The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 13, 1896, Image 3

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The Original Air-Tight St ove,
. , . :
King Heater.
We were never in a position to offer such values in
our Under-wear Department as "we are this Fall Our
V ...
g Rii Tight
No. 7190--Ladies' Heavy-Ribbed Balbriggan Vests and Pants.:...:.., 25c per pair
No. 7258 Ladies' Fine Ribbed Vests and Pants, color grey......... 30c per pair
No. 7266 Ladies' Jerse7 Ribbed Vests and Pants, color gre' ... ......35c per pair
No. 7298 Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants, silver grey..... V .,40c per pair
No. 7477 Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants, silver grey 50c per pair
No. 7473 Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests and'Pants,. silver grey.......... 65c per pair
No. 374 Ladies' All-Wool Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants....... 75c per pair
No. 3706 Ladies' Heavy Natural Wool Vests and Pants ...,75c per pair
Ladies' Florence Union Suits- ..." ..........$1.50 per pair
No. 7176 Ladies' Extra Fine Ribbed Union Suits 2.00 per pair
We carry a Complete Line of Children's Union Suits V
and Children's Knit Goods, from the cheap Cotton Ar
- tide to the Finest Sanitary Wool Garment.
See Window for Display.
Air Tight Heaters
are the best and
most Economical
heaters made. Call
and See our
and get our prices
before buying1 else
The Dalles.
Take a look at them "before you buy something
else. They are all right. v
Sold only by M AYS & CROWE.
. We have strictly First-class
Fife, OAK and
! Phone 25. UO. X. JT Jli J. JliJXO X KsKJ
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
OCT. 13. 1896
Weather Forecast.
' PORTLAND, Oct 13, 1896.
For Eastkrk Obegon Tonight and tomorrow
air. Paode. Observer.
Random Observations ana Local EVrents
of Lesser Magnitude.. .
Wizard Oil Company .
At the New Vogt tonight.
Senator John H. Mitchell speaks at
Dufur on Thursday, the 15th. -
The King's Daughters will meet with
Mrs. Randall tomorrow afternoon at 2
Four loads of cattle were shipped to
Trontdale last evening by Newt. Bur
gess and two loads of hogs by Parrot to
The painting entitled "The Horse
fair' painted by Mies Holcomb, will
be raffled this evening at 8 o'clock at
the Umatilla House.
Messrs. Grant Mays and Thompson
. were m Mitchell last week buying cat
tle, and purchased some 'yearlings and
2-year-olds at $11 and $16. i '" ;.
The elereopticon exhibition Wednes
day evening at K. of P. hall will be
something very fine. The apparatus is
now on exhibition in A. M'. Williams &
Co. 'a window.
H. C. Myers, of Heppner, Morrow
county, has filed an assignment for. the
benefit , of bis creditors in the office of
Recorder Malcolm in Portland. The
assignee is John Myers. '
Mr. N. Whealdon
years carried the state of New York in
bis vest pocket, estimates that McKm-
ley will carry that state by no less than
150,000 plurality.. Coming from such a
high Democratic source, it shows that
one can safely gamble on the empire
state setting down 'hard on Bryan and
all his wild theories. . '
Beginning with tonight, the streets
of Eugene will again be lighted by elec
tricity, after a period of darkness lasting
nearly three months. At the meeting
of the city council . last evening the
terms of the electric light company were
accepted, and -it was voted to contract
for 24 arc lights at the price of $9 each
per month.
fichoonmaker't Dates Cancelled.
Guy Moulton Fined WIO for' Sending
' Obscene Letters Through the
The following telegram is self-explanatory:
Portland, Oct. 13, 1896.
M. A. Moody, The Dalles, Or. :
Regret cancellation by the' national
committee of all of Schoonmaker's Ore
gon appointments. . Sol Hibsch.
Nothing further is known than the
mere announcement stated in the tele
gram. ' .
The Coming District Fair.
is exhibiting ' a
specimen of what. he. calls "Pennoyer
wool," which is a fine quality of asbes
tos ' found in the John Day country.'
