$ JACKETS GAPES 6 3 For Fall and Winter. We have on display an assortment of Capes and Jackets that has met the approval of every customer examining them. Our Capes are the latest and choicest things of the season. Correct lengths and styles at prices that are as-, toundingly lov, " . ' ' $7.50, $9.00, $10.50, $12.50, $15.00: It may be a little warm for Jackets yet,. but don't put off your selections too long. The choice things will be gone, and then you will' be disappointed. Range in price from $4.50 to $15.00. See our Center Window this week for Comfortables. a o i Special BARGAINS in Dress Goods DURING THIS WEEK. - Choice lot of Mixed Goods Regular 25c Special Yio, Special lot of English Checks............... .....Regular 16c Special 10c t o t J t i o ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. i a t r JbAorL x M AY b MASON FRUIT REDUCED TO Pints, 55c per doz Quarts, 65c per doz 1-2 gal, .90c per doz -AT- MAIER & BENTON The Dalles. What's the Matter with your Tire? DTJ-SOC Will Make It Hold Wind. One can of Du-Sock; Tire full of air; No more blue talk No more swear. MAYS & CROWE. Sole Agents Ifaep Oat the pies. SCREEN WIRE, SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS. Now in Stock. New Styles and IiOWPrices. Odd Sizes made to order on Short Notice. JOS. T. PETERS & CO The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Weather Forecast. Portland. Sept. 22, 1896. Fob Eastern Orkoon Tonight and tomor row fair and stationary. Pague. Observer. TUESDAY, SEPT. 22, 1896 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random Observation and Local Events of Lesser Magnitude. Heppner is to have a ladies McKinley ciud. The McKinley clab has almost reached the 400 murk. A great number of wheat teams came in trday from Sherman county. Mr. Ieenberg of Hood River will ad drees the' McKinley Club of 8-Mile on Saturday evening, Sept. 26th. Every body invited. - The force at Herrick's cannery has been reduced- to about sixteen, the sal mon run having become lighter in .the past few days. The mining boom near Stevenson has fallen through. Even the tuneful lyre of Sullivan, "the wild Irishman," has quit the business. Mr. W. A. Kirby, the Third street grocery man, kindly remembered The Chronicle force yesterday with a lus cious watermelon. There are a number of cows in town which are erroneously of the belief that The Dalles is yet the meadow of the old Laughlin homestead. . Remember the political speaking Thursday night at the court house by Hon. H. W. Craven of Seattle and Hon. H. L. Wilson of Seattle. Horace Campbell, chief engineer of the D. P. & A. N. Co. was up yesterday taking measurements for a new steering gear, which is soon to be attached to the Regulator. Mr. F. F. Foster, a veteran river man, brought up 2000 ties on her scow, which he is unloading at the old O. R. & N. incline, having constructed a gangway and using a horse and cable. Mrs. Mattie Brown, who made a com plaint against ber husband in this city a few weeks ago for non-support, is in Portland soliciting aid from the public to on to New Haven. Conn. : also for her meals and lodging. An accident was narrowly averted tbe other night between a bicyclist and a farmer's wagon, which approached the same corner from different directions at - a. high rate of speed.. As it was the rider was thrown from his wheel in an effort to save himself and tbe wheel was slightly injured. - '.; Mr. Winans' ledge of building stone is but twelve miles from the town of Hood River, instead of twenty-five, as stated the other day in The Chbonicxx He has surveyed a practicable route for a narrow guage railway to it, and some time in the futuie it will be a valuable addition to tbe resources of Wasco county. . - Mr. Henry L. Wilson of Spokane, who will epeak at the courthouse Thnreday evening, is a brother of Senator John L. Wilson of Washington, and has a repu tation for being one of tbe best all-around political organizers of that state. The Oregonian today contains an interview with him a column in length, which we would be glad to publish if space per mitted. He talks very encouragingly of the situation. News comes from Butter creek that a vine is again springing up that has caused considerable trouble at different times. It is said the seed comes with the alfalfa seed, which has been pro cured from Salt Lake. The peculiarity of the weed is that when above the ground it will leave the root and cling to any vegetation that' may be near, from whith it draws its sustenance. Geo. Watson was relieved of the ac cusation against him and tbe charge1 of obtaining money under false pretenses by being declared insane at tbe court house today, Dr. Kane conducting tbe examination. . Watson is a reputable citizen 60 years of age, and a property holder of considerable amount. So far known he has always previously borne a good character. Last night, at the residence of Mr. L. Young, a permanent musical club was organized by the members of Fern Lodge, D. of H. This organization will be known as the "Werlin Glee Club."" The name is in honor of E. Werlin, G. M. W. of Oregon, who' united with Fern Lodge, D. of H., while visiting in our city last -week. The club will meet every week 'and will be an attraction to the lodge. Mr. J. C. Crandall will be mu sical director. . v It is reported that most of the able- bodied population of Umatilla these days is engaged in the search for Indian arrowheads, such as adorn the primeval implements of warfare and were "tipped with flint and with feather," says the Grant County News. The recent sand blizzard which swept along tbe shores of the Columbia has uncovered many of these arrowheads, and they are supposed to be especially numerous on the site of the old Indian battlefield near Umatilla. In fact, this is about the only place where the relic-hunter considers it profitable to turn his attention. Many arrowheads have been picked up in this locality. They are made of flint and are of various designs and structure. Little Emma Nelson's Find. Mr. John Short came up from the Su sanville country last night, says the Milton Eagle, and relates that a short time ago little Euiuia Nelson picked up a small piece of quartz while at play on the hillside above her parents' house. The little tot