Tha Dalles Dafly Ctoniefc. TMKDALLES, - -N - OREGON ' Advertising Kates. Per inch. One inch or less In Dally tl 50 Over two inches and under four inches 1 00 Over four inches' and under twelve inches. : 75 Over twelve Inches 50 DAILY AND WEEKLY. One inch or less, per inch v ?2 50 Over one inch and under four inches 2 00 Over four inches and under twelve Inches. . 1 50 Over twelve inches 1 00 1'EKSONAL MENTION. Mr. J. T. Peters went to Lyle this morning. Mr. E. A home today. Myers of Ly-le returned Mrs. G. W. Johnson from Portland. returned today Mrs. Thornbury returned to the city last evening. Miss Newman was a passenger from passenger Portland today. Mr. W. H. ' Alexander went to Van couver this morning. Judge and Mrs. Bradahaw returned from Portland today. Mrs. W. H. Wilson returned from Portland laet evening. Mr. John C. O'Leary of Graes Valley leit for Portland this morning. Mrs. O. Stephens and Mrs. C. V. Stephens left this morning for Portland. Miss MargareESJinersly returned from Portland on theKegylator last evening. Mr. Jb. M. hlnnsaker was a passenger on the Keuulator this morning for Hood Kiver, Mr. Emil Mell of Centerville is in The Dalles, returning from a trip to Portland, wnere he has been with a large snip ment of hogs. Continue to Attract. A larger audience than ever visited the Vogt opera house' last evening, being the fourth consecutive night of the Wizard Oil Co. Through a mistake, the shipment of Wizard Oil- which was to have come to The Dalles went to Hills- boro. The manager's talk was therefore short on that subject and there will be none tonight. The diamond ring was. won by Miss Emma Fisher, and is a beauty. Another one is to be given away tonight. The juggling of Mr. Mc Coy created surprise by the variety of his accomplishments. 'Last evening he played a difficult and beautiful mandolin selection while' balancing a gun upon his chin. ' The usual performance, "onlv different" was given by the other per. formers, and made some, good bits Among the prettiest 'musical novelties was the operatic selections upon the cut glasses, which had a charm peculiarly jts own. Obituary. Died, near this city, Oct. 13, 1896, Mary Ann, beloved wife of James Sher- rill, aged 63 years. She leaves a husband, two sons and two daughters, who greatly monrn her loss. She was an. exemplary Christian,. loving companion, devoted mother and kind neighbor. She was married to James Sherill at the age of 19. . They were blesaed with eight children, four of which have preceded their mother to the realms of bliss. Their eldest son, Mr. H. Sherrill, is a resident of Harrtsburg, Or.; eldest daughter, ' Mrs. A. B areas, lives near Vancouver, Wash. ; youngest son, Mr. G. Sherrill, lives near -The Dalles, Or. ; youngest daughter, Mrs. E Prigh, near The Dalles, Or. All were present at her bedside during a part 'of her sickness, which was six weeks of great suffering; but she bore it all with patience and Christian fortitude, trust ing in Jesus to the last. Her husband who was converted two years previous to her death, baa -been - walking by her side ever since, in the 'foot steps of Jesua, which has added much ' happiness to her latter days. I would not attempt to describe the glory that- filled her soul the day he was converted when he re turned from the canipmeeting and told ber on the threshold mat he was ftaat ing with Jesui. Her comforts were ad ministered to by the untiring efforts of her family and friends, among whom were Mrs. J. Taylor and Mrs. T. Mor gun, who spared ho paina in making her last days as comfortable as possible. May God bless them for their kindness She was laid to rest in 8-Mile cemetery .by a large concourse of loving friends ron't mourn my lov'd companions, The time will not be long "lill we'll be re-united. Aiid sing redemption's song. . Just look away to Jesus; He never will forsake. You will not disappoint me, I'll watch the pearly gate. My children, trust in Jesus, Your mother's precious friend. He'll guide you through life's journey. And keep you to the end. Oh lean upon his" promise, ' He'll soothe your aching breast. Come follow in his pathway. And you will find sweet rest. i , .i Oh Jesus, bless my darlings. And give them grace to stand: Just guide them o'er life s billows. Into tbe glory laud. Mrs. A. C. T. Willamette valley papers please copy. BISMARCK'S ADVICE. Is It Unprejudiced, and Can We Afford, to Follow It? Mr. Bryan appears to set great store by the letter which Governor Culberson of Texas has