TURNING GRAY AND THBEATEKED WITH BALDNESS The Danger is Averted by Using BC MAJR 11 VSROR "Nearly forty years apo, after some weeks of sickness, my liair turned gray and began falling out BO. rapidly that- I was threatened with immediate, baldness. Heaving Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of, 1 commenced using this prepara- , S tion, and was so well satisfied with the result that I have never tried any other kind of dressing. It stop ped the hair from falling out, stimu lated a new growth of hair, and kept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. I never hesitate to recommend any of Ayer's medicines to my friends." Mrs. II. M. IIaigiit, Avoca, Neb. a a IB FRKPARKD BV DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Removes l'ii;ilva. WANTED German or Swede girl to go In the country. Good home and good wages the year around. Dalles Employment office. WANTED Situation by young lady of good address, as ch-rk either in book storn or dry goods honse. The Dalles Employment office. WANTED Work for man and team, with or without wagon, near town. Inquire cor ner Second and Court streats, up stairs. GIRL To do general house ork. The Dalles Employment Agency. Inquire DRESSMAKING Two girls to learn dress making. Dalles Employment Agency. WANTED Ladies or gentlemen wanting sit uation should leave their address with The Dalles Employment Agency. Telephone 309, Lock Box 250. Over Mclnery's. THE DALLES EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Male or Female help furnished on si ort no .tice. Lock Box 250, Tel. 309. Over Mclnery's. Lost. A gold ring, from which a heart-shaped set has -been lost, and broken in two on the back. Finder will please leave same at this office and receive suitable reward. PERSONAL MENTION, Mr. J. A, Gulliford of Dafur is in town. Mrs! S. L. Brooks left for Portland this morning. Win. Stevenson of Mosier is back from Sherman county. Mr. J. A. Waddell, supreme represen tative of the K. of P. has been in the city several days, and left for Portland this morning. W. H. Pennington, of Hartland, Wash., was in the uty today, having re turned from Sherman county, where be has been harvesting. Rev. Hawk of Goldendale was in the citv vesterdity, on his way home front Portland, where he attended the recep tion given to Bishop Cranston. Mrs. Carri Holman, grand chief D, of H., Salem, Mrs. Maggie Hoston, Junction City, and Mrs. Randall left for their homes on the Regulator this morning. Rev. J. R. Warner, the newly ap pointed presiding elder of the Methodist church in this district, arrived with his family from Ellensbnrg this morning. They will make The Dalles their borne. Rev. W. C. Curtis and wife went to Portlandbv thjia afternoon's train, to be gone until N?niBday evening. Arrange ments have peen made for the supply of the Congregational pulpit bunday morning. Leave orders at The Dalles Commis sion Co. 'a store for dreesed chickens. Telephones 128 and zoo. King .'em up. sll-dlm Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing between J. C. MeinB and J. W. Koontz, in the fruit drying business, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. J W, Koontz having J..C. Meins' interest in "The Dalles Fruit Dryer" plant, and he will pay all bills against the brm and col lect all accounts due. J.' C. Mbins, J. W. Koontz The Dalles, Aug. 12, 1896. s2w Treasurer's Call, All warrants registered prior to July 9, 1892, will be paid at ray office next door to i. a. Hudson's office, washing tET,-. ton street. Interest ceases after this date. ' The Dalles, Or., Aug. 13, 1896. , C. L. Phillips, Treasurer. County Bill. Allowed at the September term' of the county court : BOUNTY ON WILD ANIMALS. " John Cony F W Warner A S Foster J W New. D C Foley...: . Hazen Bior E Burlingame H F Woodcock W A B Campbell . . Andrew Ganger. . . . Ralph Doyls Samuel Leminger.. Tom Hennegan... E H Snodgrass . , W J Davidson Frank Johnson John Kenoworthy . M S Evans W B Bordmau L J Karris. A J Oaborn J W Russell.. . John Lininger. . . . , J W Fonoher Wm Wickman . $ Elmer Pugh ........ MISCELLANEOUS. D L Cates & Co, material for bridge. ....... .t . 