The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 10, 1896, Image 4

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Nervous Prostration
Complete Recovery by the Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
' Some years ujip, as a result of too
close attention to Ixminess, ray health
failed. I became weak, nervous, was
unable to look after my interests, and
Manifested alt the symptoms of a de
cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, began to inipijpve at ouee.
and gradually Micreascd m v weight from
one hundred and twenty-live to two
hundred pounds. Since then, I and my
family have used this medicine when
needed, and we are all in the best of
health, n fact which wo attribute to
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I ludieve my chil
dren would have been fatherless to-day
had it not tcen for. Ayer's Sarsapurilla,
of which preparation J cannot say too
much." H. O. Hinsokt, Postmaster and
Planter, Kinard's, S. C.
AYER'S Pills Save Doctor's Bills.
Mr. C. C.
Hobart is in town ftom the
Mr. Hugk Gourlay went to Lyle this
Mr. J. A. Doutbit went to Portland
this afternoon.
Mr. E. L. Korten returned from Portl
and last evening.
Mr. R. Hendricks of Naneene was in
the city yesterday. . '
Mr. E.iE. Ietle returned from Port
land this morning.
. Miss Katie Davenport arrived in the
city from Mosier today.
Mrs. 3'. A. Doathitt and children left
for Portland this morning. ...
Mrs. Thornton returned to her home
in White t-altnon thie morning.
Mr. W. P. Vanbibber returned from
Portland on the local train today.
Mr. and Mrs. Gillett of Astoria re
turned this morning on the Regulator.
Mrs. John Michell and daughter,
Maud, left for Portland this morning.
Mrs.iRobt. Densmore -of Mosier, who
has been visiting in the city, returned
on the Regulator this morning.
Mrr. Campion and - Mrs. Mason, who
visited friends in the city last evening,
returned t Portland, this morning.
Mr. F. W. Wilsort returned last even
ing fr -m Salem, where he has just been
admitted t the bar. Mr. Wilson is a
yoime man f much intellectual vigor,
in WHi.-iy Hfi'i tavoraoiv Known and we
rjredict a hriilisnt career for him when
he sees Gt to engage in the practice of
law, . : ,
Gen. Geo. II. Williams arrived on the
local train tdav. The venerable gen
tleinan appears to bo in the -best of
health and was much gratified to shake
hands with many of his old friends. He
will remain over Sunday and will be the
guest of Mr. B. 8. Huntington.' He
then goes 10 Boise City, where he de
livers an ad'iress Wednesday night.
A Raspberry Ice Cxeanx. . -
The most uehcioutt-..icc ereams . are
those flavored with fruit juices or fruit
pulps. They .do not usually contain
eejrs; therefore, they are more like a
sherbet than a regular .ice cream, ex-
. cept that milk or cream or part of both
are substituted for the water used in a
sherbet. Raspberry cream is one of
. the most delightful of these light;
. creams. Boil two quarts of raspberries
with a p-nfc of sugar for ten minutes.
Strain off the. juiee and squeeze the pulp
out of the raspberry. Add it slowly to
a pint of boiling" milk. Freeze this mix
ture. When it is'cooled, and just before
it is ready to pack away, add a pint of
cream beaten to a stiff 'froth. Pack
the cream away for three hours and it
will be ready to serve.! A delicate white
cake, flavored with bitter almonds, is
an excellent - accompaniment to this
cream. A cream made of, an equal quan
tity of chopped pineapple, cooked in a
pint of sugar . and . s'wained, .. or of
peaches, may be used. Strain the pine
apple or the peaches through a puree
sieve that will allow all the fruit pulp
to pass through.- N. Y. Tribune.
' Yon'll h surprised when you try Hoe
Cake soap, and wish we had told -you
sooner. It is made ' by" "patented pro
cess. . " :f. ' y24-ii
No more BOILS; no more PIMPLES
XJf Kinnrslv's Iron Tonic. The Snipes
Kinersly Drnit Co. Telephone No. 3.
. Continued from third page.
man in this vast awdenae kin tell what
the ratio between the two metals nieenB."
