The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 21, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. IX
NO 247
Desolation; in the . Path of
the Hurricane. V:
The Town of Cedar Keys Lereled to the
Gronnl--Sxty-Sevea Persona
Killed In the State.
Jacksonville,-Fla., Oct. 5. Commu
nication with the interior is restored,
and the news of the destruction of life
and property by Tuesday's hurricane
becomes appalling. Hundreds of per
sons are homeless and roast suffer from
hunger unless relief shall be quickly fur
nished. Reports to the Citizen from
many different towns, including all of
the important points in Levy, Lafayette,
Suwanee, Columbns, Bradford and Baker
counties, show that sixty-seven persons
were killed, and ; sixty-two injured.
These are the known causal tiee. ' To
this total, probably a considerable num
ber must be added to cover those not yet
heard from.
The loss of life was gr a est at
Cedar Keys, on the Gulf of Mexico,
where the hurricane entered the state.
Over half of the known deaths occurred
at that place. The destruction of valu
able timber, turpentine trees, farm crops
phosphate works and buildings of eveiy
description in the counties mentioned
forming a belt .acrose the state from
southwest to northwest, will aggregate
hundreds of thousands if not millions
of dollars.
Full and authentic advices from Cedar
Keys late tonight show the almost total
destruction of the town, and the loss of
thirty-nine lives. This is believed to in
clude the complete roll of the dead. At
Shell Mound, a great pleasure resort
near that. place, a party of five men,
three women and three children were
camping out. Some surveyors making
. their way borne after the storm found 11
bodies strewn on the shore, under logs
and brush. They -were close together,
which would indicate that they were
simultaneously killed by the tidal wave.
Eight other bodies have been found
on the beach.. Twenty fishermen are
still missingy'iyU of whom are dead.
During the hurricane at Cedar Keys,
the water came up with the wind, and
down -the principal streets rushed a mad
torrent, npon which floated houses, boats
and debris o! every description. " While
the tempest was at its height, - the
Bettelini house, the, Bcheinmer and John
bnerriu s residence took hre and were
burned. The destruction of property
was very great, the loss being estimated
at $250,000. r
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of
11 In leavening strength.-vZUegt United Slates
Government food Report.
Steamer Arago Carried on the Rocks of
Coos Bay North Jetty.
Mahshfibld, Or., Oct. 20. The Ore
gon Coal & Navigation Company's
steamer Arago is a total- wreck. She
lies in about 30 feet of water on the Coos
bay, and 200 yards from the bones of the
wrecked whaleback steamer Wetmore
The cause of the accident is somewhat
enveloped in mystery, as all of the offi
cers refuse to give any statement as to it,
though no blame is attached to Captain
The Arago left her dock at Empire
City this morning and reached the bar
about 8 o'clock. The weather was thick
and the bar exceedingly rough,' although
it was nothing uncommon for the Ara
- go to cross out in such weather. As the
breakers were neared, the steamer was
on her course close in to the north jetty
- ssne was slowed down, and when near
the end of the jetty a northerly current
! We want your tea-trade
for the rest of your life.
' : Do you see now how we
can afford to say : "Get
every sort of Schilling
Best of .your grocer, am
get your money back on
what you don't like" ?
A Schilling & Company
Su Francisco .
Ciught her bow, swinging her around.
At the same time a tremendous wave
caught her on the port quarter and com
pletely shifted her around out of her
course belore ene con: a De neaaea
around. Another sea caught . her and
drove her stern upon the rocks of the
jetty, breaking a hole in her bottom.
The Arago by this time had drifted
among the breakers and was beyond con
trol by her helm.
The next sea that followed carried
away the after cabin, containing several
passengers, and a waiter with it.
Captain Reed then ordered the boats
lowered, as she was sinking astern and
waves were washing her decks. Two
lifeboats were lowered and loaded. One
capsized not far from the steamer, but
righted again, only to turn over once
more. The sea was so'trething terrific,
and it looked as if the lifeboats would
not live long. The last time the lifeboat
capsized the only man to appear on the
surface was rescued by the lifeboat in
charge of the second mate.
Chief Engineer W. Hi. is row n was
washed-overboard while-on the steamerT
and John Norman, a . 'passenger, was
washed out of the rigging by the force of
the waves.
Captain Reed remained by bis ship,
and was the last to have. He was taken
off with the remaining passenger and
by the lifeeaving crew.
Among the lives known to be lost are :
John Norman, Marshfield, passenger.
E. McGraw, Coqaille City, passenger.
Richard Walters, of Oakland, Or., pas
W. E. Brown, chief engineer.
William Whittle, fireman.
Eric Wall, fireman.
Anthony McDade, fireman.
Richard Paterson, steward:
E. Fernandez, chief cook.
J. Kruger, seaman. -Henry
Sanders, sailor.
Ben, the mess boy.