7 15 20 60 9 50 1 50 2 50 5 00 7 20 9 30 1 25 ' 1 10 7 75 1 50 4 25 3 37 8 75 25 2 20 13 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 15 00 70 00 37 00 3 25 10 00 28 00 5 00 22 00 13 50 21 00 22 00 14 00 18 00 25 10 00 2 00 10 00 12 25 P A Kircheimer, Supt Diet No 19 John Cates, service on election booths '. W R Williams, conveying ballot boxes N Harris, bunting for courthouse M T Nolan, supplies for pauper . Me8ton & Dvgert, supplies tor clerk's office. . . Pease & Mavs, merchandise O T & T Co, messages Jacobsen Book & Music Co, sup plies Chronicle Pub Co, supplies supt othce : Dalles Lumber Co, wood for pau per H Herbring, supplies for pauper H Rice & Son John Donahu, balance bill ren dered :. Mays & Crowe, mdee Dalles E L Co, lights courtbouse J B Goit, surveying road W b Vanderpool, viewing road.. C H Stoughton do do . . W H Whipple. do do . . E J Glisan, coffin for pauper. . . . H H Tomlinson, lumber H Cbri8man, clerical services . . Mountain Stage Co, hauling bal lot boxes' John Evans, care pauper hd .Patterson, work on tax roll. . Pease & Mays, mdse pauper.' Irwin Hod eon Co, supplies for clerk's office. DP4AN Co, fare pauper Meston & Dygert, records clerk's office C L Gilbert, examining teachers J x JSett, do do John Gavin, do do OTA.T Co, message. U D ltoane, medical services. . . . Times-Mountaineer, publishing. Chronicle Pub Co, supplies supt office Columbia Ice Co, ice Fair Catalogues. The secretary of the fair association has requested as to say that 300 cata Jpgues have been deposited in the post office for distribution.. Should any one fail to receive one, they can be supplied by calling at the office of T. A. Hudson, or a notice through the mail to that effect will be promptly attended to by the secretary, Mr. J. O. Mack. This is the time for the farmers, ranchers, and everybody else to begin to look after the premiums offered by the association. The fair coming at the end of the Harvest Home should be, not only well patronized, and the exhibits numerous, but it should be made the holiday of the season, where mends can meet ana ex change ideas and compare results ot their labors for the year ; to renew old acquaintances and make new ones.' The farmers of this vicinity have always performed 'their full share in making our fairs of great interest , by bringing their finest exhibits to the pavilion, and much good has resulted to themselves by meeting and interchanging ideas and experiences as to-'the best methods of at taining perfection in agriculture, horti culture or stock breeding. Their ex hibits have been uniformly admired and praised by all, whether residents of the city or country. "s AdTertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un called for Sept. 19, 1896. Persons call ing for the same will give date on which they were advertised Adams, Frank Benvie, Jno Drew, Mrs Ceo D Feruell, Frank Granlund, Anna ' Grubb, Kittie Hall, E B Hadlock, Mrs Jones, Frank Moore, J L -. Perry, J K Ray, A J (2) Scott, P D Bowman, Hy Barrick, Grant Dwyer, Mrs M E Gardner, Foster . Gray, Wm H Howar, Ella Hagen, Hugh Jackson, Luella. .Tones, Ralph Norval, Wm T Robertson, Mrs J T . Simonson, MrsL Toner, C W ' Wilder, Hattie W Well's, R H ' J. A. Cbossen, P. M. Wood, Harry Miss Newman rteacher of piano forte, has resumed teaching her class at her residence, corner of Fourth and Union streets. . el2-dlw. No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes Einersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. . $ if ! ."Big as a an life For JO cents you get almost twice as much "Battle other high grade goods Before the days of u Battle Ax" consumers paid 10 cents for a small plug of the same quality Now, "Battle Ax" High est Grade, twice the quantity That's true economy Lumber, Building' Traded for Hav Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c ROWE & CO., The highest tobaccos is " Just as good as Durham." Every old smoker knows there is none just as good as US. (LOW wr mn mvmmm mm You will find eucu rao ounce pons ins.ae Buy a bag of this cele brated tobacco and read the of valuable io get PREPARATIONS FOR The Great i OF NOVEMBER 3 ABE ALREADY UNDER WAY. A NEW President of the United States NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will, as alwayB, be found in the thickest of the fight, battling vigorously for sound business principles, which will bring prinsr prosperitv to the nation. The New York WEEKLY TRIBUNE is not'only the leading Republican paper 01 me country, out is pre-eminently a national tamily newspaper. Its campaign news and discussions will interest everv American citizen. All the news of the day, foreign market reports, short stories complete plates with elaborate descriptions, and mace up an ineai lamuy paper, we iew lortc. weeKiy xriDune" (Dotn papers), ONE YER FOR ONLY $1.75, CASH IN ADVANCE. The regrnlar subscription price of the two papers la 12.75. 