The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 28, 1896, Image 1

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NO 227
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Tom Watson Says He Is Be
ing Unfairly Treated.
Ilryan Want Their Votes, Bewail
Mast Btep DownPopulism
' Bought and Paid For.
New Yobk, Sept. 27. Thomas .Wat
son, the Populist candidate for vice-president,
telegraphs to the World a review
of the political situation in. which, in
conclusion, bp says:
"Under preseM conditions, Mr. Bryan
t cannot get Ai fol Populist vote. He
cannot get it iriV.nas or Colorado. He
cannot get it in North -Carolina or Ne
bra&ka. In the friendliest spirit, I give
Chairman Jones warning. He will
make the blander of his life if he lietens
to the fusion leaders and believes a fall
Populist vote can be had for Bryan, with
Sewall on the ticket.
"Populist voters are men who have
educated themselves on political topics.
They will not stultify themselves by vot
ing against their convictions. They will
not vote for a man, who, if Mr. Bryan
dies, will make us another president af
ter the fashion of Grover Cleveland.
They may not be able to break up the
fusion deal, but they can stay at home.
The contract made at St. Louis for a
united Democratic-Populistic ticket
should be carried put in good faith. De
mocratic managers should not expect to
hold us to it when they ignore it them
selves. If McK-inley is elected, the re
sponsibility will forever rest upon these
managers who have it in their power to
control by fair means, 2,000,000 votes,
and have lost them by violating the
terms of the compact.
"I respectfully warn Mr. Chairman
Jones of the danger Mr. Bryan is in.
The Populist voters are dissatisfied and
suspicious. They feel instinctively that
the fusion policy which compels them to
vote for Sewall is the beginning of the
end of the Populist, party. They feel
the'nrinciples they love are being used
... as political merchandise, and that the
Populist vote is being auctioned off to
the highest bidder. They suspect that
' Populism b as been bought and paid for.
and is' now being delivered to those who
bought' it.
"Is the Populist vote necessary to Mr.
Bryan's election? If so, the sooner Mr
Jones realizes that it cannot be had un
der an arrangement which compels the
Populists to make a humiliating surrend
er of their principles in voting for Sew'
all electors, the better it will be for our
Miss Wlllard Calls on all Christian
, People for Help.
Chicago, Sept. 26. A cablegram from
the London International" Women's
Christian Temperance Union says: Miss
Frances E. Willard has sent out the fol
lowing call to the 10.000 local anions of
the United States :
"Comrades, the cup of wrath is full
In these two terrible years when the
massacre of innocents has been done
under the eyes of our paralyzed rulers
in Christian lands, we . have thought
men alone could help, but it is women
who are dying two deaths in the' bloody
east, and we, their sisters, cannot longer
wait. '
"You nave nobly responded- to my
earnest appeal. In the name ot Christ
and humanity, of the home against bar
em, I earnestly and tenderly, call upon
you to organize meetings in every local
ity, urging our government, to co
operate with England in putting a stop
to the massacres and giving protection
henceforth to Armenian homes. :
"Let these meetings be addressed by
the pastors, the business men and the
most capable women. Let money be
raised by systematic 'visitation as
well as by collection and . forwarded to
our national treasurer. Miss Helen M
Barker, - Women's Temple, Chicago
And may bod deal with us at last as we
deal with our Armenian brothers and
sisters and their little ones, in this hoar
of their overwhelming calamity.' Yours
for God and home and every land.
"Fbascis E. Willard."
Absolutely Pure-
A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of
all in leavening strength. Latest United States
Government Food Report. . -
Royal Baking Powder Co., New York
Yellow Metal Democrats Nominate a
State Ticket.
Boston, Sept. 26. At the adjourn
ment of the Democratic state conven
today the gold standard wing of the par
ty decided to place in the. field a ticket
favoring ths nominee and platform of
the convention held in Indianapolis
early this month. This ticket as fixed
by the national Democratic state com
mittee of Massachusetts includes Demo
cratic electors and state officers:
Talmage Will Not Take a Baud.
Washington; Sept. 27. Rev. T. De-
witt Talmage, in a sermgn at the First
Presbyterian church today,' made the
following allusion to the presidential
During the last six presidential cam
paigns 1 have been urged to enter the
political arena, but I never have and
never will ' turn the pulpit in which I
preach into a political stump. Every
minister must do as he feels called upon
to do, and I will not criticise him for
doing what he considers his duty, but
all the political harangues from pulpits
from now nntil the 3d of November, will
not, in all the United States, change one
vote, but will leave many ears stopped
against anything that such clergymen
may' utter the rest of their lives." ,
This statement was followed by a ref
erence to the depression now prevailing
throughout the country, and he said
that never .within his memory bad so
many people literally starved to death
as in the past few months."
He believed the country was better off
after every crisis and that the Almighty
would settle the controversy' between
the metals.
Altgeld Would Like to lie Senator.
