The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 19, 1896, Image 2

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of The Dalles.
We are showing a splended line of Spring and Summer
- Suitings at lower prices than can be obtained elsewhere.
No need to patronize foreign firms employing Chinese
labor. Our garments are made on the premises by
skilled workmen. ..-..
. H. E. BALGH.
Perfect Fit' Guaranteed.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
The only Republican "Daily Newspapei - n
. Wasco County.
OCT. 19, 1896
EASTERN OFFICE 230 to 234 Temple
Court, N.Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent.
For President,
For Vice-President,
For Presidential Electors,
T..T. GEEB Marlon County
8. M. YORAN Lane
E. L- SMITH Wasco
J. F. CAPLES ..Multnomah
Mr. Bryan's cause, so far as wheat
farmers are concerned, had its only
standing upon the oft-repeated prop
osition that the "demonetization of
silver" by the act of 1873 has caused
the depreciation in the price of
wheat. In vain has been the argu
ment that the price of wheat was
determined by the inexorable laws of
supply and demand ; in vain have
figures and facts been presented tend
ing to show that neither free silver
in India or Argentina, nor legisla
tion in our own country, liad any
thing to do with the price of wheat.
Men would listen to no argument in
support of the claim that over-pro
auction and underconsumption could
effect the price; the fact that the
price of . wheat and silver had fallen
remained and was quite sufficient o
satisfy many that the price of One
follows the price of the other. "'.
Today an actual demonstration is
placed before us; a shortage in the
crops in ISurope and Asia creates a
demand and the pi ice of wheat rises
rapidly and naturally. . - It is no sud
den fluctuation, but a- positive and
healthy advance in price resulting
from a demand, , The supply is in-
adequate to meet the demand, and
the thing happens which every Re
publican, and many " of the Demo
cratic papers 'and statesmen- have de
clared would happen, regardless of
silver, whenever the conditions were
right. ;
' ' Our Populist friends cannot avoid
the force of the argument, and. they
do not want to. " It is' useless to say
that it has- not been .claimed that the
price of silver follows every fluctua
tion in the price of wheat. The con
tention has been, up to within two
' weeks of this time, that wheat fol
lowed the price of silyer, regardless
of the laws of supply and demand,
and that the price of wheat would
not advance until there was legisla
tion in favor of silver. , But sudden
ly, wheat turns it3 back on silver,
leaves it still sinking lower and lower,
and Its price rises to the natural level
fixed by the Jaws of commerce,
which everywhere and at'all times
govern the price of wheat, silver and
all other commodities. ;
Newspapers would better serve the
people end the cause f morality if
they would forever banish, the ear-
78 Second Street.
toon and the sensational illustration.
The press of San Francisco; is little
better than the Police Gazette in
this respect, as well as in the matter
which is daily placed before the peo
ple as news; but other papers, mak
ing some claim to decency, are fol
lowing the example of : these greater,
but Jess ugetil papers. - The.cartoon
ing business is .becoming absolutely
disgusting to decent people; they
make no friends for any cause or
party ; they cater to a depraved taste,
and the United States mails should
be closed to all papers which use
them, as they; are to obscene litera
ture. If people mu6t have such
stuff, let tbem buy the papers which
make no pretense of furnishing any
thing else, or if they cannot buy
them,'they can always borrow them
at the barber shops.
The report that Pennoyer and
Bourne have joined" hands in com
pelline- the policemen and "gamblers
of Portland to contribute to the cam
paign fund . of the Popocrats would
be " incredible were it not for the
fact that Bourne and Pennoyer have
formed a partnership. That' Bourne
l should be taken into - the Popocratie
camp for any purpose is sufficient
evidence to ordinary men that tie
went in to do. any dirty job neces
safy. Pennoyer had some reputa
tion for hpnesty, but Bourne, had
none, aDd if -he deemed the assess
ment of gambling houses a certain
method of rajsing boodle, they would
be assessed.
All silver coinage, except that of
the silver dollar, was, by the act of
1853, placed In the hands of the gov
ernment. From that time on up to
1873 there were coined in all $5,528,-
818 silver dollars. During the first
ten years after the government took
charge ; of the coinage of '.dollars,
1873. to 1883, we coined on an aver
age or io,i.obZ per annum, or
nearly three times as much as was
coined 'twenty years before the
crime. If ' a -large coinage of silver
could make us' prosperous,- we ought
to have been about sixty times as
prosperous after 1 873 as ' we were
from 1853 to 1873.
