CHI UNTOLD f.'ISERY FEOM Rheumatism C. H. Xing, Water Valley, Miss., cored by Ayer's Sarsapariila "For five years, I suffered untold misery from muscular rheumatism. I tried every known remedy, consulted the best physi cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times, spending $1000 there, besides doctors' bills; but could obtain only temporary relief. My flesh was wasted away so that I weighed only ninety-three pounds; my.lelt nrm and leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles being twisted tip in knots. I was nnnwe to dies myself, except with assistance. ;:nd coii!M only hobble about by using a cane. I had no appetite, and was assured, by the 5nc'ors, that I could not live. The p;! ins. :;t times, were so awful," that I couM procure rclii only by trcaus-of hypodermic injec ti!:i r.f srejrpiiine. I l:icl my limbs bandaged in clay, in sulphur, in poullices: but these I-'.ivb only temporary relief. After trying v?r7t-hp,, ar.d suiiVritig the most awful 1 nrt:vt.". I LckIi to lake Ayer's Sarsaparilla. J'.ie f two months, I was able to walk Mi ;-.: o.aiso. In throe months, my limbs I e: hi f slrengihcn. nd in the course of a .-r. I -vis nired. IiTy weight has increased i-.". 1' r.jni I m cow able to do my iuh ii vy'., v.-orlt as a railroad blacksmith." 3k h&&?' Tlis 3i?iy Wer'd's Fair Sarsaparilla. l'iJ.".s 1'JLZ.S ci.K Headache. W-A-IESTTIEID- IRT. To do general housework. Inquire ine Dalles employment Agency. DRESSMAKING Two girls to learn dress . making. Dalles Employment Agency. F ARM-HAND Man to work on farm. Dalles employment Agency. WANTED Ladies or gentlemen wanting sit uation should leave their address with The Dalles Employment Agency. Telephone 309, Lock Box 250. Over Mclnery's. THE DALLES EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Male or Femalo help furnished on snort no tice. Lock Box 250, Tel. 309. Over Mclnery's. PERSONAL. MENTION. Fred Hill left for Portland this after noon. Miss Anderson left for Portland this morning. ' .Mr. A. K. Thompson left this morning or Troatdale. Mr. N. Whealdon returned from Spo kace laBt evening. ' ' Kev. J. H. Wood has returned front .the Yakima conference. Mr; A. S. Roberts went to Troutdale this morning on sheep business. Messrs. A. B. Jones and A. Henry of Hood River returned home this after noon. Misses May Sechler, Julia Hill and Dasie Allaway left this morning to at tend the university at Eugene. Mr. A, Schmidt, a fish dealer and packer of Portland, was in the city this morning on a business trip, returning this afternoon. Rev. Wm. Hoskins- of the Locke and Rev. N. Evans of North Yakima left this morning for Vancouve? to attend the Puget Sound conference. ' Treasurer's Call. All warrants registered prior to July 9, 1892, will be paid at my office next door to I. A. llndson's omce. Washing' ton street. Interest ceases after this -dale. . - ' The Dalles, Or., Aug. 13, 1896. C. L. Phiixips, Treasurer. 'I'll take you where it's good," said the man to his friend, as they started for Hop Gold beer. For sale by Stubling & Williams. s4 2w "Hop Gold" heard on every hand. The finest beer ever offered to the public, For sale by Stubling & Williams. s4-2w No more BOILS, do more PIMPLES Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. When Baby was sick, we gav her Castorka. VFben she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. : When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria, When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria. A dose that is always seasonable is a dose of Simmons Liver Regulator, the "King of Liver Medicines." It keeps the liver active ; the bowels regular ; prevents Biliousness ; and promotes di gestion. In fact helps keep you well. "I have watched its effects in families where I have practiced, and find it ad mirable; both alterative and tonio in its action." Dr. T. W. Mason, Macon, Ga. WILL, ROB NO MORE URAVES. .