The ledge is about half an inch in thick
ness, between solid walla of rock. -
If we were a gambling man and bad a
loose hundred-dollar piece lying in our
vest pocket we would plank it down
against $50 that Wasco county will give
McKinley a majority of 500 on the 3d
of next month. Antelope Herald.,
Orville Hendershot, a young man1 for
merly a resident of this city, made an
unsuccessful attempt at suicide in Port
land early yesterday morning. He suc
ceeded only in inflicting a , slight flesh
. wound by shooting' himself, in the aide
with a revolver. .
J. E. Campbell of the. Warm Springs
agency, informs the Prineville -Review
that the work on the government school
'buildings is progressing' very rapidly.
Several fine structures are being erected,
and the government is going to consid
erable expense in eo doing.
A petition is being circulated signed
by a large number of ','poor innnocent
men" for the Ladies Thespian Club to
repeat their excellent entertainment of
Saturday last 'in the Baldwin' opera
bouse for the delectation of the petition
ers. The ladies promise to "think over
. it." . . .; - .-
, David a. Hill, wno baa for many
- Hardly second in public estimation to
the - subject of . politics is the Eastern
Oregon District fair, wbich opens on
Tuesday next at the faif grounds. A
little inquiry shows there is a lively in
terest taken in the different features, and
all indications point to a successful fair,
As regards exhibits, they promise to be
unexcelled in variety and high quality.
The racing features, also, have excited
great interest, and. besides the local
favorites, there will be as many as forty
racing horses from ' abroad. - A new. de
vice for starting in a race will be shown
for the first time.known as the electric
starting gate. The horses .are all lined
up in front of a web stretching entirely
across the track. At the (instant the
button is touched the web disappears
arid the horses then have an even start,
no failures. .
Surprise Party.
On Monday evening at the home' of
L.' L. McCartney, there was a surprise
party 'given for Miss Annie Cox...
Those present were Mrs. Parkins,
Mr. and Mrs. Fagan, Mrs. S. Davis, Miss
Edith Davis, Mrs. Becht and family, Mr.
and Mrs. John Fagan, Mr, Irvin Par
kins, Mr. C. Fagan and family, Mrs,
Mary Thompson, Miss Mesby, Mr. Harry
Davis, Mrs. McHaley. and family, Mr,
Charlie Davis, Mr. Dinsmore Parrish
and family;- , A most enjoyable evening
was (Spent. Games were plaved and
music, was furnished by Mrs, L. McCart
ney and Mr. Irwin Parkins, with violin
and guitar. Refreshments were 'eerved
and the party broke np at 11 :30. "
Do not fail to look at the new linen
display in the windows of the ' Elite
millinery store, just received from
eastern .linen house. Very ' latest de
signs in large and small doileys suitable
for holiday work. Exquisite and com
plete shades of silk in Brainard and
Armstrong brands, also Royal Society.
. . 12 3t-wl
Guy L. Moulton, proprietor ot the
steam dye works, at The Dalles, was ar
raigned in the United States dietrict
court yesterday charged with harrowing
his wife from whom be is separated, by
sending her letters couched in abusive,
taunting language, and naming the
woman and her relatives in appellations
not fit for- print. The trial was short.
the defendant pleading guilty .and he
was fined $10. The Oregonian today says
He looked pale and disgusted, and
bad evidently made up his mind that
the easiest way out of it was the best,
as he waived reading of the- complaint
and pleaded guilty. There must have
been some extenuating circumstances
connected with bis case, as the conrt im
posed a fine of only $10," which was paid.
Mr. . Moulton 'will now give UDCorre-
ponding with thelady."
Deputy Marshal Humphrey, who ar
rested Moclton at The Dalles, tells the
Telegram this story of the prisoner's
chagrin on finding himself in the mar
shal's presence. .' ''-'-.