received from Prince Bis marck. The "people's friend" is will ing to receive advice from the 'Man of Blood and Iron," and the "champion of the American farmer" listens to that famous friend of American agri culture who shut the German ports to rnerican pork in 1884 and to American jotatoes in 1885, and who would gladly have united all central Europe in a league aimed directly against all American produce. Bismarck's rather diplomatic letter is taken by Mr. Bryan in his recent speeches to favor the free coinage of silver by the United States. The devotion of Chancellor Bis marck to the cause of silver may be seen in the following historical fact, which appears to have escaped general notice : Under his guidance as chancellor of the empire and minister of commerce for Prussia tne equivalent oi l,ou, 000,000 marks (over $270,000,000) in silver was demonetized between the years 1874 and 1881, and over $160, 000, 000 worthy of the bullion . into which these . were melted had been sold by 1879. In that year, finding that the price of silver was becoming demoral ized, so that his remaining $109,000,000 was depreciating,' he stopped sales by a decree issued in May, 1879. These points were frankly stated by his dele gates to the international monetary con ference of 1881, when Germany like wise offered to suspend sales for a time in order that the price might not be further depressed. With these cssur- ancea before the monetary powers and with the decree of 1879 still in force, Bismarck saw an opportunity of dump ing some German silver on the sly and promptly proceeded to do so. In 1885 the Egyptian government decided to change its coinage and invited bids for contracts to coin its silver piasters. The German mint secured the contract 'to make the coin and incidentally furnish ed $3, 189,600 of silver bullion to Egypt The matter was kept very quiet or es caped general notice. Reference to it will be found, however, an the London Economist of Dec. 4, 1886, which saw in it a proof of Bismarck's lack of faith in silver. With all his faults, Bismarck is a sturdy patriot. To help the German distiller he was willing to see trichina? in every American pig, and to protect the German farmer he smelled bngs on every American potato. Germany has today $107,000,000 worth of 6ilver whose value is declining. If the United States could be induced to follow the example of Egypt and give Germany a chance . to do some more unloading, where is the harmf from the ex-chancellor's point of view, in writing a let ter of not entirely disinterested advice? Subscribe lor Tub Cbbokici.b and get the news. It ia tbe same old etory and yet con stantly recurring that Simmons Liver Regulator is the best family medicine. "We have used it in our family for eight years and find it the beet medicine we have used. "We think there is no such medicine as Simmons Liver Regu lator." Mrs. M. E. S. Adington, Frank lin, N. C. Each member of our family nses it as occasion requires. W. B. Smith, Mt. Vernon, Ky. No more BOILS, do more PIMPLES Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes Kinersly Drue Co. Telephone No. 3. Trimmed hats at the Elite Millinery parlors from $1 up, to suit everybody. NOTICE. To all Whom .it May Conxeiin: By order of the Common Council of Dalles City, made on the Sd day of October 1896. and entered of record in the records of Dalles City, on the 4' h day of October 18!i6. notice is hereby given mat tne crosswalks ana siaewaiKs on the following streets or parts of streets have been de clared dangerous by said Common Council on said 3d day ot October, and tne said common i Council will proceed to make the improvements as hereinafter designated, on said streets or parts thereof so declared dangerous after 14 days from tne nrst puDUcatiou oi tnis notice xowit; Octo ber 8th, 1896. and the cost of suco improvement of all crosswalks and of each of them, will be charged and levied upon the corner lots corner ing upon the street or streets intersected by such crosswalks, and upon all lots or parts thereof, n-toe center oi eacn diock cornering upon sucn Intersection, each lot to pay that portion of the entire cost that its street frontage upon the in tersecting streets bears to the street frontage of all lots to be assessed upon said Btreets. and the cost of all sidewalks and of each of them respec tively will be charged and levied upon the prop erty, adjacent thereto and directly benefited tnereoy, as proviaea ry me en irter ana oral nances of Dalles