The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 03, 1896, Image 1

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    p. J
NO 232
Terrible Loss Inflicted on
the Spanish.
A Dispatch from Havana Hal a Differ
ent Coloring of tlie AfTalr--General
Nkw Orleans, Oct 2 The Times
Democrat's Key West special says : -,.
Advices from Havana state that An
tooio Maceo, in a recent attack on the
trocha, inflicted terrible losses on the
Spanish, over 1000 being killed and
wonnded. The attack was made at night,
and was caremUy planned, f The fight
ing was general all along the line, but
fiercest near Artemlee, where Antonio
Maceo led a Spanish column command
ed by General Aral as. ,
The. Spaniards were taken completely
by surprise. They were aroused from
sleep to find a bail of insurgent bul
lets falling upon them. General Aralas
and hia staff, half-clad, ruebed from their
headquarters and tried to rally the Span
ish troops, who were panic stricken. It
was half an hour before a semblance of
order could be restored in the Spanish
column, and during that time, the troops
remained huddled together.
While the attack was in progress at
Artimisa, Maceo's lieutenants were ' as
saulting the trocha with equal success
on the right and left. The attack raged
from Bahia Honda on the north to Ma
kando on the south, and at , all points,
the line was demolished. Maceo could
easily have crossed it with- bis entire
force, but it seems he had np such pur
A Brisk Engagement Between Span
lards and Insurgents.
Havana, Oct. 2. General Melguizo,
supported by Colonel TJlmosm's troops,
commanded by ;' Colonels Hernandez,
Frances and Romera, left Mantua, prov
ince of Pinar del Rio, on the morning; of
Tuesday last to attack the insurgents
under Antonio Maceo.
Hernandez column proceeded in the
direction of Tambas de Torino, and af
ter an hour's march engaged Maceo's
forces, dislodgina them from their posi
tion. Continuing the advance, Colonel
Hernandez, at 1:30 p. m., again met the
enemy. -
By this time the insurgents had con
ceniratea tneir torces, and a severe en
gagement followed, lasting until night,
The Spanish troops dislodged the insur
gents. The operations were conducted
during a heavy downpour of rain, which
considerably hindered the advance. - The
troops pushed lot-ward the following
morning, and were met by four cannon
shots at short range from the insurgent
position. The insurgents were again
driven backward, and the troops camped
in the enemy's position, but left it later
to carry back the wouuded and secure
provisions and ammunition.
A column of troops commanded by
Colonel ' Frances entered Manajal and
engaged the insargent forces commanded
by Percio Diaz, Pyaso and other dis
tinguished men at the point of the
bayonet, compelling the enemy to dis
perse. In two engagements the insur
gents left eighty killed and a quantity
of arms and ammunition on the fields
and reti.ed with over 200 wounded. On
the side of the Spaniards eleven men
were killed and Major Ysqoirdo, Captain
Pann!a and eighty privates wounded.
Ot the Spanish-wounded thirty-one men
are in a serious condition.
- Spanish forces under the command of
Colonels Zerrano and - Cano have been
engaged with the insurgents under Al
varez and Truillo at the Guissmal farm,
on the Narranjo river". Alvarez and
twenty other insurgents were killed.
The troops had five men woo tided. : -The
steamship Juan Forgus has ar
rived from Spain, bringing forty officers
and 1,200 soldier?. . .
Rumors to This Effect Are Gaiulng
Credence. . ' ;' "
Atlanta, Oct. 2. Publication in this
week's issue of Thomas P. Watson's
People's tarty paper of. an editorial at-
tack on Chairman Marion Butler, of the
Populist national committee, is con
sidered significant in view of the minors
that Wateon may retire from the ticket.
The editorial is as follows;
"Attempts have been made to show
that. Mr. Watson favored fusion in the
state of Indiana. This is not correct.
Watson took the position at the begin
ning of the campaign that . no Populist
ecu Id consistently vote for a single
Sewall elector any more than he could
vote for a Hobart elector. ' He filed with
Chairman Butler a written protest
against Butler's.. fusion policy. .. Butler
has ignored Watson's protest and gone
steadilv forward on his own line. ' "
"Watson's position is now what it was
when th'eGeorgia state convention met.
