The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 11, 1896, Image 3

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What's the Matter with your Tire?
DTJ-SOC Will Make It Hold Wind. .
Remember that the schools re-open Sept. 7th, and now is the
time to buy your FALL SHOES. We carry nothing but the
best stock that money can buy. Have you tried our
-J oo K
We have on hand
a large stock of
Steel Shod School Shoe.
Several dozen pairs of CHILDREN'S SHOES that have ac
cumulated in our stock from lines we do not handle any
Sale price, $ i. oo. Sale price, $1.00.
We will continue our sale of LADIES' TAN BOOTS and ' ,
OXFORDS for another week. We expect to see them all
gone by Saturday next. . '
Our WASH GOODS Sale Talks for Itself.
The Dalles Daily Gbronicie.
Weather Forecast.
Portland, Sept 11, 1896.
For Eastern Oregon--- Tonight and tomor
row showers. Pague. Observer.
SEPT. 11, 1896
Random Observations and Local Events
of Lesser Magnitude.
Threshing is about completed in the
country, and the yield is much better
than was anticipated.
Mr. D. P. Ketchum . brought up 450
sheep this morning from Lyle which are
destined lor Portland.
The first of the hearings of the sheep- j
men is set for the 16th at Portland, the
defendants being the Tygh Valley Land
and Live Stock Co.
Maine will have an election next Mon
day. Congressman Diogley predicts that
the Republicans will carry the state by
20,000 plurality.
This morning 0?born and Welsh sent
up four boxes of salmon - from their
seining ground at Snipes1 bottom, as a
result of their first day's work.
What's in a name? The Seven Devils
Mining & Real Estate -Company has
opened an office in Baker City. Only
three names appear as incorporators.
Jagsby So' you've been down to Col
orado Springs, eh? I hear they sell no
whisky there. Is that so? Sourmash
Oh, my, no; it's a drug in the market.
The building across from Gaunt's
livery stable is being fitted up for the
Dispatch office, and workmen are now
engaged fitting op the old Acme press of
the former Sun office.
J. K. Long of Iowa bought 250 steers
of Click, Baldwin and Harrison of Hay
' and Trout creek, which were brought to
town this morning and shipped today
from Saltmarshe's stock yards.
Porter Bios, sold for The Dalles Com
mission Co. yesterday in Chicago Jew-
ett 8 Hungarian prunes for $1 per crate,
: Bennett's egg plums $1.25 ; Ita.ian
prunes $1.15. The prunes are emi
nently satisfactory.
. Messrs. J. B. Crossen, J. L. Story and
Al Reese have signed a call for a Bryan
meeting Saturday night at the court-
. house. A Bryan club has been organ
ized in the city, composed principally
of Populists and "Popocrats."
The Wasco County Christian Endeavor
Union holds its third annual convention
at Dufur, October 1st and 2d, to which
Christian Endeavorers and their friends
are invitecH - A fine program has been
prepared and a good time is expected. ,'
Mrs. Mary Scott Myers was notified
today of her appointment as a member
of the National Execntivfr Board of the
Woman's Relief Corps.' Mrs. Myers
' has always been a prominent worker of
ithe W. R. C, and the high honor la not
misplaced. ' ;
The special train carrying the state
railway commission ran into a team and
wagon near Baker City this week, kill
These (Shoes formerly sold for $1.50 to
ing one of the horses. J. E. Richie, the
driver, escaped with his life by jumping
from the wagon an instant before the en
gine did its work.
About two tons of fish were received
yesterday at Herrick's cannery, and to
day Chinamen are busy canning them.
This is the first of the fall catch, and
though not so large as expected, is a
very fair beginning. The cannery
shipped a carload of the spring pack to
New York City yesterday. Verily The
Dalles is making itself known in the
metropolis of the nation.
An instantaneous photograph of the
hub-and-hub race at Astoria, just before
the line was crossed, is on exhibition in'
Snipes & Kinersly'a drug store. It
shows The Dalles team ahead. 'The
reason they lost was that two runners at
he rear of their competitors' cart pushed
it ahead when about twenty feet from
the goal. The cart ran forward upon
the balance of the team who were pull
ing it. Inns by baving a lighter cart
and the trick they got their cart over
the line bout 8 inches ahead.
Mrs. M. E. Briggs has handsomely
refitted her millinery parlors. The glass
cases and counters have been re-arranged
and newly painted and will dis
play her large and varied stock of goods
better than ever. Miss. Bottorff, who
has given general satisfaction as an ar
tistic hat trimmer, is now in Portland,
selecting the latest goods, in shapes and
trimmings from the wholesale house in
that city. After her return Mrs. Briggs
proposes to give a grand opening, when
some delightful surprises are in store for
the ladies of Tbe Dalles.
Greatest One.
, Li Hung Chang, one of the four great
men whom. General Grant discovered
when he went around the world may
turn out to be the greatest of them all.
The others were BeaconsfieJd, Bismarck
and Gambetta. The estimate of Bea-
consfield by the generation that followed
him is that he was not a great, man of
the first rank after all. Gambetta died
too soon. Bismarck clouded his great
ness by a horribly bad temper which
wrought his downfall at last. Only Li
Hung Chang, the powerful, wily, even
tempered, deeply thinking Chinaman, is
left, not a whit abated in honors inflo
ence or intellectual force though he is 74
years old. Exchange. .
By order of the common council of
Dalles City, notice is hereby given that
sealed bids will be received at the re
corder's office of ' Dalles City, until
o'clock p. m., Thursday, September 17th,
1896, for sixteen cords of first-class oak
wood, delivered. . G. W.,
ell-lw Recorder of Dalles-City.
