C-V-J TURNING GRAY j AND THREATENED WITH BALDNESS The Danger is Averted by TJeing AVER'S HAIR VIGOR "Nearly forty . years ' ago, after some weeks -of sickness, my hair turned gray ami began falling out bo rapidly that I was threatened " with immediate baldness. Hearing Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of, I commenced using tliis prepara- mm tion, and was so well satisfied with the result that I have never tried any other kind of dressing. It stop ped the hair from falling out, stimu lated a new growth of hair, and kept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my hair of good., natural color. I never hesitate to recommend any of Ayer's medicines to my friends." Mrs. II. M. Haigiit, Avoca, Neb. -. -'- Ayer's Hair Vigor PIIKPABED nv . DR. J. C. AVER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A., Ayer's Sarsaparilla Jtvmtrres 1'iinplcm W ANTED German orSwede girl to jro In the co Hi try. Good home and good wages Che year around. Dalles Employment office,- - WANTED Situation by young lady of good address, as clerk either in book storn or dry Roods honse. The Dalles Employment office. . WANTED Work for man and team, with or without wagon, near town. Inquire cor ner Second and Court streats, un stairs. GIRL To do general housework. - Inquire The Dalles Employment Agency. DRESSMAKING Two girls to learn dress making. Dalles Employment Agency. . WANTED-Ladies or gentlemen wanting sit uation should leave their address with The Dalles Employment Agency. Telephone 309, lock Box 230. Over Mclnery's. THE DALLES EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Male or Female help -furnished on short no jtice. Lock Box 250, Tel. 309. Over Mclnery's. . l,ost. A gold ring, from which a heart-shaped set has been lost, and broken in two on the back. .Finder will please leave same at this office and . receive suitable reward. PERSONAL MENTION. "MrB. Newman left tbia Portland. afternoon for Mrs. Andrews the Locke. left this morning for Mrs. Ella Urban of Portland is visit ing with Mrs. E, J. Young. Mrs. Kate J. Young, paet grand chief D. of H., lett for Portland this morning.. Mrs. N. M. Eastwood ' left for the Locks this morning, to remain for some time. . Miss Bss French left today for Cali fornia, A blare she will enter Stanford Univeritv. , Mrs. Flora Baesonl went to Mosier this afternoon, where she has been en gaged for a school. BORN, At Portland, Or., Sept. 15th, to the wife of Valentine W. Tomkins, (Cascade JLocks; a daughter, i THE CHURCHES- Lutheran services at the First Baptist church,' L. Grey pastor Morning ser vice at 10 o'clock i German service in the afternoon at 2 :30 ; Sunday schbol at 3:30; evening service at 7;30. Christian cbnrch, Key. A. D. Skapgs pastor Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 ' p. ra. Subject of morning sermon, "Why . we observe the first day of the week." Evening sermon, "The estab lishment of the church." Everybody welcome. Methodist church. Rev. J. H. Wood t pastor Services for tomorrow as fol lows:! Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 -'-p. m. by the presiding elder, J. R. War ner; Love Feast at 10 a. m.; admin istration of the Lord's Supper following the morning sermon ; Sunday school at 12:20 a. m.; meeting of the Epworth League at 6 :30. All are invited. At the .Congregational church San day's services as follows: At 11 a. ' m,. worship and a sermon. There will be no evening service. Sunday schofrl im mediately after the morning, service. Meeting of the Christian Endeavor So - ciety at 60 . Topic. The Need of Hopse Missionary Work; Is. liii:l-12. All persons not worshipping elsewhere are cordially invited. - .. ... . County Bills. Allowed at the September tertn of the county court:. v DrCM Slay back, medical ser- ' "' vices .'. s.'.'.ii. . .