He is for a straight middle-of-the-road
ticket. . . . .
"In no other way can the Democratic
managers be forced to abide by the' St.
Louis contract. Mr. Watson's position
has been humiliating and embarrassing,
and he has been compelled to submit to
policies he did not approve."
South Dakota Democrats Will Cooperate
to Defeat Bryanlsm.
Hurok, S. D., Oct. 2. At a conference
hereof the national Democratic party
the following resolutions were adopted :
"That we proudly proclaim our allegi
ance to the principles adopte'dat Indian
apolis: that to further -the cause of
honest money, the maintenance of
national honor and integrity and to pro
mote, to tho extent of our ability, the
future welfare and prosperitv of . the
nation, we deem it best not to place an
electoral ticket before' the electors of
this state in support of presidential
nominees of the national Jjemocratic
party." . '
Another Sodnd-Muney Convert. ;
Coi.DMBrs, O., Oct. 2. Hon. George
L. Converse, who for 12 years was the
Democratic congressman from"; this'dis-
trict, replying to a letter from Professor
W. H. Johnson, of Denison university,
urging his; acceptance of the 'congress
ional nomination in the Seventeenth
district, announces his intention to sup
port Major McKinley. ...
From av Great Democrat.
A depreciation of the currency is al
ways attended by a loss to the laboring
classes. This portion of the community
have neither time nor opportunity to
watch the- ebbs and flows of the money
market; Engaged from day to day in
their useful toils, they do not perceive
that, - although their wages are nom
inally the same,' or even somewhat
higher, they are greatly reduced, in
fact, by the rapid increase of currency,
which, as it appears to make money
abound, they are at first inclined to con
sider a blessing." - Andrew Jackson,
Eighth Annual. Message.
We cannot by law fix the value of
either metal or coin or of any of the ar
ticles that enter into the wants of life.
The great law, of ' demand and supply
affects the value as it does iron, copper
or zinc. All have fallen in market value
by means of new discoveries and im
proved methods of production. Senator
Sherman. ... ' -
The Discovery Hayed nis Life.
Mr. G. Caillouttee, Druggist, Bearers
ville, 111. says: "To Dr. King's New
Discovery ! owe my life.. Was taken
with La Grippe and tried all the physi
cians for miles aoont, Dut or no aval
and was ' given up and told I could not
live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery
in my store I sent for a bottle and began
its use and from the first dose began to
get better, and after using three bottles
was up and about again. It is worth its
weight in gold. We won't Keep store or
house without it." Get a free trial, at
Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store.
Save the wrappers Hoe Cake Soap
wraDDers are worth a cent apiece. Ask
Pease & Mays for premium book. j!y24-i
VTANTED. Young man wits small capital to
' take Interest in paying business.. Dalles
Employment Office. -
W ANTED German or Swede girl to go in tbe
- eo-mtry. Good home and good wages tbe
year around. Dalles Employment office.
Situation by young lady of good
TT address,
as cUrlc either in book storn or
dry goods house., The Dalles. Employment
office. " "
T7ANTED Work for man- and team with or
Vt without wagon, near town. Inquire cor
ner Second and Court streats, np stairs.
DRESSMAKING Two irirls to learn dress
making. Dalles Employment Agency.
Ladle or jrentlemen wsntinif sit
uation should leave their address with The
Dalles Employment Agency. Telephone 309,
Lock Box 250. Over Mclnery'a.
Free. Wool?
, Results.
Look at Its
The American Flock On Dec. 31..
Number. - -"- Value.'1'
1892 47.273,553 $125,909,264.
1895 38,298,783 65.167,735.
U.S. Depart, of Agriculture Report.
1892. ' 167.784,490 pounds.
1895 . . ... 248,989,217 pounds.
U. S. Treasury Statistics.
1892. .321,586 pounds. I
1895 I- 20,718,108 pounds.
U. 8. Treasury Statistics. .
- Values.
1892.. .$37,515,445.
1895... ..... 60,319,301.
