The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 21, 1896, Image 2

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of The Dalles-
We are showing a splended line of Spring and Summer
Suitings at lower prijces than can be obtained elsewhere.
'.- No need to patronize foreign firms employing Chinese
labor. Our garments are made on the premises by
skilled workmen. ' - ,
Perfect Fit Guaranteed.
78 Second Street.
Dalles Imploymetyt epey
A "business of making known opportuni
ties for labor and 'supplying ip
- ' . . - ..." , "-j S - . . . , v '
Do yoQ wont a partner, a clerk, an employe, ekilled or unskilled laborers of
any kind? . Leave your application. arid we will undertake to suit yon in the short
est possible time. The Agency has a perfect system' of communication between
Portland, Astoria, Pendleton and other coast towns, and in conversant with all
needs. Information solicited from anydne requiring help and all responsible par
ties desiring situations. Office over Melnerny's. ... Bulletin board on eidewalkv"
The Great Resources of the Pacific Northwests Agri
culture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Mines, Manufactures Ma
chinery, Transportation, Trade and Commerce will be repre
sented more completely than-ever before. ,
The Dalles Safly Chronicle,
The only Republican Daily Newspapet
Wasco County. - -
SEPT. 21. 1696
Our Popocratic cotemporary , re
fers to the statement of & prominent
sheepman of this count', recently
made, that he will raise no sheep
next year If Bryan is elected, as an
'idle threat," and proceeds to in
quire : "If capital is drawn out of
active employment by the election of
Bryan, where will it go to? Will it
seek investment in other countries
where profits are less, or will it be
locked up in safe deposits for the
next four years, there to lie idle and
earn its owner nothing?''
This question has been frequently
presented, but we have not-before
known as intelligent an authority as
the Mountaineer to consider it worth
asking. Bryan asks it-over and over
again, but he does it to fool people
who give the subject no thought.
The particular capital of our par
ticular sheepman will not go out of the
country, unless perchance all or a por
tion of the capital he has been using
belongs to someone in Europe, as is
the case with some of the capital
used in Wasco county by sheepmen.
If it is owned in Europe, it will be
recalled and will not again be em
ployed here to give employment to
labor. If he owns all the capital in
vested, not the usual case with men
engaged in any larse industry, this
particular capital will not go out of
the country nor lie idle ; but may be
used elsewhere to fill the place of
other capital, which will certainly go
out of the country. There is today
a considerable amount of capital used
in Wasco county which is owned in
Europe, not by corporations or banks,
but by individuals. This will cer
tainly be called home. The Oregon
Mortgage Company, the Northern
Counties Investment Trust, and per
haps a dozen other money, lending
corporations, also have money loaned
in this and adjoining counties.
These loans will be withdrawn as soon
as practicable. The withdrawal of
this and other capital for the same
condition exists in all the states west
. of the Mississippi will cause a scar
city of money with which to carry on
; the business in which it was invested ;
the rates of interest will increase, and
the capital now used in Wasco county
by this sheepman will find employ
ment elsewhere, or in some other line
of business which can pay a rate of
interest higher than the profits of
sheep raising.
But, says the Bryen'man, the bor
rower of this foreign capital can
. borrow the silver that is to be coined.
The silver is not now coined, and
enough to fill the place of this foreign
capital could not be in time to aid this
industry. The rate of interest will
not fall, but is more likely to rise;
silver will be depreciated, -as most
men, even among the silverites, ad-
vmit, and a man will have to pay ten
per cent for money less valnable
than the gold he is now using. Nei
ther farming nor sheep raising will
warrant it. , .
The result, as we view it, will be a
contraction in business; a lessening
of business enterprises, and conse
quently a diminution in demand-for
labor. ' Y- -. -.' -
the issue ot slavery was dispbsed of,
finds an opponent in Wm. J. Bryan.
He teeks to conceal this opposition
under a new issue or what he claims
is a new issue. As a matter of fact
it is tbe same issue as that which the
American people voted down, by an
overwhelming majority in 1868. At
that time the declaration, of the
Democrats was: "Where the obliga
tions of the government da not ex
pressly state upon their face, or the
law under which they were issued
does not provide that they shall be
paid in coin, they ought, in right
and in justice, to be paid in-thie Law-
rvt money of the United-States.
