The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 20, 1896, Image 2

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    Dalles JJmploymept epey
A business of making known opportuni
ties for labor and supplying help.
Do yon wont a partner, a clerk, an employe, skilled or unskilled laborers of
oS '!:
- M
W .
S o
of The Dalles-
We are showing a splended line of Spring and Summer
Suitings at lower prices than can be obtained elsewhere.
No need to patronize foreign firms employing Chinese
labor. Our garments are ' made on the premises by
skilled workmen. "
' H. E. BALCH.
any kind? " Leave your application and we will undertake to suit you in the short
est possible time. The Agency has a perfect system of communication between
Portland, Astoria, Pendleton and other coast towns, and is conversant with all
needs. Information solicited from anyone requiring help and all responsible par
ties desiring situations. Office over Mclnerny's. Bulletin board on sidewalk.
Perfect Fit Guaranteed.
78 Second Street.
The Dalles Daily Chyoniete.
The only Republican Daily Newspapei n
Wasco County. ;
OCT. 20. 1896
EASTERN OFFICE 230 to 234 Temple
Court, N. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent.
For President,
For Vice-President,
For Presidential Electors,
T. T. GEER Marion County
8. M. YORAN Lane
K. L.- 8MITH Wasco
J. F. CAPLE8 Multnomah
Altgeld and Henry George spoke
lor government without federal in
terference at Cooper Union, New
York, Friday evening. They talked
about the four "blighting sisters in
our land'" which Altgeld designated
,as ''federal interference, government
by injunction, usurpation by the
supieme court, and corruption."
These, he declared, were allied with
the go?d standard in bringing ruin to
onr country.
Eveiy man wJio votes for Bryan
on November 3rd will vote to place
at the head of our government a man
who believes as Altgeld believe?,
that the punishment of bomb-throwers,
car-burners and thugs is a crime;
who believes that the United State's
government has no right to prevent
any interference by a mob with its
business, and that any armed body
of men, in the name of a labor union,
may dictate to the m United States
jnpon what terms its business shall be
conducted. This is , what Altgeld
teaches, it is what the Chicago plat
form demands, and Bryan is in sym
pathy with both.
. A man who claims that congress
clothed the creditor with authority
to refuse silver in case of a stipula
tion in the contract, is simply talking
nonsense. As well might It be
claimed that the sixth command '
ment made it a crime to murder. As
the sixth commandment simply de
clared what was already an offense
against both God and man, so con
gress, in the law of 1878, simply de
clared what was always the law, and
what will, by the courts, always be
declai ed to be the law, that where
parties agree as to the kind of money
in whish a contract shall be paid, a
judgment shall be given accordingly.
"The bankers caused the financial
crash in 1893; now they are seeking
to cause another." So say the great
prophets of Popocracy. The banks
were the first and greatest sufferers
in 1893, as they are in every financial
disturbance. Then come the manu
facturers, merchants, laborers and
producers in their turn. If Bryan
could be elected every.depositor who
has funds in the bank, including our
Populist friends, who have not al
ready drawn out their funds, would
draw out their deposits, and every
bank which is not rrepared to pay
gold or . secure gold payment would
be placed in the hands of a receiver,
and every depositor would then be
paid in depreciated silver. Every
debtor who had property would be
forced to pay, and a crash such as
has never been known in this coun
try, would follow. These are just
the reasons why every banker, busi
ness r man, manufacturer, and a ma
jority of the .farmers and laborers,
are opposed to Bryan's election.
Do the farmers realize that the
price of wheat has been put up by
Lombard and Wall streets for the
purpose of affecting the election in
the United States ? The way it was
done was this: These plutocrats,
who have their clutches upon the
throats of the world, simply caused a
drouth in India and some similar
trouble in Russia, and the business
was done. These robber barons
have a cinch on the whole world, in
cluding the winds , and rains, and can
fix us whenever they please.
