, which baa been
running irregularly since January last,
ha9 commenced running nights on ac
count of large orders conditioned on the
election results.
The New Haven silver-plate factory
and A. H. Towar & Company's silver
plate factory have both started np on
full time. There is even a scarcity of
employes at present.
The. Fisher pottery, established in
1825, is now running full blast for the
first time in many months.
The result of all this is that the produce-handlers
are now able to secure
money with which to move the big ap
ple crop, which is estimated at 720,000
barrels. There has been an increase in
farm produce prices also and collections
are said to be improving.
Canton's Last Great Parade.
Canton, O., Nov. 7. Ma'cb aB President-elect
McKinley has desired to get
his wife away from the excitement
about his Canton home, it was decided
this evening that it was best for Mrs.
McKinley not to attempt the trip before
Wednesday or Thursday of next week,
instead of Monday, as expected. The
scenes of congratulation and jollification
have continued without cessation and
today thousands of people marched
through the streets and gathered about
hours before tonight's big jollification
began. At the' breakfast table' Major
McKinley was signalled by farmers who
have travelled miles to come to Canton
and who tapped at the window and
beckoned him to their greetings. He
responded to their manifestations of
good will by securing a jardinoire of
chrysanthemums and going to the side
door made them happy by giving them
such floral beauties as are seldom seen
anywhere. All day long the joyous
throngs marched through the streets and
filled the sidewalks. They came in spe
cial trains and special cars, on regular
trains and by carriage, on horseback,
bicycle and afoot.
Chief Marshal Harry Frease Btarted
the final great campaign parade tonight
before 8 o'clock and Canton had a pyro
technical blaze of glory such as Bhe had
never enjoyed before in the eventful
days which have passed. Repub
lican committees, Republican and Demo
cratic sound money committees, citizens
and reception escort committees and the
citizens of Canton and Stark county,
combined with the people from Eastern
Ohio and Western Pennsylvania, made
one last grand paraede and demonstra
tion. They marched and cheered over
the lines of march that have been trod
by nearly a million of people and are
now historic in the annals of American
politics. The echoes of the roar of can
non and the din of cheering reverbrated
over the city and for miles into the
country. Major McKinley and a score
of friends reviewed the parade as it
passed his house. Owing to Mrs. Mc
Kinley 's ill health it is expected that
will end the jollification parades and the
McKinley yell, which for months has
reigned supreme, will now take a rest in
Go to any grocer and
ask for Schilling's Best tea:
Japan, English Breakfast,
Oolong, Ceylon, ' of the
Blend.' -l
He will . pay you your
money back if you don't
like it.
A Schilling ft Company . . . .
Stw FrancuGo Z99
Absolutely Pure.
A ci earn of tartar baking powder. Highest of
all in leavening strength. Latest United States
Government flood Report.
Royal Baking Powder Co., New York
hope of gaining strength for the day
inaugural ceremony.
McKinley's Election a Threat to Spain
In Cnban Matters.
Pabis, Nov. 7. The Gaulois contains
interviews with a number of. members
of the chamber of deputies, and among
others, M. Paul de?" Chanel, upon the re
sults of Mr. McKinley's election as pres
ident, in which he says :
"It will benefit the English capital
ists who have lent their gold to the
United States and the French agricul
turists, but French industries have to
fear the protective tariff. The great
black spot in the new presidency is the
Cuban question." .
M. de Lambre, the president of the
budget committee of the chamber, ex
pressed the view that he did not think
it would prove that the McKinley tariff
would greatly affect French trade.
M. Francis echoed the opinion of M.
de Lambre. It is to be hoped that Spain
will suppress the rebellion in Cuba be
fore McKinley is installed.
A New Colorado Railroad
Victor, Col., Nov. 8. The Colorado
Springs, Victor & Cripple Creek railroad,
incorporated several weeks ago, has suc
ceeded in placing its bonds, and work on
the line will be pushed as rapidly as pos
sible. The funds were awaiting the re
sult of the election, and after the election
was over, they were promptly taken np.
The new road will be an electric line, 31
miles in length, and will cost $300,000.
The bonds are 6 per cent semi-annual
gold bonds, and they were floated in
Boston. The directors expect to have
trains running by the first of July, 1897.
Tomorrow Mackey & Ross will begin
the actual construction of the Victor &
Cripple Creek electric line.
Coal Miners Going; Out.
Jadkson, O., Nov. 8. All the coal
mines here are idle, .the men going out
today. President Ratchford, of the
Ohio miners, is here holding confer
ences, and there was a mass meeting to
day, but no settlement has been reached.