Chicago, Sept. 27. The chairman of
the Democratic state central committee
said today that should Governor Aitgeld
fail of re-election, he will be the candi
date of the silver Democrats for United
States senator. '- , -
'Governor Aitgeld will certainly be a
candidate for senator ehould be not win
in the coming battle," said Mr. Hinrich
een. "That is to say, of course, in" case
the legislature is Democratic. His
friends would never - consent to . seeing
anybody else a candidate. .
Tom Watson Threatened.
Nashville, Sept. 27. An American
special from Atlanta says: .. ' '
'Tom Watson has given out an anony
mous letter, purporting to come, from
California. In part the retter reads:
"If you bad a particle of manhood
about you, you would have resigned loBg
ago, when you saw that ' you were not
wanted. One hundred of us have sworn
to put yon off the ticket, if you, do not
go off of your own accord before October
15. A word to the wise is sufficient.'
"General opinion is that the letter is a
practical joke."
Ieft the Pal pit for the Stamp. .
New Bedford, Mass., Sept.' 27. Key.
H. L. Buzzell preached his farewell ser
mon at the Unitarian church, at Fair
haven today. He has left the pulpit to
stump the New England states for' Bry
an and Sewall.
, Save the wrappers Hoe Cake Soap
wrappers are worth a. cent apiece. - Ask
Pease & Mays for premium book. j!y24-i
Otto Birgfeld is now ready to supply
amilies with the celebrated Gambrinus
keg or bottle beer, delivered free of
charge to any part of the city. Tele
phone 34. f -.
Ripe tomatoes for catsup c entsper
pound at Dalles Commission Co. sl4-2w
Will Not Ron
for Governor
of New
Albany, N. Y. Sept. 26. John Boyd
Tbacber has declined the Democratic
nomination for governor of New York.
This was the day set for the committee
appointed at the meeting of the state
Democratic committee Tuesday to offi
cially notify him of his nomination ; but
in advance of their coming he gave out a
letter announcing his declination.
At the outset of his statement, Thacher
made acknowledgment of the honor the
nomination implied, and in the next
sentence said he was constrained to de
cline it. He said :
"I was away from Albany, at my
country 'home, during the convention
and did not learn of my nomination
until after 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon,
September 17. It was not nntil 9 o'clock
that night that I had an opportunity to
learn the . character of the platform
adopted by the convention. There had
never been submitted to me a press
copy, a manuscript copy or any other
copy of the proposed platform. If any
one had been entrusted with the duty of
presenting such a copy, the trust had
not been fulfilled. I had no reason to
expect, after the convention at Saratoga
and after the attitude of the delegates
from New York at the national conven
tion, that the next state, convention
woold commit the Democratic party un
reservedly to all parts of the Chicago
platform." "
The Discovery Saved His Life.
Mr. G. Caillouttee, Druggist, Bearers
ville, 111. says: "To Dr. King's New
Discovery I owe my life. Was taken
with La, Grippe and tried all the physi
cians for miles about, but of no avai
and was given up and told I. could not
live. Having Dr. King'B New Discovery
in my store I sent for a bottle,and began
its use and from the first dose began to
get better, and after using three bottles
was np and about again. It is worth its
weight in gold. We won't keep store or
house without it." Get a free trial at
Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store.
None Rut Ajer'n at the World's Fair.
Ayer'a Sarsaparilla enjoys the extra
ordinary distinction of having been the
only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at
the world's fair, Chicago. Manufact
urers of other" sarsaparillas sought by
every means to obtain a showing of their
goods, but they were, all turned away
under the application of the rule for
bidding the entry of patent medicines
and nostrums. The decision of the
world's fair authorities in tavor of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla was in effect as follows:
"Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is not a patent
ruedicipe. It. does not belong' to the
list of nostrums. - It is here on its
merits." - .
It is the same old story and yet con
stantly recurring that Simmons Liver
Regulator is the best family medicine.
"We have usei it in our family for
eight years and find it the best medicine
we have need. "We think there .Is no
such medicine as Simmons Liver Regu
lator.'! Mrs. M. E. S. Adington, Frank
lin, N. C. Each member of our family
uses it as occasion requires." W. B.
Smith, Alt. Vernon, Ky..
Dalles-Moro Stage
Leaves the Umatilla house 8 a. i
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Douglas Allen, Prop.
It May Do as Much, for Yon.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes
that he had a severe kidney trouble for
many years, with severe pains in his
hback and also that his bladder was af
fected. He tried mm; so called Kidney
cures but without any good result. About
a year ago he began to use Electric Bit
ters and found relief at once. Electric
Bitters is especially adapted to cure of
all Kidney and Liver troubles and often
gives almost instant relief. One trial
will prove our statement. Price 50c and
$1.00. At Blakeley & Houghton's Drug
store. '
Wanted . ' '
A display of baby photographs for the
coming fair. To secure this I will give
Bittings of all babies 2 years old and
under free; from Sept. 23d to Oct. 1st,
inclusive. Hours for sittings from 1 to
4 p. -m. Bring your babies in their
sweetest smiles and daintiest costumes
and secure a photo free. ,;' '
Mabgabbt E. Hebein,
. 23dlw Chapman Blk., "The Dalles.
