The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 12, 1896, Image 3

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What's the Matter with your Tire?
V DTJ-SOC Will Make It Hold Wind.
Remember that , the schools re-open Sept. 7th, and now is the
time to buy your FALL SHOES. We cariy nothing but the
best stock that money can buy. Have you tried pur
e have on hand
a large stock of
Steel Shod School Shoe.
Closing Out
Several dozen pairs of CHILDREN'S SHOES that have ac
cumulated in our stock from lines we do not handle any , . Y
more'. These Shoes formerly sold for $1 .50 to $2.25;
Sale price, $1.00. Sale price, $1.00.
. . We will continue our sale of LADIES' TAN BOOTS and
OXFORDS for another week. We expect to see them all
gone by Saturday next. .
Our WASH GOODS Sale Talks for Itself.
That we are selling
at resonable price.
Leave your order
with us.
The Dalles.
One can of Du-Sock;
Tire full of air;
No more blue talk.
No more swear.
Sole Agents
Keep Oat the flies.
Now in Stock. New Styles and Lo-wPrices.
Odd Sizes made to order on Short Notice.
The Dalles Daily Ghronicie.
Weather Forecast.
Portland. Sent. 12, 1896.
For Eastern Oregon Tonight and tomor
row fair and cooler; frost tomorrow morning
and Monday morning. Fague. Observer.
SEPL 12, 1896
Random Observations and Local JCvents
of Lesser magnitude.
"Moid of Gotham, ere we kls,
Tell me what the deuce is this?"
She answers with a chilly laugh,
"My breaeh of promise phonograph."
Considerable rain fell at Umatilla yes
terday.' . .
The county court house is soon to be
ornamented with a cement walk.
John Carlin shipped twelve carloads
of BheepAo Chicago this. morning.
Love, Courtship and Marriage at
Baldwin Opera House tonight. Couples
matted and mis-matted.
The name of Mark Long, musical di
rector, now appears at the conclusion of
the concert program for tomorrow.
A white plate lowered into fthe waters
of Crater lake, during the recent Maza
mas' excursion, could be seen at a
"depth of 94 feet. ,
The Misses Taylor will open a pri
mary school, with kindergarten meth
ods, in the First Baptist church on Mon
day, Sept. 14th.
A Massachusetts young couple have
made a desperate wager. If McKinley
is elected she will marry him ; and if
Bryan is elected he will marry her.
Mrs. FhillipB is just receiving a large
assortment of the latest . novelties in
millinery ; also a large assortment of
ladles and children's street hats at 50
and 5 cents each. Please call and' see
these bargains. sl2-lt
Ninety cases of salmon were put up
yesterday at Herrick's cannery as a re
sult of the first days pack. A still larger
number will be packed today. This,
though not as large a number as hoped
for, Is encouraging to all hands.
Mr. Grey will organize his second and
third class in German on Saturday after
noon at 4 o'clock, September 19th at the
old Lutheran chapel . on Ninth street.
All desiring to participate in the work of
either of these two classes will please
attend this meeting.
Senfert Bros, shipped five cases of
fresh salmon to New York City by ex
"press last night. These are iced at
various points along the route and reach
' the breakfast of Gotbamites with
all the delicacy and excellence of flavor
that we observe at home.
Mr. Urey will organize a class in
Latin ou " next Monday evening at
o'clock at the old Lutheran chapel. All
desiring instruction in the Latin lan'
guage are requested to attend this meet
ing, so that the time for instruction and
other necessary arrangements can be
established permanently at once.
The salary of stock inspector has auf
fered the most from the grindstone of
economy. Formerly it raa $900 a year.
and was reduced successively to $700
$500 and $300 annually. . Yesterday the
county court split the $300 in the mid
dle, and the present incumbent will re
ceive only $150 pe year. . '
Ed. Marshal is being tried today for
larceny in a dwelling, the complaining
witness being the sparkling, often ine
briated, sometimes lachrymose "Irish
Moll," who avers that she saw the .de
fendant engaged in robbing her trunk at
the hacienda. As soon as- possible she
gave the alarm. The trial haB occupied
the entire day at Justice Filloon'e court.
