The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 21, 1896, Image 4

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    Tbs Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Advertising Kates.
. Per inch.
One Inch or less In Dolly f I 50
Over two inches and under lour Inches 1 00
Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 73
Over twelve inches . 50
One inch or less, per inch $2 50
Over one inch and under four Inches 2 00
Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 1 50
Over twelve inches - 1 00
Tbe Itunnlng; Record Broken at the Pair
Grounds Yesterday.
The eighth annual meeting of the
Second Eastern Oregon District Agri
cultural Society opened yesterday with
a fair attendance for the first day. The
live stock exhibit ia not all in yet. but
there are some fine cattle and eheep in
the corrals, and the officers expect to
bave all the stalls full by this evening.
Billy Ayers, the veteran pool seller,
was on hand to assist the wise ones in
placing bets. Under the grand stand
one could hear the tamiliar cries of
"Rondo!" "Seven come eleven !" '"The
black horse wins!" "Money down in
time!" and similar expressions that are
usually used by distributors of freer gold
and silver, but the unsophisticated were
rather cautious about indulging. The
exhortations of the pool seller were
more effective towards loosening up the
tightness of the market; but still then-
was very little betting going on. In
both races the Paris mutuals paid well.
The Agricultural Society was some
what Disappointed in not receiving an
Australian starting gate from Portland,
but if all the races are sent off as well as
they were yesterday, there will be no
seed of a gate. Bill Gilmore acted as
starter, and gave entire satisfaction
The horses were called out promptly on
Taylor, 1; R Signiund, I ; Al .-sigmnnd;
R Cooper, 1.
Cattle exhibits. Short Horns. R H
Guthrie, 2; R Mays, 5.
Devone. R. Kelly, 3.
Channel Island. Geo Snipes, 1 ; AH
Beal, 2; C V Champion, 2.
Holstein's. W H Taylor.
Grades. W H Taylor, 1 ; JM Hunt
ington, 1 ; Geo Snipes, 2.
Champion class R H Guthrie, W H
Taylor, R Mays, 3.
Class 1, Berkshire hogs Segmund &
Son, 2; Charles Snipes, 1.- Chester
White W H Taylor, 2; R F Wickham,
2. Essex O T Angell ; graded, O F
Airgell, 2; Truman Butts, 2; W H
Taylor, 1; BR Brooks, 1. Champion
class W H Taylor, 1; RF Wickcoan,
1; Sigtnnnd & Son, 1; Truman Butte, 1.
There are also six coops of chickens,
one of bronze turkeys and four of ducks.
The sheen department, as - far as the
fair is concerned, has been Pennoyer-
ized. There have been no entries of
sheep or wool.
The first race on the programme was
a running, three-eigntns mue beats, tor
all ages: purse, $100. The following
horses were entered': Pat Tocker, 109 :
Red D., 109; Lark, 109; Pinear, 109.
At the first attempt for a start Gilmore
dropped the red bunting and sent them
off to a blanket start. Pinear soon took
the lead and won the heat by a length
from Red S., who was a half a length
ahead of Pat Tucker. Another track
record suffered by this heat, which was
won in 30 seconds, the old record being
37. Mutuala, $3 50.
Pinear won the second heat and race
i one of the finest finishes ever wit-
pkbsomaL mention.
neseed on the track,
tuals paid, $3.10.
Time 36!. Mu-
Band JVIaslo at the Pavilion.
The musical program by the band to
night at the pavilion will be as follows
'Challei' ge Two Step' ' :.M. Deane
time, and were sent off to a eood Start Grand Fantasia "Rose of Love". P de Ville
in each race
xne urei race on the program was a
running quarter-mile dash, for all ages,
with a purse of $75. The following well-
known quarter horses were entered:
"Lark," 119 lbs.; "Pat Tucker," 119;
'Blaik Priiic," 122; "Pinear," 119;
"Bill Ny," 119. The knowing ones
picked "Pinear" as a winner, although
a reasonable amount of money went
into the pool box on the other horses
The horses were sent to the post at 3:30,
and after scoring for fifteen minutes,
Starter Gilmore dropped the flag and
sent them off .well bunched. They ran
well together for the first eighth, when
Ihe climb up the hill began to tell on
fome of the runners. "Pinear," "Lark"
and "Bill Nye" came into the home
stretch neck and neck. ' Then the bats,
boys and spurs commenced to work and
the horses realizing that there was to be
a strujfitle for first place, strained every
nerve and muscle to gain the lead, but
"Pinear," uuder the skillful guidance of
Buy i: ton, was too much for them, and
.Crime under the wire a half a length
ahead of "Lark," who bad a length
the best of "Bill Nye." So fast and
fm ious was the pace in this race that
the track record of 24 made by "Blue
jty" in '94, was broken by half a second
The mutuals paid $3.80.