carried her find to her mamma and sagely remarked that she believed it contained gold. Her mamma laughed at her and thought nothing more of the matter until evening, when the father returned home, and Emma lugged forth her find and exhibited it to him. .His, experienced eye quickly caught indications of the precious metal, and securing a hammer to crush the quartz, be found on closer examination that a solid bar of gold extended through the entire piece. Mr. Nelson separated the gold from the quartz and cleaned up $75. . The result of little Emma's find will be invested in a secure place at interest on til she is of age, when tbe principal and accruing interest will be given her. The child mentioned above is the same who was lost for a whole week last July, in the mountains back of Susanville, of which village her father "is postmaster, and was found several miles from home tired and hungry, but uninjured. She was evidently born under a lucky star. Locks Complete November 15th. ' terday, United States Attorney Murphy consenting. ' The Freight Wreck. Colonel J. G. Day says work on the new lock in the canal at the Cascades is progressing satisfactorily. : The south wall is completed, and' the north wall will be finished within the time speci fied, and the locks will doubtless be opened by' November 15th. Last Sun day the steamer Sadie B., which bad come down through the locks, and on to this city, returned to the Cascades and entered the lower lock. On her way up-, in passing around Sheridan point, just below the locks, she ran on a rock, which, owing; to the river having fallen three feet since she passed down, was too near the surface. ' She had impetus enough . to drive her over the rock, but plunged ber nose well under as she cleared it. Colonel -Dav says be will have anti-friction rollers put on her bot tom before be comes down again. Oregonian, Real Estate Transfers. 1 True Worth Xs In Being, Not Seeming. Many odd jokes can be adapted to the present political situation, as for exam ple: ..'.- Mr. Goldman If you call a dog's tail a leg how many legs has the dog? Mr. Silverman Five. - Mr. Goldman Wrong. ' , Mr. Silverman How so? Mr. Goldman Because calling a dog's tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. - - (Exit Mr. Silverman scratching that soft part of his head in which had lodged the absurd notion that calling fifty-three cents worth of silver a dollar would make it a dollar.) . Ripe tomatoes for eatsnp ,v entsper pound at Dalles Commission Co. sl4-2w The wreck .which occurred the other day near Grants came near proving the last of Joseph Earhart, or "Bull Run Joe," as he is familiarly called by train men. He escaped death it would seem by a miracle. He was hardly aware of the danger until he was thrown in some unaccountable way to the tank of the engine, which sloughing around,cast him in front of a freight car. The freight car ploughed its way through the sand, roll ing him along in front of it and almost burying him. Four cars followed and piled up on top of him, jje was pulled out of a space so small that" seemed im possible a much smaller inaa than Joe could occupy. ' Though' he sustained some severe bruises, about the face and body, he fortunately came out with no broken bones and no serious injury. Our informant was wrong the other day in stating this was Earbart's first intro duction to a railway ' accident, as this makes the third for him. The fireman escaped by jumping. The cause of the wreck was an accumulation of sand on the track. Mrs. Poormau's Missionary Work. Mrs. Martha Poorman is the name ofv a highly respected old lady who for years has baen doing as much good for the prohibition cause as it is possible for her to accomplish. She never tires "of her missionary work, which she.' propo- gates in her own way. This is" by dis tributing small tracts, containing brief articles of her own composition, which she has caused to be printed in the city. She has distributed thousands of theee in tbe past several years. The one moat familiar is the one upon tobacco, whicb she gives to everyone she observes smoking a pipe or chewing tobacco. Since the campaign has opened she has attached to this one with flour paste made of cold water a tract of similar sire, urging the recipient to "come out of the old parties to the Lord's side, and vote only for good pure men. who will make and enforce good laws." The per sistence of the old lady in the cause of ber adoption entitles her to great re spect,' which she undoubtedly receives. Geo A Lindsay to W E Newcomb, par eel of land in sec 34, tp 3 n r 10 e ; $900. Mary A McHaley and A J McHaley to W J, Harnman, sw qr ne qr, w bt se qr e hf sw qr w hf sw qr sec 16, nw qr sec 21, tp 1 s r 13 e ; $4000. Deborah A Vroman- to Chas A Cra mer, w hf" sw qrr se qr aw qr, sec 18, tp 2 n r 12 e ; $1 and other good and valua ble considerations.' - , ' M H and L F Burdoin to M E Hard wick, lot H blk 2, Ft Dalles Mil. Reserve ; $250. " "- , Sheepmen Oe Free,, The criminal suits brought " by the United States against Messrs Brogan, Stewart, King and Gabel, for trespass ing on thtprCascade reserve by driving and pasturing sheep there, were dis missed in the United Stntes.'Coart yes- Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. When you mant to bay Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley, Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Or anything n the Feed Line, go'to the WASCO : WAREHOUSE. Our prices are low and our goods are firet-claes. Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER- Sucees8or to Chriaman St Corson. " FULL, LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old Btasd. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. School Books Sn DDI JL X les. Jacobson Book & Music Co. No. 174 Second Street, .. ITe-w Vogt Block, . .The Dalles, Oregon. CFIEAH3 mm Most Perfect Made. 40 Years tbe Standard. X- VAUSB, DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in WALL PAPER. WALL, PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and' PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands of J. W. MASURY'-S PAINT8 used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. 4 .. . - Store and Paint Shoo corner Third and Washington Sts.. The Dalles. Ore'ao