The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 19, 1896, Image 2

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of The Dalles-
We are showing a splerided line, of Spring and Summer
Suitings at lower prices than can be obtained elsewhere.
No heed to patronize foreign firms employing Chinese
labor: Our garments are made on the premises . by
skilled workmen.
Perfect Fit Guaranteed.
The Dalles Daily Chyoniele.
The only Republican Daily Newspapei n
Wasco County. .
- SEPT. 19, 1896
The enthusiastic meeting nt the
courthcuse last evening ' indicates
that Republicans in this vicinity are
in earnest. The success of " that
meeting must not, however, be mis
leading. becuriDg :i large list or
members is a good thing; but no one
should for a moment think that this
ends the work to be done. We have
about 350 members enlisted on our
side, these members must now be
organized for active work in. their
owa and other precincts, and recruits
should be added daily to the list.
Every voter who expects to vote for
McKinley, .who has not already
united with one of the numerous Re
publican clubs in the county, should
be influenced to put his name-on one
of the club rolls and go to work. ' ,
This is a campaign in which there
is no danger of having too large a
majority. Every precinct in the
. county should be thoroughly can
vassed, and in this work our club
can and should be of great assist
ance. We have in The Dalles a
number of young men who should
be put into active campaign work.
There are many communities aray
from the railroad .which cannot be.
reached by speakers from abroad,
and these should be looked after by
our club. The time is short, the
work to be done is great, and the
result to all is of the utmost import
ance. The state of Oregon cannot afford
to take its stand with Bryan, Altgeld
Tillman and Waite, and the outcome
in this state may depend upon the
work done by the largest and strong
est political club in Eastern Oregon
the McKinley Club of The Dalles.
Senator Jones was originally an
ultra free trader. He afterward be
came an ultra-protectionist. When
asked by Hon. David A. Wells, in a
familiar conversation, what was the
cause of his conversion, he replied :
"Don't you see, David ? How could
I "ask the government to regularly
purchase our product of silver and
refuse to give the iron manufacturer
in Penn. the tariff protection which
he needs to maintain his prices ?"
Jones was one of the fellows in the
senate who recently declared that
there should be no tariff legislation
which does not provide for free coin
age , of silver. He is now, and al-waj-s
has been, an ultra-protectionist
of Jones. , , " :
It is claimed that Mexico is pros
perous because it is adding -largely
to its railroad mileage. These rail
roads are being subsidized by . the
government, and the day of account
ing will come, as if has with us. It
was all very " veil when the great
transcontinental railroads were being
built in this country to give them
aid by land grants, etc. ; the people
then favored that policy. !Now it is
the most unpopular thing our gov
ernment ever did.' Tn Tf p-virvi the
subsidy is an agreement to pay cash,
in some cases from month to month,
to continue for years. '-
Taking the average prices of labor
and commodities in 1860 at 100, the
price of labor in 1891 was 160.7. and
of commodities 92.2; that is, labor
78 Second Street.
made a gain of 60.7 per cent, and
what laborers buy with their wages
fell 7.8 jer cent. 1 From 1870 to
1891 the gain m wages was 12.9 per
cent, and the lowering in prices 30.7
per cent. '
Thos. B. Reed has done most ex
cellent service in his own state for
the party. If he ' could be induced
to spend ten days or two weeks in
California, that state would no longer
be in the doubtful column. So one
man in this country would have as
great an influence with Californiahs
as Speaker Reed.
One of our Popocratic con tempo
raries gets consolation out of the
Maine election thus: "Ii is not sur
prising that Maine cast so large a
Republican vote, because it is the
home of the brainiest man in the
Republican party.' If he had said
"men" it would have given the tiue
The weight of $1000 in standard
silver dollars is 58.92 lbs., and $34,
000 iu these dollars- will weigh a
little over a ton. The weight of
1000 in gold is 3.68 lbs.
TUe Sheep Men Victorious Thus Far.
A number of the cases of the United
States againet the sheep men, for herd
ing eheep on the "jvernment reserve,
were heard in the United States court
yesterday. In the cases argued yester
day F. P. Mays of Portland and Hunt
ington & Wilson of this city appeared
for the defendants; in the criminal
cases, in which the defendants were
charged with having committed tres
pass, the demurrers were sustained and
the informations dismissed, there ap
pearing to be- no law making the herd
ing of sheep on the reservation a crime,
the reservation not being enclosed. The
suit of the United States vs. The Tygh
Valley L. & L. S. Co., was also heard
upon the question of granting a pre
liminary injunction; but Judge Bel
linger decided not to consider the ques
tion concerning the injunction until the
final bearing. A general demurrer to
bill was argued and submitted, and
taken under advisement by the court.
