The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 28, 1896, Image 4

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By the Persistent Uss of
Aysr's SarsapariNa
"I v;w troubled for yetirs with' a
sore on my knee, which several
physichins, who treated me, called a
cancer, assuring mo that nothing
could be done to save my life. As
a hist resort, I was induced to try
Ayer's Sarsanari'la, ami, after tak
ing a number of bottles, the sore
'began to disappear and niy general
health improve. I persisted in thia
treatment, until the' .sore was en
tirely healed. Since then, I use
.Ayer's Sarsapariila occasionally as
a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in
deed, it seems as though I could not
keep house without it." Mrs. S. A.
Fields, Eloomfield, la.
The Only World's Fair Sarsapariila.
Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver
TUaaki from the Juvenile Temple..
At oar regular meeting of Harmon
Temple No. 4, a vote of thanks was
given to Friendship Lodge, No. 9, K. of
P., for their most generous donation of
their hall. In addition to thia we wish
you a life long prosperity, and we real
ize that your motto has been fully ex
em pliBed in "Friendship, Charity and
Benevolence." ; ,
The Dalles, Sept. 25, 1896. "
Miss Edith Randall, S J. T.
Mbs. J. E. Babnett, Aest.
Beat Estate Transfers.
D. F. Pierce and wife to Geo. C. Roc.
lots 5 and 6, block 8, second add to
Hood River; $800.
K. Palmer and wife to T. H. and G.
W. Johnston, sw qr sec 29, e hf se qr sec
30, w hf ee qr, e ht s w qr sec 30 ; w bi ne
qr, e hf nw qr sec 31, tp 1 a, rl3e;
Mary Langhlin to Mrs. Nellie D.
Mann, lot 2, block 3, Langhlin's add;
$150. .
Mary Langhlin to D. VV. Mann, lot 3.
block 3, Langhlin's bluff add ; $150.
C. E. Markham to L. L. -Blount, par
eel ot land in n hf w hf, bw qr sec 10, tp
2 n, r 10 e; $100. . "
John Robinson and wife to M. Ennice
Johnson, Iota L and K, block 40, Ft
Dalles Mil Res; $1.
Laod Office Transactions.
Mr. W. N. Wiley of Antelope is in the
Mr. Wni. Floyd is in from his ranch
toda .
Mr. Willard Vanderpool went to Dufur
Mre. Coas. Gray, returned today to
Sheriff Driver returned from Portland
. 1
Mr. E. O. McCoy has returned from
Portland. .
H on. F. M. Jonea drove in from his
ranch this morning. . -
Mr. W. Lord went to Arlington Satur
day night. . .
Postmaster Crossen and wife returned
from Portland today.
Mr. F. Chase and daughter went to
IPorLland this morning.
jMr. .August Buchfer Iffft for the Locks
tOday,.auirning this evening.
Sopt. -'GMbert left this morning for
.uuuu rttver to visit ine schools.
Bev A. BronsgeestViturned Saturday
from a brief trip to Baths City.
Mr. and Mrs. Aiken and Miss Aiken of
t'ii8 city left this morning for the Locks.
.Misp-Alyrtia. Apperson of. McMinville
paid Mr. and Mrs. . Briggs a brief visit
v - .
Mrs. M Bettingeitdnd Mrs. Baldwin
retViVtit"l from Portlansjn the Saturday
nihr, train. : .
Mrs. 1). hurrelty ot Jfortiana, mother
of Mrs. E. F. Sharp, arrived today on a
vir-it to the latter.
Mr. M. P. Tsenberg came in today
from Hood River, and will speak at
Dnfur tomorrow night. .
in r. UliU 1UI S. V 1 1 O . UVU1IC icvuau&u
from Portland last night. Mr. Stone
hae also been in Seattle visiting his par
ents. Mrs. Ed. Beese, wife of a well-known
engineer, left for Sherman county Satur
day, where it is reported a eieter waa
Miss Annie Dufur of Dufur and her
cousin, Mi."8 Sunderland " of Portland,
came np on the ; Regulator Saturday
Mr- F. G. Plymale, a son of Mr. F. M.
