te' aTTi Lv f ! r smm - vvs: II. H .fi I IT. J- . VOL. IX THE DALLES, OREGON. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER .7. L896 NO 261 TOM REED THE MAN Most Likely to Be Secretary of State. AN EXTRA SESSION PROBABLE Kentucky Ptill In Doubt ana an Official Vote Will Only Decide Suuth lattota. President McKinley's Cabinet. ' Washington, Nov. 6. Slatemakers are at work here already framing a cab inet for President-elect HcKinley, snd the names mentioned range from Speak er Keed for secretary of state, down to John (5. Cowan, of Nebraska, for attorney-general. It has been suggested that Mr. MeKinley might follow precedent, and tender the portfolio of the state de partment to Keed, inasmuch as the latUr was the nearest competitor for the nom ination at St. Louis. On the other hand it is believed a re-election to the speaker ship of the 55th congress would be more acceptable to Reed. Next in. line, according to the cabinet fixers, stands Henry Cabot Lodge, .who would make an ideal secretary of state. Such an appointment would be popular in the East, and New England in par ticular,, owing to the vigorous American ism of the present associate of Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts. Three other names are also mentioned in connection with the department of state Senator Allison of Iowa, Davis of Minnesota, and Sherman of Ohio, having supporters for this position at the head of the diplo matic branch of the government. Sen ator Sherman id also named in connec tion witii the treasury. Senator Proctor, of Vermont, is men tioned for a return to the war depart ment, where he was secretary under .President Harrison, but in the same connection the name of General Alger, of Michigan, is also suggested. ' Representative Henderson, of Iowa, and ex-Senator Manderson, of Nebraska, have also come to the front as among the possibilities for secretary of war. Representative Boutelle is being urged aa the secretary of the navy, and bis friends say Mr. MeKinley could not find a man for the place better posted than the Maine congressman'. In making up the cabinet the West is not being disregarded, and a very popu lar name for postmaster-generai is that of Representative Babcock, of Wiscon sin, chairman of the Republican con gressional campaign committee. There is some talk of Hanna for this portfolio, as well as H. Clay Evans, of Tennessee, who was defeated in his vice-presiden tial aspirations by Mr. Hobart. Ex-Governor W. R. Merriam, of Min nesota, and ex-Congressman La Follette, of Wisconsin, are well thought of for the interior department. It is frequently urged that a graceful act of courtesy would be to ' tender the post of secretary of state to ex-President Harrison: but it is considered doubtful whether he would accept. C. W. Fairbanks, of Indiana who would like to succeed Senator Voorhees, is also named as a cabinet minister em bryo. ' For attorney-genera1 the names of Judges McKenna and McComas, of Cali fornia and Maryland, respectively,' are most frequently heard, 'and Captain J C. Cowan, of, Omaha, is - considered among those entitled to be beard on this subject. ., v . , r ... r ,. " 'New" York would like to have the Bed retaryship of the treasury, and Cornelius Tea is "good" when you like it; not good when you don't . If you don't like Schil lings Best, the"rgTXKrer pays you back your money; we pay him to do so. It lis a good te$; well cured, and fired m San Francisco not in Asia. . mm OPE Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking owder. HIehest of all In leavening strength. Latest United Slates Government tooa Keport. KOYiL BAK1NQ rOWDEE tjo., rew xonc N. Bliss and T. C. Piatt are favored for that position. Senator Quay, of Pennsylvania, is mentioned in connection with the navy department. It is believed that Secretary Morton will be succeeded by a Western man, and Governor Morrill, of Kansas, is mentioned for the place in the agricul tural department. An Extra Session of Congress. Washington, Nov. 6. An extra ses sion following immediately the inaugu ration of Mr. MeKinley is, in the pre vailing opinion, certain. No one pro fesses to have word from Mr. MeKinley direct on the subject, but there is good authority for saying that Mark Hanna, during a recent visit in New York, said enough to give the impression that an extra session is on the Republican prog gram. ' '" , Senator Quay believes ah extra session is certain. That was what he had in mind last Saturday when he said : "We shall have a new tariff bill within eight months after McKinley's inauguration.'