o . . ', o New Fall Dress Goods. Our Fall Goods are arriving daily and we will soon have our complete stock open for your inspection. - The Dress Goods Section has already made a good showing with some of the choicest materials. France, , England, Germar, and last but not least, America, have contributed to our stock.' Many of these handsomely woven materials are confined to us for this section of the country. Come and look them over . The Fall Importation of Black Goods. No woman's wardrobe is complete without at least one good Black Gown, and we are in shape to Gown the town. Handsome Lustres, unique Brocade Effects, fine Figured Mohairs, standard All-Wool and Silk-and-Wool Materials, all fresh from foreign looms, and with a mod esty of price that will make you ready buyers. See Our Center Window.. MASON FRUIT JARS REDUCED TO Pints, 55c per doz Quarts, 65 c per d oz 1-2 gali 90c per doz What's the - Matter with your Tire? DU-SOC Will Make It Hold Wind. One can of Du-Sock; Tire full of air; No more blue talk No more swear. MAYS & CROWE. Sole Agen ts -AT- MAIER & BENTON The Dalles. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS O O O O t t -t V Vf Vt Vri -G f O Ieep Oat the flies. SCREEN WIRE, SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS. "Now in Stock. New Styles and LiO-wPrices. Odd Sizes made to order on Short Notice. JOS. T. PETERS & CO The Dalles Dafly GLtfonieie. Weather Forecast. Portland, Sept. 16, 1896. Fob Eastern Oregon Tonight and Thurs day, fair: warmer. Faoce. Observer. WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 16, 1896 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random Observations and Local Erents of Lesser Magnitude. often complete failure through the Will amette valley this season ia responsible for the high price of the fruit. Even a partial failure in the apple crop has never before been known in Oregon. Wasco county leads the state this year in her frait yield. . Ferry Walking Will. ARRESTED FOR RAPE. McKinley Club Friday night. Cranberries at Maier & Benton's. Meeting of the Maccabees tonight. Two car3 of backs were sent to Weiser, Idaho, today by Chas. Dnrbin. Don't forget that the McKinley Club will be reorganized Friday night. The Sling's Daughters will meet Thursday afternoon at Mrs. Randall's. Premium books for the Wasco county fair may be procured by applying at T. A. Hudson's office. Mr. B. L. Murchie of Wasco is erect . ing a large barn adjoining Rowe & Co.'s building on Second street. The East End presents a very busy appearance again. Wheat is now being banled to the city in immense quantities. - The scow Interstate ie at The Dalles with a load of wood. She has the honor of being the first scow that passed through the locks. - Supt. A. J. Borie and wife will leave for Southern California soon to perma nently reside, Mr. Borie having severed his connection with the O. R. & N. The Days have begun the concrete work on the south side of the canal, where a 12-foot retaining wall is to be. built, to keep the soil from washing into the canal. The Winans Bros., having won the suit against them for contempt, will now have the Indians prosecuted for tres pass, the case coming up in a few days before Justice Rorick. The McMinville Transcript must be edited by the "devil." Here is the way an article was headed the other day : A Hot Blaze The beautitul Presby terian church in ashes splendid work of the fire department." A correspondent of the Goldendale Agriculturist, writing from The Dalles, Bays : "I and my best girl took in the band concert Sunday afternoon ; and to say that it was immense, would be put ting it quite mild. It is one of the finest bands I ever listened to." Mr. Wbealdon Is showing a postal card received recently from a citizen of a neighboring town, with a very suggest ive cartoon pasted on it. It represents a silver dollar with the familiar title "In (jrod We Trust" supplemented by the words "for the other 47 cents." Apples are apples this year. They are scarce and very dear already. Portland buyers have been in the neighborhood this week and have bought up most of the orchards up Mill creek. ' A good first-class apple commands $1.50 a box, second grade $1.25. The partial and At the last session of the county court the will of Perry Watkins was probated. The will specifies the administrators preferred, but owing to various condi tions they all resigned, and there were appointed by the court, C. E. Bayard and Frank Watkins, who will act as ad ministrators jointly. The following is the text of the will. In the name of God, amen, I, Perry Watkins, of the age of 69 years past, re siding in Wasco county, Oregon, mind ful of the uncertainties of mortal life, and being of sound and disposing mortal life and memory, and not under the mis representation or undur influence of anyone, hereby make, publish and de clare this my last will and testament, that is' to say : 1. I desire that all my just debts, funeral expenses, expenses ot my last illness, and expenses of administering my estate under this will, be first paid out of any money or property of which I shall die, seized or possessed. 2. All of my residue and remainder of my property, of whatsovever kind or nature, wherever situated and of which I shall die seized or possessed, I give, de vise and bequeath as follows : To my son, Geo. Watkins, one-fourth ; to my son Frank Watkins, one-fourth ; to my daughter Rebecca Bayard, one fourth ; and one fourth to my grand children, Genevieve and Bessie Watkins, infant daughters of my deceased son, Perry Watkins, jr; it being my inten tion and desire to treat all my children alike in the disposition of my property. my said grand children to have and to receive the one-fourth part, which I should give to their father had he been living, and I farther desire and direct that in the event of the death of either of my said grandchildren before arriving at full age, and while single, then the survivor is to receive the one-fourth part, hereby devised and bequeathed to them equally. - ' The third clause names George and Frank .Watkins, Rebecca Bayard and Frank . Menefee joint executors of the will ; and that Frank Menefee specially represent the grandchildren Genevieve and Bessie Watkins. The will is dated September 24, 1895 Accompying the will