The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 22, 1896, Image 3

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' We intend making this sale one worth- of your time and
trouble. Our stock, of Black and Colored Goods will be
offered at a " , :.'
Tremendous Reduction
' -
An assortment of Colored Goods Regular 30c. Sale, 21c
An assortment of Colored Goods: .....Regular 50c. Sale, 35c
An assortment of Colored Goods ......" Regular 65c. Sale, 42c
Black Mohairs, Serges and Henriettas .....Regular 50c. Sale, 35c .
Black Mohairs, Serges and Henriettas ...Regular 75c. Sale, 55c
Finer goods reduced in proportion. Our stock of new Foreign and Domes
tic Goods included in this sale. ..
Jhs Dalles Dafly Gbronieie.
OCT. 22, 1896
Random Observations and Local Erentl
of Lesser Magnitude.
Hon. T. T. Geer tonight.
K. O. T. M. at K. of P. hall Friday
The Diamond Mills paid 73 to 75 cents
for wheat yesterday.
Meeting of the Commercial Clab to
. morrow evening to arrange for a celebra
tion of the opening of the locks.
Messrs. Bice and Hannan are running
the Gaunt Wagonette and are busy from
morning till night hauling sight-seers to
and from the fair.
Pies, cakes and doughnuts for sale by
' the ladies of the M. . church in the
building formerly occupied by H. Her
bring. Lunch served.
Miss Josephine
eller was injured
yesterday at the e
al ground by a fall,
cutting a flesh wo
.above one eye.
Dr. Sutherland atte
idea her, who took
two stitches.
There are some-excellent phonographs
and a kinetoscope in town,, which are
liberally patronized, as they fully de
serve to be. They are the most scientif
ic and difficult inventions of modern
times. . ' ,
The finest trainload of lambs ever
shipped from Oregon, comprising 4000
head, will leave in the morning for Kan
sas City. They were raised by Geo. A.
- "foung and eon and go to A. J. . Knollin
A Co. St. Louis.
There is a considerable number of
cases of diphtheria around Portland,
some of them of a malignant type. Fif
teen cases have been reported by the
principals of the various Bchools since
the schools opened, and two deaths have
occurred in the schools.
The uniformed companies of the Mc
Kinley club are requested to assemble at
headquarters at 7:30 tonight, to escort
Hon.. T. T, Geer to the ifoldwin opera
house. No effort wiljbe "'made for a
general parade, thougif anyone may fall
in line who may choose to do so.
Hon. T. T. Geer, who will address the
citizens tonight, is well knojka through
out the state as a plain unassuming
countryman of remarkable native good
sense. He will deliver J plain, practical
address this evening.modestly urging the
importance of electing Wm. McKinley
to the presidency.
An election of militii
was held
last evening at the
rmory. . Capt.
Cbrisman'8 time
ed on the I9tp,
and he is succeeded
x. a.- vaniNorden wa
ted second
lieutenant vice J. R.
he term
of the first lieutenant,
At L. .Reese,
has not expired
Mr. Hayward Riddell
Saturday, October 31st, will be flag
day throughout all the United States.
On that day a request has been made
that the national colors be displayed
a! officers
.a etec
To our cjty and out-of-town "trade, we asjc you
sale a lixtle consideration, if intending to' buy
from every housetop. The. idea origin
ated with Mr. Mark Hanna, chairman
of the Republican national committee,
and meets with general approval. In
response to the request. Chairman Sol
Hir8ch, of the Republican state centfal
committee, yesterday issued a circular
calling upon all patriotic citizens to
adorn their residences and places of
business with our country's flag, and to
keep them there until after the election.
One more week and this canvas will
be over in The Observer office. Now
mark the prophecy: .The election of
McKiiley and Hobart is an accom
plished and assured fact. They will re
ceive 270 electoral votes. Bryan will re
ceive 110 and there are six states, hav
ing sixty-seven electoral votes, which
are doubtful, but the probabilities at
present point to the fact that these
sixty-seven will go in to the. Republican
column. Moro Observer.