The second race was a running, three-
eighths mile handicap for 2-year-olds.
The following youngsters were entered
"Surprise." 90; "Mamie D.," 87;
"Harry N ,' 110; "Latah." 105. "La
ta': " and ' "Harry N.," were the
favorites; ''Surprise" and "Mamie
D.'r sold in ' the field. After a
few attempts to get off, Gilmore sent
them away with "Harry N" slightly in
the lead. At the quarter stake "Sur
prise" ran into the pole tearing the
boot off his jockey and breaking the
stirrup. ,. This compelled the boy to
hold him up. The other horses came
vp the hill and into the home stretch
under a drive. There was'some crowd
ing about two hundred feet from the
wire, but "Latah" won, "Harry N
second, "Mamie, p." third. Immedi
ately on dinmoanting the leckey on
"Mamie D." went up to the judge's
stand and entered a protest against
"Harry N." for foul ; but after a careful
investigation ot the protest the judges
decided that the protest was unfounded.
The time announced was 38. The
mutuals paid $3.60.
The following live stock have been en
tered at the fair grounds :
Horses Thoroughbred J P Mcln-
er y, 2.
Standard-bred F H Batten, 1 ; J P
: M jlnerny, 2 ; G D Hegsee, 1 ; August
Fmlm.ire. 1 ; W Rand, 1 ; Geo Snipes, 1
Horses of all work Taylor Br. s, 1 ;
8 R Brooks, 1 ; M. Segmond, 1. horses R Kelly, 2 percherons.
Enitlifh Stiires K. Mays, 2
GradeD'tits W Nishell, 2; W H
Titylor, 2; N Sigmund, 1; R Segmun i,
2; R Harris. 1; A Sigmund, 1; J A
Stephens, 1.
Road-ters F H Button, 2; W Ran,
1 : 4 II Blakeney, 1 J 8 Schenck, 1 ; W
H Fowler, 1.
Farm teams. S. R. Brooks, 1; W H
"Manama" Chilian Dance Jean Mtittud
Waltz "Marien" ; . . . Eilenberg
t-erio Comic Musical Jambor-e E. Beyer
Descriptive "Dance of ihe Goblins" ...R. Becker
Synopsis Near 12 o'clock The Goblins a-sem-
ble at the old church yard Tbev ben In to
dunce Frightened by the watchman's pistol
They return Dunce again They dance live
lier "than before Steamboat wills' le startles
tbem They commence aerain A shot friitht-
ma tbein away, scattering them in all direc-
.Waltz "Sour ds from Erin" Bennett
Seventh Regiment Two Step" J. J. Dunn
Marcus Long, Director.
Mr. J. B. Rand went to Hood River
this morning. .
Mr. C. J. VaVDuyn and wife of Tygh
Valley returnjeM. from Portland today,
and a re guests arche home of S. French.
Messrs. John Dustin, Bert Diamond
and A. P. Byrkett of White Salmon,
who came fn to attend the political
speaking, left for home this morning.
Mr. J. L. Mitchell, grand lecturer of
the Macabees, is in the city in the in
terests of the order. Mr. Mitchell was
formerly city editor of the Salem States
man. Messrs. Robt. Densmore, M. Dichten
muller, A. Stewart, Wm. McClure, L.
Lamb, J. M. Elliott, John Weiberg and
others of Moier attended the political
speaking in The Dalles last evening.
Mrs. Emerv Oliver and child, who
have epent the summer months with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Syl
vester, while her bnsbtnd has been sur
veying in Idaho, left tor her home in
Portland on the afternoon local.
Messrs. C. M. Wulfard, E. S. Olinger,
S. D. Pay ton, C. E. Copple, E. V. Hus
bands, V. A. Langille, W. C. Stranahan
and others of Hood River attended the
political speaking last evening and left
for home by the boat this morning.
A morning or two since one of our
leading citizens ' awoke his wife two
hours before sunrise, saying, "My dear,
can you recite the preamble to the con
stitution of the United States?"
Whereupon his "dear" sat bolt upright
in bed and answered with more warmth
than amiability, "Look here! I've had
politics for breakfast, dinner and supper
for the last six weeks, and bave made
no objection, but I want you to under
stand that when it comes to being
awakened at this time in the morning
to recite the constitution, I draw the
line." "
Commissioner Higginsof the Salvation
Army will be in town Monday Oct. 26th,
and will speak in the Baldwin opera
house on Salvation Army social work.
In bis 18 vears experience in the Salva
tion Army he has traveled all over the
world. The leading papers speak highly
of bis ability as an entertaining speaker.
Dr. Nice an excellent violinist, and Ma
jor Parker divisional officer of the North
Pacific division, will also be in attend
ance, lne small admission lee ot lu
cents will be charged.
