'() THE CEiRON - - - v . VOL. I THE DALLES, OREGON. WEDNESDAY MOKNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1896 NO 1 IT'S ILL ONE-WAY McKinley Elected by Over whelming Majorities. VERY TIGHT RACE IN NEBRASKA Maryland, Kentucky, New Jersey and Delaware Captured from, the Democracy. The returns began coming in a scatter ing way about 6 o'clock, but at 9 they began to thicken and by a curious irony of fate, coming at the rate of about 16 to 1 in favor of the gold standard. Of course, only estimates based on a given number of precincts could be given. ' ' " At 10 o'clock the New York Jonrna', Hearst's paper (dem.) gave Ohio, to Mc Kinley by 100,000 and Virginia by 15, 000. ' At the same hour Kentucky was given to the gold men by 15,000. Maryland figures were tangled, but showed it safe for McKinley. . At 11 o'clock the bulletins showed the result conclusively : Virginia 175 products out of 1500 give Bryan 19,068, McKinley 16,061. Missouri 40 precincts outside of St. Louis give McKinley 4793 ; Bryan 7044. Iowa 94 precincts give McKinley '86,342; Bryan 10,460. Indiana 80 precincts give McKinley 8377 ; Bryan 6984. Montana .50 precincts give McKinley 1827 ; Bryan 8940. Connecticut Bryan carries only 3 out of 111 towns. Kentucky 130 pracincts, Louisville, McKinley 23,000; Bryan 14,000. In 24 precincts outside Louisville, McKin ley gets 3752 ; Bryan 5443 ; and in the 7th congressional district, 47 out of 485 precincts give McKinley 1441; Bryan 1343. At this hour the New York Tribune gives McKinley 293 electoral votes sure Michigan McKinley carries Detroit by 40,000, and the state by 25,000. Maryland McKinley carries Balti more by 15,000. Nebraska 115 precincts give McKin ley 3242 ; Bryan 1889.' At 12 :30 the majorities kept crawling steadily up, and the result was beyond any question, the amount of the majori ties alone remaining to be counted. North Dakota became safe, showing 3362 for McKinley against 2199 for Bryan. Minnesota settled all . question with 230 precincts out of 2100, giving McKin ley 29,277 against Bryan's 18,691. Kentucky is claimed by Republicans by 25,000, and with Louisville's vote has S3.000 to back its claim. , - Illinois, outside of Cook county, as far as heard from, gave McKinley 86,651 ; Bryan 57,381. Cook county, as far as counted, had given McKinley "45,OO0,and would add 20,000 more, giving the state by probably 123,000. " Indiana, with' 120 precincts counted, gave McKinley 14,069; Bryan 10,860. Minneapolis gave ' McKinley 28,826 g i 'WlYt Iff 1 Ml III 11! E - fl b V J a aal . Absolutely Pure- A cream of tartar bakine rjowder. Highest of all In leavening strength. Latest United State Government tooa Keport. rtoYAL dakinq rowsia tu., xiew lort Bryan 17,039. The state is sure of a large majority. ''-.. Ohio 216 precincts, Cincinnati, give McKinley 44,410; Bryan 30,000. Black (rep.) is elected governor of New York by 80,000. Nebraska, with 154 precincts counted, gave McKinley 17,956 ; Bryan 17,759. Iowa 158 precincts give McKinley 27,428 ; Bryan 18,142. Montana goes 3 to 1 for Bryan. California is safe ; 275 precincts out side of San Francisco giving McKinley 12,438; Bryan 10,782. West Virginia returns show that Mc Kinley will carry the state by 12,000. New York and Pennsylvania give the Republicans immense majorities. The last bulletin, received at 2 :30 a. m., says that Oregon will give McKinley 5000 majority. ' Wasco County. The Dalles district, counting Bigelow, Trevitt and East and West Dalles gave McKinley 142; West Hood River added 102; Erst Hood River gave 4; Cascade Locks gave 10 ; Columbia 12. Dufur and Nansene together gave Bryan 16; Eight-mile added 12, and Baldwin 7 more. This leaves McKinley 235, with Antelope, Wamic, Tygb. and Wapinitia, Rutledge, Deschutes and Boyd to hear from, and will leave a total majority of from 309 to 55- THE FLOODS ID FK4NCE. Rivera Rhone and Seine Rising With Disastrous Effect. Paris, Nov.