The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 23, 1896, Image 1

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NO 223
Weyler's Soldiers Commit
Fresh Outrages.
Stoles of Slckentor- Cruelties . Inflicted
Upon Helpless Paciflcos A -Defeat
for the Insurgents.
Havana, Sept.. 22. Well aotbenti
cated reports of barbarous acts by the
Spanish troops continue to reach here..
Recently the Havana papers published
an account of an alleged battle near
Chuco de Area, in which, afer an hour's
desperate fighting the Spaniards drove
the rebels off, killing nineteen and tak
ing many prisoners. The papers sug
gested that the government should re
ward Colonel Aguilera, the Spanish com'
mander, for his bravery. ' The facts in
regard to the battle according to Cuban
sources follow :
"On September 15th, ten rebels went
to attack a guerrilla -band,-but met
troops hidden in the high grass. The
rebels fired a volley, killing two officers
and wounding three eoldiers. The
troops fired back. Lieutenant-Colonel
Aguilera, who commanded the troops,
went then toward a colony named Pablo
Diaz. There be found some twenty-five
persons men, women and children.
He asked if they had seen any rebels in,
the neighborhood. On receiving a neg
ative answer, be ordered, as alleged by
the Cubans, a general slaughter, includ
ing children from 1 to 10 years of age.
The little children were first pierced
with the end of tbe bayonet, then fin
ished with the machete. Of that colony
nineteen were butchered and six made
their escape. The men of the guerrilla
force boasted of what they had done
when they went back to Vega, twenty
miles from the colony.
.Colonel Aguilera started with his
troops and a guerrilla force from Vueva
Paz toward the sugar estate Cuervo.
Near a place called Cuzzo he saw a
house, went to it and found only three
children in it. He asked where the
parents were. They answered that they
bad gone after iome fuel to prepare
their breakfast. The colonel ordered
the three children, ten to foutteen years
old, to be locked up in the bouse, and
after this was done he ordered tbe guer
rillas to set fire to the house. -The
guerrillas, horrified, disobeyed at first,
but ubder the threats of Aguilera they
acted, and the honse was burned with
the children in it.
On their return to Eaeva Paz tbe
guerrillas told tbe people what had been
done. This information is from a Span
ish source.
Late reports give official details of a
serious engagement in Havana province
- Sunday,' on a large estate" near Cala
bazas. A small government column,
composed of Havana volunteers, of -the
regular engineer corps and cavalrymen,
is alleged to have been attacked by 500
insurgents, commanded by the leaders
Cae' ilia and Delgado, who repeatedly at
tempted to surround and overwhelm the
royal, forces. The Spanish made a gal
lant defense, tenaciously holding their
ground and repelling successive rebel
machete charges, until finally reinforced
by volunteers who had been hurriedly
.called from Arroyo Narranjo and other
near-by points. When these arrived,
by a brilliant Spanish counter charge,
the rebels were ultimately routed and
driven from the field.
The enemys loss is estimated at 100
killed and wounded. In the retreat
" they abandoned their dead. The gov
ernment losses were twenty-nine volun
teers killed and three wounded and two
cavalry killed and two wounded. It is
reported that both Cuban leaders were
wounded in the engagement.
An important decree issued by the
captain-general today ; olaces Havana
drug stores under military supervision
and prohibits medicines being sold to
retailerB in interior towns n d less au
thorized , by special permits from tbe
Spanish commandant. -
Drunken Prusstmn Father Tries to Kill
' His Son.
Berlin, Sept. 22.' One of the most ex-
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of
all In leavening strength. Latest United State
Government Food Report.
Royal Baking Powder Co., New York
traordinary results of drunken frenzy
ever known in the country has' just oc
curred in East Prussia. " A farmer
named Schlatt, of Gemerrie, while look
ing over his domain one morning last
week, saw a lot of cattle coming through
a broken gate into his corn field.' He
hunted up .his young son, who was
in charge of that particular-field, and
upbraided him for not better attending
to his denies. The boy's -answer en
raged the man and be swore he would
have his son's Hie.
He called together a half dozen of his
companions, who, like himself, had been
drinking heavily, and formed a sort of
court-martial. The culprit was sum
marily tried and convicted, and Schlatt
himself sentenced hie son to be be
headed. - . .