8ub8crip uuub mav matin nuy ume, - Aauresa aii oraers uicm uii b jxwuti cam, wdq it 10 vreo. w . Dest, sample copy oi Tbc New York Weeklr Tribune Barn Door tt' M w Ax" as you do of Material and Boxes . The Dalles, Oregon claim for other one coupon inside oag.ana two con eaca iour ounce presents and "low mem. ..-K s:,-.;A mm Battle IS TO BE ELECTED; AND THE "l correspondence, agricultural department, in each number, comic pictures, fashion a variety of items of household interest, furnish the "Semi-Weekly Chronicle and 10 unronicie ruD. jo. w rice yonr name ana aa mwm z, rnoune aaiiaing, new xorjt Jicy, ana will be mailed to you. Nona But Ajrera at. tbs World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoya the extra ordinary distinction of having been the only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at the world's fair, Chicago. ' Manufact urers of ' other earsaparillas sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they were all turned away under the application of the rule for bidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrums. The decision of the world's fair authorities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in effect as follows: Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to the list of nostrums. It is here on its merits." Free nils. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co.. Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and ate particu larly effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guarrenteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels great ly invigorate me system. Jttegular size 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakelev & Hougbtion, Druggists. 4 Save the wrappers Hoe. Cake Soap wrappers are worth a cent apiece. Ask Pease & Mays for premium book.Vjly24-i QflORTHERN j PACIFIC RY. H pi- Pullman Sleeping Cars Eleg.ent ToTurist Dining Cars Sleeping Cars ST. FAUC MINNEAPOLIS DULBTU KA KGO TO GRAND FORKS CBOOKSTON WIMNIFEO HELENA and BUTTE Through Tiekets CHICAGO TO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA FEW YORK. BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST mud SOUTH For Information, time cards, maps and ticket cai on or write to W. C. ALIA WAY. Agent. The Dalles, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland, Oregon Snipes-mersly Drag Co Drugs, Paints, . Etc. 129 Second St., THE DALIiES, - - OR RIPANS The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the, common every-day ills of humanity. Paper The Regulator Line' Tie Dalles. Portland and Astoria .' Navigation Co. THROUGH reigni ana Passenger lirb Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. steamer Regulator leaves Tne Dalles at 8 a.m.. connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles Oity leaves iroruand (Oak st -cet dock) at 7 a. m., connect ing wim Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. F H8KNUER RATED. One way.... ....... ..$2.00 .. 3.00 Kound trip Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots. will be brought through, ivith out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for ay landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or aduresB, W. C. ALLAWAY General Agent' THE DALLES. OREGON EKSTI GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokazie Denver Omaha Kansas City Minneapolis St. Paul Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Lean Portland Kverr Vive Days for SAN FRANCISCO, CATj. For full details call on O. B. & Cn.'a Ascent Tha Dalles, or address W, H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt Portland, Oregon E. M'NEILL, President aud Manager. New Schedule. Effective Tuesday, April 7th, the fol lowing will be the new schednle: Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4 :50 a. m., and leaves 4 :55 a. m. Train No. 2 arrives at TheDlles 10:40 p. m., and leaves 10:45 p. in. Train No.' 8 arrives at The Dalles 12:05 p. m., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves -at 2 :30 p.m. ' Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing The Dalles at lp.m. daily and ar riving at The Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con necting with train Nos. 8 and 7 from Portland. E. E. Lytlb, v Agent. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, t FIREBRICK, FIRECLAY, LIME, . CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. For Kent. The lower story of the Michelbach block, cor ner of Second and Union streets, now vacaut, k. nntft nn A lnnr nr Hhnri.time leflSA st reasonable flirares. Also the MIcbelbacn garden and frnit orchard, with buildings for ooenpatioa. Apply to George Williams, administrator of the Michelbach, estate. apr-tf