U. S. Treasury Statistics.
It May Do as Blues, for loo-
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes
that he bad a severe kidney trouble for
many years,' with severe pains In his
back and also that his bladder was af
fected. He tried mrny so called Kidney
cures but without any good result. About
a year ago he began to use Electric Bit
ters and found relief at "once. Electric
Bitters is especially adapted to cure of
all Kidney and Liver troubles and often
gives almost instant relief. One trial j
will prove our statement. , Price 50c and i
$1.00., At Blakeley &. Houghton's Drug
store. . .
None But Ayer'a at the World's Fair.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extra
ordinary distinction of having been the j
only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at
the world's fair, Chicago. Manufact
urers . of pther sarsaparillas sought by
every means to obtain a showing of their i
goods, but they were ' all turned away
under the application of the rule for
bidding the entry of patent medicines
and nostrums. " The decision of the
world's fair authorities in tavor of Aver's I
Sarsaparilla was in effect as follows : I
Ayer's Sarsaparilla , is not a patent
medicine. It does not belong to the
list of nostrums. ' It is here on its
A. F. & A. M. Notice.
All members and - visiting brethren
aie requested, to meet at the Hall ot I
Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F. & A. M. at
1 o'clock Sunday, Oct. 4th, for the pur-
pose-of attending the funeral of our late
brother, W. H. Lochhead. By order of
W. M. F. A. Abernathy, Secy. '
The Dalles, Oct. 3, 1896. .
It is the same old etory and yet con
stantly- recurring that Simmons Liver
Regulator is the best family medicine.
We have used .in our family for
eight years and find it the best medicine
we have used. "We think there la no
such medicine as Simmons Liver Regu
lator." Mrs. M. E. S. Ad'tngton.Frank
lin, N. C. Each member of our family
uses it as occasion requires." W. B.
Smith, Mt. Vernon, Ky. . v
Bucatlen'civ inca Salve, s
The best salve in the worid for cute,
bruiBes, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box.- For- sale Dy Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
Have Ion Seen It? -
An elegant Columbia Piano Co. piano
with the latest invention, the. mandolin
attachment. A piano that is listed at
$1,000, brand new, and -the Jacobsen
Book and Music Co. only asks $200 for
it in cash. '. - -
: ' - TOalles-Moro' Stage '
. Leaves 'tbe Umatilla house 8 a. m
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
'- . Douglas Allen, Prop. -
Leave orders at The Dalles Commis
sion Co.'s store for dressed chickens.
Telephones 128 and 255.' Ring 'em
up. ;, - ; ell-aim
. : There's more clothing destroyed ' by
poor soap than by actual - wear ' as tbe
free' alkali rots them. Hoe cake is
pure. ' - ': -. jly24-i
. From 6 a, m. to 10 p. m.
Board, $3 to $4 per week
at Mrs -C. Nelson" 2z Co.'s.
If thou wouldst beer drink,'drink thoa
only Hop Gold. Shakespeare.- e24-lw
Do Yon Like
aaaaaMaMaMMMiawMMMMaMaMMiaaaaiaaaaMiaaMa .
J For the benefit of some of our many friends who
I may not have had time to take advantage of our
1 3 ouKisiai-: & i
9 So until Saturday next ; L
2 -
9- ' ' " ' - " fir
. : 1- : : :
1 Ik TJX. wxJxLias ' & CO. I
19.' .- . a
Trio Slipetn PnntP x w -T A Tl A A
OF THE .'' jaw- i - - 1 T
OUUUIClll raUIIO OUIIIU V. a axxaav.vx
Trains leave and are due to Brrive at Portland. ; - ' - - j '
IXlvi. FROM JUNE 23, 1895. ARRIVE. . 'I "
7 OVERLAND EX-1 "-'J irfJV F -!V TV
press, 8alem, Kose-1 ' v-lr i jyS'y -u?-, 1S KToV-
I burg, ABhland, 8ac-1 - , f Vi!Tf7S "9 Sj-"
press, Salem, Kose- '
burg, Ashland, Sac- I
ramento, Ogden.San I
Francisco, Mojave, f
Los Angeles, ti-aso.