The miners are resisting the 45-cent
rate, saying they can barely live in that
region at the 61 -cent "rate. The men
have been having less than half time for
months and are Buffering now. The
trouble is over the differentials of differ
ent districts in the state, and it is feared
that the controversy will cause a gen
eral efrike ot many thousands of miners
in Ohio. '
. JL Place for Farmer Allerton.
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 8. Livestock
me of Omaha, Kansas City and the
West generally have inaugurated a cam
paign to secure for "Farmer" Samuel
Allerton the position . of secretary of
agriculture in McKinley's cabinet. Har
vey Ingersoll yesterday received a com
munication from Secretary Baker, of the
National' Livestock Exchange, asking
him to confer with members of the ex
ecutive committee of the local exchange
on that subject.
Rolling- Mills Open.
Toledo, 0.,'Nov. 8. The Mammoth
Roding Mill Company will increase its
force by 200 men tomorrow. The sheet
iron mills have been closed for several
months, and would not have opened in
the event of Bryan's election. The men
are all high-priced skilled workmen.
No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES
Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.' Telephone No. 3.
' Clark, the East End jeweler, makes a
specialty of fine watch repairing. Call
and Bee him.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Wasco.
In the matter of the estate of Mary M. Gordon,
deceased, uuauon.
To Mary Gibson, Susie E. Bickford, Maggie A.
Gordon, Kite J. Btogsdlll, George B. Gordon,
Williams Gordon, heirs at law of said deceMsed,
and al rother heirs at law and next of kin of
said deceased, known or unknown, greeting:
In the name of the 8tate of Oregon, You are
hereby cited and required to appear in the
County Court of the Srate of Oregon, for the
County of Wasco at the Court Room thereof, at
Dalles City, in the County of Wasco on Monday,
the second day of November, 1896, at two o'clock
in the afternoon of that day, then and there to
appear and show cause, if any there be, why an
oraer snouia not De maae, airecung xne admin
istrator ot the estate of Mary M. Gordon, de
ceased, to sell the real estate beloneimr to said
estate, described in his petition, aiidSieKcribed
as follows, xo-wit: 'lite ooutn-wesBquiTwer ot
Section Thirty-two (ifci) in Township- Four (4)
South of Range Thirteen (13) East of the Will
amette Meridian, in Wasco County, Oregon, for
the purpose of satisfy ing the debts and claims
against said estate.
Witness, the Hon. Robert Mays, Judge of the
County Court ot the State ot Oregon, for
sbal the County of Wasco with the Seal of
said Court affixed this first day of Octo
ber, A. D., 1896.
Attest: a. M. KELSAY, Clerk.
By Simeon Bolton, Deputy.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon fo A
w asco county:
In the matter of the guardianship of Alice Al
mira Udell and William Edward Udell (alias
William Edward Austin), Minors.
Now on this 26th day of Beptember, 18, the
regular September term of Court having
been adjourned and continued to this
date, and the Court being in regular
session, this cause came on for hearing
upon the verified petition and application of
George Udell, guradian of the persons nd es
tates of Alice Almira Udell and William Edward
Udell (alias William Edward Austin), and the
court having read said petition and it appearing
to the satisfaction of the court from said peti
tion that it is necessary and would be beneiicial
to said wards that the real estate belonging to
said wards should be sold, and the court being
fully advieed: '
Thereupon it is hereby ordered that the next
of kin of said wards, and all persons interested
in said estate of said wards, appear before this
court on Monday, the 2d day of November, 1896,
at the hour of 2 o clock p. in., at the county
courtroom in the courthouse in Dalles City, in
Wasco County, Oregon, to show cause, if any
exists, why a license should not be granted to
said guardian, George Udell, for the sale of real
estate belonging to said wards to -wit: The
southeast quarter of Section 30, Township 1
North, Range 10 East, situated in Wasco County,
State of Oregon.
it is further ordered that this order shall be
served upon the next oi kin of taid wards and
all persons interested in said estate by publica
tion thereof in Dalles Chronicle, a newspaper
of gei eral circulation in this county, for three
successive weeks, beginning on the 3d day of
October, 1896.
3oct-ii ROBT. MAYS, Judge.
Administrators' Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
have been duly appointed by the County Court
of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, admin
istrators with the will annexed of the estate of
Perry Watkins, deceased. All fursons having
claims against said estate are hereby required
to present the same, duly verified, to said ad
ministrators at the office of C. E. Bayard in
Dalles City in said county and 8tate, within six
months from the date hereof, and all persons in
debted to said estate are hereby notified to make
immediate settlement with the administrators.
Dalles City, Oregon, Sept. 14, 1896.
Administrators with the will annexed of th
estate of Ferry Watkins. deceased. sepl6-
Table boarders in private family,
home cooking. Charges, $16 per month.