As the price of wheat goes up, so
will the price of land ascend, and it
will not be any cutting-our-dollar-in-two
process either, If wheat remains
high, as it in all probability will for
a year or more, land will briDg, in
gold dollars, what our Popocratic
friends have been promising in silver
dollars. Give us 75 cents per bushel
for" wheat and Bryanism will die a
natural, but sudden, death. It will
be a genuine case of heart failure.
The national debt, less cash in
treasury, on July 1, 1889, was $975,
939,750.22; on July 1, 1893, it was
$838,969,475.75, a decrease during
Mr. Harrison's administration of
$136,970,274.47. The average rate
of decrease in the national debt from
June 30, 1806, to July 1, 1893, the
time when the Republican parly was
in a majority in congress, was $70,
389,713.70. '
In anticipation of the election of
McKinley there is a sharp advance
in the price of wool in Boston.
When Bryan was first nominated and
there was some anticipation . of his
election, there was a very rapid ad
vance in prices, but the movement
was in the wrong direction.
Gold has suddenly depreciated ; it
will no longer buy twice as much
wheat as it did in 1870. But
"where is silver at?" ' It ought to
buy as much wheat as it did in 1872,
but it will not.
If large audiences would elect any
candidate, Palmer and ' Buckner
would stand a show of: election.
They are listened to at all points in
the South by large and enthusiastic
' Core for Headache.
Aa a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be the very
best. It effects a permanent care and
the most dreaded habitual sick headache
yields to its influence. We urge all who
are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give
this remedy a fair trial. In - cases of
habitual constipation Electric Bitteis
cares by giving a needed tone to the
bowels, and few cases long resist the use
of this medicine. Try it once. Fifty
cents and $1.00 at Blakeley and Hough
ton'a Drag Store. 2
B aoklen'i Amies salve.
The best salve in the- world for cuts,
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eraptioD, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeley and
Hoagbton, druggists.
(XUnes, and Cigars.
Anheuser-Busch. Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic
beveiage, uhequaled as a tonic.
7 f- rW"0 Buys a god BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph-
) v.w ens.' Intermediate prices up to $4.50.
Ladies' Cloaks.
Remember, all these goods are latest made, warm, serv
iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap
proached in The Dalles.
175 Second Street,
"Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
and Headstones.
Before going elsewhere, call on
L. COMINI, the Dalles, Or.,
For a Tombstone. Warranted '
to stand for all time, regardless
of wind or weather.
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine : Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
t Chlcfccater's F.neHh Diamond Brad.
Original and Only Wen a I no.
arc, tUw&ja reliable, la die uk
Druggist for- Chtc&eiUr EngLUA Dia-J
monajtrana in Kea ana &ota mewuo
boxea. tusmled with blue ribbon. Take
oatben Refute f"mnaeroM tubstUu-
tionm and imitation j. At DraggiM. or cod' 4.
In Kami for particular, testimonial! anil
Relief for l!Idlc, ftt letter, by retara
JHmlt. IU.WU Teiuiooiiu. nam JTaptr
ii.. t. .- (WMalinn tUuA.
It is the same old story and yet con
stantly recurring that Simmons Liver
Regulator is the best family medicine.
"We have used it in our fara ly for
eight years and find it the bet medicine
we have used. "We think there Is no
such medicine as Simmons Liver Regu
lator." Mrs. M. E. S. Adington, Frank
lin, N.' C. Each member of onr family
uses it as occasion requires." W. B.
Smith, Mt. Vernon, Ky.
Anyone desiring their . chimneys
cleaned can have it done by calling upon
or addressing Mr. Ike Peary or James
Flogan, The Dalles or telephone to No.
89." ' - ol7-tf
7 T W
Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea
ble suit of 'MEN'S CLOTHING. The
best Black Diagonal for $12.00.
An elegant assortment of
1896 styles just received,
a part ot which may be
seen in show window.
The Dalles, Oregon
H. M. Beau.,
First Rational Bank.
A Ueneral Banking Business transacted
- Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
reuuiwu uii ox collection. -
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
new vorK, tan iranciaco anc Port
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schsnck.
