C i ) VOL. IX THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1896 NO 245 THE WHEAT MARKET A Phenomenal Advance Oyer Saturday. GRAIN IS SHIPPED TO INDIA Two Steamers Loaded and Sailing Vea sels Being Sought Tke Ne 1 York Sales. Mac Chicago, Oct. 17. The semi-excited state of the wheat market, as yester day's session was coming to a close was increased this morning to a fair.lv good specimen of general alarm. That fear was well grounded as it turned out. There was not a single bushel to be had for less than l8'c advance on yesterday's closing price, and very little under 74c, or ljc higher than it closed at yester day, for December delivery. The reason for such a eudden and material rise, fol lowing the big jump of the previous day, Btuck clear out from the official bulletin boards. Foreign markets led in the scramble, just as they did on the day before. A public dispatch from' Liverpool quoted an advance there over night of 2- pence per cental, which is equivalent to three cents per bushel. Private cablegrams reported Liverpool and Lon don wheat excited at the advance al ready named at tbe former and at 7id .per quarter at the latter place. New York wired that foreigners were active buyers there and claimed' that 175 boat loads equal to 1,400,000 bushels were taken there. With that for a starter the prices bid for December at the opening were from 73 to 74c, against 72J at the end of yesterday's session. Tbe crowd had scarcely got accustomed to 74c wheat when further dispatches of an exciting character started them again and the price rose to 74jgC . A San Francisco message said that two more steamer cargoes of wheat had been taken for India and that inquiries were being made for Bailing vessels to take wheat to the same destination. The significance of tbe latter point in the dispatch was the indication it gave of an expected long continuance of Indian re quirements. On top 6f all that a private cablegram reported the Berlin market excited and five marks higher, that being an equiva lent to 3bC per bushel. It is no wonder that speculators scrambled tor wheat. And they did. There were simply no bear needs of any kind and the only chance the anxious shorts had was when a speculator, satisfied with the profit in sight, put his line on tbe market. There was plenty of this done, but everything .was grabbed and the price never stopped advancing until 76c had been scored, exactly four cents over yesterday's clos ing. Here realizing increased and was sufficient to break tbe price of December to 75 at tbe close. Prices In New York. New York, Oct. 17. The bull cam paign in wheat wa3 marked today, by - another sensational advance in prices and a heavy trade. The 'Frisco Btarlcet. San FEANCiscoj Oct. 17. At the clos ing session of the Produce Exchange call board today wheat had a gradual decline. In the local speculative mar ket, the highest daring the present ex citement was reached when December wheat was sold at $1.50 per cental, against XA as the best price paid yes terday. ' The Indian Kamine. London, Oct. 17. Famine in northern India which now appears to De inevi table, causes the greatest anxiety here and it is recognized that the import of American wheat is likely to be tbe prime factor of the situation. Prices in the affected districts have risen con' BiaeraDly, and California wheat en route is sold in advance at higher prices than native wheat, indicating . a convia tion that prices will have risen still higher by the time tbe imports arrive. The Indian government has already sketched out vast schemes for railroad canal and other relief work. Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest..of all in leavening strength.. Latest United State Government Food Report. Boyax Baklno Powder-Co., New York SILVER WItL FALL. -Con- Bayard's Letter Aired in England tentlon of the Silver Party. London, Oct. 17. The Statistician points out that the position of silver is most nnplaasant, though, it adds, '"the price may be temporarily maintained. Tbe opinion is growing that the silver party will not be successful in tbe American elections, consequently silver will not receive the support dl United States purchasers and tbe Chinese de mand is nil." Continuing the Statisti cian says : , "The threatened failure of the crops n India Is serious matter for silver, as, with a scarcity of food, the natives are inclined to sell rat her than buy orna ments. Hence the Indian demand may disappear for a considerable time. Tmus it aDpeare that a serious fall in the price of silver is probable unless the silver party gains power in America." The letter of the United States am bassador here, Mr. Thomas F. Bayard, to Samuel Bancroft, Jr., of Wilmington. Delaware, advocating tbe Democratic support of Palmer and Buckner, which was published in the United States on Monday last and which was published in this country today, surprises the English who, while approving the senti ments expressed, think that Bayard has committed "fresh indiscretion." The Daily Chronicle news' placard reads: "Bayard denounces Bryan." and the Daily Telegraph says : "To English minds there is some incongruity in an ambassador taking an active part in political struggles." ' The St. James . Gazette remarks : 'Mr. Bayard's letter isas sensible as all bis utterances; but we fear it is too sen sible for the great American nation and is not liable to please the mob or . tbe wire pullers.'.' Leave orders at The Dalles Commis Bion Co.'s store lor dressed 'chickens. Telephones is ana Zoo. King 'em up.' sll-dlm LOST BIS TEMPER. a Wash- A gpailih Editor Aroused by Ington Dispatch. Madrid, Oct. 18. Commencing upon the statement contained in a dispatch from Washington that President Cleve land intends to intervene in Cuba in i manner tantamount to the recognition of the independence of the insurgents the Impartial declares that Spain ongbt to demand ft fnll explanation of tbe Washington government. "She cannot brook a threat over her head," continues the Imparcial, "even for a single day. By what right does the United States define the time tor Spain to settle a question of her internal administration? It must be affirmed before tbe whole world that the-Ameri can government cannot impose any sort of terms upon us." After denouncing the United States fictitious neutrality, the Imparcial con eludes as follows : "The conduct of the United States will arouse international indignation. If Spain should remain alone in a con flict with tbe United States, Spaniards, by their own efforts, will know . how to mark the difference between the noble defenders of their own property and the vile trafficker at Washington." - Bryan's Rotten Ess Argument. As a contribution to financial and economio thought the following utter ance of Mr.' Bryan, made in Kentucky, is the most remarkable yet offered even by him: "If any man in this community would offer to buy all the eggs produced at 25 cents a do?en and. was able to make good the offer, nobody would sell eggs for less, no matter what the ' cost of production, whether 1 cent or 6 cents a dozen. So with silver. Free coinage would establish the market price of sil ver at $J. aa, and nobody would sell it for a cent less." Why limit the price of eggs to 25 cents and of silver to $1.29? If the rea soning is sound, the price in each case might easily be doubled, and the conse quent benefit to the human race corre spondingly increased. And why stop with eggs and silver? Why not mark up the price of everything you wish to buy ffer to pay double or treble what is asked for it and keep on paying that price to all comers hold it there? That's all you have to do hold it there. "Nobody would sell it for a cent less," says Bryan, so long as you held it. "So with silver. " And the man who is putting forth such thought as this is a candidate for the presidency of 70,000,000 of people in the closing years of the nineteenth century! Tbe Bargain Counter Candidate. "Some of the reports say that the women went wild over Bryan at differ ent places along his route," remarked the horse editor. "That's natural," replied the snake editor. "He- is the bargain counter can didate." "How so?" "Be wants to mark the . dollar down to 53 cents. " Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. Never wag a more grievous wrong done the farmers of our country than that so unjustly inflicted