VOL. IX THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1896 . NO 215 THE MAINE ELECTION Republicans Expect Over r 30,000 Majority. LARGEST IN A PRESIDENTIAL YEAR Bound-Money Canvass Conducted Under Most Favorable Circumstances Tbe List or Candidates. Augusta, Me., Sept. 13. II the weather ia fair tomorrow, Hon. Llewellyn Powers, Republican, will be elected gov ernor of Maine by over 30,000 majority, with a strong possibility that the figures will be nearer 40,000. At least, that is -what the prophets of both parties, who have been figuring tbe vote for tbe past three weeks, declare. Final instruc tfons have been given, all plans are completed, and the ranks are closed for tbe battle of ballots which will show to what extent the people of tbe state favor tbe gold standard,'and how many are enlisted in the cause of free silver. Chairman Manley, of the Republican state committee, believes that the fig ures will be the largest ever given in a presidential 'year, and his Democratic opponents practically agree with him. Not in twenty years has the Pine Tree state seen such a vigorous canvass with so much interest manifested. During the last three weeks, it is estimated that over 700 speeches have been delivered in all sections of the state by orators of local and national fame, in behalf of both parties. Tons of campaign docu ments have been distributed. Tbe Republican canvass has been con ducted under the more favorable circum stances. Maine has never heard so many distinguished Rapnblican orators as during the past few weeks. On the other band, the Democratic host, has had many dissenters within its lines and the number of prominent deserters has been large. Six weeks ago, all was confusion and disorganization in the Democratic camp. The fighting fund was small and victory was practically impassible. But tbe supporters of free silver rallied the faltering army, and took np the contest, determined to make the best fight pos sible and until the last gun was fired, they resisted stubbornly. The Demo cratic managers maintain that the doc trine of 1 free silver was practically, un known in Maine two months ago, and tbey argue that the Democratic vote which will be cast tomorrow means that their policy has made great gains in the last few weeks. They declare that if the Republican majority falls below 20,000 it will be a Democratic victory. BDICBKRED BY SPANIARDS. Cubans Massacred In Matanxas Prov ince. Key West, Sept. 13. Advices from Havana by the steamer Mascotte give details of a massacre of Cubans in Ma tanzas province by Spaniards under General Molinas. The butchery oc curred on Las Calas sugar estate. Moli nas heard an insurgent band was en camped on the estate and ordered a raid The insurgents had gone when the Spaniards arrived, and Molinas ordered tbe buildings on the estate destroyed. The Spaniards surrounded the .homes of the employes, applied the torch and shot the Cubans as they ruBhed out. Eighteen men and four women were killed outright, while thirteen others, including three children, were wounded. Molinas was a pleased spectator of the massacre, and reported it to Weyler as a "glorious victory." - . ... .Thursday insurgents . raided. : and burned the town of San Francisco de Paula, a suburb of Havana. The Span ish garrison of 300 men surrendered, but were released after being disarmed. The smoke and flames were visible in Ha vana, and caused great excitement. Weyler seems to have completely lost his head.' He is having leading citizens of Havana arrested by . the wholesale. Weyler says the men arrested have been plotting to have him recalled to Spain. ' The arrests have profoundly etirred.Ha- vana. --V'r .. . - -,-. , , THE SILVER BARON'S STAKE. List of Mine Owners to Whom Bryan's Election Means Millions. The supporters of Mr. Bryan have un dertaken to array "the masses 'against fV - ItSas- bssJ 1 Tl Absolutely Pure f: ' . ! ' ----- :? t' v- jt. A creaih of tartar baking owwdfer. HiKhest of all In leavening- strength. Latest United States Government J-ooa Keport. KOYAL iJAKIMJ fOWDIS MO., AeW X Orji the classes" in this contest and to that' end have held up the millionaires as supporters of McKinley and Hobart. The fact that this was trifling, with