The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 03, 1896, Image 3

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    O 0rCL'srMIffShrLsL5
flip fight
So. OS.
The Original Air-Tight Stove,
. t ai
Hagey's s
King Heater.
Take a look at them "before you buy
else. They are all right.
Sold only by MAYS & CROWE.
This Label
urcs Perfect Fit
and Satisfaction
It stands for
Money Can'
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
NOV. 3. 1896
Weather Forecast.
POKTI.AND. Nov. 3, 1896.
For Eastern Oregon Tonight and tomor
row, fair.
Paguk. Observer.
Help Us Celebrate.
The Dalles will celebrate
the Opening of the Locks on
Thursday, Nov. 5th, and cor
dially invite the people of all
sections to join in the celebra
tion. R. P. GIBONS, .
Coramittte on Invitation.
Random Observations and Eoeal Events
of Lesser Magnitude.
Flag bunting in any quantity at A. M.
Williams & Co.'e.,
In West Dalles precinct at 12 :45, 171
voteB bad been cast, and at 1 o'clock
there were 133 in Trevitt. .
At 2:45 1,072 votes had been cast in
The Dalles district; 210 in Trevitt, 255
West Dalles, 280 in East Dalles and 227
in Bigelow.
One election bet was made yesterday
oy a uaiies speculator, ie putting up
$300 on Bryan on the general result,
against $900 on McKinlev.
There is absolutely nothing doing to
day that will make an item ; nothing
but politics, and those so deep, so in
tent, so silent that an item cannot be
gathered from that source.
. There was a pWty at Mr. and Mrs. N
M. Lane's residence, at t'-.e west end of
Third street, last night, at which a num
ber of young people gave a hearty wel:
come to the bride, and showered con
gratulations on Mr. Lane. . .. '
There is a large element of what might
be called unclassed voters, ; citizens
whose politics are not on their sleeves
or in their months, and this element is
going to be' felt by somebody when the
ballots come out of the boxes tbnight.
The invitations issued by the D. P. &
A. N. are very neat; bearing at their
bead a cut showing the steamer Dalles
City passing through the canyon below
the rapids. They will probably be kept
as souvenirs by those fortunate enough
to receive them.
It ia expected the dispatches concern
ing the election in the East, will begin
to come in in good shape by 7 :30. This
would be equal to 9:30 at Chicago, and
10:30 at. New York. Four years ego
the returns up to midnight, had indi
A Make of Clothing
That is worn probably by more
celebrated men than any other
in America- is the one we are
, . 'offering over our counters every
We have it because its the best.
on a Garment In
the best that
Buy or SkiJI
cated the result beyond a doubt, even
the result in Illinois being settled by
that time. It is probable the result
will be known tonight by 1 or 2 o'clock.
The D. P. & A. N. Co. has issued- in
vitations to the mayor and councilmen
of The Dalles, the Transportation com
mittee and Cascade Locks committee of
the Commercial club and to the stock
holders of the company to visit the
locks Thursday.
The Dalles was lively enough last
night for anybody. By 7 o'clock the
streets along the line 9I the parade were
crowded with people waiting patiently
to see the turnout. There has been a
remarkably hot sentiment on both sides
in the election finished today.
The O. K. & N. is still handling vast
quantities of wheat, but there are still
other large amounts to be handled.- For
another month at least the big 40-car
trains will be kept rolling. Farmers
are holding considerable grain waiting
for another rise, which they think, and
proDamy correctly, wuuqoon come.
Messrs. binnott & rish have arranged
for receiving the election returns, and
will have them . posted as fast as re
ceived. As they stood the entire ex
pense, which is considerable, it is fair to
presume that there is nothing too good
for their guests. They invito everybody
interested in the election to share in the
information received.
The ladies of the Christian church
served dinner today at the rooms next
the land office to a large number of
guests. The room was tastefully draped
and the tables on one side covered with
white, the other with yellow table
cloths, a piece of delicate suggestion to
the political desires. Supper will be
served until 8 o'clock this evening.
The fair waitresses were tastefully
dressed, and wore aprons suited in color
to the political opinions on both sides.
"Be them jellow flowers a token of a
gold man," said a worthy Hibernian
friend to our reporter this morning.
Being assured that the wearers of the
yellow chrysanthemums coula safely be
classed as gold men, he again asked :
"And be yellow the gold men's -colors to
day?" Again he was assured that he had
guessed right. J'Then by the Powers,"
said be, "divil a gold vote has been cast
this day, for sure I watched the boxes
and every blessed ticket that was voted
at all was white and the judges wouldn't
let any others be voted at all."
' Attention Kvervbodyl
All members and ex-members of com
pany G, and all members of The Dalles
fire department who will take part in
the parade Thursday night, are request
ed to report at, the armory at 6 :30
o'clock that evening. All members of
civic societies taking part in the parade
should assemble at K.. of P. hall Thurs
day evening promptly at 6 :30. It is fur
ther requested that all citizens of The
Dalles and .vicinity who will take part
in the mounted division of the parade
report their names to Captain Ad Kellar
up to Wednesday night, in order that
proper arrangements may be made.'
Those taking part in this division will
report to Captain - Kellar promptly at
6:30 Thursday evening.