.' Senator Quay has the habit of speak ing by the card, and to get a new tariff bill passed by that time would require the calling of congress together as soon after March 4th next as possible. Tlie Effect at Monde. Muncie, Ind., Nov. 6. Ball Brothers' glass factory company say they will build another mill' at once employing 500 more hands. . The Indiana Iron Company, which has worked about one-tenth capacity for a year, is flooded with- orders and will resume with 800 bands next Monday. The Midland Steel Company reports an immense influx of orders. . . The Muncie Iron Company put their men at work on double time yesterday Five other factories report more orders than in any one week for five months past. The window glass factories are idle be' cause of a strike. A Schilling & Company Sam Francisco , S98 A Tie In South Dakota. Yankton, S. D., Nov.' 6. South Da kota's vote on presidential electors is tied, and an official count will be re quired to determine the result. Repub lican managers have closed their office, with the above declaration. Any claim ol Populists that the state is for Bryan ia not justified by the returns. Correc tions and changes in three precincts not yet heard from may give the electors to either Bryan or MeKinley. The Repub lican congressmen ran ahead of the electors by several hundred votes, so far as heard from, and they may have safe majorities. ' ' "; ..' Little Change In California. San Fbancisco, Nov. 6. The Ban Francisco Chronicle will say : The majority for MeKinley and Ho bart is reduced by the; hew returns, but the'Republican state committee, with its private Teturns from almost every coun ty, insists npon '. holding the ' figures above 4000. " There are still 111 pre cincts missing in the tabled vote. These are "outlying ones, where the vote was small four years ago.- They cannot great ly change the present figures, which show' the Re publican ticket In'theead by 4513. ; . . -. . for Commissioner of Pensions. Eockford, III., Nov. 6. Friends of Colonel Thomas G. Jjawler, ex-com-mander-inVchief of the Grand Army of the Republic, will urge his natae to President-elect MeKinley for the ap pointment of commissioner of pensions whenjthe proper time arrives. He is one of the most popular men in the Grand Army organization,-and -while at its head visited every state in the Union. The Times-Star's Figures. Cincinnati, C., Nov. 6. The Times- Star has received returns from Leslie county, Ky., which gives a Republican plurality of 841, and, with complete' re- tarns from all counties in Kentucky, an nounces that MeKinley bas a plurality of 676. CIVIC PRIDE. Be Was Driving for C hlcBtro and He Laid Claim to the Whole load. It happened the other any in one of the most aristocratic districts of the North, side. One of the vehicles was a handsome carriage, occupied by a swell young matron, and driven by the haug-h-tiest of English coachmen, while the other was an extremely uabef.iitlful wagon belonging to the street cleaning department, and engineered by a -non descript individual of Hibernian line age. - ' The wagon was in such a position that it blocked the advance of the carriage, and the coachman, leaning forward, bent his haughty gaze on the driver and said : Aw, say, me man, turn out there, will you?" There was no reply, and the individual addressed gazed far into vacancy. The neck of the coachman grew purple, and there was some asperity in his tones as he called again : "Hi say, old fellow, just turn aside and let us pass, will you?' Again there was no reply, and the oc cupant of the carriage came to the res cue. Leaning out of the window, with a conquering smile, she said: "My good man, kindly turn out and allow us to pass; you are blocking the ! way. But the man on the cart gave no sign of heaving any more than might the statue of. Gen. Grant, under similar con ditions. He also remainid immovable. Finally the ladj- gave the order to turn out and go around the other way. As the carnage disappeared the helper ap proached the cart. "What was the swells sayin' to ye, Pat?" he asked. Then the sphinx spoke: "They was wantin' me to turn out," he said, "but Oim drivin for the city of Chicago, Oi am, and Oi'U not turn out for anny wan!". Chicago Tribune. - An Economical Barky. Gabe Snodgrass recently applied to Eev. Whangdoodle Baxter, of the Blue Light tabernacle; for some pecuniary assistance. "I jess kain' do hit," replied Parson Baxter. "I "has ter s'port my pore ole mudder." "But yer pore old mudder says yer don' do nuffin for her." "Well, den, ef I don do nuffin fer my pore ole mudder, whut's de use ob an outsider like you tryin' ter make me shell out?" Texas Sifter. LONGS TO BE A SLAVE. A Southern Negro Who Wants to Go Into ISondage Again. Some of the letters that Mayor Thacher gets are curiosities in their way. People from out of town who wish to find out anything in the city of Albany invariably write letters to the mayor. It doesn't make any difference what the information desired relates to, the mayor, they think, ought to know, says the Albany Argus. A letter was received from a negro away down south, who, Mr. Monahan says, has been dead for 30 years not literally a corpse, but deceased as far as his grip on hustling, progressive nineteenth century life, was concerned. This man believes thai slavery is still an institution in this great land, and is ignorant -of the glorious fact that the master's whip hasn't cracked for 30 years, ne never heard of the president's