city. The crosswalks and sidewalks declared dan gerous and about to be improved and built are as follows: I. To build a sidewalk on the south side of Fourth street along lots 5 and 6, iu block 3, in Trevitts addition to Dalles City. V. To build a sidewalk on the east side of Court street, between Second and Third streets, along the south 20 feet of lot 5 iu block, o, Dalles City. 3. To build a sidewalk on Court street between First and Second street along the soulu M feet of lot 1 in block 4, Dalles City. 4. To build a sidewalk along lot b iu. block 2, on the north side of Alvord -street, in Fulton's addition to Dalles City. 5. To build a sidewalk along lots 2 and 3, in block 2, on the north tide of Alvord street in Fulton s addition to Dulles City. 6. To build a sidewalk along lot 6, in block 21, on Union street la Gates' addition to Dulles City. 7. To build a sidewalk along lots 1 nnd 2, in block 5, on Fourth street in Trevitt's addition to Dalles City. 8. To build a crosswalk on the east side of Court street across Fourth street. 9. To build a crosswalk across Jefferson street on the north side of Secoud street. 10. To build a crosswalk across Lincoln street on the south side of Second street. II. To build a crosswalk across Third street on the east side of Court street. 12. To build a crosswalk across 'Washington on the south side of Fourth street. 13. To build a crosswalk across Fulton street on tbe west side of Federal street. ' All of said sidewalks and crosswalks will ba built and constructed in the manner provided by the charter and ordinances of Dalles City. Dated this 8th day of October, 1896. GILBERT W. PHELPS, Becorder of Dalles City. Notice. In the County Court of the State of Oregon fo Wasco County i In the majter of the guardianship of Aice Al mira L'Uell and William Kd ward Udell (alius, William Edward Austin;, Minors. No on this 26th day of September, 1896, the regular September term of Court having been adjourned cud continued to - this date, and the Court being in , regular session, this cause came on for hearing upon tbe verified petition mid application of George (j aeii, guraaian oi toe persons na es tate of Alice Almira Udell and William Edward Udell (alius William Edward Austin), and the court having read said petition aDd it appearing to the satisfaction of the court from said peti tion that it is necessary and would be beneficial to said wards that the real estttre belonging to said wards should be sold, und the court being fully advised: Thereupon it is hereby ordered that the next of kin of said wards, and all persons interested in said estate of said wards, appear before this court on Monday, the 2d day of November, lS'.Hi, at the hour of '2 o clock p. in., at the county courtroom in the courthouse in Dalles City, in Wasco Couuty. Oregon, to show cause, if any exists, whv a license shou:d not be1 granted to said guardian, limrrcrc' L'ilell, for tbe sale of real estate bciougiiig . t said wards to wit: The southeast quarter of tcetion 30, Township 1 North, Range 10 East, i-ituatediu Wasco Couuty, State of Oregon. It is further ordered that this order shall be served upon the next oi kin of t-aid wards and all persons interested iti said estate by publica tion thereof in Dulles Chronicle, a newspaper of ge oral circulation in this county, for three successive weeks, beginning on the 3d day of October, 1S9G. Soct-ii F.OBT. MAYS, Judge. Notice to Taxpayers. The County Board of Equalization will meet in the assessor's ojlioe on Monday, October 5th, and continue-in session cne week, for the pur pose of equalizing the assessment of Wasco eounty for 18D6. All taxpayers who have not been interviewed by the assessor will please call at the office ou Thursdays, Fridays and Satur days, as ull property must be assesiw-d. F. H. WAKE FIELD, Sept 13-ii County Assessor. Guardian Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court ot tne state oi o egon lor wasco county, guar dian of the person and estate of Albert Lehman, an insane person. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to pre sent them to me at my residence in Dalles City, Oregon, with proper voucher-. GEORGE A. LIEBE. Guardian of the person and estate of Albert Leaman, insane. Dated this 26th day of September, 18. sep2G-6t-ii I of the complexion, hands, arms, and - hair is found in the per fect action ot the Pores, produced by the most effective ;lfi'i nurif lino" nvl ....... ... ... beautifying soap in the world, as well as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. For distressing facial eruptions, dry, thin, and fall ing hair, and baby blemishes,' it is absolutely incomparable. Bold through-jut tha world. Fotteb Drtco andCukm. Corp., Bole Props., Boston, V. 3. A. American Market, 74 Second Street. Fruit, Produce, Butter, Eggs. POULTRY, FISH and GAME IN SKAbON. 