None of the bodies have been re
Two X,ives, Saved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City
111. was told by her doctors she had
Consumption and that there was no hope
for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's
New Discovery completely cured her
and she says it saved her life. Mr. Tbos.
Eggers, "139 Florida St. San Francisco,
suffered from a dreadful cold, approach
ing Consumption, tried without result
everything else then bought one bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two
weeks was cured. He is naturally thank
ful. It is such results, of which these
are samples, that prove the wonderful
efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and
colds. Free trial bottles at iilakeley &
Houghton's Drug More. Kegular size
60 cents and $1 00.
' Core for Headache.
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be the very
best. ' It effects a permanent cure and
the most dreaded habitual sick headache
yields to its influence. We urge all who
are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give
this , remedy a fair trial. In cases,, of
habitual constipation Electric Bitters
cures by giving a - needed tone to the
bowels, and few cases long resist the nse
of , this medicine. Try. it once. Fifty
cents and $1.00 at Blakeley and Hough
ton's Drug Store. r . r 2
V" Ch in Tour Cheeks.
." All county warrants registered prior
to July 11, 1892, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Oct. 20,
1896. : : - C. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer. '
Old Generals Doing- Good Work In In
diana Work of the Sliver Forces.
Chicago, Oct. 20. Special to The
Chkoxicle Republicans here are great
ly encouraged over the day's registration
in Chicago which shows that every
sound money Democrat will vote against
Bryan. Democrats in their Illinois state
headquarters privately concede the hope
lessness of their campaign, and have
practically closed their attack here.
They will now turn their attention
to Michigan and Indiana. They have
sent the chief of the speakers' bureau to
Michigan to manage the oratorical cam
paign in the saddle. The first day's ex
perience has been decidedly discourag
ing. Telegrams indicate that ex-President
Harrison's stamp tour, begun today,
has aroused Indiana, and that Gen.
Alger's train - of old Boldiers . touring
Michigan has aroused that state. The
Popocratic campaign' of misrepresenta
tion proceeds. Their determination to
make untruths the chief ammunition till
election day is demonstrated by the offi
cial announcment of a Popocratic silver
organ in Chicago, whose principal owner
is under sentence to the penitentiary for
sending obscene literature through the
mails. This organ re-published the
odious Pressly letter from Boston, re
ferred to in these dispatches yesterday,
in spite of the fact that Chairman
Hanna has denounced it publicly in
every newspaper in the country as a
falsehood. Chairman Jones also con
tinues the effort to - array class against
class and stir up bitterness among the
working people by issuing to the news
papers for publication an inflammatory
statement which charges that employes
are being - coerced into the support of
McKinley, although this statement has
been repeatedly denied and proven false
in every case where the charge was spe
cifically made and an investigation pos
sible. Right Reverend George L.
Seymour, bishop of Episcopal diocese of
Southern Illinois, joined in. the public
expression in - favor of sound money
made by Bishop Newman of the Method
ist church, and Archbishop Ireland and
Monsigneur Zeninger of the Roman
Cathulic church, through a letter to the
state Republican committee of I linois.
Trouble broke out in the Popocratic
camp today over . the discovery by am
bitions men that promises of certain
official positions of high grade are freely
made, and that they are being dupli
cated in a way extremely embarrasing
to those who have "put up" to secure
the first pledges.- This is especially il
lustrated in the discovery that the posi
tion of minister to France, which was
promised to Marquis Daley, the Mon
tana silver mine owner, has now been
repledged, this time to Daley's bitter
political enemy, W. A. Clarke, another
Montana silver mine owner. It is un
derstood that a contribution of $70,000
was obtained from Clarke in addition to
$30,000 already given to the campaign
fund, Clarke's ambition being to shii e
in diplomatic circles as'a "silver king."
This Is Tour Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
56 Warren St, New Tork City.
Ilev. John Rei d, Jr. , of Great Falls, Mont ',
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if nsed as directed."
Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont
- Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. ' nce, 50 cents.
Our Object is
to Clean Up Stock.
In our Shoe Department we find different lines of Shoes, all styles
and grades, in Infants', Childs', Misses' and Ladies' some remnant lots,
others slightly out of date, &c, -which we are determined MUST GO,, if
price-cutting can move them.
Clark, the East End jeweler, makes a
specialty of fine watch repairing. Call
and see him. ..-"'..
lOO Reward ISO. ' '
The readers of this paper will .be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to care in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care is
the only positive care known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh' being a
constitutional disease, requires a consti
tutional treatment. .Hall's Catarrh
Care is taken internally, actinic-directly
npon the blood und mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the foun
dation of ; the disease, and giving the
patient strength by building np the con
stitution and assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors have do much
faith in its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case
thai it fails to care. Send for list of
testimonials. Address:
." ' F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O.
3Sold by Druggists, 75 cents.
. " No. 2-8 '
Take your watches, clocks and jewelry
repairing to Clark, th East End jeweler.
Regular. Sale.