I thot' that was hitin' the Brian club
purty hard, bat I eed nothin'. He then
went on about the crime of '7$, an'
cnttin' the hed of silver, an' natnr fixen
the ratio in the earth, an' capitalists
coimn gold ana . raisin' its value so it
was no standard eny more, for if it was
it would by just, the same amount all the
time. ... ... , . iV ...... v
So 'after I cum. home I wuz tellin'
Betsey about it aa we eot warmin' our
feet before goin' to bed and I eed ' I thot
the slick feller had -made a purty good
pint, an' that I half believed be was
right. She sot bitin' ber nails 7 till J
wuz tbro', en' then she eed, "James,
you are a greater eedyit then I give you
credit fur." Why, what, have-1 dnn
now, ses I? ','Waen I used to send you
to. the store . last spring," ses she, "yon
got from 121,,' to 15 cents for eggs. ' Then
when the grassbopera ' hatched out and
got in good condishun, the hens com
menced to lay like' all creation an' ega
went down kerslap to 6 cents." I com
menced to sink down in my chertill
there seemed nothin' left of me. . And
she sed, "What changed the -purcbasin'
power of money in that case?" An' I
faltered out, "I gees it wnz the grass-
hopere.", "Yes," Bes she, "an' that
slick feller bad better make the grass
hoper hia standard of value.." "Wei)
Betsey,", ses 1 1, "1 wnzn't the only fool
in the house. The hole, awdense had
ther mouths open, an', when that feller
made that pint, ther jaws closed with a
snap, as if they bad caut somethin', an'
they hollered and yeld for Brian and
free silver.'? Ses she, "There'l be no
word of this in the mornin' and you had
better go to bed and I will hunt up a
gargen for you." So I went to bed an
dreamed I saw that slick chap tryin' to
catch a graeshoper and with it to meas
nre the price of a razo-back hog. This
is all this time from the corner?.
Mysterious Light That Bangs In
"West Virginia Canyon.
An old-time West Virginia wonder
is again causing quite a discussion
among- the reading and thinking' peo
ple of Wyoming and adjoining coun
ties.. The. "wonder" referred to is the
mysterious light which has been known
since times almost prehistoric ns the
Wago Owanhan."
This phenomenal light, says the St
Louis Republic, appears to emanate
from a certain spot on the precipitous
sides of the great Pat Wess canyon
It casts its ghostly sheen across the
waters of ; the river, lighting the sur
roundings t not with a "sickly, pale.
white light," but with a phosphorescent
glow of - sufficient, brightness to make
the reading of a newspaper or a book
possible on the darkest night. Accord
ing to some investigators of the "Wago
Owanihan" the light dpes not cmariafe
from any spot on the canyon's side, but
hangs out oer the river, like a luminous
cloud or fog. This appears to have been
the case at the time when Prof. Tohlun;
and Mr. I. E. Christian the latter of
Oceana, W. Va. .visited the spot. On
the 15th and 16th of last February an
expedition, healed by. Mr. Christian
Snow was falling rapidly' at the. time,
and Mr. Christian says that every flake,
when it reached a height of about 200
feet above the water, "would bla.e out
with dazzling brightness" end remain
luminous Aintil it reached the surface
A scientific investigation, of the phe
nomenon will be made. . , '
Colonial Americans . Wnn Early Made
Their Homes In Canada.
Many - loyalists,. -- particularly-; from
New England, had fled to Nova- Scotia
before the close of the war, and settled
cn the spot where the city of St. -John
now. stands. .This gave one objective
point, at any. rate, says- Macmiljan's
Magazine, to the-much larger .bnd of
exiles w-ho at' the peace were forced to
6eek hew homes-at short notice; and
in a single year the new settlement
grew to some 13,000 soulsu - Men of all
classes nocKea vnere, omcers anu sol
diers, clergymen and lawyers, farmers,
mechanics and merchants.-- They were
naturally much above the average of
ordinary emigrants, both in character,
education and: intelligence; but all, or
nearly all," were equallyoestitute and.