Ed. M. Wiixiavb, Gxo. A. Ljkbk.
- H. M. Bbaix.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Tbis institution will be re-opened for the re
ception ot boarders and day pupils on
Monday, September 7th. 1806.
Parents and guardians are kindly requested to
be prompt in sending their daughters or wards
at the b miming of the session that all may en
joy the lull benefit of proper classification.
The classes are divided into five grades the
Primary, Junior, Preparatory, Senior and Gradu
ating. Those who are desirous of acquiring a
thorough bu-iness education have all the facili
ties for so doing. Book-keeping, Stenography,
Typewriting and Telegraphy are taught at the
regulM nates.
The Musical Department affords special oppor
tunities to acquire a knowledge of the Piano,
Organ, Violin, Zither, Mandolin and Guitar.
Thorough Bass a' d Harmony taught according
to the most approved methods.
Vocal Music in classes, German, French, and
all kinds of Plain and Ornamental Needlewoak
taught free of charge.
In the Studio, lessons are given n Pastelle,
Oil, Metalic, Mineral and Water Colors, and in
Crayon, including Portraiture.
The attention of parents is called to this pop
ular branch of the institution, which la under
the supervision of a competent teacher. Boys
attending this school will receive first-class in
struction in the branches taught.
For further particulars and rates of tuition, ap
ply at the Academy or adoress
Owing to pressing obligations, I am not pro
pared to extend the time or payments due me
later than Oct. 1, 1896. I like to accommodate,
but find now 1 must collect my accounts. If I
fail to collect, my creditors will do It for me.
Don't forget the date, Oct. 1, 1X96.
Fiankly Years,
S2ptlJ 1 F. S. GORDON.
Fall Assortment of
Boots and Shoes. Don't fail
to . examine our new stock,
which we personally selected
in NewYork City and Phila
delphia. We guarantee the
lowest prices in town.
Vogt dibciV.
-DEALER 12?-
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but tha
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to. J
Store and Paint. Shon corner Third and Washin? ton Sts.. Th Dalles. Oregon
DtitylBIiE, SUBSTANTIA , 0$flrIIEflTflIi. '
Cost only twice as much as wooden walks, and will last
.forever. One should surround every block in the city.
Make a specialty of laying Cement Walks, and guaran
tee their work. Estimates of cost furnished on appli
cation to the above.
Leave your orders for
Dressed Chickens, Fish,
Fine Dairy Butter, Egs,
Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds,
THE DiUiliES GOfllflllSSIOIi GO.'S STOflE.
Corner Second and Washington Sts.
u There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood
leads on to fortune
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets
Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates
Kill or catch those Flies
Only 5c a Double Sheet at
DonnellV Drugstore.
Administrators' Notice.
Notice is hereby riven tbat the underalsrned
have been dntv aDDointed bv the Countv Court
of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, admin
istrators witn me win annexed oi we estate oi
Perry Watkins. deceased. All vtrsons having
claims against said estate are hereby required
to present the same, duly verified, to said ad
ministrators at the office of U. E. Bayard In
Dalles City in said county and 8tate, within six
months from 'he date hereof, and all persons in
debted to said estate are hereby notified to make
immediate settlement with the administrators.
Dalles City, Oregon, Sept. 14, 1896.
Administrators with the will annexed of the
estate oi Perry Watkins, deceased. seplft-i
H. Herbring.
Administratrix' Notice.
Notice is -hereby given that the undersigned'
has been appointed administratrix of the estate -of
George W. Turner, deceased, and has duly
qualified as such. All persons having claims
against said estate are therefore notified to pre
sent the same to her, with proper vouchers ,
within six months from the date hereof at the
office of the County Clerk of Wasco county, Ore
eon, or at the office ot her attorney, W. V. Mas
ters, rooms 1 to 4. Hamilton Building, Portland..
Oregon, within six months f torn this date.
Administratrix of the estate of Geo. W. Turner,..
deceased. . oct3-li
Dated October 2, 1896.