2 doz. pairs of Ladies' genuine French Kid, plain toe, hand-turn.. $5.00 $1.50
Ladies' Fancy Scallop Tip, Welts ., 5.50 2.50
Ladies' French Kid, Welts : 5.00 2.00
Ladies' Cloth Top, patent tip, French Toe : 4.50 2.00
Ladies' Cloth Top, patent tip, Piccadilly Toe, Welts 4.00 2.50
Ladies' Cloth Top, patent tip, Square Toe, Welts 4.00 2.40
Ladies' Kid Top, patent tip, Opera or Square Toe, Turns 3.50 2.00
Ladies' Kid Top, Plain Toe, Welts 3.50 2.25
Misses' Spring Heel, Kid, patent tip and plain toe ...$1.50 to $2.00. Choice, $1.00
An assorted list Childs' Fine Shoes ,...$1.25 to $1.75. . Choice, 75c and 90c
Same in Infants' Fine Shoes.: $1.00 to $1.50. Choioe, 75c
Men's Buff Congress, all sizes ......$2.00 $1.00
Bo3's' (full stock) Congress, sizes 3, 3 and 4 2.20 1.00
Odd lines Boys' Lace Shoes $1.25 and 1.50 1.00
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland.
8:50 P. M,
8:30 A.M.
4:00 P. M
7:30 A. M
M:45 P.M.
FROM JUNK 23, 1893.
I press, Biilem, Rose- '
I burg, Ashland, Sac-1
J ramento, Ogden,San !
1 Franciseo, Mojave, f
Los Angeles, El Paso, j
I New Orleans and I
I East. - J
Roseburg and way eta-
fVia Woodburn fori
Mt.Angel, Silverton,
i West Scio, Browns-
I viUe,Sprlngfield and J
1 Natron 1
Salem and way stations
tuorvaiiis ana way
(McMinnville and
(way stations
8:10A. M.
4:40 P.M.
10.00 A.M.
ft 6:0 P.M.
f 8:25P.M.
Daily. f Daily, except Sunday.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where
throueh tickets to all Dolnts in the Eastern
States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates irom
J. B. KIRKLAND. Ticket Agent.
All above trains arrive at and depart Irom
Urand central station, riftn and x streets.
Passenger Depot, foot of Jederson street.
Leave for OSWEGO, week days, at 6:00, 7:20,
10:15 a. m., 12:15; 1:45, 8:90, 6:25, 8:00, 11:30 p. m.
Arrive at Portland, 7:10, 8:30, 11:25 a. m., 1:30,
s:ia, t:iu, 7:au, ;oa p. m., ana 12:90 . m.
Leave lor RIVERSIDE only (dally) at 6:25,
9:15, 10:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland at 6:10,
lu;2U, p. m.
Leave for Sheridan, week days, t 4:30 p. m,
Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m.
Leave for A IE. LIE on Mondav. Wednesdavand
Kri ay at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tues-
aav, inursaay ana saturaay at b:ik p. m.
Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:20, 8:40,
10:40 a. m.. 12:15. 1:45.3:30, 6:25,8:00. 11:50 p. m.
Arrive at Portlnnd at 8:30, 10:00, 11:50 a. m
1:30, 3:16, :I0,-f;30, U:0o p. m., ana Ki :K a. m.
Manager. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agt.
frnLflop poison
Uiary 11I.OOD .POISON permanently
euredln 15to85 days. Ton can be treated at
home for some price under same guaran
ty. If you prefer to come here we will con.
tract to pqyrailroadiareand taotelbllla.aiKj
nocharge. If we fail to cure. If yon have token mei
Cory, Iodide potash, and still have aches and
pains. Mucous Patches In month. Sore Throat.
X'itnples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
any part of theToody, Hair or Eyebrows falline
oat. it is this Secondary BLOOD POISON
we guarantee to cure. We solicit the moat obsti
nate cases and challenge the world for ak
case wecannotcure. Tbis disease has always
baffled the skill of the most eminent physi
cians. SioOO.OOO capital behind our uncoadl.
tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed nn
application. Address COOK REMEDY CO
Ol Himonio Ismple, COICAttO. JJU J
The Eighth
Mnnaal pait?
SecoiUE Eastern Drepon District Hgricultural Societu
Commencing Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1896,
and ending Saturday, Oct. 24, 1896.
For Premium Lists, Entry Blanks and all information, write to the Secre
tary, The Dalles, Oregon. A. S, MAC ALLISTER,
J. O. MACK, Secretary. President.
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker? Jeweler
- All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Money Loaned.
First mortgages on improved property nego
tiated. We are prepared to negotiate first mortgages
npon improved farms in Oregon, WHshington
and Idaho with eastern parties und foreign cap
italists at the usual rate uf interest. Mortgages
renewed that have been takn by other compa
nies now out of business. Address (with s amp)
. Jullo-tf Uaker City, Or.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.' ' '
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago.
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wnsh,. and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
Reeeidence, Tenth and Liberty Street