proclamation, never knew that the north had whipped the south, and that 1,000,' 000 lives had been sacrificed to free the slave. In his letter to the mayor this colored man asked to be brought north and sold back into slavery. There is no question that he found it impossible to live in the south, and longed again for the irresponsibility from self-support of slavery days which" he" thougnt still flourished in the south. Executor's -Notice of Final Account. Notice is herebv river, that Georee A. Llebe. executor of the estate of Richard 6. Closter, de ceased, has filed' the final accounting of the es tate of Richard G. Closter, deceased, with the guaraiansmp esrais oi AiDert Leoman, an in sane person, of 'the peison and estate of which said Albert Lehman, an insane person, the said Richard G Closter, deceased, was at the time of his death tbe duly appointed, qualified and act ing guardian, with .the clerk, of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, and that said, court has appointed 10 o'clock a. m. of Monday, Koveinber 2, 1896, being the first day of the retrular .November term of said court, forthevea 1896. at tbe county courthouse in Dalle ( iiy. Oregon, as the time and place for the Hearing oi said final accounting andubjec tiontt the eto i any the re be. - i ,. '1 his notice is published by order of Raid County Court, entered October Via, lsuts. , GEORGE A. LIEBE, Executor. Condon & Condom, Attorneys for Executor. oct3-5t-ii What i ' . : r - women admire about our K. N. & F. Co. clothing is the gracefuf contour, the strength and manliness of their make up, the life in every line and curve, and the many little refining touches that . appeal so forcibly to the feminine eye j What men like 2 ' clothing is their ease and com- 9 z fort, their sturdy wearing Z x qualities, their correct L 9 Both fit in every part. 6 y sexes appreciate Z 6 ... our prices. 9 il. JSK. WIEEaI3MS GO. BABY'S HEAD & BODY Watery Blisters 1 1 Turniug- To Complete Sore. Family Doctor Could not Ileal Without Loss of Hair. COMPLETELY DiSGOUBABED Economical and Speedy Core by CUTICURA REMEDIES ' Now no Trace, of Disease. Hair Thick, Child Fat, Good, and. Hearty. When four days old my babe broke ont over one side of his head and body with watery blisters, which turned, to a complete scab. Vie called the family doctor, and he said that " he could heal them up,' but ' the baby would never have any more hair on It is head, ' and we were completely discouraged. Wo were told to try CirrictraA Remedies and did so We used two boxes of Cuticcra. two cakes of Cuticitra. Soap, and he now is all. right. The hair is on tlick, and you would never think there was anything the matter with him, he is so fat, good, ami hearty, and 1 do not know how to praise Cutiouua. Rem edies enough for the good they did mv child. .'. Mas.. Wil. Ji. SCOTT, '.Luzerne, l'a. CTTTICrjRA REMEDIES have effected the most wonderful cures of. torturing and dis figuring skin and scalp diseases of infauts and children ever recorded. Tliey afford in stant relief, penult rest and sleep, ;:ml r""t to a speedy euro when tlio best physicians, hospitals, and all other methods fail. Spezdt Cube -Tbeatstknt. artn baths with Ccticura Boaf, gentle application of Cuticura (ointment), and. mild doses of C'dti cuka Rbsoltsst (blood purifier). Bold throughout the world. Potter Dsns ft: Chkm. Corp., Bole IToprictors, tiontbn, U.BA. Jt3f" How toCure Skin Diseases," mailcdfrce. D 9 PY'C Skin and Scalp purifii d and beautified DAD I 0 by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely pure. BllsFainiiialinnt - - - Cutlcara Anti.PKin Piasters Harry Liebe, ' - ' " PRACT1CA1 Watchmaker I Jeweler r AW WArk TvrrtmTitTv .ttfndMl tA. And warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. For Bale. . One e pan draft, horses, one set of har ness and a wagon, for sale at a bargain. Address box 429, The Dalles, Or. ' v' . ' oct28-dwlm ,. .-. . - . ' . -. , . . . :- - x When yog giant to bay Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley, Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the WASCO : WAREHOUSE. Oar prices are low and onr goods are firpt-claps. Agents for the celebrated W AISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY. . VAUSB -DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in - ' ; WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and' PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands of .J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS need in all onr work, and none bnt th most skilled workmen employed. . Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No checu icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. '. '.' Store and Faint Shoo corner Third and "Washington Sts., The Dalles. 0reOB BLAKELEY.Sc HOUGHTON 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon ARTISTS MATERIALS-A CCountry and Mail Orders will receive i prompt attention.- " Lumber, Building' Material and Boxes Traded for Hay, Grain, Bacon, ; Lard, &c. ROWE & CO., The Dalles, Oregon.