They bound the lad band and foot.
and placed his bead upon the stamp of
a tree. . One of the wretches secured an
ax, and the "sentence of the court" was
actually about to be carried out when-
the boy '8 mother and brothers, attracted
by his screams, rushed to , his rescue.
They wrested the ax from the "execu
tioner" and then ensued a fierce strug
gle between the rescuing party and tbe
dru,iken creatures who wished to put
the boy to death. It resulted in a vic
tory for the mother and her sons. '
The boy, darinp the encounter, had
grown suddenly silent, and it was found
later that fear had not only made him
dumb, but deaf as well, ane physicians
say it is doubtful if he will ever recover
tbe use of his faculties.
Ex-President Harrison on the Powers of
Government. . .
I will tell yon -what this government
can' do alone. It can fix its money nnit.
It can declare by law what shall be the
relative value of an ounce of gold and
an ounce of silver, but it cannot make
that last declaration good. It is unques
tionably fully within he power of this
government to bring this country to, a
silver basis by coining silver dollars and
making them legal tender. They can dc
that. This government can say yon shall
take one of those dollars in discharge of
anydebt owing to you for $1, notwith
standing you may have loaned gold dol
lars; but it cannot say, and enforce its
decree, if you should call out the regular
army and navy and muster all our great
modern ships and add the militia, and
put William J. Bryan in command of
them it cannot enforce the decree that
1 ounce of gold is the. equivalent of 16
ounces of silver." Not only that, not
France and England and Germany can
do that unless the markets respond.
Why? You'mav make me take - a silver
dollar for a debt, but if I have bought 1
my goods at gold prioes you cannot !
make me give as many yards of cloth I
for a silver dollar as I have been in the
habit of giving 'for gold one.
- If I have a gold dollar in this hand
and a silver one in that, and you declare
they are equal, and I can take that gold
'dollar to a bullion broker and get $2 for
it, I know it is a lie. If I have nothing
but a gold dollar, and sugar is 20
pounds for $1, I will not give that gold
dollar for 20 pounds of j-rugarl I will
take it around to a broker and get two
silver dollars for it and get the 20
pounds of sugar and have one silver
dollar left So it is, my friends. We can
of ourselves, of our own wisdom, de
clare the unit of value. We can coin sil
ver freely, bnt we. cannot make 16
ounces of silver equal to 1 ounce of gold
unless it is. And it is not unless the
merchants take it at that rate. That is
where all .this thing comes in. -It is
trade, it is the merchant, it is the man
who exchanges .and deals in these things
that fixes the relative value, and if you
do not take the value he fixes the gold
dollar will go back to the gold vault,
and the gold will go out of -circulation.
Ex-President Harrison in His New
York Speech. . - ,
All Frae.
Those who have used Dr. King's New
Discovery know, its . value,, and those
who have not, have now the opportunity
to try it free. Call on the 'advertised
druggist and get a trial bottle, free. Send
your name and address to H. R. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of j
Dr. Jung's Ivew Life Puis free, as well as
a copy of Guide to Health and House- j
hold Instructor, free. All of which is
guaranteed to do yon good and cost you
notning: Ulafceley & Houghtion's
Drugstore',' 4 1
, Pree Pills.
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen &
Co.. Chicago, and get a free sample box
of Dr. King's Hew Life Pills. . A trial
will convince you.of their merits. These
pills are easy in action and are particu
larly effective in the cure of Constipation
and Sick Headache. For Malaria and
Liver troubles they have been proved
invaluable. They are guarrenteed to be
pertectly free from everv deleterious sub
stance and to be purely vegetable. Tbey
do not weaken by their action, but by
giving tone to stomach and bowels great
ly in vigorate the system. Regular size
lo cents per box. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghtion , Druggists. - . 4
.. Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting of ' the stockholders ' of tbe
Wasco Warehouse Company will be held
at the office of French & Co., The Dalles,
Oregon, on Wednesday, September 30,
1896, at 3:30 o'clock p. m., for the pur
pose of electing directors for the ensuing
year, and for the transaction of such
other business as may come before the
meeting. W. Lord, Pres.