One currency for the government
and the people, the laborer and the
office holder, the pensioner and the
soldier, the producer and the bond
holder." The same arguments were
then made for a - depreciated cur
rency ; the same attempts were then
made to excite the prejudices of the
people -against capital arid capitalists;
the same denunciation of men who
have saved a competence from a life
of active labor, and who have their
savings invested in securities ; the
same senseless harangue about "Brit
ish gold," as are now being- made by
Bryan. The same arguments were
then used, although there - was no
"crime of 1873" to point to and use
as a scapegoat. The Republicans
denounced repudiation then, as it has
now, and carried the election by s
majority of 111 in the electoral col
lege and a large popular majority,
just as it will in 189C.
Every principle that Republicans
have worked and fought for since
Popocrats will get small consola
tion from the position of Hoke Smith.
Before the Chicago convention he
denourced the free coinage of silver,
and in a speech at Dalton, Ga., Sat
urday he declared that his financial
views were unchanged. He will
probably not be invited by Chair
man Jones to take the stump outside
his own state. . -Y
The removal of the loose rocks
upon ttre mam streets or our city
would be highly appreciated by every
bicyclist and every other person who
uses the streets. A few days of hobo
labor, properly directed, would do
the business, and our street com mis
sioner would thereby confer a great
favor upon a long-time and badly
jolted community.
If gold goes to , a premium of
twenty per cent,- every man who
borrows to meet obligations made
under a gold standard will have to
borrow $120 for every $100 he has
to pay. In other words, he will, in
effect, be paying- twelve per cent for
Capital to meet his obligations made
under the gold standard. " ;' .
Dissolution 24otlc
JVIAIiT mQU ohs ,
CClines and Gig ar?s.
on draught
and in, uottles.
Anneusef-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic
beverage, unequaled as a tonic, - y , r "
Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at C, F, Steph
ens.' ; Intermediate prices up to $4.50.
V Y Y Y i'Y.' .
Is all O. F. Stephens asks for a servicea
ble suit of MENIS CLOTHING. .The
best Black Diagonal for, $12.00.
. Ah elegant assortment of
1896 styles just received,
a part"ot which may be
seen in enow window.
Remember, all these" goods are latest made, warm, serv
iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap
proached in The Dalles. Y- ; -Y Y y . .
(irioi Iiisiiial Ensilii
Opens Sept. 19th.
Closes Oct. 17th.
Grand Band Concert Every Afternoon and Evening.
Itomest Hates Ever' fllade on all Transportation Lines.
For exhibit space, apply to GEORGE L. BAKER, Superintendent, at the
Exposition Building. Y E. C. MASTEN, Secretary.
DDrJRBIiE, SMSTflflTIAIi, OrftfllflEflTflli.
- Cost only twice as much as wooden' walks, and will last
forever. One should surround every blcck in the city.
Make a specialty of laying Cement Walks, and guaran
Y - Y tee their work.' , Estimates of cost furnished on appli-.
. cation to the above.
Cascade Watm Springs Hotel
Board and Room per da v
Board and Room per week
........ ......$1.25
r.00 and 8.00
...... ...25c each
For Particulars Address
274 Taylor Street, ; - - - aug7-dylmo
IVtO Jb "J? Jbi"A"A
175 Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon
&Conntry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. ,
1 The Dalles, Oregon,
. President.
. Cashier.
This institutioruwill be re-opened for the re-
ceptlon oi boarders and day pupils ou -
Monday, September 7tn, 1896.
. ' .
Parents and guardians are kindly requested to
be prompt in sending their daughters or wards
at the beginning of the Bession that all may en
Jov the lull benefit of proper classification. .
The classes are divided into five grades the
Primary, Junior, Preparatory, Senior and Gradu
ating. Those who are desirous of acquiring a
thorough business education have all the facili
ties lor so doing. Book-keeping, Stenography,
Typewriting and Telegraphy are taught at the
regular rates. :
The Musical Department affords special oppor
tunities to acquire a -knowledge of the Piano,
Organ, Violin, Zither, Mandolin and Guitar.
Thorough Bass and Harmony taught according
to the most approved methods. - ;"
Vocal Music, in classes, German, French, and
dU kinds of Plain and Ornamental Needlewoak
taught free of charge.
. In the Studio, lessons are given in Pastelle,
Oil, Metallc, Mineral and Water Colors, and in
Crayon, including Portraiture. .-
The attention of parents Is called to this pop
ular branch of the institution, which is under
the supervision of a -competent teacher. Boys
attending this tchool will receive 1 rat-class in
struction in the brancheS'taught. . -.
For further particulars and rates of tuition, apr
ply at the Academy or adoress
septl-lmo , SISTER SUPERIOR.