during the past three years upon the wool growers. Although among our most useful citizens, their in terests have been practically destroyed. aicKlnley's letter of acceptance. SlOO Reward SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh . being a constitutional disease, requires a consti tutional treatment. ' Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internal!, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address : F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists, 75 cents. No. 2-8. For Sale. A lot of Merino sheep, (bucks) also stock bogs and milk cows, belonging to the estate of S. Hauser. For informa tion inquire of Mrs. S. Hauser, at Tygh Valley, or the undersigned. George A. Liebb, 616-diwlm Administrator. The Wasco Warehouse Co. begs leav to inform Farmers that they have STOR AGE ROOM for 200,000 SACKS of WHEAT and any one wishing to store their wheat and bold for later market can do so on usual terms. Also, thev will pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE for Wheat, Oats, Barley and Rye. . to Clean Up Stock In our Shoe Department we find different lines of Shoes, all styles and grades, in Infants', Childs', Misses' and Ladies' some remnant lots, ' t " ' others slightly out of date, &c, which we" are determined MUST GO, if price-cutting can move them. Female Help Wanted. Wanted Red-beaded girl and white horse to deliver premiums given away with Hoe Cake Soap. Apply to any where, SURE CURE for PILES Iletuat end mind. Bleeding or Procradinir Piles rtele ml PR. BO-SAN-KO'8 PILE REMEDY. atop. :ue,BbMtfMtutuoti. AjOiltivecurf, Circular. Ktit free. Price tun. UruuUu er Bail. IMt. ilOSAAkO, fails Pa. Subscribe for The Chronicle and get the news. Administrator's Sale, Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned will, on Saturday, the 22nd day of August, 1896, at tbe hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of raid day at the front door of the county courthouse in Dalles City, Wasco, Co., Oregon, sell at public auction to me mgnest Didder for c&sb in band, tbe following described real estate belonging to tbe estate of C. V. Lane, late of Wasco County, Oregon, and now deceased, to-wlt- Lots one (li and two (2) and eleven (11) aud twelve (12) and tbe north half of lots three (8) and ten (10) in block 81 in Bali da Second Addition to the town of Antelope,-in Wasco County, Oregon, said real estate will be sold subject . to a mortgage thereon in favor of W. Bolton Sc. Co., dated Octo ber 3, 1895. for the sura of $305.55, and interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from said date.' Dated at Dalles City, Or , this 21t day of July, Administrator of deceased E. JACOBSEN, the estate of C. V. Lane, Jy25-5t-U Assignee's Notice. Notfce is hereby given that Young Quong, Lee Juke Yow and Daoo'g Tung Tan, partners doing business under the firm name of Wa Tai Young Quong Co., at Dalles City, Oregon, and Young Quong, on the 22d day of August, 1896, assigned lone all of their property for the bene tit of their resjiective creditors in proportion to the amounts of thi'lr respective claims. All persons having clniuis HKulust ttald assignors or either of them are hervby notified to -present their claims un der oath to me at the office of Huntington 4 Wilson, The Dalles, Oregon, within three months from the date of this notice. Dated August 24, 1896. J. O. MACK, Assignee of Young Quong and of Wa Tal Young Quong Co. . - aug26-7t . ' . Regular. 2 doz. pairs of Ladies' genuine French Kid, plain toe, hand-turn ..$5.00 Ladies' Fancy Scallop Tip, Welts 5.50 Ladies' French Kid, Welts . , .., . 5.00 Ladies' Cloth Top, patent tip, French Toe , 4.50 Ladies' Cloth Top, patent tip, Piccadilly Toe, Welts 4.00 Ladies' Cloth Top, patent tip, Square Toe Welts 4.00 Ladies' Kid Top, patent tip, Opera or -Square Toe, Turns 3.50 Ladies' Kid Top, Plain Toe, Welts ..; : 3.50 Sale. $1.50 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.40 2.00 2.25 Misses' Spring Heel,. Kid, patent tip and plain toe ...$1.50 to $2.00. Choice, $1.00 An assorted list Childs' Fine Shoes:.......,..:. .....$1.25 to $1.75. Choice, 75c and 90c Same in Infants' Fine Shoes ,...