New Orleans and
I East J
8:30 A.M.
RoBeburg and way sta
tions fVla woodburn fori
MtAngel, Silverton,
i West Scio, Browns-
I Tille.Sprlngfield and j
I Natron .. J
4:00 P. M
Salem and way stations
t 6:20 P.M.
t 8:25 P.M.
7:30 A. M
(Corvains ana way
stations !
McMiiinville and
i way stations
t4:45 P.
Dally. tDaiiy, except Sunday.
Attached to all Through Trains:
Thrrmeh Ticket Office. 134 Third street, where
through tickets to all points in the Eastern
States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates trom
i, B, KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent.
All above trains arrive at and depart irom
Grand Central Station, Fifth and I streets."
' Paisenger Depot, foot of Jederson street.
Leave for OSWEGO, week days, at 6:00, 7:20,
10:15 a. m., 12:15, 1:45, 3:30, 6:25, 8:00, 11:80 p. m.
Arrive at Portland, 7:10, 8:30, 11;25 a. m., 1:30,
3:15, 5:10, 7:30, 9:05 p. m., ana ia:iia a. m.
Ieave for RIVERSIDE only (daily) at 6:25.
9:15, 10:30 p. m. . Arrive at Portland at 6:10,
10;20,11:20 p. m. -
Leave for Sheridan, week days, t 4:30 p.m.
Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m.
Tnvefnr A TRUE on Mondav. Wednesday and
Friday at 9:40 a. m. Arrive at Portland, Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday at 8 :ua p. m.
Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:20, 8:40,
10:40 a. m., 12:15, 1:45, 3:30, 6:25, 8:00, 11:50 p. m.
Anive at Portlnnd at 8:30, 10:00, 11:50 a, m
1:30, 8:15, 5:10, 7:30, 9:OS p. m., ana B. m.
Manager. 1 Asst. F. & Pass. Asrt.
ood poison
fiary BLOOU i'OISOU permanently
j liorne for same nrice under same eaaran
( . )i;uurn.-iHriucumeat;nwuwiaoOD
tsncL to rmy raiiroaa iare&na notei Diiis.anti
Docharge, if we fall to cure. If you have taken mp.r
rury, iodide potash, aDd still havo aches and
fains, MacotisPatcbes i a moath. Sore Throat,
implea. Copper Colored Spot, Ulcers on
any pert of the Dody, Hair or Eyebrows falling
out. It la this Secondary BLOOD POISON
we (roaraatee tooure. We solicit the most obstW
rate cases and cuallencro the world for a
case we cannot enre. fTbis disease bos always
ba filed thesbrill oftbemDsteminentphyii
rlana. ftftOOUlOO caDital behind our uncondk
tkmal craaranty. Absolute proofs aenteaie4 oa
Bpplicntion. Address COOK REMEDY C(L
o . li.. t. rramni r.lTIr.Afui ir.T
- 1 1 - : " 1 ' ' '
secoua Eastem Oregon Dlstiict Hgricultural society
Commencing Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1896, 6
and ending Saturday, Oct. 24, 1896.
For Premiam Liate, Entrv Blanks
tary. Tiia Dallep, Oregon.
J." O. MA-(JK., Becretary,
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted. .'.
174 VQ6t BLOCK.
A Milri l'ltvi. Onn T'H for n Tf.
A movement of tbe bowel acll dfty is ooc-oa(u7 for
lie&lttl. Tbepe pills the srntm lacks to
make it vefirnlar. They com headarbe. brighten tbe
Lyes. and clear theUompleaionbtterLbaii t-ofxnetica.
They neither irripe. nor sicken. To convince yon, we
' ?ore. ik BOdANko MUX CU Phiiadolphia. Pa,
, ,.r, v - 9
and all information, write to tbe Secre
; a. o, nLn-j awimv,
President. '
Letters of Credit iesued available in tbe
Eastern States. j. '
Sight ' Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers Bold on New York, Cnicago,
St. Louis," San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.'
" Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms. ; . .
8. GOIT,
Residence, Tenth arid Liberty Streets
- Jly23-tf -.. ,