a dangerous subject does not at all con cern those who are endeavoring . to arouse class hatred. Tbey seem to have no conception of what tbey are doingf Yet they are fanning a breeze that may grow into a whirlwind. The effort is one of the most mischievous that has as yet been made, and especially as it can be shown that this silver agitation is due to the plotting of silver mine mil lionaires. Touching upon this question a Washington dispatch to the New York Herald says: .The Republican' congressional cam paign committee has given out' a state ment showing the part played by the owners of the silver mines of tbe country in shaping the course of the recent con ventions which have declared tor the free and unlimited coinage of silver at sixteen to one. The statement is intro duced with a table giving the estimated wealth of twenty-two individuals, and corporations engaged in silver mining and directly interested financially in the opening of the mints to free coinage. This is the table: " v ' . Hearst estate, California ...... v. I 75.000,000 Fair estafc 50,000,000 John Mackay 40,000,000 J. B. Hagpiu 40,000,000 W. A.Clark 40,000,030 William Stewart, Nevada 40,000,000 Frunr is S. Newlans, Sharon estate. . . 35,000,090 David Moffat. Denver 30,000,000 8e. aior John P. Jones, Comstock lode - 25,000,000 Flood estate -. 25,000,COO Denver silver smelting works , . 25,000.000 R. C. Chamber, Ontario silver mine . 20,000,000 Charles E. Lane. California - 20,000,000 E. L. Iiolden, Old Telegraph mine. . . , 15,000,000 Mark Daily, Anaconda, Montana 15,000.000 Butte silver smelting works 14,500,000 8. T. Hauser, Granite Mountain sil ver mines '. 10,000,000 French syndicate. Old Telegraph mine, Utah..... lO.OOO.fOO Leadville silver smelting works 8,500,000 Broadwater estate, Helena, Montana 5,000.000 Senator Henry M. Teller, Colorado 2,000,000 Senator Lee Mantle, Montana 2,000,000 - Total..... 1517,000,000 After criticism of some of the wealthy men who are. working for free coinage the statement charges that William J. Bryan has for years been paid to deliver silver orations, and concludes: ; "To the silver mine owners the elec? tion of Bryan and of a free silver Demo cratic house means millions. Placing tbe product of . their mines 54,000,000 ounces a year, though it would soon be 100,000,000 ounces, and tbe government paying them at the rate of 31.29 an ounce, and granting, for the sake of ar gument, that it cost them eixty-eight cents an ounce to mine it, the people of the United States would ' pay into the pockets of the silver, miners $41,000,000 per annum, and make gigantic monopo lies in their platform. . This is an un duly conservative estimate of the pro fits of tbe silver barons ; the actual fig ures would more likely be $75,000,000 per annum. ' It will be thus be seen at a glance what is involved in tbe election of Mr. Bryan,, not counting the evils that would flow from the 'retirement of upward of $600,000,000 of . gold upon which the credit of the nation is fonnded. The silver movement is a conspiracy, and those behind it are the most desper ate and unscrupulous men who have ytt become foremost in American affairs. : A dose that is always seasonable is' a dose of Situmons Liver Regulator, the "King of, Liver Medicines." fit keeps the .-liver- active; the .bowelai regular ; prevents Biliousness ; and promotes di gestion. In fact helps .keep you well. "I" have watched its' effects in families where I have practiced," and,- find., it'ad mirable; both alterative and tonic in its action." Dr. T. W. Mason, Macon, . Ga. ''.' f :Y"".- T- - :- ; . - ' Fre9h oysters at A. Keller's. ' ( t7-dlw Tills Kellow Wants to Bet. John Eagan, of Indianapolis, has signed and Bent .to the Cincinnati Com mercial Gazette the following order am (and have been for ' forty years) a Democrat, but will now bet $20,000 to $10,000 that McKinley will get everyone of the northern and western states. I will bet $20,000 to $10,000 that McKinley will be elected, and I will . make' a bet of $5,000 that Bryan won't get as large a vote as Greely. .'; These will ; hold good until October 1st." Recognized His Better Half. An old man down in Sherman county would not believe he could . hear his wife talk