' Tillman never, by-an jN words or
acts, made any man a; belter citizen;
patriotism is not in his line. His
whole' life has been devoted to stir
ring up discontent, and ;bitter hatred.
His weapon is a pitchfork, and with
it he stirs up the debris which breeds
political malaria. He .'is a coarse
and vehement demagogue, whose
work in Oregon, will hurt the cause
of the men who imported him.' '
Cars for Headache. "
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric Bitters .has proved tjO be the very
best. It effects a permanent care and
the most dreaded habitoad sick headache
yields to its influence. We urge all who
are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give
this remedy a fair .'trial. In cases, of
habitual constipation Electric Bittei 8
cures by giving a needed tone to the
bowels, and few cases long resist the use
of this medicine.- Try it -oncev Fifty
cents and $ 1.00 at Blakeley and Hough
ton's Drng Store. ' . . 2
Baoklen'o Aru)c Halve.
' The best salve in the . world for cats,
bruises, gores, ulcers,' salt ' rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and all skin eruption, and posi
tively . cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed -to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box.' For sale by Blakqley and
Hough tOD, druggists. -
-You'll be surprised when you try Hoe
Cake soap, and wish we had told you
sooner. It is made by patented pro
cess. ..". l . jly24-ii .
Dalles rmployme p t epey
A business of making known opporttmi- : v .
ties for. labor and supplying Vp
Do yon wont a partner, a clerk, an
any kind? Leave your application and we will undertake to snit yoa in the short
est possible time. .The Agency has a perfect eyetem of communication between
Portland, Astoria, Pendleton and other coast towns, and la conversant with all
needs. " Information solicited from anyone requiring help and all responsible par
ties desiring situations. Office over Mclnerny'e. Bulletin board on sidewalk. '
UHines and Cigats.
Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, 8n non-alcoholic
beverage, unequaled as a tonic.
75 cts
$3:5 ble suit
best Black
Ladies' Cloaks.
. Remember, all these goods
iceable and fashionable, and
proached in The Dalles.
175 Second Street,
Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
and Headstones.
Before going elsewhere, call on '
L. COMINI, The Dalles, Or.,
For a Tombstone. Warranted '
to stand for all time, regardless
of wind or weather. .
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine : . Cures . the
common , every-day
ills of humanity.
Chkskestn'a FhcIIhIi Dltanl Braa&
WrlsJnml Md truly Vennlne.
afc, always relUble. laoic uk
Hraiif in U4 and Gold mt&llie
mm, sealed with blue ribbon. I alee
im mnd imitation. At Dracaiata, tr mtnA 4e.
vtAinna far sartloulara. tetimnnhlU and
RUr for LsdlcA, Utter, by retwnt
Malt. 10,000 TeMimoaiala. Nam Paper.
hritf rnanmiinintu mmlZ 7 F
.- '- . . .
It is the same old story and. yet con
Btantly recurring' that Simmons Liver
Regulator is the . best family medicine.
"We have used it in ur family'fbr
eight years and find it tbetteet medicine
we have used. . "We think there is no
such medicine as Simmons Liver Regu
lator." Mrs. M. E. 8. Adington.Frank
lin. N: C Each member 'ot ourfamily
uses it as occasion requires."-W. ,B.
Smith, Mt. Vernon, Ky. . . '
. Anyone - . desiring; . their .. . chimneys
cleaned can have it done' by calling upon
or addressing Mr, Ike Peary or James
Hogan, The Dalles or telephone to No.
89. . ' - ol7-tr
UDE X "V .
H. , W in
Mil ml
employe, - ekilled or unskilled laborers of
- BUSCH and
BEER aRddfnUDotles.
Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph
ens.' Intermediate prices up to $4.50.
Is all.O. F; Stephens asks for" a servicea
Diagonal for $1 2.00.
An elegant assortment of
1896 styles ja9t received:
a part ot which may be
seen in enow window.
are latest made, warm, serv
at prices never before ap
. - . .
