The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 23, 1896, Image 4

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    Tfcs Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Advertising Kates.
Per inc h
One inch or less In Dally f 1 SO
Over two Inches ond under four inches 1 00
Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 75
Over twelve inches 50
One inch or less, per Inch 2 50
Over one inch and under four inches 2 00
Over four inches and under twelve Inches. . 1 50
Over twelve inches 100
Yesterday's Bum.
The gentlemen's roadster race for
trotters and pacera wae filled with the
following local horses: Barney, May
Boy, Solo, Nellie Whipple, Kisbar and
Dick Trumbull. Every one had looked
forward to this contest with considerable
interest and expected to see .some Bad
Doble work on the salky. Jtfst as the
horses were called out the owners of
Barney, May Boy, Solo and Dick
Trumbull entered a protest? against
Nellie Whipple, a Goldendale horse,
owned by Geo. F. McKinney. The pro
test was made on the eround that Nellie
Whipple was in the hands of a profes
sional trainer and had competed in a
race at Chehalis, Wash., last May. The
judges decided that Nellie Whipple must
compete under protest, but the owners
of all the horses except Kisbar refused
to 8 tart. This threw the race out, but
Nellie Whipple and Kisbar drove around
the track to save entrance money. The
crowd was greatly displeased with the
action of the owners in drawing off the
horses at the last moment. The de
cision of the judges that all the horses
compete and if the protest was well
founded and of sufficient weight to dis
qualify a horse, Nellie Whipple would
not be ;iven .the race if she won. gave
entire satisfaction. If the judges saw fit
they could have ruled the horses and
ownors, that withdrew, off the track for
life. After this race fell through most of
the people left the grounds, but those
who remained saw two good scrub races.
The first one was between two horses
called Ted and Maud. They made one
circle of the track and Mand easily won.
The next race was between two un
known skates and was for 350 yards.
This being the last , race of the day,
everyone tried tried to play even, and
considerable money changed hands
when the bay horse won.
Band Music at the Pavilion.
The musical program by the hand to
night at the pavilion will be as follows :
Grand National Quickstep . Book
"Yankee Patrol. Jean Missud
" Moonlight on the Hudson Herman
-"From Dawn to Twilight" R. Smith
Descriptive "A Day's Holiday in the Country
ty Rail and Stage."
; Selection "Martha" ; Flotow
Waltz "Visions of Paradise" Bennett
Descriptive Selection Hunting Scene. .Buatlosni
. Synopsis The early morning, calm and peace
. f ul The huntsmen prepare for the chase Our
huntsman sounds a merry blast He is an
8wrrel by another in the distance The parties
join "A hunting we will go" (vocal) The
road is alive with horsemen Start On the
' l scent--Barking of dag Tally ho! in full cry
JJfce death Return home.
. March "The Beau Ideal" .' Sousa
Found Dead.
Last Thursday word was brought in to
Wasco, says the News, that E. N.
Emone, an old man living about 10 miles
east of town had been found dead in his
cabin. He was about 76 years of age,
and had lived alone for some time. He
was last seen alive Sunday evening, and
was found Thursday morning' by E. C.
Kinney. The old man had evidently
just commenced preparing his meal, and
suddenly turning sick, be had either fal
len or lain down upon some sacks, in
which position he was found. There
was no evidence of any suffering.
A Free Treat for All.
At the K. of P.- ball, on Friday even
ing, Oct. 23d, the K. O. T. M.'s of this
city will give a public entertainment,
consisting of songs, recitations, instru
mental solos, etc., and an address on
"Fraternalism" by J. L. Mitchell, Dep
Sup. Com. of Portland. At the conclu
sion of the entertainment, an excellent
orchestra will be provided and all will
be invited to participate in a social
. dance. Tbe K. O. T. M. number among
its members some of our most leading
men. It is assured a large audience
will be present.
The ladies of the M. E. church will
have pies, cakes and doughnnts for sale
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday of this week in the building just
vacated by Mr. Herbring. In connec
tion with the sale they propose baying a
lunch counter on the restaurant plan
pay for what you get.' No discount on
silver, gold received at face value.
Wheat is advancing and our dealers look
for a rise in pumpkins; pumpkins make
N. H. Arbuckle & Co. pay cash for all
kinds of household goods. Hood's old
stand, Second .street. 'Phone number
118. : oct23-lw
Iallea-Moro Btag-e
Leaves tbe Umatilla house 8 a. m
Tuesdays,; Thursdays and Saturdays.