. - -' : -- - . - ,
first Rational Bank.
A General- Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, stibjct to Sight '
Draft or Check. '
Collections made and -proceeds promptly
. remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
INew York, ban H rancisco aac
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schbkck.
Ed. M. Williams, .Geo. A. Liebs.
U. M. BsAiJi,.
; Money Loaned, v
First mortgages on Improved property nego
tiated. -
We are prepared to negotiate first morteaees
upon improvd -farms in Oregon, Washington
ana lanno witn eastern parties ana tareign cap
italists at tbe usual rate of Interest. Mortgages
renewed that have been taken by other compa
nies now out oi Dusiness.- Aaaress (witn s mj)
.. Mkbvik Swabtz,
JnU6-tf . ' . ; :. ( Baker City, Or.
Administrator's Sale.
- The partnership heretofore existing
between J. C. Meins and J. W. Koontz,
in the f rait drying business, is this day
dissolved by " mutual consent,. J. W.
Koontz buying J. C. Meina' interest in
Tne Dalles Fruit Dryer" "plant, end be
will pay nil bills against Jhe firm and col
lect all accounts due.
Y -' . J. C. Meins,
Y. J. W. Koontz.
The Dalles, Aug. 12, 1896. - ; e2wJ
- Trea8urt!,s Call. '
" All warrants registered prior to J'uly
9, 1892, will be paid at my office next
door to T. A. Hudson's office, Washing
ton. : street. ,. Interest ceases after this
date. . - Y
The Dalles, Or., Aug. 13, 1896. x ;
C. L. Phu.lipb,
" ' ' - Treasurer.
. Female Help Wanted.
Wantbi Bed-beaded girl 'and '.white
horse to deliver premiums given '' away
with Hoe Cake Soap. Apply to any
where. '. : Y '
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order made and eutered in the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Wasco county, in the
matter of the estate of Phoebe M. Dunham, de
ceased, directing me to sell the real property
belonging to said estate to satisiy the urn aid
expenses of administration and claims against
the estate, 1 will, on the 10th day of October,
1896) at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. at the court
house door in Dalles City, Oregon, tell to the
highest bidder lor cash in hand, that certain
parcel of land described as follows: 334 feet
wide and 100 fe. t long off tbe east side of lot 11
in block 6 of Laugblin's Addition to Dalles City,
Oregon. - - - A. R. THOMPSON,
Administrator of estate of Phoebe M. Dunham,
deceased. . . . scptu U
. Notice to . Ta xpayers. .
The County Board of Equalization will meet
in the assessor's office on Monday, October 5tn,
and continue in session one week, for tbe pur
pose of equalizing the assessment of Wasco
eonnty for 1896. All taxpayers who have not
been Interviewed by the assessor will please call
at the office on Thursdays, Fridays and Satur
days, as all property must be assessed.
. F. H. WAKEFIELD,-.'- -
Sept 13-iI .- County Assessor.
JTor Kent. .
A suite of rooms,' nicely" furnished,
suitable for two students, centrally lo
cated below- tbe bluff.; " For ; particulars
inquire at The Dalies Commission Co. 'a
store. . . aug31-lm
Meals at AH Hours
Front 6 a. m. to 10 p. m.
Boards $3 to $4 per week
at Mrs. C. Neison & Co.'s.
Steam Wood Saw.
- Wood Sawed by the Champion Wood
Saw,: every other day Monday , Wednes
day and Friday during September., ..
Leave orders at Blagden- & Morris1
Blacksmith Shop on; Third Street. -
Otto Birgfeld is .now ready to supply
amilies with the celebrated Gambrinus
keg 6r .bottle ,beer, .delivered ' free '. of
charge to any pert ot the city. Tele-
phone 34. ; Y ' '.
- -
tr-i f-i
.1 s
. P CD
so 3
'"1 3t
02 O
a on
I .
1?1TiA: WinACI Y T 1A11AT1C1 OHfl HllPnPCt
" .-'V.. "' ." . 1 .
soLe a sent fob the - '
Celebrated Gambrimis Beer.
Leave your orders for
Dressed Chickens, ish,
Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs,
Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds,
Corner Second and "Washingtpn Sts.
11 There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood
,;Y leads on to fortune"
. ; . ; :
The poet unquestionably had , reference to the
of F mil re and Ga
Who kre selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates
Closing Out Sale
Kill or catch those
Only 5c a Double Sheet at v
Dnnnpir?; Drup-store.