- 2. Telegrams received from the departments bear news of fur ther floods and of alarming rise in the rivers. Enormous damage to property has been done, but no fatality has yet been reported. The river Seine is still rising, and is at the flood stage. The authorities have despatched to Co trips and to Vallabreguee, the artillery wa gons from Nimes, to assist in the work of relief. The river Rhone has burst its banks at Lauson, which is now isolated. The only communication through con siderable districts is by boats. Troops have left Avignon to assist in repairing the broken banks of the Rhone. Later advices state that the Seine has fallen slightly tonight, but the further rise is feared. The news teceived from Lyons this evening is most disquieting. Many houses are flooded at Neuville-sur-Saone, and the river is covered with furniture. The barracks at St. Lambert is surrounded by soldiers and prisoners. Half this district is inundated, and nu merous factories in Lyons and vicinity are closed. RISINO WHEAT MARKETS. Grain in New York Advanced Steadily During; the Day. Nkw York, Nov. 2. From start to finish today the .wheat - market gave a surprising exhibition of strength, con sidering the fact that tomorrow is a holiday. Opening Jc higher at 80Jc for December, it kept on rising until it reached 81 c, where it closed. Specu lation was most active in the last hour, and the total - sales for the day only reached 3,150,000 bushels. It was a case of bull sentiment, reinforced by strong foieign news and European buying, es pecially on the Pacific coast, where fur ther . export . orders were reported. Siverpool stocks showed a falling off for the month, world's shipments were es timated at nearly 1,000,000 bushels less than last week, and there was a redac tion of 640,000 bushels on passage. The American visible supply .increased only half as much as expected. . a brother,' Francois, ' whose home is in Wisconsin, and who is now on his way here. The deceased left an estate of considerable value. Snow in South Dakota. Minneapolis, Nov. 2. A special from Huron says five inches of snow fell there last night, making a foot now on- the ground. The storm in the north and west is reported as severe. Farmers are wholly unprepared for winter. Tele graph poles and wires are down between here and Pierre. No commnmcation with that city has been had by wire eince Thursday evening. j . CRAPS BEFORE DUTY. The Darky Thought That the New Yorker XI as""" Very Inconsiderate. .' A Wall street man tells this story: "I was making the trfp from New Or leans to Memphis in April by a Missis sippi river steamboat. On the first day out from New Orleans I felt the need of the barber's services and learning" that the Memphis Belle was tonsorially equipped I sought out that office. I found a single barber in charge, a rather pompous, tall person of color with flowing' Dundreary whiskers. He was engaged in doing nothing at all with that grace of execution peculiar to the southern darky. I seated myself in his chair and was soon wrapped in thought upon some business I had be gun in New Orleans. The barber began his work leisurely, the while carrying on a one-sided flow of talk to which I replied in monosyllables. "The day was warm and I was almost dozing away under the soft splashes of his brush ' when another customer entered. He was a nervous, fidgety sort of man and as there were no newspa pers in the room he amused himself iu looking at a few prints hung on the walla, the attraction of which soon palled upon him. Then he walked to the door and looked down the deck where a group of roustabouts were en gaged in the game of craps. . Figaro had by this time completed the lather ing of one side of my face and roused me by turning my head around. I inti mated that life was short, and I didn't care about passing too much of it in be ing shaved. He was evidently disgusted with my taciturnity and replied with great dignity, but with no haste either of speech or action ; 'Cert'nly, sah, cer t'nly.' "The stranger's curiosity had been aroused by the gambling going on out side, which was as usual accompanied by the 'come sevens!' and shrieks of 'craps' which attend that game. " 'What game is that, barber? he, demanded of Dundreary. He of the whiskers made one or two artistic plays of his brush over my chin and answered: " 'Lah, Gawd, mister, ain't yer ever seen that game? That's coaps. Every body plays it 'round this country. "The stranger admitted he had seen it played' before in the wharves' and streets, but said he had not discovered any mental light from his observations. A running exchange of queries and ex planations followed between barber and stranger, during which a not over keen razor had begun its course down my right cheek. Both parties to the col loquy