Douglas Allen, Prop.
A. Cool, Calculating Farmer Explains the
Situation to Sis Wife He Thinks He
Will Gain Xearly 82,000 by the Sixteen
to One Scheme Half of This Will Be
Taken From the Wages of His Farm
handsHis Wife Shocked at the Idea of
Cheating Their Hired Help Will Do Her
Best to Frevent Bryan's Flection. '
Farmer I reckon this free silver's
About the best friend of ns farmers
that's come our way since the war. Al
lowing Bryan's elected all right this
year, -I calo'late I'll be worth nearly
$2, 000 more next year than now.
Farmer's' Wife Nonsense, Harve! I
don't believe silvers going to make
folks rich. One'll have to work for a
living if Bryan's elected just as hard as
if he isn't.
F. I don't deny but what you're
head's level there, Jane. Some folks
will have to work harder, but it won't
be us farmers. We'll come out on top
with free silver. That's sure's shooton.
F. W. What crazy notion's in your
head now anyhow? D'you think farm
ers are smart enough to make laws
ihat'll take money out of other folks'
pockets and put it into theirs?
F. P'r'aps not, but they're going to
try it. I s'pose you don't see how free
silver'll help ns, but I do.
F. W. If you'll take my advice,
you'll not bother yourself to death try
ing to get rich by free silver. I'll war
rant it won't work as you calc'late.
F. I'll tell you one way it'll help
me, Jane. Ton know that if we get
free coinage we will have silver dollars
worth 'bout 50 cents same's Mexican
dollars now.
F. W. I thought Bryan 6aid that
silver'd be worth just as much as gold
when we get free silver.
F. Yes, that's what 'he says in the
east so's he won't scare the millhands
and savings bank folks too much. Bnt he
don't talk that way out here, because he
know's that ain't what we're after. We
want cheap money, so's prices of wheat,
corn and pork '11 be twice as high, same
as in Mexico.
F. W. Supp's'n they are. Wouldn't
you have to pay twice as much for
clothes and groo'r'es and everything else
you'd have to buy? If you got $2 instead
of $1, you'd have to spend $2 instead of
f 1. It'd be as broad as it is long. ' If
that's the way silver's going to make you
rich, you'll never get rich.
F. But I wouldn't have to spend $2
for every $ 1 1 spend now. You know, we
haye at least two hired men tbe whole
year and three to five moro from April
to November, besides tho hired girl for
most of the year. Do you reckon I'm
going to raise their pay when we get
free silver?
F. W. I s'pose so. Why shouldn't
F. Just because I wouldn t have to.
P'raps after a year or so. I'd give 'em
$2 or $3 more a month, but nothing
like double what they're getting now.
I calc'late I'd save between $800 and
$1,000 in wages not quite so much on
John and Dave, because they board with
us, and of course the prices of some of
the things they eat would go up, but
I'd save 'bout half on my day hands
who live and board at home. .That's
bow I figger it, and it's 'cording to the
opinion of Governor Boies and other big
silver people. They say farm wages is
too high for profits' and that silver'll
bring 'em down.
F.' W. And so that's why you're for
free silver, HarVe Grimes ; want to cheat
your poor hired hands out of half their
wages, men who now can hardly keep
their families out of the poor house! I
thought it was them Wall street Shy
locks and goldbugs you're after with
your free silver stick and that you're
trying to square accounts with them
rich fellers, but it seems
F. Hold up there, Jane I Free silver's
going to save us 'bout $1,000 on what I
still owe on that $4,000 mortgage.
Who d'you think'll lose that?
F. W. I don't care who'd lose it
'Tain't right to cheat anybody, but I
wouldn't say a word so long's it's some
body who could afford to lose it, but when
it comas to cheating your poor neighbors
it's time to put a stop to it I don't
care if you never get that other farm
paid for. I guess we won't starve on
this old farm. I'm going to tell John
and Dave and all the others just how
free silver will hurt them, and I'll get
them all to vote against Bryan. The
idea of such farmers as you trying to
elect Bryan to cut down ' the wages of
your hired men! I'm ashamed of you, I
Never was a more grievous wrong done
the farmers of omr country than that so
no Justly inflicted daring the past three
yean upon the wool growers. Althongh
among onr most useful citizens, their in
terests have been practically destroyed.
XcKlnley's letter of acceptance.
Chichester's EasUih. DUaMea BreaO.