Pit-male, of Medford, has accepted a
jpoeitioii under The Dalles Commission
Company. ,
Jndne Blakeley returned home from
Portland lat-t night. Mrs. Blakeley did
not accompany him, but will be home
in a few days. - r
Mr. J. J. Miller, a brother of Rev. J.
H. Miller of thia city spent" Sunday in
- town a "d left this morning for his home
at While Salmon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Frazier left thia
afternoon for their home in Grass Val
ley. Mm. Frazier has been the guest of
M re. B. F. Langhlin.
Rev. W. W. Sharp, who haa been in
the city several days looking after the
interests of the Seveoth Day Advent
church, returned to his. borne irr Eugene
this morning. "-- , . .
Mr. Edward Jenkins came upon the
Regulator Saturday night, accompanied
by his sister, Miss Joeie, who for the
' past few vears has made her home with
1 .,. VfD w A M17,nil
-Seattle. She will remain here perma
Female Help Wanted.
Wasted Red-beaded girl and white
horse to deliver premiums given away
with Hoe Cake Soap. Apply to anywhere.
Application to purchase n hf nw qr,
h hf 8W qr sec 1, tp 3 a r 24 e; Samuel
S. Shields, Milton, Or.
Homeetead entry of lots 1 and 2, see 7,
tplsrlle. Wm. H. Clark.
Homestead entry of sw qr no qr, e bf
nw qr sec 2, and ae qr ne qr sec 3, tp 2 s
r 15 e. Joseph Rupp.
Homestead entry of se fr eec 19, tp 1
n r 13 e. Hugo Scholz.
Homestead entry of n hf ne qr, sw qr
ne qr, nw qr ee qr sec 24, tp 2 e r 16 e.
James H. Marquis. ; - , .
Some months ago we sent one of our
pianos to Spokane, Wash. The party
who ordered it became involved in financial-difficulties
and was unable to pur
chase it. We then transferred it to Mr.
I.' C.' Nlckelaen of The Dalles, who
has been storing it for us during the last
few months. We do not wish the piano
re-shipped to us because that will in
volve a considerable expense of freights.
We are therefore willing to eeH the
piano actually below cost. The piano is
the best we manufacture, listed in our
catalogue at $1,200, retail price $640.
We offer it, with stool, scarf and lamp,
to anyone who will buy within the next
thirty days, for $275. Thia is an oppor
tunity to get a firet-class piano at abso
lutely less than cost. Everyone who in
tends to buy a piano any time at all,
ought to see this instrument and con
sider this offer before making a pur
chase. The piano can. be seen at I. C.
Nickelsen's at any time. We have au
thorized Mr. Nckeleen to accept this
price for it. -
Bepti'o - Wixffft&ox.
How's Tills!
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in al bosi-
nesa transactions and financially able to
carry ont any obligations made by their
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,' To
ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly npon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system: Price,
75e. per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Testimonials free. : 1-5-9
Some Vaote For Farmers.
: In-1877 the average value of the hay
crop in the United States was $ 8-60 per
ton. : .The , following . year it dropped to ;
$7.20, and in 1879, the year next ensu
ing, it jumped up to $9. 32 per ton.
Again. In 1891, when this country
was firmly on a gold basis, the average
value of the hay crop was $8: 40 per ton. ,
In 1892 it fell to $6. 73 per ton, and in '
1893 it rose to $8.68 per ton. Last year
the average value was $8.06 per ton.
- Assuming that the fall in prices is
due to the "crime of 1873, "-how are
these fluctuations to ,be accounted for?
Will some Bryanite explain also why it
is that the average value of the hay crop
per ton was greater in 1895, when we
were on a gold basis, than it was in.
1878, when gold was at a premium?
Hay has undoubtedly declined in price
since 1873, but why should it not have
done so? Apart from cheaper methods
of production and cheaper rates of trans
portation, the annual hay crop increased
from 25,085,100 tons in 1873 to 65,
766,158 tons in 1893. Last year it
amounted to about 47,000,000.