Mr. F. H. Rowe went to Lyle this
Mr. JSfrJle Schanno went to Hood
River today:
Mr. Perault of Grass Valley was a
visitor to the city today.
T. P. Wagner of the O. R. & N. went
to Rowena this afternoon. -
Mrs. Geo. Krauze, though able to sit
up, is nevertheless very ill.
Mr.- H. P. Michel 1 is over from Gol
dendale attending the fair.
The Misses Brune of Grand Dalles
came over to the city this morning.
Mrs. Mary E. Jory, poetinistrees at
Wasco, spent the dty in The Dalles.
Mr. C. J. Garland of the Happv
Thought Salve Co., Seattle, is ip the
city. '
Hon. T. T. Geer arrived on the local
train today and was met- by many Re
publicans, fcfe will addrees our citizens
this evening on political issues.
Musical Program Tonight.
While viewing the splendid display at
the pavilion tonight the following pro
gram by the band may be enjoyed :
March "Messenger" Barnliouse
Medley Selection Plantation Songs Conterno
Waltz "The Postilion" Meyrellet
Overture "Twilight Hour ' ..Boettger
German Medley "Musical Smiles".. Casey
descriptive "Niggnr In the Barnyard"
8YNOPSIB Early in the morning A rooter
crowing When Dinah Blows that Horn
Feedlt g th stcck la tbe barn, with imitations
of cows, mules, horses, chickens and buzzing
bees The jolly coons Cows coming home
Coons dance Grand finale. .
Inscriptive "Mill In the Forest' ifeyrelle
March "iSodesk". . . . Hall
A Sree Treat for 11.
At the K. of P. ball, on Friday even
ing, Oct. 23d, the K. O. T. M.'a of this
city will give a puolic entertainment,
consisting of songs, recitations, instru
mental solos, etc., and . an address on
"Fraternalism" by J. L. Mitchell, Dep.
Sop. Com. of Portland. At the conclu
sion of the entertainment, an excellent
orchestra will he provided and all will
be invited to participate in a social
dance. Tbe K. O. T. M. number among
its members some of our most leading
men. It is assured a large audience
will be present.
tlie Season.
to- give this-,
Wellington Shot Heme IT Last
. BTcnloe anU May Xle. .
Rose Wellington, mistress of a bouse
of ill fame on the alley nearly back of
the Midway saloon, ehot herself in one
of the rooms of her resort about 9 o'clock
last evening, with probably fatal result.
She had left her own room, stating to a
young man who was there that she
would return in a short time. Instead,
she went to another room, vacant at the
time, and shot herself in the breast with
a 32- caliber Smith & Wesson revolver.
The wound was an ugly one, the shot
entering her breast about three inches
below the nipple. It missed the apex of
the heart by a narrow margin, but
penetrated the left . lung and perhaps
her stomach.
The young man and a sister of the
wounded woman ran to her upon hear
ing the shot, both arriving at about the
same time. She was found to be con
scious, and has bo remained since until
about 2 o'clock, when she began sinking
into a stupor. This may be the effect of
quinine she was given, but the physician
believes her chances for recovery are
slight. The cauee of the act is said to
be jealousy or the result of a quarrel.
Her tendencies may be suicidal, bow
ever, for the same spirit is shown in her
sister, who has now made two attempts
at taking' her life.
Her mother was telegraphed for, and
arrived on tbe noon train from a vicinity
near Portland, from whence the daugh
ters formerly came to The Dalles. The
girl Is about 22 years old and was quite
comely until ruined by dissipation.
Tillman Was Picked Up.