$ 25 00 Reufert & Condon, phone rent. . . 3 00 J T Peters & Co. lumber. '.. 20 57 O T & T Co, messages; . . . . ..... 1 65 Jacrtbnen Book & Music Co, pup. 7 8a E C.Maddock, 8heritf Clackamas countv, eer criminal action. . .'. 25 75 F A Wakefield, assessor.! .. 476 00 Dalles City Water Works, rent. .'. 11 45 Pred Williams; sprinkling street . . ,6 00 A S Blowers & Co, mdse 5 15 BF Tucker, lumber..'....-.-. .... 12 91 Glass & Prudhomme, supplies for ' sheriff's office ' .... 55 60 T J Driver, board -prisoners, etc. . ' 91 69 Al Reynolds; eonstable lees. 10 00 W CGrearer," Witness fee9 150 Isaac Lake, ' do do . 3 00 Ike Elshire, do do . 1 50 J Burns, . . do do -. . .... ; 1 50 J A Harper, do , " do . .; .1 50 J E Graham, do : do. 2 . . . '. - 150 f ISrickeon, do . do ..... .. . 1 50 Fred Fisher, supplies pauper., i. 5 00 A Sandrock, labor y. . . .2 00 J H A Id rich, justice fees 6 55 A M Barrett, constable fees. .... . - o 10 M H Elderman, witness. ........ :;2 00 H H Weston, . do ...... .'. 2 78 L Harper, : do ........ 2 70 H Harper, do .'. 2 70 Jas Gaston, do, . 2 70 Chas Clark, -do . . . ., 150 J H Douthit, do 1 50 F Zimmerman, constable fees. . . 3 40 F N Hill, do do . .. 2 70 S C Freedman, do ,-. do ; 3 40 C Humbert, do do . .. 3 40 Emel Hockler, do ' do . . 3 40 FVVLSkibbe, ; do do... 170 A 8 Cathcart, ' do ' do . . 3 40 Geo Sandman,: .do - do... 3 40 Chan Bagley, do do . . . 3 40 J M Filloon, jastice fees. .-. ...... " 13 95 b JN Hill, constable fees. . 8 80 C C Schmidt, juror fees. 1 00 i it, JLytie, do do 1 00 John Gates, do - do - 1 00 C W Phelps, do do .......... 1 00 J E Barnett, do' do 1 00 W A Kirby, do do .... 1 00 Maggie Bonman, witness fees .- 3 20 T Drew, .; do-' : do ..." 3 20 Jennie McCoy, 'do do. .."..'. 3 20 Jas Blaketrey, . - do do . 1 70 Julias Wilev, ' do . do .... 3 20 Frank Clark, "'. do . do.:.. 3 20 E Hardwick. do do '3 20 J M Filloon, justice fees'. '. 11 05. FJS Hill, constable fees 8 00 Geo Keller, k do ' do -. 1 70 Jos Woodicka, do . do;.:.....: ' 1 70 Lillian Anderson, Jo 170 T J Driver, do do .....170 H Maety, do' do 170 L F Eickens, do do..... 170 H Winters, do- do . . 1 70 Win Groler, do do ......... 170 Stockmen's Union, ' bounty on wild animals. ....... 49 00 G W Phelps, dist atty fees ...... 40 00 T J Driver, salary.:..'. 216 6 tl JLogan, prof services. . ; i . .. 33 00 Wm Michell . burial pauper . . . : . 40 00 J C Wingneld, viewing road. . . . ... 200 J M Huntington, work on roads. '500 00 C F Mitchell, suptdist No 9. . . . . 53 00 O R & N Co, fare pauper '. 3 30 Gunning & Hockmaa, labor. .... 2 50 John Sweney, care pauper. 5 60 a a Biowers, services com, ,.d . . . n au D S Kirueey, services com.l. 23 00 D S Kimsey, road work 100- 00 John E Woodson, typewriter.... . 80 00 - . ' Died. "V- " ' ' Major. P.' Gallagher; formerly Indian agent at' , Fort . Hall, died at Warm Springs . agency on Sept. 10th at 5 :20 a m. of heart disease. He was a native of Ireland, coming to Virginia in 1852, and served in the 45th Virginia regiment nnder Stonewall Jackson. He came to Warm Springs agency about the middle of June, and has been in- poor health ever since his arrival.. His body was brought to this city' this morning, and will be taken to Pocatello tonight, whete his family-now are. . ' . Dissolution Notice. ' . . The partnership ' heretofore existing between J. C. Mevnr and J. W. Koontzf In.tbe fruit drying business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent,. J. W. Koontz buying J. C. Meins' interest in "The Dalles Fruit Dryer": plant, and tre will pay all bills against the firm and col lect all accounts due. - "- ' ' -" . J. C. Mkixs, ' - .'J. W. Koontz. . The Dalles, Aug. 12, 1896.7 . s2w Treasurer's Call. All warrants registered prior to July 9, 1892, will be paid at roy office next door to T. A. Hudson's office, Washing ton street.