At the same time the number of
horses in the United States increased
only from 9,222,470 in 1873 to 15,893,
818 in 1895. It is estimated that there
are nearly .1,100,000 fewer horses in
this country today than there were three
years ago.
These plain facts and figures should
not be hard to comprehend. Let the
farmer study them before he allows
himself to be hoodwinked by free silver
demagogism. ,
An Object LeMon In Squashes.,
Well, here I am, Marin! I'm back again, yer
That is, ez far as thet's concerned, I'm back,
what's left of me.
The more I learn and more I see since all this
talk began ,
Hakes me the mora inclined to bo a Bryan sil
ver man. ' .
Ton know he sez in that thar speech I read to-
you last night
That produce hain't gone down a bit, but gold's
up outer sight. - -Well,
when I got to Louisville, at half past five
There wa'n't another man had squash but me
on Pierce's dock. -
I started in a-selling mine, ten cents apiece, I
And at -that price I'd ay that gold stood just
about to par.
'Bout six o'clock three other teams came on
the dock, by gosh,
And every gol darned one of 'cm was full of
summer squash!
Well, then and there gold started np, and she
began to rise. - -
Five cents apiece for summer squashl I jumps
right up and cries.' ,
By thunder, didn't gold go up as quick and
slick as grease,
For them there fellers offered thcirn at just
a cent apiece.
But still gold kept a-going up a-kiting up
she went, -
Till I sold out what I had left, two squashes,
for a cent.
Yon know darned well that squashes ain't apt
- to fluctuate, (
Bo Bryan's got the thing dead right it's gold
as sure as fate. . -
It stands to reason he is right when be sez
it's because
There's something out of kilter with them
thar silver laws. "
80, darn the Ft uff . I'd full as licve have old Bill
Ketchum's note. . - "
And when election .comes around Bill Bryan
gets my vote- . B.K.
Thrift's Savings Would Shrink.
The savings bank deposits of the
United States amount to $1,800,600, 000
on a gold basis. .
. Under free coinage they would shrink
in actual value to about $900,000000.
Lew Xlttlea lr September 25th.
For train 2fo. 1, Sept. 25th, and train
Xo. 7, same date, the O. R. & N. Co
will seli tickets to Portland and return
at the extremely low rate of $3.15, good
to return until Sept. 27th.
18-lt2a E. E. Lytle, AgeJ. ',
' . Fruit Wanted
At The Dalles fruit drier' to d?y on
shares or will buy. Having employed
an experienced man to do the drying, I
can guarantee . satisfaction, and good
fruit. - . Joel Kooktz.
Hop Gold beer is the queen of the
table beers for the family. Stabling & j
Williams ' are agents for the eame.
Try it. , - s24-lw
- Lost -A check for $55.04 in favor of
Jake Andrews. Return to this . offic
and receive $2 reward. . ' : -
Bnoklen's Armea salve. -
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piies, or no pa required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box- - For sale oy Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
i' .
. Excursion rates over the Regulator
Line to the Portland exposition as fol
lows:. Round trip ticket Including ad
mission to the exposition. Three day
limit, $2.25; 10 day limit, $2.50; 30 day
limit, $3.00. Regulator leaves at 8 p. m.
W. C. Airway, Gen. Agt,
Tygh Valley Boiler Flour Milts.
Tygh Valley Roller Flour Mills are
running - full time on No.' 1 wheat.
Flour equal to the best always on hand
Prices to suit the times. Also milLfeed
in quantities to suit. .
- W. M. McCoekle & Son.. .
. aug8-6mw ... . Proprietors
Leave orders at The Dalles 'Commis
sion Co. 'a store for dressed chicken9.
Telephones' 128 and 255, Ring 'em
np. v v . ell-dlm
WANTEDJ-Germon orSwede girl to no in the
cooutry. Good home and good-wages the
year around. Dalles Employment nttiee.
"VT ANTED Situation by young lady of good
TV address, as clrk either in book storn or
dry goods honse. The. Dalles Employment
WANTED Work for roan and team, with or
without wo&ron. near town. Inhuirc cor
ner Second and Court streats, up stairs.