Sheepmen can, with perfect safety herd
their sheep in the mountains until this
fall, and before spring the matter will
probably be definitely decided. '
Stockholders' Meeting;. .
Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the
Wasco Warehouse Company will be held
at the office of French & Co., The Dalles,
Oregon, on Wednesday, September 30,
1896, at 3:30 o'clock p. m., for the pur
pose of electing directors for the ensuing
year, and for the transaction -of such
other business as may come before the
meeting. . W. Lord, Pres.
Attest : G. J. Farley, Sec. ' 4w
The Dalles, Or., bept. 1, 1896.
low Kates Jor September 25th.
For train No. 1, Sept. 25th, and train
No. 7, same date, the O. R. & N. Co.
will sell tickets to Portland and return
at the extremely. low rate of $3.15, good
to return until Sept. 27th. '
18-dt25 V ' , E. E. Little, Agent.
: For Sale.'
A. lot of Merino sheep, (bucks) also
stock bogs and milk cows, belonging to
the estate of S. Hanser. For informa
tion inquire of Mrs. S. Hauser, at Tygh
Valley, or the" undersigned. ' . -
George A. Liebb,
8l6-diwlm - Administrator.
'.. For Sale or Trade.
For good sheep, a well-improved 30
acre farm in Southern California. For
particulars apply at this office. s7-w2
... Loiii ' .
This morning, between 8 Mile and
The Dalles, a check on Moody's bank in
favor of Fred. Drake.. Finder wilf leave
same at Moody's bank. - el8-2i
There's more clothing destroyed bv
poor soap than by actual wear aa ' the
free alkali rots them. -Hoe cake is
pure. : . j!y24-i
Dalles: mploymept epey
A business of making known opporttmi- .Vv ,
,' ties for labor and supplying .p mm ' ,
Do you wont a partner, a clerk, an employe, skilled or unskilled laborers of
any kind? Leave yonr application and we will undertake to snit you in the short
est possible time. The Agency has a perfect system of communicationbetween
Portland, Astoria, Pendleton and other coast towns, and is cbhversant with all
needs. Information solicited from anyone requiring help and all responsible par
ties desiring situations. Office over Mclnerny's. Bulletin board on sidewalk. ;
Cttines arid Cigars.
Anheuser-Busch Malt
oevei age, unequalta as a
75 cts.
ble, suit
best Black
M ; 1
Remember, all these goods are latest: made, warm, serv
iceable and fashionable, and5 at,, prices never..' before' ap
proached in The Dalles.'. V . -
175 Second Street, - The Dalles Oregon
CNVCountry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. ', ' . '
The Dalles, Oregon.
This institution will be re-openeii for the re
ception oi boarders and day juila ou .
Monday, September 7th, 1890. -
Parents anJ guardians are kindly requrctert to
bepromptln sending? their r1uugniej& or w;:ida
at the brgiinin?r of the session tht hII may en
joy the Jull benefit of proper classification.
The clases are Oivide.1 into Ave fraiies the
Piimary, Junior, Preparatory, Senior and Or.di
atlng. Those who are desirous of ncqnirii.(r a
thorough business education have all the facili
ties for so doing. Book-keeping, .tenonraphv.
Typewriting and Telegraphy are taught at the
regular latex.
The Musical Department affords special oppor
tunities to acquire a knowledge of the Piaio,
Organ, Violin, Zither, Mandolin and Guitar.
Thorough Bass a d Harmony taught according
to the most approved methods.
Vocal Music in classes, German, French, and
At kinds of Plain and Ornameutal Xeedlewoak
taught free of charge.
In the Studio, lessons are given in Pastelle,
Oil, Metalic, Mineral and Water Colors, and In
Crayon, Including Portraiture.
The attention of parents is called to this pop
ular branch of the institution, which is under
the supervision of a competent teacher. Boys
attei, ding this fchoolwiil receive ii rat-class in
struction in the branches taught.
For further particulais and rates of tuition, ap
ply at the Academy or address
beptl-lmo 818 TEK SUPERIOR.
Administrator's' Sale.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order made and eutered in the (louniv Court of
the State of Oregon for Wasco c unty, in the
matter of the estate of Phoebe M.'Iuuhain. de
ceased, directing me to sell th real property
belonging to said estttc to satisiy the nn aid
expenses of administration aud claims against
the estate, I will, on the 10;h dM- of October.