a distance of ten miles by tele phone. His better half was in Moro during the lecent thunder ehower, where there was a telephone, and the skeptic was at Grass Valley, where there was a similar instrument, and on being told bow to operate the thing he walked boldly up and shouted, " Hello, Jane!" At that instant lightning struck the telephone wire and knocked the old gent down, and as he scrambled to his feet he excitedly cried, "That's Jane, all right!" Antelope Herald. Hop Gold beer receives the best ad vertising from its nsers. For sale by Stabling & Williams. ' s4r2w female Help Wanted. Wanted Red-beaded girl and white horse to deliver premiums, given away with Hoe Cake Soap. : Apply to any where. .- ' : -". . . ' Reduction In Railroad Pares. As there will be' numerous requests for reduced rates on account of political meetings during the coming, contest, it has been decided, tha! in order to treat all parties alike, a one fare rate will be made by the O. R. & Co. tor various meetings of this character. This of course is intended only for oc casions where there is sufficient number to justify a reduction: in rates. This; is done so that there wil1 be'no partiality in favor of any one party. . - E. E. Lytle, Agent. Bneklen'g ATinca salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed, to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.' For pale Dy Blakeley and Houzbton, druggists. -.. , KOTICK. To all WHoatrr may concern: . By order " of the Common Council of Dalles City, made on tbe 3d day of Sep tember, 18U6, and entered of record -in the record-, of Dal es City, on the 4th day of September, 1896. notice is hereby given that the cross walks and side walks on the fol lowing streets or parts of streets, have been de clared dangerous by said Common Council on said 3d day of September, and the said Common Council will proceed to make the improvements as hereinafter designated on said streets or parts of streets so declared dangerous after 14 days from the first publication ot this notice, towit: September 10th, 181)6; and the costs of such im provements of all cross waiks. and of each of them, will be charged and levied upon the cor ner lots cornering upon the street or streets in tersected by such cross walks, and upon ail lots or parts thereof, to the center of eaoh block cor nering upon such intersection ; each lot to pay that portion of tbe entire cost that Its street frontage upon the litersesting streets bears to street frontage of all lots to be assessed upon such streetB, and the cost of all sidewalks and of each of them respectively, will " be charged and levied upon the property udjacent thereto, and directly benefited thereby, as provid edjby the ordinances and charter of .Dalles City. The crosswalks and sidewalks declared dan gerous aud about to be improved and built are as follows: 1. To build a crosswalk on the south side 'of Third street across Union street. " 2. To build a crosswalk on the South side of Fourth street across Union street. 3. To build a crosswalk on the west side of Union street acrofs Fourth street. 4. To build a crosswalk on the north side of Fourth street across U nion street. 5. To build a crosswalk on the west side of Liberty street across Fourth street. . b. to Duim a crosswalk on the north side of Fourt srreet across Liberty street,. 7. . To build a crosswalk on the west side of Liberty street across Third street, 8. To build a crssswalk on the east side of Court street across Seventh street. 9. To build a crosswalk on the east side of Union street across jghth street. 10. To build a crosswalk on the West side of Laughlin street across Second street. 11 To bnild a crosswalk on the east side of Washington street across Beeond street. 12. To build a crosswalk on tbe east side Of Court street across Second street. 13. - To bnild a crosswalk on the -east side of Union street across Second street. 14. To build a crosswalk on tne west side of Federal street across Second Btreet: 15. .To build a crosswalk on the south side of Third street across Court street. IS. To build a crosswalk on the east side of Federal street across Third street. 17. . To build n crosswalk on the west side of Union street across Third street.