A itfild I'hvkip. Aba TH11 fV To.
A morement of the bowels &ch day is neceeurr for
bealtn. These pills supply what the system lacks to
tnake it regular. They care Headache, brighten the
Kyes, nd clear the Complexion better than cosmetics.
They neither frripe nor sicken. To convince yon. we
Bill-t-il --.! -il Km- Of- Rnljla---.
TRIPOD poison
1 I ttlaT BIOOO 1-OISON permanently
I f (cnredtnl5to3Sdays. You can be treated a
ty If you prefer to come here we will con.
,"" """ tracttopay railroad fareand hotel bim.aod
DO charge. If we fail to core. If too have taken nun
any part oi me ooav, juair or Eyebrows ralllne
out. It is this Secondary KitOOD POISON
we pnarantoe to cure. We solicit the most obsti
nate cases and challenge the world for
2S wet2an??c1r Thl disease has always
baffled the skill of the most eminent oh vsi
500,000 capital behind onr nneondt.
arantr. Absolute nnmh
tlonal guaranty.
application- Address COOK REMEDY CQt.
$Qft Masonic Temple, CHICAGO. XJLIs
rI M ' a-a m M A s 2a
Executor's NoticMf Final Account.
Notice is hereby given thai George A. Liebe,
executor of the estate of Richard G. Closter, de
ceased, has filed the final accounting of the es
tate of Richard G. Closter. deceased , with the
guardianship estate of Albert Lehman, an in
sane person, of the peison and ettate of which
said Albert Lehman, an. insane person, the said
Richard G. Closter, deceased, was at the time of
his death the duly appointed, qualified and act
ing guardian, with the clerk of the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County,
and that said court has appointed 10 o'clock a.
m. of Monday, November 2, 1896, being the first
day ' the reeular November term of said court,
for the en lh96, at- the county courthouse in
Dalles City, Oregon, as the time and place for
the hennng ot said final accounting and objec
tions thereto if any tht re be.
This notice Is published by order of said
jouuiy (jourt, enierea uctooer za, iowo.
GEORGE A. LIEB, Executor.
Condon & condom, Attorneys for Executor.
Mackintosh Coats for
Umbrellas and
Of all
"Watery Blisters
Turning' To Complete Sore
Family Doctor Could not
Heal Without Loss of Hair.
Economical and Speedy Core by
How no Trace of Disease.
Hair Thick, Child Fat, Good, and
When four days old my babe broke out over
one side of his head and body with watery
blisters, which turned to a complete scab.
We called the family doctor, and he said that
"he could heal them up," but "the baby
would never have any more hair on his head'
and we were completely discouraged. Wo
were told to try Cuticdea Remedies and
did so. We used two boxes of Ccticura, two
cakes of Cuticura Soap, and he now is all
right. The hair is on thick, and you would
never think there was anything the matter
with him, he is so fat, good, and hearty, and
1 do not know how to praise Cuticura REM
EDIES enough forthe good they did my child.
Mas. Wil. II. SCOTT, Luzerne, Fa.
CUTICURA REMEDIES have effected the
most wonderful cures of torturing and dis
figuring skin and scalp diseases of infants
and children ever recorded. They afford in.
stant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point
toa speedy cure when tho best physicians,
hospitals, and all other methods fail.
Epiibt Cutis TnEATsntwr. Warm baths
with Coticuba Soap, gentle applications of
Cuticttra (ointment), and mild doses of CCTi.
CUBA Rssoltxht (blood purifier).
Bold throughout the world. Potter Drus ft
Caen. Coop., Sole Proprietors, Boston, U..
M& " now to Cure Skin XMseows," mailed Jreo.
D A DY'C ekin and Scs,P purinVd and beautified
CADI 0 y Cuticuba Soap. Absolutely pure.
Guti cars An tt.Paln Pla ateit '
Harry Liebe,
Watchmakerl Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
For Sale.
One spaa draft horses, one set of har
ness and a wagon, for sale at a bargain.
Address box 429, The Dalles, Or.
. oct28-dwlm
Rubber Footwear
kinds at Bedrock
When you wwt to ky
Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat,
Rolled Barley,Whole Barley,
Oats, Rye,; Bran, Shorts,
Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the
Oar prices are low and onr goods are first-clasp.
Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR.
Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY.
33- "75T.
' And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINJERanrl" PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all onr work, and none but th
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or Boap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to. .-.;
Store and Faint Shop corner Third and Washington St., The Dalles. 0reoi
175 Second Street,
COCountry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
Tradedfor gay. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
The Dalles, Oregon
The Dalles, Oregon.