1896, at the hour of 2 o'c oek p. in. at the court
house door in Dalles City., rell to the
hltihest bidder for eash in hand, that certain
parcel of land described as follows: feet
wide and 100 fe tlona off the east Mde'ot lot 11
In block 6 of LaugbJin's Addition to Dulles C'itv,
Oiegon. A. R. THO.Ml'dO. "
Administrator of estate of 'Phoobe SI. Dunham,
; Wotice 'to Ta zpayers.
TJi e rTnnntrv TAnnil I." ..l ; ; 1 1 i
J ' iuauoiuuu "ill 111!
in the assessor's otflc on Mondav, October 5th,
and continue in session one week, for the pur
pose, of equalizing the assessment of Wawo
eounty for 1896. All taxpayers who have not
been interviewed by the assessor will please call
at the Office nn Thnnulavii i.'.IH .. . u .. .
days, as all property must be asseed.- i"
Sept 13-il County Assessor. -
Ifor Kent. . , V .' :'- .
A Btlite Of rOOmR - ninplv fnrnialisi
Snttable for two SMliiRnta. Kantmllv In.'
cated below the bluff, for particulars
inquire at The Dalles Commission Co.'a
store. , . - ; aoE31-lm
- BUSCH and
BEER lies.
Nutrine, a non-alcoholic
tonic. , -
Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph
ens.' 'Intermediate prices up to $4.50.
Is all G. F-. Stephens asks for a servicea
Diagonal for $12.00.
An elegant assortment of
1896 styles just received,
a part ot which may be
seen in snow window.
I' resident. .
4. M. PATT15B80N.
First Rational Bank..
'itMierai Banking Bnsineea traneacted
JVpositu receivd, subject to Sight
I vli m-t ion a made and proceeds promptly
ght and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
Yoj-k, San Francisco ani ort
land:. V PIREOTORS. V:
I). F. Thompson. Juo. S. Sciucnck.
Kd. M. Williams, Gko. A. Libbb. .
i ' H. M. Bbaix.
Money Loaned.
First mortgages on improved property nego
tiated. We ar prepared to negotiate first mortgages
upon Improy. d farms in Oregon, Washington
and Id .ho with eastern parties and foreign cap
italists at the usual race of Interest. Mortgage
.renewed that have been taken by other compa
nies now out of business. Address (with a amp)
,.... ': ' Mbbvin Swartz, -ju!15-tf
.. . , Baker City, Or.
Meals at All Hours
. ., From 6 a. m. to 10 p. m.
Board, $3 to $4 per" week
at Mrs C - Nelson z Co.'s.
Steam Wood Saw.
Wood Sawed by the Cbampidn.-Wbod
Saw, every other day-Monday, Wednes
day and Friday during September.
' : Leave Orders at Blagden & Morris'
Blacksmith Shop on Third Street. V .
Otto irgfeld is bow ready to supply
amilies with, the celebrated. Gambrinns
keg or bottle beer, -delivered - free' of
charge to any pert of the city . Tele
phone.' : V . : . -
Tic Omih I
Opens Sept. 19th.
The Great Resources of the Pacific Northwest. Agri
culture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Mines, Manufactures, Ma
chinery, Transportation, Trade and Commerce will be repre
sented more completely than ever before.
Grand Band Concert Every Afternoon and Eveaing.
Itooiest fetes Ever fllade on all Transportation Lines.
For exhibit space, apply to GEORGE Ii." BAKER, Superintendent, at the
Exposition Building. : E. C. MASTEN, Secretary.
DbRBIiE, SllBSTflSTIfllt, OftMEHTfllt.
, ." - . Cost only twice as much as wooden walks, and will last
forever. One should surround every block in the city.
' Make a specialty of laying Cement Walks, and guaran
tee their work. Estimates of cost furnished on appli
cation to the abover. "
Cascade Wairii Springs Hotel
Board and Room per day ..
Board and Room per week.
Baths ..
For Particulars Address T- TVT iwim
274 Taylor Street, - aug7-dylmo - - ' PORTLAND, OREGON
" . -
m ; O;
o rn
t i ri
i I ,
a g
Dressed Chickens, Fish,
Fine Dairy Butter, "Eggs,
Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds,
Corner Second and Washington Sts.
"There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood
leads on to fortune"
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Closing Out Sale of
Who are selling these goods
Kill or catch
I v.
f witn "XAIiU-LEFOOT" or "DTJTCiJiit7 LIGHT
Only 5 c a Double Sheet at ; r
Donnells Drugstore. , v
Closes Oct. 17th.
r.OOand 8.00
. ........25c each
; OTTO B1RCFELD, Prop. -
Fine Wines, Upon and Qigars.
Celebrated Gambrinns Beer.
orders for
Furniture and
out at greatly-reduced rates
-', T7NICA RT. t ;- '
those Flies