Gentlemen of The Dallej We are showing a splended line of Spring and Summer Suitings at lower prices than can he obtained, elsewhere. No need to patronize foreign firms employing 1 Chinese labor. Our garments are made on the premises by skilled workmen. , - , . . H. E. BALCH. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. The Dalles Dally Chroniele, The only Republican Daily Newspapet Wasco County. TUESDAY. SEPT. 29. 1896 EASTERN OFFICE 230 to 234 Temple Court, N. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. Ml MAL republican ticket For President, WILLIAM M'KINLEY.. Ohio For Vice-President, GARRET A. HOBART ....New Jersey For Presidential Electors, T.T. GEEB Marion County 8. If. YOBAN Lane K. L- SMITH.. ". Wasco 1. JT. CAPLE8 Multnomah Itmr wu more crie-voua wrong done the farmers of our country than that ao unjustly Inflicted during the part three yean upon the wool growers. Although among our most useful citizens, their in terests hsra been practically destroyed. KcKlnleys letter of acceptance. WATSON'S WARNING. Watson is dissatisfied with the treatment he is receiving, and it is only surprising that he has not com plained sooner. He now publicly declares: "Under present condi tions Mr. Bryan cannot get the full Popuilst vote. ' Thej' (the Populists) may not be able to break up the fusion deal, but they can stay at home, v With one accord the Bryan and Sewall papers have given mc noth ing but disparagement, misrepresen tation and ridicule." Every word Mr. Watson says in this respect is true. What care the Democrats for Populists or the prin ciples Populists are contending for? It has always been their boast and their greatest element of strength that, regardless of results, , they would vote their true sentiments. In Oregon, as in many other states, they are called upon to vote, not for what the believe in, or have always professed to believe in, but for the elevation to office of Democrats. Sewall is to be vice-presi4ent if Jones and the other managers can make him so, and Watson is to be but a sacrifice. " He and all men who want to see him vice-president have a right to be dissatisfied. Mr. Watson says : -"They (the Populists) will not stultify them selves by voting against their prin ciples." This they must do if they acquiesce in the trade made between the leaders of Bryan's campaign. It will be seen that Brj'an is not, and will not be, taken to visit Wat son. The plan is to elect Sewall, who, for every reason, should be more objectionable to Populists than any man on either ticket.. Bryan is everywhere' declaring, both directly and by inuendo, that the capitalists and manufacturers aie working for the Republican ticket under a pretended soliciiude for ihe welfare of the laboring classes. Nothing is more false or more mis leading. The sneer that Bryan has again and again uttered, "Why are your employers so solicitous for your welfare just before election?" is un wormy a candidate ror the, presi dency. . No one has ever claimed, or 78 Second Street. does now claim, that the anxietj' of the capitalist, manufacturer and business man in this campnign is not on account, to a large degree, of his own welfare ; but every candid and truthful man knows perfectly well that the highest - and truest interests of the capitalist and laborer are in separable. ' The manufacturer is say ing to his employes that "the depart ure from a fixed and stable currency, the currency, of the great commer cial nations of the world, to a fluctu ating or experimental currency, will be detrimental to my business; I can not manufacture with these condi tions staring me in the face, it is for your interest and mine to oppose the proposed change, for if I cannot continue my trills, you cannot find employment in my. mills or those similarly situated." The capitalists who have capital to loan to the man ufacturer and merchant, says: "If manufacturing and trade decrease, my capital will not find safe em ployment." And the laborers of this great country will say on No vember 3rd : "We will 6tay by those who are able and willing to employ us, rather than by the demagogues and political experimenters.". , MaJaJaeaaJeWaMP"WeW The campaign in Wasco county will be pushed with more vigor from now until November 3rd than any campaign we have ever seen. The McKinley Club of The Dalles, act ing in conjunction with the state congressional and county committee men, will endeavor to have the prin ciples for which Kepubhcans are contending tnorougniy discussed m every precinct inthe county. The more of this work the better. Lead ing men from other poitions of the state, as well as residents of this city will be heard wherever an audience can be gathered. - The gold mono'metalism, so de nounced by the Populists, never did and never will exist. There never was a gokT stane&rd country which did not use silver in connection with the gold. The United States today is using almost' as much silver for monetary purposes as gold, and very much greater proportion of sil ver than 'she ever used in tree coin age days.- She is' using three times greater a proportion of silver, than any tree silver nation. . Bryan draws as large crowds, or even larger, in New England than he did in the West. So far as a presi dential candidate is concerned crowds do not count. - Bucklen'o Anno salve. xiie Dest eaive in tne world for cote bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains. corns, and all skill eruptions, and poai tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded.- Price 25 cents per box. For sale oy Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. . - - Low Kates lor September 25th. For train No.'l, Sept. 25th, and train Ho. 7, , same date, the O. R. &NvCo; will sell tickets to Portland and return at .the extremely low rate of $3.15, good to return until Sept. 27th. 18-dt25 ' E. E. Lytle, Agent. If thou woaldst beer drink, drink thou only Hop Gold:- Shakespeare. ' e24-lw Monuments and Headstones. .Before going elsewhere, call on L COII, The DaIi8S, Or., For a Tombstone. . Warranted to stand for all time, regardless . of wind or weather. . "VTOa-T OPBB: HOUSE. RESERVED SEATS on sale at the Dalles rmployment erey A business of making known opportuni ties for labor and supplying help Do you wont a partner, a clerk, an employe, skilled or unskilled laborers of any kind? . Leave your application and we will undertake. to suit you in the short est possible time. The Agency has a. perfect system of communication between Portland, Astoria, Pendleton and other coast towns, and is conversant with all needs. Information solicited from anyone lies desiring situations. Office over Mclnerny's. Bulletin board on sidewalk. . Wholesale. IVIflLtT IiIQUOHS, UUines and Cigars THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD L Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. 75 cts. Buys a good ens. $3-5 Ladies' Cloaks. Remember, all these goods are latest. made, warm, serv iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap proached in The Dalles. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON 175 Second Street, ARTISTS MATERIALS. lfiT" Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. . . - FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. ST. MARY'S' ACADEMY, The Dalles, Oregon. This institution will be re-opened for the re ception ol boarders and day pupils on Monday, September 7th, 1896. Parents and guardians are kindly requested to be prompt in sending tbeir daughters or wards at the beginning of the session that all may en joy the lull benefit of proper classification. The clauses are divided into five grades the Primary, Junior, Preparatory, Senior and Gradu ating. Those who are desirous of acquiring a thorough business education have all the facili ties ior so doing. Book-keeping, Stenography, Typewriting and Telegraphy are taught at the regular rates. The- Musical Department affords special oppor tunities to acquire a knowledge of the Piano, Organ, Violin, Zither, Mandolin and Guitar. Thorough Bass ai'd Harmony taught according to the most approved methods. - Vocal Music in classes, German, French, and all kinds of Plain and Ornamental Needle woak taught free of charge. - In the Studio, lessons are given in PasteUe, Oil, Metalic, Mineral and Water Colors, and in Crayon, including Portraiture. , 8T. JOSEPH'S SCHOOL FOB BOIS. The attention of parents is called to this pop ular branch of the institution, which is under the supervision' of a competent teacher. Boys attetiding this school will receive first-class in struction in the branches taught. For further particulars and rates of tuition, ap ply at'the Academy or adoress aepU-lmo ., ,.. SISTER, SUPERIOR. ONE NIGHT ONLY, WEDMESDAY, SEPT. 3D 1896. HHR F2 Y .MILLIRMS' Brilliant Succeed, 4 "A IVIiss Iiillian Keene in th Title Eo!e. - Bouiefy GiFl." A HAPPY BLESDIXG OK Sensation, omedy Pathos INTERSPERSED WITH . BRIGHT AND CATCHY SONGS, DANCES, AND UP-TO-DATE SPECIALTIES. SPECIAL SCENERY AND EFFECTS. Snlpea - Kinersly Drug Co.'s store. requiring help and all responsible par - BUSCH and BEER aS1 BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph, lntermediate prices up to $4.50. Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING; The best Black Diagonal for $12.00. An elegant assortment of 1896 styles just received, a part of which may be seen in show window. The Dalles, Oregon J. S. SCHENK. ' President. J. M. I'ATTOtRgON. Casbier. First Rational Bank. THE DALLES. - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. -Collections made and proceeds promptly , remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and port 5 - land. K. ' ; :directo3. D. P. Thompson. Jko. S. Scrbnck. Ed. M. WixuAiea,' Gko. A. Likbb. ., H. M. Bvaia. -. Money Loaned. First mortgages on improved property nego tiated.' -- We are prepared to negotiate first mortgages upon improved farms in Oregon, Washington and Idaho with eastern parties and foreign cap italists at the usual rate of interest. Mortgages renewed - that have been taken by other compa nies now out of business. Address (with s amp) Mebvin Swaktz, jnll5-tf -r v.- . ; Baker City, Or. TIE Oil I Opens Sept. i9th. The Great Resources of the Pacific Northwest. Agri culture, Horticulture, . Fisheries, Mines, Manufactures, Ma chinery, Transportation, Trade and Commerce will be repre sented more completely than ever before. Grand Band Concert Every SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS EVERY NIGHT. " Iioaiest ffates Ever jVIade ' ADMISSION, 25c: CHILDREN, 10c. For exhibit space, annlv to GEORGE L. RXKF.R. Snrr;niit.'n u Exposition -Building.'- GEfflET WAIiS DURflBItE, SUBSTflflTI fl 0 WflMEJlTflli. Cost only twice as much as wooden walks, and will last -'- forever. One sbould Burround every block in the city. Make a V specialty of laying Cement Walks, and guaran tee their work.. Estimates of coat furnished on appli cation' to the above. Cascade Warm Spwrigs Hotel , IS NOW OPEN" FOR GUESTS. Board and Room per day ;..V...:. Board and Room per week ...... Baths .. For Particulars Address T TVT-Tr'Tr i i i f 274 Taylor Street, - - aug7-dylmo , - - PORTLAND, OREGON The i-t Is CQ O i-i r i , a g Ph bo CD M Leave your orders for Dressed Chickens, Fish, Fine Dairy Butter, Egrs, ? Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds, COAL AND ICE, THE DfililiES GOftllSSIOH GO.'S STORE. Corner Second and Washington Sts. ' 1 There is a tide in the affairs '. . ' leads on to. fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the . Closing Out; Sale: of Furniture and Carpets at CR AN DALL & BURG ET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates ' MICHELBACH BRICK. . - - . UNI fiT. Kill or catch those Flies with. "TANGLEFOOT" or "DTJTCHER'S LIGHT NING FLY KILLER; - " Only 5c a Double Sheet at -DonnelFs Drugstore. MflsMlEwitii OJEUHG-OINr. Closes Oct. 17th. Afternoon and Evening on all Transportation Irines. E. C. MASTEN. Secretarv. ...$1.25 .'.$7.00 and 8.00 ...... ........25c each Germania OTTO BIRGFELD, Prop. fine Wines, Liquors arid Cigars. -SOLE AGENT FOE THE Celebrated Gambrinus Beer. NO. 94 SECOND STREET, THE DAXiLiES, - - - OREGON. AT. of - men which, taken at its flood