"In the dye works business Monlton's
father is . connected, with him, and it
seems that the pair had received an ink
ing of the proposed arrest. Moulton
had therefore cautioned bis father to
keep a close watch for any government
officer that might' come about the place
and 'give warning to the writer of ob
scene letters that he might make good
his escape by .the rear windowB. ;
As it happens. Deputy Marshal
Humphrey's home is. in Albany, where
also the Moultons long resided before
removing to The Dalles, and all parties
were well acquainted, , - HumDhrev ' ar
rived to make' the arrest early in the
morning, finding the- elder. Moulton
arisen, but the younger still in bed.
" 'I want to see Guy,' said the officer.
"Peter Moulton opened bis month to
give a -warning, but the look on his face
gave his purpose away.-
Don't!' quietly said Humphrey. 'If
you do you'll both" go to jail. Just tell
utuy a gentleman is-ia-the shop waiting
to see him. ,
The old man, overawed, did as be
was told, and. a moment' later the
younger Moulton appeared. He got a
glance at the marshal and started back
aghast. . '
" 'Holy smoke, dad ! You bloody old
fool I' be yelled, don't you see it's
Humphrey?' and started to beat a hasty
retreat, but was induced by the officer
to hold his ground. '
" I knew it, Guy ; I knew it, wailed
the pater, 'but Humphrey wouldn't let
me holler."
ville Journal an account of their latest
exploit : Some sheep from the Mitchell
country, moved in ' on territory which
the cattlemen say shall not be herded
by eheep. One day last week, fourteen
armed men visited this trespassing band
of sheep and one of the party, who was
masked, relieved the herder of his gun,
at the same time giving him some point
ers as totbeinadvisability of his remain
ing in that section., of the country if he
placed any valuation on his life. The
whole party then fired into the band of
sbeep, killing and wounding from 200 to
250 bead, burned the camp outfit and
departed ; promising to return . again if
the sbeep were in tbat locality at a
given time. -
The Wizard Oil Co.
When you mant to bay
The Wizard ; Oil Company is more
meritorious than half the vaudeville
shows now on the road pretending to le
first class. Of course for the privilege of
being admitted foe 15 cents, one 'must
listen to a ialk npon the merits -of Wiz
ard oil, but the talk is short and actual
ly interesting,', and consumes no 'more
time than the space between acts when
there is nothing to look at but the drop
curtain. ' i . . ' .
As before stated, the show part of it is
"immense," and reveals 'a surprising
variety; comprising the pleasing features
of the concert, the minstrel, the circus
and the comedv. The' quartette have
excellent voices and sing fresh, new
songs. Mr. Gallagher is possessed of a
rich bass voice and is a comedian and
facial artist of rare ability. The tenor
in his solos was pleasing, the rendition
of "Bonnie, Sweet Bessie," one of the
prettiest of . old Scotch ballads, being
plaintive and sweet. The little man is
a wonder as an acrobat, and his short
stature makes his song and dance appear
very comical.. The juggler has also
much talent, and his baton spinning
was never excelled in The Dalles. The
evening concluded with a roaring farce
comedy, full of fan, which put the large
audience in the best of humor. The
opera house will be crowded nightly,, as
the entertainment is deserving of liberal
Take your watches, clocks and jewelry
repairing to Clark, the East End jeweler.
Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat,
Rolled Barley,Whole Barley,
Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts,
Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the
Our prices are low and our goods are firpt-class.
Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR.
' Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and 'BARLEY. .
Trouble Among; Stockmen.
The cattlemen of the Southfork coun
try, last spring, organized for the pur
pose of excluding sheep from a portion
of their section of the country and early
in the summer they made considerable
trouble for the sheepmen, killing many
sheep and burning provisions. -
, "An eye witness brings to the Prine-
Successor to Cbrisman & Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
. ' Awarded
Highest Honors World's Fair,
. Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. .-
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
. No. 174 Second Street, - . -
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard. '
- . And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs m
PRACTICAL PAINTER and" PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS " used in all our work, ' and none but the
most skilled workmen .employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. .All orders
promptly attended to.
Store and Faint Shot) corner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles. Ore'oa