$1.00, to $1.50. Choioe, 75c. Men's Buff Congress, all sizes $2.00 $1.00 Boys' (full stock) Congress, sizes 3, 3 and 4 2.20 1.00 Odd lines Boys' Lace Shoes $1.25 and 1.50 1.00 sai:e is now on, IL XiI. WILLIAMS CO. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland. 8:50 S. M 3:30 A. M, Daily except Sundays. 4:00 P. M 7:30 A. M t4:45 P. M FROM JOKE 23, 1895. f OVERLAND EXO j press, Salem, Rose- 1 I burg, Ashland, Sac- I J ramento, Ogden.San ! ) Franeiseo, Mojave, f i Los Angeles, El Paso, j I New . Orleans and 1 (.East J Roseburg and way sta tions fVia Woodburn fori I Mt.Angel, Silverton, I i West Scio, Browns- I ville, Springfield and I Natron J Salem and way stations jtjorvaniB ana wayi ! stations ( IMcMinnvllie and( I way stations ) 8:10A. M. 4:40 P.M. except Sundays. 10.00A.M. t 6:20 P.M. t 8:25 P.M. Daily. tDauy, except Sunday. PINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where through tickets to all points in the Eastern St tea, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates mm J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive at and depart'lrom Grand Central Station, Fifth and I streets. ' YAMHILL DIVI8ION. Patsenger Depot, foot of Jederson street. Leave for OSWEGO, week days, at 6:00, 7:20, 10:15 a. m., 12:15, 1:45, 8:30, 6:25, 8:00, 11:80 p. m. Arrive at Portland, 7:10, 8:30, 11:25 a. m., 1:30, i:ia, o:iu, 7:au, ;uo p. m., ana u:i.a. m. Leave for RIVERSIDE only (daily) at 6:25. 9:15, 10:30 p. in. Arrive at Portland at 6:10, 10;20, 11:20 p. m. Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. Leave for AIRLIE on Monday. Wednesday and Fri ay at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tuea- ttav, rnursoay and Saturday at tt:uo p. m. Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:20. 8:40, 10:40 a. m.. 12:15. 1:45. 3:80. 6:25. 8:00. 11:50 p. m. Arrive at Portland at 8:30, 10:00, 11:50 a. m i:tsu, a: to, o:iu, t:su, k p,m., ana, 12:3a a. m. R. KOEHLER, E.P.ROGERS, Manager. Asst. Q. F. A Paas. Agt. rHLDBD POtSDH .-1 R EFEClALTYSSS'ilS I I Itlory JULOOO tuiSON permanently I cured rn 16 to 85 days. Yoa can be treated M Xf hometoraamepriaeunderaameguanufc J ty. If you prefer to come here we will 00 n tmcttonav rail mail femuiilhntelMll. e.w BOCham. If wo fail tnenrn. Ifvnn hn takAn eury, iodide potash, and still have aches and Euue,jD.wuus jnttvneaininonin, sore furost, lmples. Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of tlie Tjody, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, it la this Secondary BLOOD POISOj we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti nate cases and ballenge the world for Sk case we nmioi cure. 'I D is disease naa always baffled the skill of the mot eminent nhT.1. clans. SSOO,000 capital behind our nncondW Uonai snaranty. Absolute raroofs sent sealed on explication. Address COOK REMEDY COw M onto Temple, caiCAftiJ, UXm7 The Eighth Annual pair Secoufl Eastern Oregon Dislrict Hgricunural society -WILL BE HELP Al THE DALLES, Wasco Co., OREGON, Commencing Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1896, and ending Saturday, Oct. 24, 1896. For Premium Lists, Entry Blanks and all information, write to the Secre tary, The Dalles, Oregon. ' S, MAC ALLISTER, J. O. MACK, Secretory. President. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmakerl Jeweler All work promptly attended to, - - and warranted. . , , 174 VOGT BLOCK. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINE8 .Money Loaned. First mortgages on improved property nego tiated. We are prepared to nogoliate first mortgages upon improved farms in Oregon, Washington and Idaho with eastern parties und foreign cap italists at the usual rate of Interest. Mortgages renewed that have been takvn by other compa nies now out of business. Address (witb s amp) ilKBVIN 8WAKTZ, ju!15-tf Baker City, Or. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. ' Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold -on New York, Chicago, St. Loais, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points) in Oregon and Washington. - Collections made at kll points on fav orable terms. ; " i B. GOlT. . . COUNTY SURVEYOR. Reesidence,. Tenth an$ Liberty Streets .. . 1.1J23-