Attest: G. J. Farley, Sec. 4w
,The Dalles, Or., Sept. 1, 1896.
It is the same old story and yet con
stantly recurring that Simmons Liver
Regulator is the best family medicine.
"We have used it in our family for
eight years and find it the best medicine
we have used. "We think there is no
such medicine as Simmons Liver Regu
lator." Mrs. M. E. S. Adington.Frank
lin, N. C. Each member of our family
nses it as occasion requires." W. B.
Smith, Mt. Vernon, Ky.
By order of the common council of
Dalles City, notice is hereby given that
sealed bids will be received at the re
corder's office of Dalles City, until 4
o'clock p. m., Thursday, September 17th,
1896, for sixteen Cords of first-class oak
wood, delivered. G. W. Phelps,
sll-lw Recorder of Dalles City.
By OTder of the Common Council. - of
Dailes Citv, made on the 3d day of Sep
tember, 1896, and entered of record In the re
cords of Dal es City, on the 4th day of
September, 1896. notice is hereby ' given
that the cross walks and side walks on the fol
lowing streets or parts of streets, have been -declared
dangerous by said Common Council on
sail 3d day of September, and the said Common
Council will proceed to make the improvements
as herelnafterdesignated on said streets or parts
of streets so declared dangerous after 14 days
fr-m the first publication ot this notice, towit:
September 10th, 1896; and the costs of such Im
provements of all cross walks, and of each of
them, will be charged and levied 'upon the cor
ner lots corneriue upon the street or streets in
tersected by snch cross walks, and upon all lots
or parts thereof, to the center of each block cor
nering upon suoh intersection ; each lot to pay
that portion of tbe entire cost that its street
frontage upon the intersecting streets bears to
street frontage of all lots to be assessed- upon
such streetB, and the cost of " all sidewalks and
of each of them respectively, will be
charged and levied upon the property adjacent
thereto, and directly benefited thereby, as provid
edZby the ordinances and charter of Dalles City.
The crosswalks and sidewalks declared dan
gerous and about to be Improved and built are
as follows:
1. To build a crosswalk on the south aide of
Third street across Union street.
2. To build a crosswalk on the Booth side of
Fourth street across Union street.
3. To build a cross w lk on the" west side of
Union street acrops Fourth street.
4. To build a crosswalk on the north side of
Fourth street across Union street.
5 To build a croswalk on the west side of
Liberty street across Fourth street.
6.. To build a crosswalk on the north side of
Fourt street across Liberty street.
7. To build a crosswalk on the west side of
liioerty street across Third street,
8. To build a crosswalk on the east side of
Court street across Seven th street.
9. To build a crosswalk on the east side of
Union street across Eighth street.
10. To build a crosswalk on the west side of
Laughlin street across Second street.
11 To build a crosswalk on the east side of
Washington street across Second street. - v
12. To build a crosswalk on the east side of
Court street across Second street.
13. To build a crosswalk on the east side of
Union street across Second street.
. 14. To build a crosswalk on tne west side' of
Federal street across Second street:
15. To build a crosswalk on the south side of
Third street across Court street.
16. To build a crosswalk on the east side of
Federal street across Third street.
17. To build a crosswalk on the west side of
Union street across Third street.
18. To build a crosswalk on tbe north side of
Second street along lot 8 in block 18.
19. To build a sidewalk along lot 1 on Wash
ington street from alley to Main street, and
along lot Ion Main street, all in bloc it 3 of
Dalles Citv.
20. To build a sidewalk on west side ot Fed
eral street along lot 4 in block 1, iu Neyce addi
tion to Dalles City.
21. To build a sldewtilk on the east side of
Cane street, from th- south side of Fulton street
190 feet south in Fultons addition to Dalles City.
All of said sidewalks and crosswalks will be and constructed in the manner provided
by t ie charter st .ordinances o( Dal'es City.
Dated this 10th day of September, 1896.
. ' . - - . Recorder of Dalles City. ;
s i uur
2 Blankets for everybody, from th.e 75c White Cotton I
S Sheet to the finest White or Fancy Lambs Wool. 9
1 One and all going until Oct. 5th at 9
9 G-et ready for the coming Cold Winter.
J ' : M Kffi. WIIiUAMS GO.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
-: - ' OF THE '. '
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland.