1 -- ---(iiiiiiiiiriii wri"- KiTurniri
Republicans Close the Campaign
Blaze of Fireworks.
At an early hour yesterday evening
the sidewalks along Second street were
filled with Dalles citizens anxious to eee.
the Republican and Democratic parades
and to gain, if possible, some idea of the
relative strength of the parties.- The
Bryan club started from its headquar
ters on Union street first, but its line of
march brought it down Second street a
tail-ender to the McKinlev gathering.
The Mc.Kinley parade was one of the
largest ever taking place in The Dalles,
and Second street was a blaze of fire
works, as the army of torches gleamed
and flashed steadily down through the
muddy streets. 'Fortunately there was
no rain, but from the way the boys took
to the mud, it is safe to say that nothing
short of a deluge conld have dampened
the ardor' of that crowd. The 'ears, as
well as the eyes, were informed that
something was going on. A big dray,
handsomely draped with bunting, con
tained a big bell that eent forth a con
tinuous clangor, while accompanying it
in its dire discord some kind of a Chi
nese scare-devil made a din that would
have proven the dominant eeventh in
Pandemonium. Another dray similarly
draped vomited fireworks like a minia
ture volcano. Then there was a big fish
wheel from 'Seuferts, mounted' on a
wagon, and drawn by Winans Bros,
big six-horse team, and following this a
steam engine witfi a whistle like a
calliope, and mixed and mingled in the
finish were carriages and horsemen, old
men and boys, women and girls, all en
thusiastic, all shouting themselves
After them came, the Bryan parade,
smaller in number, but as enthusiastic
as those who preceded them. There
were fireworks, too, bat not on so grand
a scale. But we give "our friends, the
enemy" credit for doing some tall
At the conclusion of the parades the
McKinlev followers fille'd the Vogt to
over flowing and. were addressed by
Hons. E. L. Smith and Rofus Mallory.
The Bryan people ' wound up at the
Baldwin opera house and filled it to the
doors. There Mr. Frank Clarno ad
dressed them for an hour and a half,
and from the applause which greeted
them, be must have touched the right
spots. At the Vogt, round after round
of applause showed that the audience
appreciated the telling points made.
The Glee Club rendered the- opening
song. After the address by Hon. E. L.
Smith, the German singers gave a selec
tion that brought forth hearty applause.
At 11 o'clock the meeting adjourned
and thus, ended as far as the speech
making was concerned, the most hptly
contested and important political cam
paign ever, fought in Oregon It is use
less to speculate on results, for they will
be known definitely ere we go to press
again, but comparing tb,e two parades
and judging the vote by the numbers
participating. ' The Dalles will give Mc
Kinley 350 'majority.
Air Tight Heaters
are the best and
most Economical
heaters made. . Call
and See our ,
and get our prices
before buying else
The Dalles.
At The Dalles on the Opening; of the
Locks Thursday, Nov. O, 1B.
The reception committee will meet
the visitors at the Cascades, and after
the opening ot the locks will escort them
to The Dalles. Upon arriving at The
Dalles a grand procession will be formed,
ending at the Vogt opera house, were a
reception will be held.
Hon. John Michell will deliver the
address of welcome, and responses will
be made. by distinguished guests. At
the conclusion of the reception the
guests will be escorted to the Umatilla
House, where a barbecue will be served.
A ball will be given at the Baldwin
opera houee free to all guests. '
A Quiet Klectlon.
The election today has been, in The
Dalles at least, a remarkably quiet one.
Little knots and groups of men have
gathered to talk in subdued tones over
the situation, but there has been less
hustling, less noise, less of apparent ef
fort to control or influence votes than at
any election for years previous. . Both
sides seemed to realize that the work
was done, or such as there was yet to do
was to be done quietly . and indoors.
Party lines, or rather policy lines, have
been moie closely drawn than ever be
fore, and this is one reason why the
work is apparently less upon the streets.
Most voters were out of the doubtful list
and time would be wasted in attempting
to influence them. At 9:15 a reporter
visited the polling places in Trevitt and
Bigelow precincts, and at 'that hour
thirty-eight votes bad been cast in the
former and forty-three in the latter.
The dav has been a beautiful one.
clear and warm, and the vote promises
to be the largest ever polled in the pre
cinct. The Regulator Thursday.
Op Thursday, Nov. 5th,lS96, the Reg
ulator will leave The Dalle's at 9 :30 a.
m. and will go down through the locks
and then return to The Dalles, leaving
Cascades about 3 p. m. The Dalles
City will leave Portland at 7 a. m. and
come through to The Dalles. ' The Reg
ulator will make her first through trip
on Friday.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. jos. t: peters & co
When yog mailt to fray
Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat,
Rolled Barley ,Whole Barley,
Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts,
Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the
Our prices are low and our goods are firet-claes.
Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR.
Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my formei patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
School Books
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
No. 174 Second Street,
New Vogt Block,
And the" Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Deeigns in
' PBACTICAl' PAINTER and'pAPEK HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but tb
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints.- No chetn
icel combination or soap mixture. - A first-class article in all colors. . All orders
promptly attended to. '
Store and Faint Shoo corner Third and Washington Sta., The Dalles. Oreroa
Successor to Cbriaman & Corson. 1
The Dalles, Oregon.