The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 30, 1896, Image 3

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    r Tight
The Original Air-Tight Stove,
A new Fall Suit calls for a new pair of Gloves. Our stock is
"bright and clean with, new stuff. New "blood-red shades, and every
pair guaranteed.
Special Reduction
Williams' Quality : , Regular $1.00 Sale, $ .85
Williams' Welt Pique Street Glove ..Regular 1.75 Sale, 1.00
Foster, best quality Regular 1.50 Sale, 1.25
P. Centemeri Regular 2.25 Sale, 1.25
Air Tight Heaters
are the - best and
most Economical
heaters made. Call
and See our
and get our prices
before buying else
The Dalles.
King Heater.
Take a look at them "before you buy som.eth.iiig
else. They are all right.
Sold only by MAYS & CROWE.
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
OCT. 30. 1896
Weather Forecast.
PORTLAND, Oct. 29. 1896.
Foil Eastern Orkoon Tonight rain; tomor
row lair and cooler.
Pagce. Observer.
Random Observations and Local Events
of Lesser Magnitude.
Hon. Binger Hermann tonight.
Who's all right? Ana. The Maccabees
The band boys are contemplating giv
ing a big dance on Thanksgiving eve.
A Degree of Honor lodge has been or
ganized at Moro, and named in honor of
D. C. Herren of this city.
What fraternal beneficiary order will
assist you financially before yon die?
Ans. The Knights of Maccabees is the
only one. '
Lost Black and tan setter dog, with
leather collar. Finder please return to
Win. Weegenman, who will pay the
charges. octJ0-3t
The stores are already arranging their
decorations, and tomorrow the city will
look gay with the national colors and
portraits of the man who fooght for
All classes of citizens should lay aside
their usual business or avocation next
Thursday and devote themselves to the
grand celebration of the opening of the
Mr. Hermann is a voteuiaker. Wher
ever he has appeared he has done the
Republican cause incalculable good.
He will be greeted tonight with a rous
ing reception,
Mr. Willis Dunriiway, of Salem will
speak in the interest of Republican
principles tonight at Fairfield; also at
Wasco, Sherman county, tomorrow
afternoon and Monday at Moro.
The campaign is nearly ended. The
two most important speeches of the
campaign will be the one tonight by
Hon. Binger Hermann and the one by
Hon. Rufus Mallory Monday night.
Mr. Mallory will also be reinforced by
Hon. E. L. Smith, a Republican presi
dential elector.
A few days ago the Mountaineer asked
why, if Mr. Hanna was bo sure of carry
ing the Pacific coast states, that he sent
out one of their strongest speakers, Hon.
Thos.' B. Reed, to stump California.
We do not know. Here is another. If
Hanna was not sure of carrying Illinois,
Indiana, and Ohio, each of which states
has a larger electoral vote than the
three coast states combined, why does
he spare Hon. Thos. Reed from those
states to fool away bis time in Califor
nia? It is very easy to a9k questions..
Mr. W, B. Pressby, chairman of the
Klickitat Republican county central
committee, has performed arduous
labors for the cause of sound money.
During the last ten days of the cam
paign he has arranged for forty assign
ments throughout the county. Golden
dale has about 200 votes; out of which
the McKinleyites expect to get. 80 ma
jority. Centerville and Goldendale are
concededly. the strongest Republican
precincts of the county. White Salmon,
Lyle, Hart and Blockhouse will give Re
publican majorities. Bickleton, Cleve
land and Dot will give Democratic ma
jorities. . The county will go for Mc-
Kinley by a majority of at least 250.
Program of Celebration.
The committees on celebration of the
opening of the locks met last night at
the Schanno hall, and entered into a
general discussion, lasting late in the
evening. The committee on "program
have formulated one with the following
general features:
Excursion by boats and trains from
all points above and below the Locks.
Opening of the locks at 2 p. m.
Excursionists will then procceed to
The Dalles, where the city will be illu
Guests and citizens will form a pro
cession and march along the principal
streets,' ending at the Yogt opera house,
where an address of welcome by one of
our leading citizens will be responded to
by some of the guests. Brief speeches
will also be made on the part of the
A grand barbecue banqaet will then
be spread at the Umatilla House, served
by the ladies of the city, and the night
will close with a grand ball at the Bald
win opera house.
The other committees have gone en
thusiastically to work, and the coming
event will be the greatest ever known in
The Dal!es.
Howe's Mill Buned.
Result In Oregon Should be Known
Quickly Blanket Ballots In
Rowe's sawmill, a few miles down the
river on the Washington side, was
burned Wednesday night between 10
and 11 o'clock. This was practically a
new mill, fitted up with the latest im
proved saw mill machinery. It is now
a total loss. It was insured for $1,200,
about one-fourth its value. The fire
was of incendiary origin, but there is no
clue to the perpetrator. The high
water had removed all saw dust and
debris from around the mill, and having
a sheet-iron roof, it could not have
caught fire by accident. Mr. Rowe will
probably rebuild, but he will not do so
11 ow t Vote.
Look carefully how you prepare your
ballots next Tuesday. See to it that
your X mark is placed opposite the
names of
X T. T. Geer of Marion conntv.