forced to begin .the battle of life a fresh
A -year--later- New Brunswick was sep
arated from Nova Scotia, endowed with
a council and, home assembly,, and thi:
capitol moved to. the present site at
Frederifton. -. ; ' -
The first council included many well
Known mew ingianu names, such as
Putnam, .Winslow, Allen and W'illard
It included, also,: a late judge of the
supreme court' of , New . York, another
distinguished lawyer of that' colony;
and several officers of the loyal regi
ments; Both the New York and the
"Virginia branch of the Robinsons, one
of the. wealthiest and most influential
families in colonial America, were here
represented, and to this day are conspic
uous in. upper Canada: -; "; ' : -; : ..:
- Leave orders at iThe Dalles Commis-,
sion Co.'s store for dressed -chickens.
Telephones 128 and , 255. . Ring' 'em
np. ' - , . ell-dlm ' .
-'It May Do as Mucn. for ,Yoo.:.
Mr. Fred, Miller, of Irving, jll.t writes
that he had a severe kidney trouble for
many yearfr; with severe pains, in 'hie
back - aud also that his . bladder was af
fected. He tried jnrny so called Kidney
cures but without any good result. About
a year ago he began to 'uee.Electric Bit
ters and, found 'relief atr.once. . , Electric
Bitters is , especially adapted to cure of
all Kidney and Liver troubles and often
gives 'almost instant relief. One trial
will prove our statement, r rice ouc and
$1.00. At Blakeley & Houghton's Drug
Store. ' ' '
Tbt SlMOTerj SaTOd ECls Life.
Mr. G.' Caillouttee, Druggist, BeareTS-
ville 111. says: ."To Dr. King's New
Discovery -I owe my life! Was taken
with La Grippe and tried all the physi
cians for miles -' tt , but of no aval
and was given up and told I could not
live. ' Havinir Dr. Kinss's.New Discovery
in my store I sent for a bottle and began
its use and frnm the hrst dose began to
get-better,itnd after .using three bottles
was up and about again; It is worth its
weight in gold. We won t keep store or
house without it." . Get a free trial at
Blakejey.& Houghton's Drugstore. '
None Bat Ayefn at tne World's Fair.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla en joy e the, extra
ordinary. .(Jistioctioa of having been the
only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at
the world's fair, Chicago. Manufact-
urers. of , other sars'aparillas sought by
every means to obtain a showing of their
goods, but they ..-were; all turned. away
under the application of the rule for
bidding the entry of patent medicines
and nostrums. .'The . decision of. . the
world's fair authorities in tavorof Aver's
Sarsaparilla was in effect as follows
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a patent
medicine. It does not belong to the
list of nostrums. It - is here on its
Low Kates for September -25th.
For train No. 1, Sept. 25th, and train
No. 7, same date, the O. R. & N. Co.
will sell tickets to Portland and return
at the extremely low rate of $3.15, good
to return nntil Sept.'27tb; --'"-.-; ---
18-dt25 ?- E. E. Lytle, Agent. '
of the complexion, hands, arms,
and hair is found j:i the per
fect action of the Pores, produced by
the meet effective
skin purifying' and .
beautifying soap in
the world, ,as well
as purest and sweetest for toilet,
bath', and nursery. For distressing
facial eruptions,-dry, thin and fall
ing hair, and' baby blemishes, it is
absolutely incomparable. ; ;
- Sold throughout the world.. PoTTeR Tbuo .
AKD Chei. rp., Sole Props., Bob ton, II. S A.
AiTierican Market,
", : ...74 Second Street.
" -i ' . - -i -
m l" '
Fruit, Produce - ,
Butter, Eggs.
IN 8sSUK. .-
-Young man tritu small cafaital to
V take interest iu
Employment Office, :
WANTED German or Swede pi rl to go in the
country. Good home and good wages the
year iroana., xjauea jimpioyaieni oaice. t , .