FROM JUNE 23, 1895.
I press, Salem, Rose- '
I burg, Ashland, Sac-
1 raments, Ogden.San 1
Franciseo, Mojave, f
Los Angeles, El Paso,
I New Orleans . and I
(.East J
Roseburg and way sta
tions .'
fVia Woodburn fori
Mt-Aneol, Silverton,
i West Scio. Browns-
1 ville, Springfield and j
I Natron .
8:50 P.M.
8:10 A. M.
8:30 A. M.
4:40 P.M.
except -Sundays.
4:00 P. M.
7:30 A. M.
t4:43 P. M.
Salem and way stations
10.00 A.M.
t 6:20 P.M.
t 8:25 P. M.
juorvaiiia ana way
stations ........ j
(McMinnville and
way stations. (
Daily. . fDany, except Sunday. .
Attached to all Through Trains.
Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where
through tickets to all points in the Eastern
Stntes, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates from
J. B. KIBKLAND, Ticket Agent.
All above trains arrive at and depart lrom
Grand Central Station, Fifth and I streets. -
Passenger Depot, foot of Jederson street. .
Leave for OSWEGO, week days, at 6:00, 7:20,
10:15 a. m., 12:15, 1:45, 3:30, 6:25, 8:00, 11:30 p. m.
Arrive at Portland, 7:10, 8:30, 11:25 a. m., 1:30,
3:15, 5:10, 7:30, 9:05 p. m., and 12:35 a. m.
Leave for RIVERSIDE only (dailv) at 5:25.
9:15, 10:30 p. m.. Arrive at Portland at 6:10,
10;20, 11:20 p. m. -
Leave for Sheridan, week .days, at 4:30 p. m.
Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. ' .
Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and
Fri 'ay at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday at 3 :05 p. m.
Snnday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:20, 8:40,
10:40 a. m., 12:15, 1:45, 3:80, 6:25, 8:00, 11:50 p. m.
Arrive at Portland at 8:30, 10:00, 11:50 a. m
1:30, 3:15, 5:10, 7:30, 9:05 p. m., and 12:35 a. m.
- Manager. Asst. G. F. Sc Pass. Agt.
Lapp poison
I I Itiary liLOOIJ POISON permanent)
I I !uredlnl5to85daTa.Yoncanbetreatedii
fawr f home for same price under same gruarau-ty-
If rou prefer to come here we wlllcon-
mmaamr tract tO DaTnllmadf fiMWnil hntal hill.
Dochanre, i f we fail to cure. If yon have taken liter
enry, iodide potash, and ottll have aches and
alns. Mucous Patches In mouth. Sore Throat,
lmples. Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
ny partof tlie bodr, llair or Eyebrows falling
out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISON
we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti
nate cases and challenge the world for a
case we cannot cure. This disease has always
baffled the skill of the most eminent physi
cians. 8500,000 capital behind our nncondV
(tonal guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on
application. Address COOK REMEDY COZ
4 simonlo Temple, CiXLUA.00, 'f-T
Harry Liebe,
AU work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
A illilal PIivmis. fins 1111 -fVi a nits
A morement of the bowels each day ia neceea&r? for
health. Tbera pills supply what the sytftera lacks to
make it regular. They care Headache, brighten the
Ejea.mnd clear the Complexion better than coemetica. -Tbey
neither ftripe nor eiokeu. To convince yon, wa
mil mail aazpple free, or full box for 2ftc. Sold every.
Whare. i&. BOSANKO MED. CO.. Philadelphia, Pa,
The Eicrhth
Seconfl Eastern Oregon District flgricmtuial society
Commencing Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1896,
' and ending Saturday, Oct. 24, 1896.
- For Premium Lists, Entry Blanks and all information, write to the Secre
tary, The Dalles, Oregon. A. 6s, MAC ALLISTER, .
J. O. MACK, Secretary. ' , President.
Letters of Credit ieeoed available in the
- Eastern States.
Sight Exchange "and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. XjOfifc. San Franrionn TV- la r..
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points'
in vregoa. ana wasnmgton.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
jm b. goit, .
Residence, Tenth and Liberty Streets.
. ; . Jly23-