Leave orders at; The Dalles Commis
sion Co.'s store for,' dreesed chickens.
lelepnones izs ana -zoo. v King "em
up. : : - ' ' ; ell-dlm
''That's good 1" An expression always
heard after one has tasted the famous
Hop-Gold beer. For sale by St'ubling &
Williams. b4-2w
Wioam Bros. Win.
The Winans Bros, who were cited to
appear beforeJudge Han ford at Spokane
and show cause why they should not be
fined for contempt for excluding Indians
from fishing on deeded land, had a hear
ing on the 8th, and were dismissed,
Judge Han ford deciding' they . were not
in contempt. The defendants contend
ed through their attorneys, Huntington
& Wilson, that whatever rights are se
cured to Indians by treaties are subject
to state laws, unless congress at the
time the state is admitted to the Union,
withholds from the stale the right to
make laws -which would - contravene
treaty rights.
It has been the. claim on the part of
the Indians that in giving up their lands
to the U. S. government, they not only
had the right to occupy their reserva
tions, without molestation, but bunt
and fish upon all public lands not actu
ally resided upon by settlers. The state
of Washington has a law by which fish
ermen may purchase beach lands between
high and low water marks'' for fish
ing privileges, upon which others 'are
not allowed to trespass. The Winans
Bros, became possessed of certain lands
in this manner upon which some Yaki
ma Indians persisted in fishing, and the
owners of the land, believing that In
dians possessed no right which were for
bidden a white citizen, ejected them
therefrom. Hence the suit, which has
now terminated in a victory for the
Winans Bros.
i .
" Do 6rieep -Work Injury? .
The Telegram says : Opinin is divided
as to whether, the sheepmen with their
herds have damaged the government
property in any thing like the propor
tion they have benefitted the state and
also through the different channels their
industry ' runs, the government itself.
It is true that cattle and game will not
browse pver ground once cropped by
sheep, but at the same time these sheep
are doing wonderfully efficacious service
ia keeping down the dense underbrush
of the Cascades, a growth, the trampling
out of which means much to the devel
opment of the timber.
Again, so immense is the Cascades re
serve that it would take many years for
almost numberless bands of sheep to
create anything like the havoc that it is
claimed had been made by the eight or
ten bands of sheep which it is admitted
have browsed over a fewvof the foothill
slopes. However, the law says the
sheep mast not intrude on the reserve
and the law is to be respected. ,
A Rousing; Republican Meeting;
X.ast Kvenlng;.
Pendleton, Or., Sept. 10. The Mc
Kinley Club held a rousing, enjoyable,
entertaining meeting at the courthouse
this evening. .The large room was filled
with an enthusiastic audience, in which
a large number of ladies were seen. The
Pendleton brass' band, seated in the rear
of the room, furnished spirited music,
while a choir rendered a number of
That we are selling
at resonable price.
Leave your order
with us.
The Dalles.
patriotic aire, accompanied by the
Fletcher family on the organ, flute and
French horn. The feature was the ad
dress by Hon. H. W. Rasmus, which
was at times interrupted by loud ap
plause. Chairman Taylor, senator-elect, intro
duced the speaker of the evening who
in a very few minutes captivated his au
dience. The fullest attention was paid
his every utterance. - Following are a
few extracts from the address:
"We are, I believe, entering into one
of the greatest political battles in the
history of the nation, a battle between
right and wrong, between good and bad
government, between liberty and
slavery, between prosperity and patriot
ism ; therefore, it involves issnes of vital
importance. It has been ' claimed there
is' but one issue. I claim it is a cam
paign involving many issues, the prin
cipal one being patriotism, loyally to
our government. I claim that Republi
canism is synonomous with patriotism.
The Demo-Populist candidate is the
champion of free trade. Every wage-
earner in the land must answer this
question for himself. So long as I can
buy for one day's wages, under a pro
tective tariff, as much as can be had for
two days' wages under a free-trade
policy, why should I go to the polls and
cast my vote tor a free-trade party?" .
Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for Sept. 12, 1896. Persons call
ing for the same will give date on which
they were advertised:
Armstrong.H V (2) Blake, G W
Brown, LL . Beresford, Jennie
Clark, Mrs M J Donaldson, Laura
Davis, Miss E M
Eichlick, M
. Davenport; Miss
Grant, Carrie -
Herman, Dora
Harrington, Marcus
Harsell. Aeaest (2) Kelsav. B S
Ludwick. Emma' Lohrli, Konrad
Meador. E H
Owens, Miss N
Helsay, D A
Patterson .Culbert
McDonald, Millie
Nesson, P
Reed, Geo M
Thomas, Melvm
Whipple, W H
" Yeackel, Hy ,
J. A. Ckossen, P. M.
Mathews, J no .
Nicole, E
Rice, W B
Smith, Danl L
Tem pie ton. Will
Warfield, J M D
The oyster season is now opened at A.
Keller's. Oysters in any style. s7-dlw
- Awarded
Highest Honors World's Fair,
dold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Ttfade. '
40 Years the Standard.
One can
Tire full
No more
No more
pep Oat the flies.
Now in Stock. New Styles and liO-w'Frices.
Odd Sizes made to order on Snort Notice.
Ihec you mant to bay
Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, .
Rolled Barley, Whole Barley,
Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts,
Or anything n the Feed Line, gojto the
Our prices are low and our goods are firet-claps.
Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR.
Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
eee all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
Jacobson Book, & Music Co.
No. 174 Second Street? .
New Vogt Block, . The Dalles, Oregon.
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns' and Designs in
' PRACTICAL PAINTER and' PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MAS URY' 8 PAINTS . used in all our work, and none but the
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. . A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to. ' . .
Store and Paint Shoo corner Third and Washington Sts., . The Dalles. Oreo
of Du-Sock;
of air;
blue talk
Sole Agents
Successor to Chrlaman & Corson.