- IS. To build a crosswalk on toe north side of Second street along lot 8 in block 18. 19. To build a sidewalk along lot 1 on Wash ington street from 'alley to Main street, and along lot 1 on Main ttreet, all in bloc. 3 of Dalles City. 20. To build a sidewalk on west side ot Fed ernl street along lot 4 iu block 1, iu Neyce addi tion to I tulles city. -21. To build a sidewalk on the east aide -of Cjims street, from th-- south side of Fulton street 190 feet south in Fultons addition to Dalles City. All of said sidewalks and crosswalks will be bu.it and constructed In the manner provided by tae charter and ordinances o( Dal'es City, . Dated this 10th day of September, 1896. , . .: , i GILBERT W. PHKLPS, 1 : -.V;" Recorder of Dalles City. OF TP-" Today we place on sale four lines of our best 75c values in Mens Cotton Ribbed Underwear, to close at 50c a Gentlemen's Percale Shirts, this week at 50c each. - Laundered Collars and Cuffs. Regular 75c value. " f . An Item in Ladies' Hosiery. Special 15c a pair. . . Our Ladies' 40-gauge, Fast Black, regular 25c Hose. : New Lot of Windsor Ties, placed on sale at 15c each. ; ". "'; -V " " ' Just received. The regular value is 25c. -. We have now on exhibition in our window an assort ment of the latest ideas in ........... - LADIES' uTlieRporIiine Tie Dalles. Portland and 'Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freioni ana Passenser Lias i Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Begnlator leaves Tht Dalles at 8 a.m., connectingat the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak sf-eet dock) at 7 a. m.i connect ing wiiu Steamer . Regulator for The Dalles. : ' -'.-; ' - . e . HSENttSB EATK8. One way. . . . Round trip. .$2.00 . 3.00 Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight i except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for ay landings mast be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, ,v "... ;V W. C. ALLAWAY '"- '' General Agent' , THE DALLES, L ; OREGON nUOODpOiSOn I 1 "Itlary BLOOD POISON permanently j i cn red to 16 to S5 days. Yon can be treated aft W jnomeforsame priceinclereamegrnaraa Jty. If yon prefer to come Here we willeoo p in ill, fcract topay raj road farflftnd h otol Mil. BoehoTOB,lf wa fail to euro. If you have token mer enry, loilldo potash, and still bare aches ana painsMuoous l'atclies in month, Sore Throat, l impleg, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers oir any part of the body. Huir or Eyebrows falling out. it is this Secondary BLOOD POISON we pnarantee to care. We solicit tbe most obsti nate cases and challenge tlie) world for s case we cannot cure- Tbls duseaoe has always baffled the skill of tbe most eminent physi cians. 8500,000 capital behind our nncontU- uonai gnaramy. wmteprooH sent sealed on application. Address COOK REMEDY CQL. INTEREST CAPES AND At prices that will astonish you. A. '-JUL "WTTKmImIMJEHS CO. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL ' Watchmaker1, Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. I CBlchestcr Ensllah Diamond Inui EftftYROYAL PILLS OrlffinBl aisd Only Cenalne. IFC, always rvliable. ladies ask Druggist tor Chichester English dia mond Brand in Ked and Gold metallic I boxes, scaled with blue ribbon. Take turns and imitation. A t Druggists, or and 4. in stamps for particulars, testimonial and Relief for I-acHem," in letter, by return SURE CURE for PILES Itohing and Blind, Bleeding or Protrurtlnir Pllf yield at unee 'j DR. BO-SAN-KO'S PILE PFMPnv. Sto it.h. IQK. absorbs luuiors. A uoaitive cure. Circnlira srut free. Priea dOo. DrucgKu or mail. 1R. BOSAA 2 pa, The El' ghtn flnnaal Fair -OF Secona Eastera Oregon -Witt THE DALLES, Wasco Co:, OREGON, ; - - Commencing Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1896, -- and ending Saturday, Oct. 24, 1896. For Premiam 3Liiat, Eafcry Blanks and all infortuation, write' to tbe Secre tary, The DalleP, Oregon. . ; . A. 8 MAC ALLISTEB, J SEE WINDOW DISPIiAY. . j ACKETS FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BCSIKES Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. . ' . J B. GOIT,- C0UNTY SURVEYOR. Residence, Tenth and Liberty Streets. Jly23-tf THE- Disirict flgricuiturai socistu HEtDrAT -f v.'- i