'The Dalles, Oregon
H. If. Beall,
First Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
JJepoeite received, subject t Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
- -il 1 S - 1 1 .
reuuiuHi un uay ok collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
few rorK, Ban irancisco anc Port
land. .
D. F. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Libbb.
, H. M. Bkajx.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Tbis Institution will be re-opened for the re
ception ol boarders and daypupiU on
" Monday, September 7th, 1896. '
Parents and guardians are kindly requested to
be prompt in sending' their daughteis or wards
at the beginning of tbe session that all may en
Joy the lull benefit of proper classification.
The classes are divided intn five grades the
Primary, Junior, Preparatory, Senior and Gradu
ating. . Those-who are desirous of acquiring a
thorough bu-iness education have all the facili
ties for so doing. . Book-keeping, Stenography,
Typewriting and Telegraphy are taught at the
regular rates.
The Musical Department affords special oppor
tunities to acquire a knowledge of the Piano,
Organ, Violin, Zither, Mandolin and Guitar.
Thorough Bass and Harmony taught according
to the most approved methods.
Vocal Music in classes, Gerrrtan, French, and
ail kinds of Plain and Ornamental Needlewoalt
taught free of charge.
In the Studio, lessons are given n Pas telle,
Oil, Metalic, Mineral and Water Colors, and in
Crayon, including Portraiture.
- The attention of parents is called to this pop
ular branch of the institution, which is under
the supervision of a competent teacher. Boys
attending tbis. school will receive first-class in
struction in the branches taught.
For further particulars and rates of tuition, ap
ply at the Academy or adoress w
septl-lmd v . , BISTEB. SCPEBJOiL
Owing to pressing obligations, I am not pro
pared to extend the time for payments due me
later than Oct. 1, 1896. I like to accommodate,
bnt find now I must collect my accounts. If I
fail to collect, my creditors will do it for me.
Don't forget the date, Oct. 1, 1896.
Frankly Years.
When yog mmt
Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat,
Rolled Barley, Whole Barley,
; Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts,
Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the
Our prices are low and our cools are firet-class.
, Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR.
Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and PARLEY.
i ' (Successor to Chrisman & Corson.
' V-I' ""-:: J
Again in business at the old stasd. I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but the
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to. .
Store and Faint Bhon corner Third and Washington Stg.. The Dalles, Oregon
DUftflBIiE, SUBSTflSTIfl , OMfllHEtfTRIt.
Cost only twice as mnch as wooden walks, and will last
forever.- One enould surround every block in the city.
Make a specialty of laying Cement Walks, and guaran
. tee their work. Estimates of cost furnished on appli- .
cation to the above.
Leave your orders for
Dressed Chickens, Fish, ?
Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs,
Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds,
Corner Second and Washington Sts.
" There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood
" . ' leads on to fortune." ' '
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Closing Out Sale of
' Who are selling those goods
Kill or catch those Flies
Only 5 c a Double Sheet at
Donnells Drugstore. :
Administrators ; Notice.
Notice . is hereby given that the undersigned
have been duly appointed by the County Court
of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, admin
istrators with tbe will annexed pf the estate of
Perry Watkins, deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby required
to presen t tbe same, duly verified, to said ad
ministrators at the office of C. B. Bayard in
Dalles City in said connty and State, within six
months from 'he date hereof, and all persons in
debted to said estate are hereby notified to make
immediate settlement with the administrators.
Dalies City, Oregon, Sept. 14, 1896.
. : O. E. BAYARD,
. . TOD . V ir 11- . m.'TtTa
Administrators with the will annexed of the
estaig of Perry Watkins, deceased.
to ky
Furniture and
out at greatly-reduced rates
- - UNIC. RT.
Administratrix' Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed administratrix of tbe estate
of George W. Turner, deceased, and has duly
qualified as such. All persons having claims
against said estate are therefore notified to pre
sent the same to her, with proper vouchers,
within six months from tbe date hereof at the
office of the County Clerk of Wasco eounty, Ore
gon, or at the office ot her attorney, W. V. Mas
ters, rooms 1 to 4, Hamilton Building, Portland,
Oregon, within six months f om this date.
Administratrix of the estate of Geo. W. Turner,
deceased. oct3-ii
' Dated October 2, 1896.