GIRL To do general honsework. .
The Dalles Employment Agency.
RESSMAKING Two girls to learn dress
making. Dalles Employment Agency.
WANTED Ludies or gentlemen wanti 'g sit
uation should leave their address with The
Dalles Employment Agency. Telephone 309,
Lock Box 250. Over Mclnery's. '
Male or Female help furnished on s ort no
tice. 1-ot-k Box 250, Tel. 309. Over Mclnery's.
p- "Judgment !!'' " K :'::
The umpire now decides that
" BATTLE AX" is not only
decidedly bigger in size than any
other J O cent piece of tobacco, but the
quality is the finest he ever saw, and
the flavor delicious You will never
know just how good it is until
you try it '
Meals at All ; Hoars
. . From 6 a. m. to 10 p. m.
Board,$3 to $4 per "week
at Mrs C.r Nelson & Co.'s.
4& S'Il,
Chlehetter' F.ncUah Diamond BraML '
- Orlc-tnal andfVniy Geinln.
Arc, always reliable, laoics k
Urugrjirt for Ckfrtittttr English Din-,
mond Brand io Ked mod Goid metalUo
iboxec, eiod witb bine rtbboo. Xake
no ether. Jtefuaer'anarou ntbstitU'
lions and imitation. At Druggists, orsflDd
in stamp for particulars, testimonials
Relief for adle, in tsiter, by rt
f jKfuic. awv lesunrooiaii. ewtmtm j
Ikl(krtrrk4iHlalMAdlMa Ho
T-E8T with a big H. Blackwell'B Gtenulne BnU
D Durham Is in a clofia by itself, you win una
. coupon inside each two ounce bag, and two
pons inside each four ouaco bag of . - . ...
Smoking Tobacc
Buy abaieof thia celebrated tobacco and read the coupon-
Wtuon gives auutofvaluaoie preseuw ana no w 10 gei
Lumber, Building' Material and Boxes
Traded for TTqtt rtrain Pnonn T.cTr1 Arc
The Dalles, Oregon
ipes-Kinersly Drag Co.
Drugs, Paints
Wall Paper,
Glass. Etc.
. 129 Second St,
Sobscribe for The Chronici.i and get
the news. -
Windo w-Glas s and
Picture Moulding.
"The Relator tine"
Tie" Dalles.-Portland ail Astoria
Navigation Co.
" Money! Money! Money 1 -
To pay Wasco" connty warrants reeis
tered prior, to Jnly 3, 1892. .Interest
ceases after May 15, 1896.
, - , "C. L. Phiiaips,'.
my!8-tf ; x County Treas. -
Excursion Rates
Portland Exposition
Including admission'to the Exposition:
Three-day limit ..
Ten-day limit
Thirty-day limit
. . 2.50
... 3.00
Tickets must be purchased at office. 3
Regulator leaves at 8 a. m.
-. Ooneral Agent
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
Minneapolis Omaha
St. Paul Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities.
, Kterr WIto Days for
For full details call on O. K. Ji. Co.'s Agent
Tha Dulles, or address
W.' H. HUKLBUET, GeD. Pass. Agt
Portland, Oregon
E. M'NEILL, President aad Manager.
. New Schedule.
Effective Tnesday, April 7th; the fol
lowing will be the new schedule:
Train No. i arrives at The Dalles 4 :50
a. m., and leaves 4:55 a. m.
Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :40
p. ni., and leavesj.0:45 p. m.
Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 12:05
p. m., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves
at 2 :30 p.m.
Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers
between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav
ing The Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and ar
riving at The Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con
necting with train Noe. 8 and 1 from
Portland. E. E. Lyixe,
. . Agent.
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
Tfcuroagb Tickets -
For Information, time cards, maps and tickets,
cal ou or write to-
- . "W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, ''
. OB The Dalles, Oregon
a.. U. IlAaLilVJ . ABBl. vr. r. A.,
255, Morrison Cor. Third. Portland, Oregon