69 TELEPHONES 69 TTfT ANTED. Young man with small capital to t taice interest in paying ousiness. isaiiea jcjiupioy mt:u i. vsuicc WANTED German or Swede girl to go in the country. Good home and good wages the year arouua. uaues employment nmce. TIT ANTED Situation by voung lady of good TV address, as clerk either in book storn or dry goods honse. -The Dalles Employment omcc. TXT ANTED Work for man and team, with or v t witnout wagon, near town, inquire cor ner Second and Court streats, up stairs. TRESSMAKING Two girls" to learn dress- -f .mating. - ijanes employment Agency. TTTANTED Ladiea or gentlemen want! ir sit- T T uatiou should leave their address with The Dalles Employment Agency. . Telephone 309, uKK i)oxw. over jactnery s. - tTT ANTED Position as book-keeper or clerk TT by gentleman of experience. Graduate of qusiness college.- Best oi leierences lurnisnea Dalies employment omce. WORD (WW A YOUR . wetof Beauty H.UU TSOAN r t villi t ' ii . "i. hi i. i i villi i v tf ii i ii i. i. i 's - V. 'I I "Pass Your Plate' Art V-N 0 "sHlUrM Prices of all commodities have been, reduced except tobacco "Battle Ax" is up to date Low Price; High Grade; Delicious Flavor For 10 cents you get almost twice as much " Battle Ax" as you do of any other high grade plug fSSKPTl All 1 3. i , S-U I f w Muu...u....'l)ri:1..i..Jia- BBackweli's Genuine I Ton will And one coupon Inside each 3 ounce jjuy a oag, reac tne coQpon ana oee now to Lumber, Building Material and. Boxes Traded-for Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE & CO., ipes-Kmersly Drug Co. Drugs, Paints, Wall Paper, Glass. Etc. 129 Second St.. THE DALLES, - - OR There'8 no clay, flotir, starch or Mother worthless filling in "Hoe Cake" and no free alkali to barn the hands. jly24 So a f s This Is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. I 1 I I IWU - . bag and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag. jp get your s&aro of $230,000 In presents. F3J The Dalles, Oregon DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. IE3I. O-Xj EObTlSr. - Money! Hooey! Money 1 To pay Wasco connty warrants regis tered prior to July 3, 1892. Interest ceases alter May lo, iyt. C. L. Phillips, myl8-tf County Treas. "The Regulator Line ' Tie Dalles. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. orliaai Exposition Iueludiug admission to the Kxpoeition : Three-day limit ....... $2.25 Ten-day limit 2.50 Thirty-day limit........ 3.00 Tickets must be purchased at office. Regulator leaves at 7 :30 a. m. W. C. ALLAWAY General Agent THE DALLES. - OREGON ERST! GIVE8 THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane Denver Omaha Kansas City Minneapolis St. Paul Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Lnara Portland Kerv Five Days for SAW FRANCISCO, CAL. For full details call on O. K. & Co. 8 Agent Thd Dalles, or address W, H. HUELBUF.T, Gen. Pass. Agt Portland, Oregon E. M"K EILL, President aud Manager. New Schedule. Effective Tuesday, April 7th, the fol lowing will be the new schedule: Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4 :50 a. m., and leaves 4:55 a. m. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :4 p.m., and leaves 1Q:45 p. m. Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 12:05 p. m., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves at 2:30 p. m. . Train 23 and 24 will carry pr.ssengera between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing The Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and ar riving at The Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con necting with train Nos. 8 and 7 from Portland. E. E. Lytle, Agent. DljORTHERN y PACIFIC RY. n r-4 H s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars ' SX. PAH Li MINNEAPOLIS DCLITTH , KABGO GRAND FORKS I CKOOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE Thitrough Tiekets CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA KIW YOKR BOSTON A$D ALL POINTS BAST and SOUTH For information, time cards, maps and tickets, eal on or write to W. C. AIXAW AY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. G. P. A., 255, Horrlson Cor. Third. Portland Oregon, IP? '