There's' more clothing destroyed by
poor soap than by actual wear as the
free alkali rots- them. Hoe ' cake- is
pure. , jly24-i
25 Bales of BLANKETS, j
2 , Blankets for everybody, from the 75c White Cotton - 5
S ' Sheet to the finest White or Fancy Lambs Wool. . 2
2. One and all going until Oct. 5th at " ' " 2
2 .- Get ready for .the coming Cold Winter. 2
5 ; CO.
' EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland.
FBOM JUNK 23, 1895.
I bu
rg, Anlanu, sac- i
8:50 P.M.
ramento, Ogden,San
Krnolseo, Moia
Los Angeles, El Pa
Mojave, f
8:10 A. M.
aso, i
New Orleans and I
I East , .1
8:30 A,M.
Roseburg and way sta
("Via Woodburn fori
Mt.Angel, Silverton, i
i West Bcio. Browns-
I viUe.Sprtnglield and I
I Natron J
4:40 -P. M.
Doily '
except '
10.00 A.M.
t 6:20 P.M.
t 8:25 P. M.
4:00 P. M.
Salem and way stations
7:30 A. M.
I Cor van is ana wayi
(Stations (
IMcMiiinvilie and)
way stations :. t
4:45 P.M.
Daily. tDany except Sunday. ;
Attached to all Through Trains.
Throueh Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where
through tickets to all points in the Eastern
Btntes, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates irom .
J. B. K.lKKljArI, llCKei Agenu
All nhnve trains arrive at and depart irom
Grand Central Station, Fifth and I streets. -- .
Passenger .Depot, foot of Jeoerson street.
Isviyk for ORWEOO.. week days, at 6:00, 7:20-
10:15 a. m., 12:lol:&, 3:3U, e:za, b:ou, p. in.
Arrive at Portland, 7:10, 8:30, 11:25 a. in., 1:30,
3:15, 5:10, 7:80, 9:05 p. m.. and 12:3&a.m.
Leave for RIVERSIDE only (daily) at 6:25.
9:15, 10:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland at &no,
10:20, 11:20 p. m.
Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p.m.
Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m.
Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and
Vri 'av st 9:40 a. m. Arrive at Portland, Tues
day, thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m. .
Snnrtnv trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:20, 8:40,
10:40 a. m., 12:15, 1:45, 3:30, 6:25, 8:00, 11:50 p. m.
Arrive at Portland at 8:30, 10:00,11:50 a.m.,
1:30, 3:15,.5:10, 7:3U, y:uo p. m., ana a. m.
R. KOEHLER, . E. 1". KUi.JiBS,
Manager. . . Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agx.
C Pf, esn??nl HI T V Pranarr. Be
Oyn gr&Wlfti.l ondaryorTer.
a Uary JBIAOI i'OlSON permanently
i cured m 15 to 36 days. You can bs treated at
home for same price under same (jnnran
Jtv. If yon prefer to come here wewillcom
trr-ct to pay railroad fareand hotel bllla, ana
DOChanre, if we fail to care. If yon have taken mer
iodide potash., aDd still have aches and
rj&lns. Mucous Patches in month. Sore ThroaL
icons fatches in moi
i. Copper Colored
Xlmples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
any part of the Dody, liair or Eyebrows fallin
venrowa fallinflr
out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISON
s guarantee toenre. We solicit the most obsti
nate case and cliallenKre the world for
case we cattnot enre, Ttita disease has always
baffled the skill of the most eminent physi
clans. taOO,M0 capital behind oar uncondi
tional enaranir. Absolute vroo&i sent sealed on
application. Address COOK REMEDY CO.
till Itnraiiii wynn . ..v -
The Eiahth
Rn naal pair
S&coml Eastern Oregon District flgricultiiial society
:- . ' '.' - . WILL BE HELD AT
Commencing Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1896,
;' ' and ending Saturday, Oct. 24, 1896. '
ForPremiam Lists. Entry Blanks,
tary. Tb Dalles. Oregon.
J. O. MAUK, feecretary.
Harry Liebe,
. All work promptly attended to,' .
. and warranted.
A Mill! ftiTii.
One PHI, for a Pese.
A movoroaot of the bowels each dnf M bsommtv for
Tbene pills supply vrbat the EjHtem locks to
Bi.ks it regular. They care Headache, bnghtea the
u anipl0 ftee. or lull Xox for 2-"c. bold erery- I
ML 3ANKO MEI. tX., Ptaiadelpbia, Pa, j
' '
and all information, write to th Secre
a. o, jji 4bLioir,a,
Letters of Credit issued available in the
' . Eastern States.'
- Sight Exchange and "Telecraphie
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington. ' ' -
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.., ; ' : . '
B. GOIT, .
Residence, Tenth and Liberty Streets.
Jlj23-tf '