TTTANTfcD Situation hwonnff" IbIt of trnnri
V V address, as elf rk either iu book storn or
dry goods house. The Dalles -Employment
JCT ANTED Work for man and team, with or
f f wnnoui wagon, near town, inquire cor
ner Second and Court streats, up stairs- .'
rBESSMAJCING-!-Two "girls to-learn dresa-
as making. Dalies Employment Agency.
1 1 ANTED'-Ladlraroirirentlemen vinll 10. nit.
T V natioiTshould leave their address-with The
Dalles Employment Agency. -Telephone 809)
ixjum. jkix 'am. i over flicinerjE. r j-v
VtT ANTED Position -as book-keeper or clerk
TT by gentleman of experience. Graduate of
Snsiness college. Best of references tarnished
Blles Employment Office.
r'A -'yourt
AY'.fl T Jt
The umpire now decides that
BATTLE AX" is not, only
decidedly bigger in' size than any
other 10 cent piece of , tobacco, but the
quality is the. finest he-leyer saw, arid
the flavor delicious You will never
know just how good it is until
you try it
a a A - m A
hi!' : 3T
"r. ,1 '
iil ;V..'V:."
11 1 1l l! '
I sii : l ' '
Black well's Cenuine
- x on win ana o no coupon lnsiao cacn ounce
M Buy a Dag, reaa the coapoa ana see how to
Liumber, Building
Traded, for Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c
ipes-ersly Drug Co.
Glass: Etc.
I, 129 Second St., ;
Subscribe for Th Chkobtici.s aDi get
the news. ,
A - - IS " -. A ' A " A ' A
1 i .-:;
is the
" - , "X
-. .; ;. '";. , v a. : :.;- .
very best
Das; ana two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag.
get your shara of S250.000 In presents. F
Material and; Boxes
The Dalles,1 Oregon
'.V -p :i ,;' , v '
' . i.- -:: ,':.i'.::-'-:-'r-: . ;:'; :-
Window-Glass and
:-: -"..-.:,.. .' - f
Picture' Moulding.
i-i (;:;' pioaeyl Money! ,Mmti
4,Toi)y Wasco- county warrants regis
tered prior -to" July S,"-1892. Interest
ceases after May, 15, 1896.-" :;..-.' y-
;: , C. L. Phillips,'-'
mrlS-t CJounty Treas.
"le Replator m
Tie Dalles. Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Poitlauil ExpositiOQ
Including admission tq the Expoeition:
Three-day limit $2.25'
Ten-day limit 2.50
Thirty-day limit..... ... 3.00
Tickets must be purchased at office.
Regulator leaves at 7 -.30 a. m.
Oenrm) Agent
Phntrta nf Tranconntinontal Dnntoo
uiiuiua ui i imiwuuii iiiiuiitui iiuui&a
Minneapolis Omaha
St. Fanl Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities.
OCEAN 8TKAMBB.8 Lean Portland
Kery Five Days for
For f ul details call on O. K. & Co. s Agent
Tha Dalles, or address .
W, H. HtTRLBTJKT, Gen. Pass. Agt
Portland, Oregon
: E. M'NEILL, President and Manager.
; New Schedule.
Effective Tuesday, April 7th, the fol
lowing wili be the new echedule:
: Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4 -.50
a. m., and leaves 4:55 a. m.
i Train Ko. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:40
p. ni., and leaves 10:45 p. m.
Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 12 :05
p. in., and west-bonnd train No. 7 leaves
at 2 :30 p. m. -
Train 23 and 24 will carry p&esengers
between The Dalle9 and Umatilla, leav
ing The Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and ar
riving at The Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con
necting with train Nob. 8 and 7 from
Portland. E. K. LYrxE,'
t -! ' ' "
Pullman '
Sleeping Cars
Dining; Cars
Sleeping Cars
' ST. PAUL.;.
HELENA and .
HU X A A- ... j -
Through Tiekets
Chicago : ' '- " . TOr "
YORK V- "-'.'" ' ''
For information, time cardsj maps and tickets,
c&l on or write to
, ' W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, '
.. The Tlallxa. OreaTOn.
A. v. uriAKLiium. asst.. . r. a.,
285, Morrison Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon
Eiiioi Rates