Original and Only Genuine.
AFC, Always reliable, ladic aik ,
Druggist for Chichester Bngiih DUJ
Iboxea. sealed with blue ribbon. Take
mona Jtrana iq hm mna uota metmmo
tUmm and imitations. At DraggiM, or wad
In stamp for poxtlcnlars, testimonials and
Rlef Tor lOadlc," t Ulfr, bj retvra
Malf. 10,000 Testimonials. Adorns IMpr.
Subscribe for Tub Chronicle, and get
all the news.
I Ohl
and is the rssult of colds and
sudden climatic changes,
for your Protection
we positively state that this
remedy does not contain
mercury or any other injur
ious drug. 1.
Ely's Cream Balm
is acknowledged to be .the most thoroneh core for
Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all
remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages,
allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro
tects the membrane from colds, .restores the senses
of taste and smell. Price60c.atDrnggistBOrbyinail.
ELY BEOTHKBS. 66 Warren Street, New York.
:Dbi bwrb tuiuor.. A po.uivi. curu. Circular iM-nt froc. Price
W,.. ilrnuliuKiatU. ML. liOSAAKO, fhllm.. Pa.
Anyone drt-irintr their chimneys
cleaned can have it done by calling upon
or addressing Mr. Ike Peary or James
Hogan, Tbe Dalles or telephone to No.
89. ol7-tf
No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES
Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. S.
Subscribe for The Chbokicj.b and get
the news.
"Watery Blisters
Turning' To Complete Sore.
Family Doctor Could not
Heal Without Loss of Hair.
Economical and Speedy Cure by
Kow no Trace of Disease.
Hair Thick, Child Fat, Good, and
' Hearty.
When fonr 'lays old my babe broke out over
one side or his head and body with watery
blisters, which turned to a complete smb.
We called tho family doctor, and he said that
he oulil heal thein up," but 'the baby
v;ould never have any more hair on his hcat,
a:ul we were completely discouraged. Mo
v.ere told to try Cktihura RKiiicniKS ami
didso. ' Veuned two boxesof C'i:tii:itua, two
cakes of Outioi'EA Soai. a.i;l he now is all
right. The hair is 01 thick. 8nd you would
never think there itsj any;; the matter
with him, he ir so fa., jjoo-l, arid hearty, and
1 do not know bow to i.raise 'i!Tiot;itA Hkh
oie3 enough tor the ood ihev did tuv child.
Mas. "WAX. H. SL'j rr,'l.uxcr:ie, l'a.
CTJTlCUTtA REMEDIES have effected ths
most wonderful cures of torturing and d
fi;ruring skin and scalp diseases of infaii.s
and children ever recor.Icd. They afford i.:
stant relief, permit rest and sleep, and viiir t
to a speedy cure when the best physicians,
hospitals, and all otl.-Tniei.hous fail.
Spezdt Ccce TBEAVMrTNT. Wnrni" bathe
with CUTictiBA Soap, gentle application of
Cuticura (ointment), and niiM dojes of CCTf
ctjua Resolvent (blood purl!k-r;.
Fold throughout the world. rvTTrn llmiG & Corp., tiolo i ropriciors. LSiieton, U..S..
Its'1 How to Cure Skin Iiscc3ca," maiiedic-i.
DftCV'C 8kinnnd Scalp r urifi rt and l.enutifleii
Dftul 0 byC'DTicUMABuAP. Aiji-oitiudypur.
Cuticora Anti-Paia Plaster
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
Thiroagti Tiekets
For Information, time cards, maps and ticketr ,
cai on or write to
W. C. AIXAWAY. Agent,
The Dalies, Oregon
A. D.. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.,
265. Morrison Cor. Third. Cortland Oregon.
and Headstones.
Before going elsewhere, call on
Ths Dalles, Or.,
For a Tombstone. Warranted
to stand for all time, regardless
of wind or weather.