X S. M. Yoran of Lane county.
X E. L. Smith of Wasco county.
X J. F. Caples of Multnomah con ty.
. These gentlemen represent prosperity,
sound money, protection, and will cast
the electoral vote of Oregon for the honestly-nominated
candidates of the Re
publican party McKinley and Hobart.
What fraternal beneficiary order ranks
as No. 1 financially ? Ans. The Enigbts
of Maccabees.
Save thk wrappers Hoe Cake Soap
wrappers are worth a cent apiece. Ask
Pease & Mays for premium book. jly24-i
The vote of Oregon can be counted
very quickly, owing to the simplicity of
the ballot and the few names it contains.
Each ballot will have but four marks
upon it. The vote of The Dalles should
be counted within three hours atter the
pollsclose, and the complexion of the
state should be known by midnight, un
lesss it is so close that the outlying pre
cincts aDart from' telegraphic communi
cation must be waited upoq. In
most cases these outlying precincts
will only serve to swell McKin
ley 's majority. Grant, Harney and
Crook counties are concededly Republi
can, and if it should chance that Bryan
has a majority of those counted on
Wednesday morning, which is a very
wild supposition, the vote of these dis
tant counties will overturn it.
In regard to the vote of other states,
while we have an advantage in time, 6
o'clock in JNew York being - about three"
hours earlier than the same hour in
Oregon, there are blanket ballots con
taining hundreds of names,' and the
work of counting will be necessarily
slow. The last two ' presidential elec
tions have been singularly free from un
certainty. It was known at 10 p. m. on
election day in 1888 that Mr. Harrison
had defeated Mr. Cleveland, and it was
known with equal certainty at 11 p. m.
on election day in 1892 that Mr. Cleve
land had defeated Mr. Harrison. But
in the election of 1884, when Mr. Cleve
land defeated Mr. Blaine, the official re
sult hung in doubt over the vote of New
York for days.
Since the laBt national election almost
every state which had not then adopted
the Australian ballot has, by state en
actment, prescribed some form of secret
ballot either based upon, or closely re
sembling, the Australian system. Ore
gon has complied with the system in
about all respects except registration
one provision that belongs absolutely
the system and without which it does
not much improve the character of the
ballot, since it does not prevent coloni
zation of voters. There is no preventive
against a carload of hobos coming into
the city of Portland a day in advance of
the election, stowing away in the North
End, and then going out Tuesday "to
sweli the Bryan -vote.
The old system of voting prevails in
Georgia, Louisiana, North and South
Carolina. In tbe first three states
named the old open-ballot system is still
in vogue, and the election machinery is
in the hands of the state authorities.
In South Carolina there is what is called
a "reform ballot," the object of which is
to restrict tbe votes of illiterate negroes.
Connecticut has an enyelope system and
New Jersey prints each party ticket
upon a separate ballot.
The fusion tickets will add a further
element of difficulty in tbe presidential
count this year. Fusion has been ar
ranged between the People's Party and
the Democrats on the electoral ticket in
every Democratic state but Tennessee,
Mississippi, Georgia. Alabama, Florida
and Texas.
In several of the Southern states,
while there has been no formal fusion
between the Republicans and Populists
on state, legislature and congressmen,
local arrangements have been made that
amount to fusion, and will have more or
less to do with the result.
The following states will elect gover
nors : Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware,
Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Massa
chusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mis
souri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hamp
shire, New York, North Carolina, North
Carolina, North Dakota, South Carolina,
South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Wash
ington, West Virginia and 'Wisconsin.
The following states will elect legisla
tures: California, Colorado, Connec
ticut, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, In
diana, Iowa, . Kansas, Kentucky (seven
vacancies), Michigan, Minnesota, Mis
souri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New
Hampshire, New York, New Jersey,
North Carolina, North Dakota, Penn
sylvania, South Carolina, South Da
kota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia,
Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin
and Wyoming. -
An Kast JKnd Crime-
There was a piece of villianous work
done in this city, not very far from this
office, that we intend to ierret out, and
as soon as . it is done we will pub
lish a statement that will cause people
to open their eyes. At present mum is
the word.
' .
The cause for tbe paper being so late
yesterday was a broken press. Indica
tions look very much like the press bad
been "doctored.'' Dispatch.
Election Dinner.
The way to a man's affections, it is
said, is throngh his stomach. The
ladies of the Christian church will fur
nish meals on election day in the store
formerly occupied by W. At Johnston on
Washington street. ' If you find a man
undecided as to how he should vote,
take him around and gorge him with
chickens and other delicacies, then he
will surely vote light.
Awarded ,
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
When yog mmt to bay
Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat,
Rolled Barley, Whole Barley,
Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts,
Or'anything in the Feed Line, go to the
Our prices are low and our goods are first-class.
Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR.
Highest cash Price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY.
Successor to Cbrisman & Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
'see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
School Books
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
No.' 174 Second Street,
New Vogt Block, . The Dalles, Oregon.
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTER and" PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but tha
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to.
Store and Faint Shoo corner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles. 0re"ou
Job Printing at this Office