Tillman, in his Pendleton address,
challenged any Republican to meet him
in joint debate, stating be had made at
tempts ever since the beginning of the
campaign to secure joint debates with
Republicans, but had failed. At tbe
close of the afternoon epeakine, .Lot
Livermore, after consultationwitb other
members of the Republican county cen
tral committee and John C. Leasure of
Portland, made tbe following proposi
tion: "John. C. Leasure of Portland
will divide time" with you at the court
house this evening, if agreeable to you,
as follows ; You to open the meeting,
speak for one hour or less,- if you desire,
Mr. Leasure to follow, and be limited to
one hour and a half, you to have an
hour to close." . - .
The reply to the challenge was that
the evening meeting was intended for
Francis Clarno, whose time be 'could
not consistently dispose of. Several
communications passed ' without avail
Tillman asked Leasure to debate nex
day at La Grande.' Leasure refused.
Tonne Hendersnott's Return.
Detective Cody last night returned
from The Dalles, bringing, with him
Orville Hendershott, the young would-be
self-murderer, wanted here on two
charges of forgery and one tor obtaining
goods under false pretenses, says the
Portland Telegram.
Hendershott is but 19 years old,
fiif Tight
. Hesters
Air Tight Heaters
are the best and
most Economical
heaters made. Call
and See our
and get our prices
before buying" else
The Dalles.
thrown upon the world without a guid
ing hand, and is more a subject for com
miseration, in certain respects, than se
vere condemnation. On his trip down
e was a' trifle commun'cative with
the officer having him in charge. The
youth confessed to forging the orders on
Eggert & Young, the shoedea ers, and in
Watson's check- restaurant, because he
was shoeless and hungry, without means
or employment to obtain these neces
saries. He says that after he awoke to
a realization of .what be had done, he
wanted to kill himself, and he is 'sorry
that he was not successful.
"Hendershott is' not a natural crimi
nal," remarked a detective , who is
as close a student of human nature as
any man of his calling, "and here is a
chance for true CbtiBtian spirit to come
to the front and do something for a boy,
who wight not .possibly, but may prob
ably yet become a good -man if eome one
would take him in band. Did my in
come warrant it, I'd just risk it upon
turning a good man out of this boy who's
had no chance in life, so far."
The defendant, when called in the
municipal court yesterday, had bis
examination passed till Saturday.
Everroae Go tv-.the Fair.
We,' the undersigned, 1 agree to close
our places of business Friday, Oct 23,
between the hours of 2 and 6 p. m., iu
order to allow our employes to attend
the Wasco County Agricultural Fair.
Mays & Crowe Prinz & Nitschke
A M Williams & Co J P Mcfnerny
W A Johnston John C Hertz
Maier & Benton ' M T Noian
Blakeler&Houghton W W Russell
M Z Don nel 1 J H Cross
FAVanNorden W A Kirby
Geo Ruch W E Kahler
H C Nielsen CF Stephens -
Funk Bros A A Brown
Snipes-K Drug Co Jacobsen Bill Co
I C Nickelseh L Ronlen
Fred Fisher. Vanbibber&Woreley
E J Collins & Co C C Codper
Farley and Frank J T Peters '
Pease A Mays.
. The above paper was still being cir
culated for signatures at the time of go
ing to press.
To Rent.
- Two furnished rooms at Fourth and
Liberty streets. -; . -.
oct22-lw Mas. P. Cram.
(' Awarded
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
- Most Perfect; Made.
40 Years the Standard.
The Original Air-Tight Stove,
,. ; . : . ; -f B.i-
King Heater.
Take a look at them "before you tray something
'. else. They are all right.
Soldonly by .MAYS & CROWE.
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & PO
V A When you can at ths U
- A full and
f fuel .made
l.miCIl I UN
167 Second Street, French's Bloek,: The .Dalles, Ore.
School Books-Supplies.
Jacobson Book & Music Co,
No. 174 Second Street,
New Vogt Block, ; The Dalles, Oregon.
Job Printing
complete line of
Hiarsas for all kinds.
b" ths same methania
mtHI6AN jTArrlhrai
at this Office.