Late this afternoon he was bound over
under $200 bonds.
It is reported by the men who were
engaged in excavating for Davenport's
saw mill at the bead of the ditch on
Hood River, and 'they are all truthful
men, assert s the Glacier, that after a blast
was Bet off a live toad was set free that
had been imbedded in the bard basaltic
rock 18 inches from the surface. The
toad bad swelled up to several times hia
natural size and completely filled the
cavity where he. had been imprisoned
for thousands of years. As soon as set
free by the blast, the toad wilted to the
ordinary size and bopped away, probab
ly to hunt up the companions of his
youth. The kind hearted men stood and
watched the toad enjoy his liberty.
They couldn't think of making the toad
a prisoner again even for exhibition, and
brought to town only the hole in the
rock to verify their story. ;
They Are Becoming Scarce--Dr. Suther
land's f ine Collection.
Concert Program.
For the band
concert tomorrow
program will be as follows;
1. March "St. Omer Commandery.... ...Carey
Grand Fantasia 'E a Dora".... Sieger
Chilian Dance "Manana" Mitrtul
Clarionet Solo Original Air V&rie.. Dagnclier
Marcus Long.
Serenade "Pleasant Dreams" Ripley
Idyl "The Mill In the Forest" .....EOenberg
Waltz "Postilion" .Fahrbachl
Overture "The Twilight Hour" Boettger
Coon Schottitohe "Ma Angsline"... Jo Anson
Mabcus .Long, Director.
A. O. 17. W. Entertainment.
Program for the A. O. U. W. enter
tainment to be given at the Baldwin
Opera House, Wednesday evening, Sept.
16tb, at 8 o'clock : - ,
Chorus Degree of Honor Choir.
Address of Welcome to Grand lodge officers
Mrs. M. E. Brlggs, Giand Lady of Honor.
Response by Grand Master Workman, A. O.U. W.
Vocal Duet . . Mrs. O. Stephens and Mrs. E. Young.
Address by Grand Lecturer D. C. Herrin.
Vocal Solo...... :Dr. O. If. Doane.
Recitation .Miss Jennie Russell.
Chorus .Degree of Honor Choir.
Tableaux ". Charity, Hope and Protection.
Admission free. All are invited.
A special communication of Wasco
Lodge No. 15, A. F. & A. M., willjbe
held in the Masonic hall, The Dalles,
Or., on Monday evening, Sept.' 14th at
7:30 o'clock. Work in theE. A. degree.
All members and sojourning Masons are
requested to be present. By order of
W..M. , , F. A. Abersatht,
sl2-2t Secretary.
Mme V. S. Daily, the leading modiste
of The Dalles. Elegant designing of
evening gowns a specialty in tailor made
costumes and fall jackets. Orer Pease
and Maya. . Bl2-2t
Dr. Sutherland of this city baa per
haps the finest collection of arrow points
and Indian relics in the city, though be
has only been collecting for two years.
The other day he received- a very fine
bow and half a dozen arrows from Cali
fornia from a former patient he had
treated in The Dalles. The arrow points
are affixed to long, straight, well-made
arrows of ependid workmanship. The
bow is also very fine, with a strong gut
string.' The bow is painted in red and
blue with a regular design. Dr. Suth
erland has arrow points which he values
as high as $5 each. The value does not
consist in the worth of the stone,' but
the rarity of workmanship and the dif
ficulty of it.
Arrow points have' been getting
scarcer and scarcer of late years, and
their value will rise fast from now on.
Of 1,500 points that Dr. Sutheriand has
secured in the past year, only about 500
have been newly found. ' They are
chiefly brought in by Indians, who per
sistently wander over the sand fields in
search of them, but the business is be
coming unprofitable even to them from
their scarcity. Tbey have 'sought to
make them, but their deception is easily
discovered bv the onnossieur, for their
manufacture is a lost art. There ia a j
regularity of the - cicatrices, and a
smoothness of work which cannot be
duplicated in this day of the world.
The most common stone is' the obsidian-
Others are found of cornelian, agate, por
phyry, bone, petrified wood, etc.