were getting interested and I was getting bored. "The nervous stranger appeared somewhat obtuse, or, perhaps, the ver nacular of the barber was inadequate to convey the full meaning of the technical details of craps. At any rate, he pressed for further information. My face had by that time been cleared of beard as to my chin and part of my cheek. Fifteen minutes had been con sumed in the process and my patience was becoming threadbare. "The barber had exhausted his powers of description and, turning to the stranger, he said: ','' " 'Well, sah, ef you really wants to know how to shoot craps I kin show you,' and placing the razor on the shelf he opened a drawer and withdrew a pair of greasy-looking dice. Then he stepped over to a table and began to give a practical exposition of the mys teries of t he game. This was too much. " 'Here ! ' I cried, raising myself in the cnair. 'Finish, up this job before you get to crap shooting.' "'Certainly, sah, he replied to me and turning to the stranger he added: 'One minute an I'll show you. "It only took a few minutes to com plete his work on me, and as I put on my coat he and the stranger proceeded with the game. As I left the room I could hear him muttering about the 'hurry some people is in an' it is still fob. days 'fore we get to Memphis. " N. Y. Sun. - " ; Chirk, the East End jeweler, makes a PDvci.dry of fine watch repairing. , Call ami sft: liiui. , .1' f - ; No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. Celebrate With The long-looked-for event at last to be realized. It should fire eyery Eastern Oregon citizen to patri otic efforts. Float the Stars and Stripes. 40 Bolts of Flag Just Received. Old People. Old people who require medicine to-r regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alternative. It acts mildly on the stomach and Dowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organe, thereby- aiding Nature in the Derformance of the functions. ' Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exact ly what they need. Price 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle at Blakeley &" Hough ton's Drug Store. Bucklen's Arinca salve. The best Balve in the world forfaits, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin ernptioDq, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per. box. For sale Dy Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. Wanted. Two bright lady representatives, ior light, refiued work. Good pay and good position open if successful. Call at room, 4, Umatilla house, from 5 to 8 p. m. - . - For Bale. One span draft horses, one set of har ness and a wagon, for sale at a bargain. Address box 429, The Dalles, Or. . ' : . oct28-dwlm Work Horse For' Bale, or will exchange for cows and calves. Time given on first-class, security. For particulars inquire of C." E. Bayard, The Dalles, Or., or Frank Watkins, at ranch on 15-Mile. 21-wlui Fresh Tillamook creamery butter re ceived direct every week at The Dalles Commission Co.'s store. Bing 'em up. 'Phoues 128 and 255. oct24-lra Female Help Wanted. Wanted Red-beaded girl and white horse to deliver premiums' given, away with Hoe Cake Soap. Apply, to. any where. ' There's more clothing destroyed by poor soap than by actual wear as the free alkali; rots them.-. Hoe cake is pure- ly24-ij Anyone, desiring their, chimneys cleaned can have it done by calling upon or addressing Mr. Ike Peary or James Ilogan, The Dalles or telephone to No. 89. , ; f . " ol7-tt Thursday Next. Ik. HZ. "UtTIE2jI.HyiS tS GO. Notice. In the County -Court of the State of Oregon fo Wasco County : In the matter of the guardianship of Alice Al mira Udell and William Edward Udell (alias William Edward Austin), Minors. Now on this 26th day of September, 1896, the regular September term of Court having been adjourned and continued to this date, and the Court being in regular session, this cause came on for hearing upon the verified petition and application of George Udell, guradian of the persons nd es tate of Alice Almira Udell and William Edward Udell (alias Willi,, m Eaward Austin), and the court having read said petition and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court from said peti tion that it is necessary and would be beneficial to said wards that the Teal estate belonging to said wards should be sold, and the court being fully advised: Thereupon it is hereby ordered that the next of kin of said wards, and all persons interested In said estate of said wards, appear before this court on Monday, the 2d day of November, 1896, at the hour of 2 o clock p. m., at the county courtroom in the courthouse in Dalles City, in Wasco County, Oregon, to show cause, if any exists, why a license shou'd not be granted to said guardian, George Udell, for the sale of real estate belonging to said wards to wit: The southeast quarter of Section 30, Township 1 North, Range 10 East, situated in Wasco Countv, State of Oregon. It is further ordered that this order thair be served upon the next oi kin of taid wards and all persons interested in said estate by publica tion thereof in Dalles Chronicle, a newspaper of ge eral circulation in this county, for three successive weeks, beginning on the Sd day of October, 1896. 3oct-li EOBT. MAYS. Judge. Administrator's Sale. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of an order made and entered in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, in the matter of the estate of Phoebe M. Dunham, de ceased, directing me to sell the real pro pert) belonging to said estate to satisiy the un raid expenses of administration and claims against the estate, I will, on the1 10th day of October, 1896, at iheTjour of 2 o'clock p. m. at the court house door In Dalles City, Oregon, sell to the highest biiider for cash in hand, that certain parcel of land described as follows: 83) feet wide and 100 f e-1 long oif the east side of lot 11 in block 6 of Laughlin's Addition to Dalles City, Oregon. A. K. THOMPSON, Administrator of estate of Phoebe M. Dunham, deceased. scptl2-ii Executor's Notice. Notice is heieby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of thoHtateof Oregon for Wasco County executor of the last will and testament of James Mc Gahan, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the same to me at my office in Dalles City, Oregon, nith the proper vouchers therefor, within six months from the date hereof. Dated August 5, 1896. aug8-5t-ii K. F. GIBONS. Executor. Notice to Taxpayers. "The County Board of Equalization will mret in the assessor's office on Moudav, October 5th, and continue in sessiou one week, for tbe pur pose of equalizing the assessment of Wasco eonnty for 1896. All taxpayers who have not been interviewed bv the assessor-will please call at the office on Thursdays, Fridays and Satur days, as all property must be assewd. ' F. H. WAKEFIELD. Sept 13-11 County Assessor. Us Bunting FRENCH & CO., BANKERS- TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINES Letters of Credit iesaed available in the Eastern States. " Sight Exchange and -Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Loais, San Francisco, Portland Ore-, gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. J B. GOIT, COUNTY SURVEYOR. Recsidence, Tenth and Liberty Streets Jiy23 - Harry Liebe. PRACTICAL WatchmakerUeweler AH work promptly attended to, and warranted. . 174 VOGT BLOCK. (TiLDDD POlSOn C 1H OrCklMI-l I ondarrorTti A rnFlllsl Wrnmon s i t i"7 xjwa x yjxurt permanently I 1 curedral6to85days. Youcanbetreatedat J" 'lome Tor same price under same franraa iy. ii you prerer to come here we wllleoa- tracttODATnLllmftlfAnuinrthntAlhill. . DOChaftra, if we fail to cure- If yon have taken mer cury. Iodide potash, and still have aches and fains, MoaoiuPatches in mouth. Sore Throat, imples. Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers oa any part of tbe body. Hair or Eyebrows falilne out, it la this Secondary BLOOD POISON we guarantee to cure. We solicit tbe most obsti nate cases and challenge the world for a case we cannot cure, ibis disease has always baffled, the skill of the most eminent physicians- 1500,000 capital behind our odcoix tkraal guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed oa application. Address COOK. KKMtDY COk o Masonic iwmim, sjMmAWJfc Ub , DR. GUNITS iIXPBOVU : a. filial k-hvHir. On Pill Tm- m. TOft. A mortmeirt of tbe bowel wch day m ommmut fee beaHb. The pill opply what the system lacks Us snak H rrjrnlar. Tbey com Headache, brighten tb Kyes, nd clear tbe Complexion better thai coscds4iosl Tbey neither frripe dot sicken. To coiiTinoe too. w iriil mail Minpl frwi. or full box for 2&e, Bold oweriw wm DL BO&Atf KO MX. CO., Fbiimdelplija, F. 'J ':':'?L '