- Interest ceases after this date. '. "' . ". .-.. -; . The Dalles, Or., Ane. 13, 1896. ' '..- ; : C. L.'Pmixirs, V? - " Treasurer. . ' ; . ..... . ... Fruit Wanted- .' -. :; ' At The Dalles fruit drier to dry. on shares or wilt buy "Having" employed an experienced man to do the drying, I can guarantee satisfaction" and good fruit. . .: Joel Koostz. Leave orders ait The Dalles .Commis sion Co.'s store for dressed, chickens. Telephones 128 and ,255. -Ring 'em up. " ,. . " - " sll-dlm- .Miss Newmarij teacher'of piano forte, bas resumed teaching her class at ' her residence, corafer of Fourth and Union streets. ...-'-". - ?sl2-dlw. ! -. Help Wanted Male. Wanted Solicitors for campaign book "Bry an, Bewail and ' Free - Silver," - authorized by Bryan, written by K. L. Metcalf, editor Omaha World-Herald,- appointed author by Bryan. Contains speeches and platform. A bonanz for seen to, a free silver .mine for workers. Only - x uo uujv .nubavnzeu dook. ou per enc. Lreun Kiveii. r reitsot psia. uumi tree, jsegin now with choice of territory. Permanentprof itable work for '96.. Address, The .National Book Concern, Star Building, Chicago. - ' . ..- .- ang9-lm'' I BATTLE AX PLUQ Off for a Six if3 No matter how much you are charged for a small piece of - other brands, the chew is no better than "Battle Ax' For 10 cents you get almost twice as much as of other high grade goods Lumber, Building Traded forr Hay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c ROWE&CO., The highest WMM) tobaccos is " Just as good as Durham."' Every old ' smoker' knows there is none just - as good as - : ' - mm mm v FT a' "TF You will find one each two ouace pons jns;ue mw1) bag or Biackwcll s Durnatri. Buy a bag of this cele brated tobacco and read the coupon which eives a list of valuable presents and iow PREPARATIONS FOB" The Great OF NOVEMBEE 3 ABE ALRJADY DNDEE WAY. A NEW ' . . President of : the United States ; . r .." ' IS TO BE ELECTED. AND THE , ' . NEW, YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will, as always, be ioand in the thickest of the fight, battling vigorously for sound uuoincca iiiivipm, wiiiitii win urifiK iirifit; pruspentv io ins auon. The New York WEEKLY : TKIBUNE ' is not'only the leading Bepublican paper oi me conniry, one is pre-eminently a national family newspaper. - : -. Its campaign nfews and diacuseiooa will interest everv American citizen. AU. the news of the day, foreign correspondence, agricultural department, market "reports, short stories complete in each number, comic pictures, fashion plates with, elaborate descriptions, and a variety of items of household interest, make npan ideaf family paper. We ' famish the "Semi-Weekly Chronicle and new x orK lVeetly-xrioDDe. (botn'papere), ' r GASH IN ADVANCE. The regtilar subscription price of tbe two papers Is 2.75. 8ubscr!p floDB mar befrln at any time. Address sll order to Chronicle Pub. Co. Write yo'r us me and ad aresson a posmi cara. sena i w uea w. test, sample copy of The New York Weekly Tribune Months' Trip. Material and Boxes . The Dalles, Oregon claim for other CSSUDD coupon inside bag, and two cott S.-f 1, caca iour ounce tf mm Battle Koom x riDune ttuiunng, new xorK i;iS7, ana wi)l be mailed to jou. . None But Ayer's at the World's Fair. .' Ayer'a Sarsaparilla enjoys the extra ordinary distinction of having been the only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at the world's fair, Chicago. Manufact urers of other, sarsapurillas sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they were all turned away under the application : of the rule for bidding the entry of patent- medicines and J nostrums. The decision of ' the world's fair authorities in favor of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla was in .effect as follows: Ayer'a Sarsaparilla is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to the list of nostrums.' ' . It ia here on its merits." Free nils. ''.Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co;, Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and ate particu larly effective in the care of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaiuaoie. xney are guarrenteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious eub- stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels great ly invigorate the system. Regular size 25 cents per box. - Sold by Biakelev & Hough tion, Druggists. 4 Save the wkappeks Hoe Cake Soap wrappera are worth a cent apiece. Ask Pease & Mays for premium book. jly24-i ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. n s Pull roan Eleg.ent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS DDLCTH MBGO : OK AMD 'CORKS CBOOR8ION , WISNIFXO HELENA and BUTTE Through Tickets CHICAGO , ' j- . ... WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NE W YORK BOSTON AND A 1.1. POINTS EAST and SOUTH For information, time cards, maps and tickets, cal on or write to . . . , W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255, Morrison Cor. Third. Portland, Oregon TTTTi , Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co Glass. Etc. . 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OR RIPANS The modern stand ard Family , Medi cine : Cures - the common every-day ills of hunianity. Drug Paper "Tie Regulator Line' Tte Dalles. Portland and Astoria " Navigation Co. THROUGH eipltanoasseierLliie Thronsrh Dailv TriDS (Sundava ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer iteguiator leaves The Dalles at 8 a. m.. connecting at tbe Cas cade Locks with . Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak 8t-cet -dock) at 7 a. m., connect ing witti Steamer Rejrmator for The' Dalles. , . e flgKNUEB TtATKa.' One way ...2jOO 3.0(1 Round trip... Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with- out delay at Cascades. i Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for v. ay landings must be delivered before 6 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Cal on or address. W. C. ALLAWAY ' General Agent THE DALLES. OREGON "- ... GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane . Denver Omaha Minneapolis St. Paul . - Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN ' 8TKAMKU8 Leave Portland Htbtt Vivo Days for SAN" FRANCISCO, CAL. For full details call on O. R. A Co.'s 'Agent Tha Dalles, at address W, H. HUELBURT, Gen. Psss. Agt Portland, Oregon E. M M EILL, President aud Manager. " . New Schedule. Effective Taesday, April 7th, the fol lowing will be the new schedule: Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4:50 a. m., and leaves 4 :55 a. m. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :40 p. m., and leaves 10:45 p. m. Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 12:05 p. m., and west-boond train No. 7 leaves at 2:30 p. m. Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers between Tbe Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing Tbe Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and ar riving at The Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con necting with train Nos. 8 and 7 from . Portland. E. E. LvrxE, Agent. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, ' FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. 3i. g-le nsr:tsi For Kent. The lower story of the Michelbach block, cor ner of Second and Union streets, now vacant, v will be rentsd on a long or short-Umo lease at reasonable figures. . Also the Michelbach garden and fruit orchard, with building's for occupation. Apply to Gconre Williams administrator of ' the Miehelbach estate - - apr3-U ;