There are other valuable Indian relics
besides the arrow points. Numbers of
mortars and pestles, implements and
images have "been found which have a
great attraction to the curio hunter.
The mortars contain . evidences of much
usage, and no doubt a great' deal of
grain has been pounded up in them.
Some of .them were evidently used to
mix paint in, for . they are still colored
with, the same mysteriously made and
lasting pigments which are to this day
to be Been in hieroglyphics on the rocks
above The Dalles. Then, too, there are
Indian baskets, skillfully woven, but of
course of more recent manufacture,
Misses Anna and Bess Lang have the
choicest collection of Indian baskets in
the city. These are becoming rare, also,
for civilization has induced Indians to use
analine dyes and gaily-colored worsteds,
which rendera them of no value to the
relic hunter.
Others who are known to have good
collections are Rev. W. C. Curtis and
A. Ullrich. The fire of 1891 destroyed
some very valuable . collections, among
them one belonging to Mr. Geo. Morgan.
Exact Location Demanded.
Governor Taylor, of Tennessee, brother
of Colonel Nai Taylor, recently of . San
Jose, tells the story : A stranger ap
proached him recently "with extended
hand and said : "Your face is familiar,
where in h 11 did I meet you?" "I
don't know," replied the ex-governor,
"what part of h 11 are you from?"
County Court Proceedings.
Ot C. P.
Petition tor county road
Balch et al, prayer granted.
C A. Cramer, petition for change in
road district; denied.'.
. W. Bolton et al, petition for incorpor
ation of Antelope; petition granted;
election to be held October 19th, 1896.
Boundaries as prayed for in petitien ; T.
J. Harper, P. A. Kirchheimer, .W. Bol
ton judges ; E. M. Miller and E. Sbutt
clerks. '
D. ,S. McKay, petition for -liquor
license; granted.- '
E. C. Rogers etal, petition for county
road; J. B. Goit appointed surveyor; C.
J. Hayes, J. Henrichs and V. Winchell
viewers. .
A. . W. Calvin, petition for liquor
license; granted. '
In the matter of 1 iniil tax belonging
to ;road districts. . Ordered that the
clerk do. not issue warrants from and
after this date on the 1 mill special road
fund without an order of thia court. -
C. G. Wetmore appointed -supervisor
of road Dist. No. 9 to fill vacancy canned
by the resignation of C. F. Mitchell. -
In the matter of wood for court house.
Bid of J. T. Reynolds accepted for pine
and fir at $2 per cord. Bid of J. T.
Peters accepted for oak at $3.75 per cord.
In the matter of sidewalks around
court house. Ordered that Kocher and
Freeman build a cement walk ; price
$325, to be approved by Judge Mays.
In the matter of salary of stock in
spector, ordered that trom and after the
date on which the present Incumbent
qualified, the Balary for same ' shall be
$150 per annum.
- The Elite barber shop, H. D. Parkins,
proprietor, announces that hereafter the
price of shaving will be reduced ' to 15
cents. sldlw
The oyster season is now opened at A.
Keller'.s. Oysters in any style. s7-dlw
Some people get eo in the habit of
using what is generally 'looked upon ae
profane language that it becomes second
nature to them. - If tbey could all be
brought up aa roundly as" the man in
the following anecdote, perhaps, their
manners would soon be mended. Ex-
.. Awarded
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. .
Most Perfect Made.
.-'" 40 Years the Standard. .
When yog mnt to bay
Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat,
Rolled Barley, Whole Barley,
Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts,
Or anything n the Feed Line, goto the
Our prices are low and our goods are first-class.
Agents for the celebrated WAISTBtJRG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR.
Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY.
; Successor to Cbrisman & Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
Tac'obson Book & Music Co.
No. 174 Second Street, ' :
New Vogt Block, . The Dalles, Oregon,
. S7i7V VAUS E5 ,
And the Most complete ana latest ratterna ana resigns in
PRACTICAL PAINTER smi PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINT8 used in all our work, and none but the
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. , A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to.
Store and Faint Shon comer Third and Washington Eta., The Dalles, Oze'Os