No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES
Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic- The Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3.
A Free Treat for All.
At the K. of P. ball, on Friday even
ing, Oct. 23d, the K.. U. 1. M. a ot this
city will give a puolic entertainment,
consisting of songs, recitations, instru
mental solos, etc., and an address on
"Fraternalism" by J. L. Mitchell, Dep.
Sup. Com. of Portland. At the conclu
sion of the entertainment, an excellent
orchestra will be provided and all will
be invited to participate in a social
dance. The K. ): T. Mrnamber among
its members some of our most leading
men. It is assured a large audience
will be present.
There will be a meeting of The Dalles
Commercial Clnb at the club rooms on
Friday, Oct. 23, at 8 o'clock p. m.- All
members are requested to be present, as
the preliminary 'arrangements for the
celebration of the opening of the locks
are to be made. ' ' ?
Roger B. Sinnott, Secretary.
Stray Ntice. - a
One large, red steer, branded "LM"
on riant hip.. Came to my place about
Feb. 15th last. Owner can -have same
oy calling at my place and paying
charges. S. R. Brooks,
Near Fairfield school bouse, Columbia
precinct. octl4-wlm
Anyone desiring their chimneys
cleaned can have it done by calling upon
or addressing Mr. Ike Peary or James
Hogan, The Dalles or telephone to No
89. ol7-tf
You'll be surprised when you try Hoe
Cake soap, and wish we bad ; told' you
sooner. It is made by patented pro
cess. ilv24tii
. Female Help Wanted. ''.- ''-
Waitted Red-beaded girl and white
horse to deliver premiums given away
with Hoe Cake Soap. Apply to any'
Highest Honors World's Fair.
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
There's no clay, flour, starch or .other
worthless filling in "Hoe Cake" and no
free alkali to burn the hands. ily24
"Watery Blisters
Turning1 To Complete Sore.
Family Ioctor Could not
Heal "Without Loss of Hair.
Economical and Speedy Care by
Now no Trace of Disease. .
Hair Thick, Child Fat, Good, and
When fonr clays olil my babo broke out over
one side of bis bead and body with watery
blisters, -which turned to a complete scab.
We called tbe family doctor, and be said that
"he could heal them "up," but "tbe baby
would never have any more hair on his head,"
and we were completely discouraged. Wa
were told to try Cuticura Remkdies and
did so. We used two boxes of Citiccjka, two
cakes of Cuticura Soap, and he now is all
right. The hair is on th:ck, and you would
never think there was anything the matter
with him, he is bo fat, pood, and hearty, and
1 do not know bow to praise Cuticura Res
ynTF: enough for the good they did mv child.
Mks. WM. H. SCOTT, Luzerne, Fa.
CTTTICURA REMEDIES have effected the
most wonderful cures of torturing ami dis
figuring skin and scalp diseases of infants
and children ever recorded. They afford in
stant relief, permit rest and sleep, and j'oint
to a speedy cure when the best physicians,
hospitals, and all other methods fail.
Bpeedt CuuE Treatxert. Worm baths
with CUTICUitA Soap, gentle application, of
Cuticura (ointment), and mild doses of Ccti
CUhA lt.asoi.YENT (blood partner).
Bold throughout the world. Potter Urco Its
Chbii. Corp., bole Proprietors, Boston, U.-faA..
How to Cure Skin Diseases," mailedree.
D I PV'C 8kln and PcalP purini-d and beautified
DAD I 0 byCDTicuKAfcioAP. Absolutely pure.
Kills Paiu in a IJinuto
CnUcara Antl-Pln Plaster '
A niilfi flivsic. Onn Pill Tor m. IOM.
A moremmt of the bowels each dy in oecMsur for
health. These pills tmpply whet the system Iscfcs ta
make it Tegular. They cure Headache, briehtem the clear ZDeuorapiexiou oetieriaan cosmeucs.
They neither ripe nor-sicken. To connnce too, we
will mail ruunple free.or full box for 2c. Hold every
whmtm, Dtt. fiOSAKEO MI. X Philadelphia Fa,
Most Perfect Made.
AO Vears the Standard.
Monuments .;
and Headstones.
Before goinp elsewhere, call on ''
L COMINI, The Dalles, Or.
. For a Tombstone. Warranted
to stand for all time, regardless
of wind or weather.
"Knocks Out All Others."
The Large Piece and High
Grade of "Battle Ax" has injured
the sale of other brands of .higher
prices and smaller pieces Don't
allow the dealer to impose on you
by saying they are "just as good"
as "Battle Ax," for he is anxious
to work off his unsalable stock
. jc J jT
V Sins
The highest claim for other
tobaccos is " Just as
good as Durham."