r I
u Big as a
For 10 cents you get almost twice
as much u Battle
other high grade goods Before the
days of u Battle Ax" consumers paid
10 cents for a small plug of the same
quality Now, "Battle Ax "High
est Grade twice the quantity That's
true economy
H Ul I' II tl
I w nil
A r Ulr 4-
The Best
SmoklngTobacco Made
To am. Whom it Mat Concern:
By order of the Common Council of Dalles
City, made on tho 3d day of October 1896, and
entered of record in the records of Dalles City,
on the 4h day of October J896, notic..- is hereby
f iveu that the crotuwalks and sidewalks on the
ollowing streets or parts of streers have been de
clared dangerous by said Common Council on
said 3d day of October, and the said Common
Council will proceed to make the improvements
as hereinafter designated, on said streets orparts
thereof so declared dangerous after 14 days from
the first publication of this notice towit; Octo
ber 8th, 1H96, and the cost of such Improvement
of all crosswalks and of each of them, will be
charged and levied upon the corner lots corner
ing upon the street or streets intersected by such
crosswalks, (tnd upon all lots or parts thoieof,
to tbe center of each block cornering upon such
intersection, each lot to pay that portion of the
entire cost that its street frontage upon the in
tersecting streets bears to the street frontage of
all lots to be assessed upon said streets and the
cost of al sidewalks and of each of them respec
tively will be charged and levied upon the prop
erty adjacent thereto . and directly benefited
thereby, as provided by the charter and ordi
nances of Dalles city.
The crosswalks and sidewalks declared dan
gerous and about to be improved and built are as
follows :
I. To build a sidewalk on the south side of
Fourth street along lots 5 and 6, in block 3, in
Trevitts addition to Dalles City.
7. To build a sidewalk on the east aide of
Court street, between Second and Third streets,
along the south '20 feet of lot 5 in. block 5, Dalles
3. To build a sidewalk on Court street between
First and Second street along the south 30 feet of
lot 1 in block 4, Dalles City.
4. To build a sidewalk along lot 5 iu block 2,
on the north side of Alvord street, in Fulton's
addition to Dalles City.
6. To build a sidewalk along lots 2 and 3, lu
block 2, on the north side of Alvord street In
Fulton. s addition to Dalles City.
6. To build a sidewalk along lot 6, in block
21, on Union street in Gates' audition to Dalles
7. To build a sidewalk along lots 1 and 1, in
block 5, on Fourth street In Trevitt s addition to
Dalles City.
8. To build a crosswalk on the east side of
Court street across Fourth street '
9. To build a crosswalk across Jefferson street
on the north side of becoud street.
10. To build a crosswalk across Lincoln street
on the south side of Second street.
II. To build a crosswalk across Third street on
the east side of Court street.
12. To build a crosswalk across Washington
on the south side of Fourth street.
13. To build a crosswalk across Fulton street
on the west side of Federal street.
Barn Doon
. A 4
Ax" as you do of'
To Do
iiren Away
this year in valuable
articles to smokers of
You will find one coupon in
side each 2 -ounce bag, and two
coupons inside each 4-ounce
bag. Buy a bag, read the coupon
and see how to get your share.
All of said sidewalks and crosswalks will be
built and constructed in the manner provided
by the charter and ordinances of Dalles City,
uaiea mis sin aay 01 uctooer, iyt.
Recorder of Dalles City.
Soipes-Kmersly Drug Co.
Drugs, Paints,
Wall Paper,
Glass. Etc.
129 Second.St.,
Money 1 Money! Money!
TYh rtftv Wp cfrt onnnt.v warrants rpon H
tared prior to July 3, 1892. . Interest
ceases after May 15, 1896.
C. L. Phillips,
myl8-tf , County Treas.
"The Regulator Line"
Tie Dalles.-Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freigni ana Passenger LiaB
Throneh Dailv TriDB (Rnndavn ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. bteamer Kegulator leaves The
Dalles at 8 a.m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak Bl-cet dock) at 7 a. m., connect
ing Willi (steamer Kegnlator for The
One way ...$2.00
Uonnd tnp 3.00
Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
nay landines must ba delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments eolicted.
Ud.11 on or address.
Oenerml Agent-
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
, , VIA -
St. Paul
Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities.
OCEAN 8TKAMERS Lesre Portland
Kverr l"Ive Day for
For full details call on O. K. & Co. s Agent
The Dalles, or address
W, H. HUKLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt
Portland, Oregon
E. M"SEILL, President aud Manager.
New Schedule.
Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4 :50
a. m., and leaves 4:55 a. m.
Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :4
p. m., and leaves 10:43 p. m.
Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 12 :05
p. in., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves
at 2:30 p. rn.
Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers
between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav
ing The Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and ar
riving at The Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con
necting with train Nob. 8 and 7 from
Portland. E. E. Lytlk,
Window-Glass and
Picture Moulding.
American Market,
74 Second Street.
Fruit, Produce, -Butter,