was a petition from Mrs. Rebecca Bayard to appoint C. E. Bayard and Frank Watkins as ad' ministrators of the estate, as those men' tioned by Perry Watkins deceased, had declined to serve. Miss Newman, teacher of piano forte, has resumed teaching her class at her residence, corner of Fourth and Union streets. ; , - el2-dl w. "Hop Gold" heard on every hand. The finest beer ever offered to the public, For sale by Stabling & Williams. e4-2w Wm. Lane Waived Examination This Afternoon Before Justice Fllluon. A large crowd assembled at JuBtice Filloon's court at 2 o'clock this after noon in anticipation of having the pre liminary examination . in the case of State of Oregon vs. Wm. Lane for rape, ! alleged to be committed on the person of a little girl of 12 years. The large number of people who thronged the court room and sidewalk in front, overflowing even .into the street, was doomed to disappointment in their quest for the sensational, for other than the sight of the defendant and ac cuser being brought face to face, it was not vouchsafed them this time to follow the details of the alleged crime through the testimony, for the defendant waived examination and was bound over under $300 bonds to appear. before the grand jury at the next term of court.' The father of the girl was ignorant of the real nature of 'the case until yester day morning. He had been much ag gravated of late by the persistence of Lane in seeking his young daughter, be ing powerless to prevent his meeting her by anything he could do. While yet not suspecting any intimacy between them, he determined to place the matter be fore the attention of the authorities, and yesterday he .appeared before Re corder Phelps saying that before resort ing to the shotgun to keep Lane away from the house he had decided to see if the law could not be made to serve the same ends. He was informed by the officer that there was nothing criminal in Lane's going to his bouse nor his per sistence, and that if he could not keep him away, the officers could not, unlees some breach of the peace was committed. The father left, but iu the meantime other disclosures were made which led to Lane's arrest on the charge of rape, and later the father appeared and swore out a warrant in the regular way. It seems that the girl's older sister had shortly after the father left' the bouse, found a letter upon her person signed "Willie," which is so ob scene an to be unfit for publication. The letter contained a proposal for a meeting, and a threat against her father for his impertinent interference between them. Whoever was the author is possessed of a very debased and criminal mind, for the suggestions are coached in the most indecent language, and the threat against the life of the girl's father to his daughter betrays a very brutal mind. The girl was then taken to the re corder's office. For a while she main tained an attitude of reserve, but later broke down and made . a complete con-, fession. ." ' The child is more sinned against than sinning herself. She is but 12 years old and has been a prey to the passion of another, rather than possessing a desire herself to wander from the path of virtue. ..For such child victims the laws of Oregon have protected them in every way post ible by fixing the age of con sent at 16 years. ' Subscribe for Thk Chboxicxr and get he news. A Mimic Raoe. Mr. Van Norden has a very interest ing set of figures in his front show win dow. They represent the presidential and vice-presidential candidates on horses racing for the White House. "Uncle Sam" stands with' a flag in his hand at the finishing line. When the news came from Maine yesterday Mc Kinley and Hobart was placed ahead. As the different states are heard from before November the positions of the automatons wtll show the' result by their changed positions. Watson isn't in it. The figures attract much atten tion. An enthusiastic Bryan adTocate made the request to Mr. Van Norden if he wouldn't shove Bryan up a bit, but the exhibitor replied that the circum stances didn't justify doing so. Free Will Social. The ladies of the First Christian church will give a free will social Fri day, Sept. 18th, at the church, corner Ninth and Court street. Proceeds will be given to the- Divinity School at Eu gene. Everybody come and help along a good work. Collection taken after re freshments are served. A. O. U. W. Entertainment. . Program for the A. O. U. W. enter tainment to be given at the Baldwin Opera House, Wednesday evening, Sept. 16tfa, at 8 o'clock: Chorus Degree of Honor Choir. Address of Welcome to Grand Lodge officers Mrs. M. E. Brlggs, Giand Lady of Honor. Response by Grand Master Workman, A. O.U. W. Vocal Duet. . Mrs. O. Stephens and Mrs. E. Young. Address by Grand Lecturer D. C. Herrin. Vocal 8olo Dr. O. I. Doane. Recitation : Miss Jennie Russell. Chorus Degree of Honor Choir. Tableaux Charity, Hope and Protection. Admission free. All are invited. DIED. At his residence in the pines at 2 o'clock this morning, John Fares, of consumption. The funeral will take place from the bouse at 2 o'clock tomorrow. He leaves a wife and three children in Btraitened circumstances. . "The best on earth," said the mer chant as be quaffed the Hop Gold beer. For sale by Stabling & Williams. s4-2w Awarded Highest Honors World's Pair, Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair. When yog mailt to bay Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley ,Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Or anything n the Feed Line, go to the WASCO : WAREHOUSE, Our prices are low and our goods are firpt-claee. Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY. GEORGE RUCH ' Successor to Chrisman St Corson. FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of 'town. CHEAP! AFTTTTC If Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. nail, i School Books Supplies. Jacobson Book & Music Co. No. 174 Second Street, New Vogt Block, : The Dalles, Oregon. 33., "7i7V VAIJSK, -DEALER IN , PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. ... - - . PRACTICAL PAINTER and' PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed.- Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors., All orders promptly attended to. Store and Faint Show corner Third, and Washington Eta., The Dalles, 0re0B