Every old smoker
knows there is rone just .
as good as
You -wi;l cd one coupon inside
eacli tvo onccc cpg, and two cou
pons ins -de cacli tour ounce
bag of B.ctTCeli's Duthem.
Bny a bag of this cele
brated tobacco and read the
coupon which gives a list
of valuable presents and low
to get Uiem. v
ME v (,A
The Regulator Line"
The Dalles. Portland and Astoria
Navigation Coi
To all Whom it May Conckbk: .
Bv order of Ihe Common Council of Dalles
City, made on the 3d day of October 1896, and
entered of record in the records of Dulles City,
on the 4h day of October 1896, notice Is hereby
given that the crosswalks and sidewalks on the
following streets or parts of streets have been de
clared dangerous by said Common Council on
said da day of uctorjer, ana tne saia ;ommon
Council will proceed to make the lmprovemeuta
as hereinafter designated, on said streets or parts
thereof so declared dangerous after 14 days from
the first publication of this notice towit; Octo
ber 8th, 1896, and tbe cost of such improvement
of all crosswalks and of each- of them, will be
charged and levied upon the corner lots corner
ing upon the street or streets intersected by such
crosswalks, and upon all lots or parts thereof,
to tne center ot eacn oiock cornering upon sucn
intersection, each lot to pay that portion of the
entire cost that its street frontage upon the in
tersecting streets bears to tbe street froiitage of
all lots to be assessed upon said streets, and the
cost of al' sidewalks and of each of them respec
tively will be charged and levied upon the prop
erty adjacent thereto and directly benefited
thereby, as provided by the charter and ordi
nances of Dalles city.
The crosswalks and Bidewalks declared : dan-
?;erous and about to be improved and built are as
I. . To build a sidewalk on the south. Bide of
Fourth street along lots 5 and 6, iu block 3, in
Trcvitts addition to Dalles City.
V. To build a sidewalk "on th? east side of
Court street, between Second and Third streets,
along the south 20 feet of lot 5 in block 5, Dalles
3. To build a sidewalk on Court street between
First and Second street along the south 30 feet of
lot 1 in block 4, Dalles City.
4. To build a sidewalk along lot 5 In block 2,
on the north side of Alvord street, in Fulton's
addition to Dalles City.
5. To build a sidewalk along lots 2 and 3, in
block 2, on the north side of Alvord street in
Fulton s addition to Dalles City.
6. To build a sidewalk along lot 6, In block
21. on Union street in Gates' audition to Dalles
C7.r' To build a sidewalk along lots 1 and 2, In
block 5, on Fourth street iu Trevitt's addition to
Dalles City.
8. To build a crosswalk on the east side of
Court street across Fourth street.
9. To build a crosswalk across Jefferson street
on the north side of Becoud street.
10. To build a crosswalk across Lincoln street
on the south side of Second street
II. To build a crosswalk across Third street on
the east side of Court street.
12. To build a crosswalk across Washington
nn thp nniith side of Fourth street.
13. To build a crosswalk across Fulton street
on the wfst side ot tede.-ai street.
All of said sidewalks and crosswalks will bo
built and constructed in the manner provided
by tbe charter and ordinances of Dalles City.
Datea tms sin aay oi uciooer, i?.
Becorder of Dalles City.
Snipes-ersly Drug Co
Drugs, Paints,
Wall Paper,
Glass. Etc.
129 Second St..
. . Monerl Monejrl Maneyl
To tav Wasco county warrants regis
tered prior to Jnly 3, 1892. Interest
ceases after May is, iye.
C L. PHrLxrps,
mylS-tf County Treae.
reigut ana Passenger Line
Throutrh Dailv Trine (Sundava ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Kegulator leaves Tne
Dalles fit 8 a.m., connecting at tbe Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City ' leaves Portland
(Oak el cet dock) at 7 a. m., connect
ing wiin Steamer Kegulator for The
Dalles. ,
Oneway.... $2.00
Round trip S.Oi
Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
v, ay landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address.
General Agent
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
St. Paul
Kansas City-
LOW Rates to all Eastern Cities.
Every Five Days for
For full details call on O. R. & Co. s Agent
Ths Dalles, or address
W, H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt
Portland, Oregon
E. M'NEILL, President aud Manager.
New Schedule.
Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4:50
a. m., and leaves 4:55 a. m.
Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:4
p. tu.f and leaves 10:45 p. m.
Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 12:05
p. m., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves
at 2:30 p. m.
Train 23 and 24 will carry p&ssengers
between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav
ing The Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and ar
riving at The Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con
necting with train Nos. 8 and 7 from
Portland. E. E. Lytlb,
Window-Glass and
Picture Moulding.
American Market,
74 Second. Street.
Fruit, Produce,
Butter, Eggs.
. IN SEASON. - .
- . ,. , . . - r-