- Continued Jrom Third page. just below the breast bone, showed con clusively that Hartley had been put to death with cruel tortures such as were inflicted upon white men taken priso ners by'Indians in the early history of this country. Some such dreadfpl ending had often been predicted for him, as he had been for years engaged in collecting Indian relics and curios, and has . probably robbed ' more Indian graves and scat tered broadcast the remains of more In dians than any other one man ever did. There is scarcely an Indian burying ground on the Columbia river, or the islands therein, or along the coast of Oregon, where such places are numer ous, which Hartley had not ransacked in search of stone knives and hammers, beads, flint arrowheads, and other arti cles which Indians used to bury with their dead. Hartley bad been so long and so ac tively engaged in the business, and his operations bad extended over such a scope of territory, that' he was known by reputation at least to many Indians, and whenever it was known that he was in any part of the country Indians from that section sent out guards to protect their old burying places. Some two years .since, while he was operating in an extensive Indian burying ground at the mouth of- the Alsea river, r be was shot at and narrowly escaped be ing captured by gnards sent down from the Siletz reservation to keep watch for him, the Indians having learned that he was on his way to that place. Another time, when collecting Indian skulls at a burial place on Little Memaloose island, he narrowly escaped being captured through the canoe of bis pursuers having bien upset by their overeagerness to catch him. " It seems probable that he bad learned of the buryine ground on the island in Deadman'a lake, some twenty miles fur ther in the forest, where tradition says the chiefs and medicine men of several tribes along the Columbia used to be buried, and, lured by the prospect of a rich find of- curios, be had ventured to visit the place, imagining that he would be safe from molestation in the depths of that great forest. The Indian guards evidently caught him and put him to a cruel death, and his fate might never have been known had not the timber cruiser, Peterson, been led by curiosity to visit this island. A Rich Man. They had just arrived In Brooklyn from the Island. Thev walked across the great bridge. As they approached the New York side they stretched their necks and viewed the massive building. "Oh, he must be rich," she ventured. "Who?" "The man who owns all those build ings. "One man doesn't own them all." "Oh, yes he does," she assured him. ''How do you know?" he asked. "Because," she said, "his name ison them." . ' "I guess that's so," he agreed as he looked up at a sky scraper. "Mr. Cas toria must be ' pretty rich." Printers' Ink. - Meaning of ttio Fleur-do-I.I. The uniform of English drummers must be familiar enough to every Eng lishman, yet few know the significance of the spotted lace with which their tunics are decorated. The blue spot is the celebrated fleur-de-lis of France, which, being worn by the highest ranks iu the French army, was, as a mark of military superiority, bestowed by- the prince regent upon the lowest ranks. Technical Instruction In Vanning. The duke of Bedford has placed at the disposal of the technical instruction committee of the Bedfordshire county council a farm of 275 acres, 149 of which are arable land and the rest gTass. Twenty boys are granted free scholar ship by the county council, entitling them to two years' board, residence, and instruction in the science and prac tice of farming. "The best on earth," said the mer chant as be quaffed the Hop Gold beer. For sale by "Stubling & Williams'. e4-2w Dalles-Moro Stage .. Leaves the Umatilla' house 8 a, : Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. : Douglas Allen, Prop. . There's mora clothing destroyed by poor soap than by actual wear aB the free alkali rots ' them. . Hoe cake is pure . jly24-i . Save the wrappers Hoe Cake Soap wrappers are worth a cent apiece. Ask Pease & Mays for premium book. jly24-i Help Wanted-iMale. -Wawtkd Solicitors for campaign book "Bry an, Bewail and Free Silver," authorized by Bryan, written by E. L. Metcalf, editor Omaha World-Herald, appointed author by Bryan. Contains speeches and platform. A bbnanz for agents, a free silver mine for workers. Only $1.60. ' The only authorized book. 50 per cent. Credit (riven. Freight paid. Outfit free. Begin now with choice of territory. Permanent, prof, itable work for '96. Address, The .National Book Concern, Star Building, Chicago. ang9-lm "Pass Your Plate' muj. Prices of all commodities have been reduced except tobacco " Battle Ax " is up to date Low Price ; High Grade. ? Delicious Flavor For i 0 cents you get almost twice as much " Battle Ax" as you do of any other high grade plug Lumber, Building" Material and ; Boxes Traded for TTn-vr Cl-mi-n T3rrm T.qWT Jfc-o rowe & co:, i I 1 i 1 j 1 I I j HWfiEE' 'il 111 p j 'T ,?r'": j ' fn jj'ijijj BSackwelS's Genuine Von will find one coupon inside each 2 ounce bag and two coupons- inside each 4 ounce bag. Buy a bag, read the coupon and see how to get your share of 1250,000 In Dreaenta. PREPARATlOlN'S FOB The Great OF NOVEMBER 3 ABE ALREADY UNDER WAY. A NEW 1 President of the United States IS TO BE ELECTED, AND THE .- NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will, as always, be found in the thickest of the fight', battling vigorously for sound business principles, which will bring pring prosperitv to the cation. The New York WEEKLY 'TRIBUNE Is not'only the leading Republican paper of the country, but is pre-eminently a national family newspaper. , Its campaign news and diacussions will interest every American citizen. . -" All the news of the day, foreign correspondence, agricultural department, market reports, short stories complete in each number, comic 'pictures, fashion plates with elaborate descriptions, and a variety of items of household interest, make up an ideal family paper. We furnish the "Semi-Weekly Chronicle and "New York Weekly Tribune" (both papers), . ONE.. YEAR FOR ONLY $1.75, CASH IN ADVANCE. Tho regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.75. Subscrip- tions mav besrin at anr time. Address all order dress on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, sample copy 01 1 ne new ors neesuv xriDune 03) The Dalles, Oregon This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. I I I I I If I i i ''URHARfl Battle to Chronicle Pub. Co. w rite yonr name ana aa- Room 2, Tribune Building, New York City, and a win oe mailed Co you. 7 A Hanaenold IreMare. SJ; VWt '-.Fuller, of Canajobarie, N. . Y,. says that he.' always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dykeman: Druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. Kings bew Discovery is un doubtedly the best-cough remedy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, a nil it has never tailed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not trv a remedy so long tried and teeted. Trial bottles free at Blakelev & Houzhton's Drug Store. Kegular eize 50c. and $100. 3 i ". llow'a Tills! . Wc offr one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F J. Chknky & Co. Props., Toledo, O." We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out. any obligations made by their firm.. - West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O., Walding, " Kinnan & Marvin, Wboleeale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio. Hall a Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of. the system.? Price, 7oc. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. lestimonials free. l-o-U - ld Von EvBr. " ' Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the re lie'f and cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Steepness, Excitable, Melan choly or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters in .the medicine yon need. Health and strength are guaran teed by its use. Large bottles only fifty cents and $1.00 at Blakelev & Houghton, Druggist. 3 None Dot Ayer asttie World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla eniovs the extra ordinary distinction of having been the oaly blood purifier allowed on exhibit at the world's fair,' Chicago. Manufact urers of . other.- earsaparillas Bought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they . were all turned away under the application of the rule for bidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrums. The decision of the world's fair authorities in favor or Ayer' Sarsaparilla was in effect as follows "Ayer's Sareaparilla is not a paten medicine. It does not" belong to the list of nostrums. It iB here on its merits." . . , The Ideal Panacea. James L. Francis Alderman, Chicago, says:'-"I regard Dr. King's New Dis covery as an Ideal Panacea for coughs colds and Lung Complaints, having used it in my family for the last five years to the exclusion of physician's prescrip tions or other preparations." Rev. John Burgns, Keokuk, Iowa writes : . "I have been a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal church for 50 years or more; and have never found anything so beneficial, or that gave me such speed relief as Dr. King's New Discovery Try this Ideal Congb Remedy now. Trial bottles free' at Blakelev & Houghton's Drng Store. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route ' OF THE ' Southern Pacific Comp'y Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland. FKOM JUNE 23,1895. r OVERLAND EX ! press, Salem, Rose- re. Ashland, Sue 8:50 P.M. i ruiatsuio, ugami ,ottu , 1 Franciseo, Mojnve, j Los Angeles, El Paso, I New Orleans and I (.East J Kosetrarg and way sta tions . Via Woodbnrn fori Mt.Aneel, Bilverton, West Scio, Browns- ville.Sprlngneld and f Natron J Salem and way stations (Corvallis and way (stations. ( jMc.Miiinille and) (way stations I 8:10 A. M. 8:30 A.M. 4:40 P.M. Daily i except Sundays. except Sundays. 4:00 P.M. 10.00A.M 7 :30 A. M t 6:20 P.M :45 P.M. t 8:25 P.M, Daily. i fDany, except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET BLEEPERS '. AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAR8 Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Office, 134 Third' street, where throueh tickets to all Points in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates irom J. B. KIRKLAND. Ticket Aeent. All above trains arrive at and depart irom urana central Biauon, r uin ana 1 streets, ' YAMHILL DIVISION. ' Passenger Depot, foot of Jederson street.' Leave for OSWEGO, week days, at 6:00, 7:20, Dj:ja a. m., r&'.io, i:o, s:au, o:za, 5:uu, ii:u,p. m. Arrive at Portland, 7:10, 8:30, 11:25 a. m., 1:30, 3:15, 5:10, 7:30, 9:05 p. m.. and 12:35 a. m. Leave lor RIVERSIDE only (daily) at 6:25. 9:15, 10:30 p. in. Arrive at Portland at 6:10, iu;zu, ii:zu p. m. ' Leave for 8heridan, week, days, it 4:30 p. m Arrive as roruana, :ju a. m. Leave for A1RLIE on Monday, Wednesday and Frinay at 9:40 a. m. Arrive at Portland, Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 8:05 p. m. Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:20, 8:40, 10:40 a. m., 12:15, 1:45, 8:30, 6:25, 8:00, 11:50 p. m. Anive at Portland at 8:30, 10:00, 11:50 a. m 1:30, 3:15, 5:10, 7:30, 8:05 p. m., ana u:35 a. m. R. KOEHLER. . E. P. ROWERS, Manager. . Asst. G. F.'it Pass. Ag-t. JJoii Vio Llio EMSTI GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane Denver Omaha Kansas City Minneapolis St. Paul Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. BAN . STEAMERS Leave Portland Kverr Five Days for SAN" FRANCISCO, CAL. For full details call on O. R. & Cn.'8 Agent Tho Dalles, or address W, H. HDRLBCRT, Gen. Pass. Agt Portland, Oregon E. M'NEILL, President, aud Manager. New Schedule. Effective Tuesday, April 7th, the fol-i lowing will be the new schedule: Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4 :50 m., and leaves 4:55 a. m. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :40 , ni., and leaves 10:45 p. m. Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 12 :05 . m., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves at 2:30 p. m. ' Train z6 ana -t will carry passeneers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing The Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and ar- rivinu at The Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con necting with train JNoe. 8 and 7 Irom. Portland. .E. E. Lytle, i , gent. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. n s - Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars Pullman Elegent Tomist ST. PA II I. MINNEAPOLIS DULVTH ,, MBGO GRAND FORKS CROOK8TON WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE Through Tickets CHICAGO r WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW TTOKE. BOSTON AND AtL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For information, time cards, maps and tickets, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255. Morrison Cor. Third, Portland. Oregon DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. DE3I. G- Tli IE 1ST 1ST. ForRent. The lower story of the Micnelbach block, cor ner nf Second and Union streets, now vacaut. will be rentsd on a Mug- or short-time lease at reasonable figures. , - Also the Micnelbach garden and fruit orchard, with buildings for occupation. Apply to George Williams, administrator of the Mlchelnara estate. apr3-tf