Gentlemen of The Dalles. We are showing a splended line of Spring and Summer Suitings at lower prices than can be obtained elsewhere. No need to patronize foreign firms . employing Chinese labor. Our; garments are made on the "premises by skiliea worKmen. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. The Dalles Daily- Chronicle., The only Republican Daily Newspapei n Wasco County. THURSDAY. - - - SEPT. 3, 1896 NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. For President, WILLIAM M'KINLEY, ....... ....Ohio For Vice-President, GARRET A. HOBART . . . .New Jersey For Presidential Electors, T. T. GEEE ......Marion County 8. M. YOB AN ....v Lane K. L- SMITH Wasco J. J". CAPLES. , .Multnomah THE COMMERCIAL AND COINAGE VALVES. Prior to 1800 the relative" values of gold and silver had varied at dif ferent times and places from 2 to 1 in India at the time of Alexander's invasion, to 1 6 to 1 in 1793 through out the commercial nations - of Europe. From 1545 to 1560 the average ratio in Europe was 11.30 to 3- About 1600 it had changed to 12.25 to l and CO years later was about. 15 to 1. According to Gar- bett, an . English refiner, the bullion vaine oi ine two meiais varieu irom 1783 to 1793 19 per cent. Jn 1793 the commercial ratio was lo to 1. In 1800 the price of silver had de preciated until the ratio was 15.68; eight years later it was 16.08 ; in 1813, IG.25; from this time on the price of silver rose gradually until in 1833 it was within a small fraction of 16 to 3 and in 1837 it had further risen to 15.9883 to I; in 1870, the. time ihe act of 1873 was first introduced the price of silver was $1,328 per ounce and its ratio to gold was 15.57. Dur ing all these years since 1837 it should be borne in mind the coinage ratio was 15.9883. During One year, 1843, the price rose suddenly from L303 to $1,927, the highest price since the organization of the govern- irient. But a year later it fell to. ,41.304. The foregoing figures aie taken from tables of Sottbeer, Pixley and Abell. The world's product of gold and silver, as far as we aie able ' to give it, during the years mentioned is as lollow8 : ' ' Gold .' ., . Silver -1792-1834.. J834-USM... 3670 3373 ... JS74 . $14,000,000 .. 7,500,000 .. 50,000,000 .. 86,000,600 . . 83,500,000 Insignificant $ 250,000 16,000,000 3ftrR0,O00 87,300.000 From 1873 to 1892 inclusive, the average annual gold product of , the world has been $35,000,000 whije the average annual silver product, com mercial value, has been $19,650,000. The coinage value of the average an nual prod net during this same time Las been $120,000,000. The conten tion is made that the act of 1873 has been the cause of the depreciation of silver, and to undo the act of 1873 will restore silver dollars of 4I2 grains to a parity with gold. The total world's product of . silver from 3792 to 1873 was $154,150,000, while the world's product during the 5 years, 1873 to 1878, was $213,350,000. These figures which are taken from the statistics of. the.tJ. S. mint, show, if they show anything, that the act Of 1873 was a blessing to this nation instead of a crime ; that the commer- , H. E. BALCH. 78 Second Street. cial value of the two metals must govern the legal ratios, ami legisla tion cannot overcome the enormous proportionate increase in the silver product! " ' Special Agent Dixon is parading through the Oregoiiian Mr. J. H. Sherar . of this county, one of the most substantial law-abiding citizens in the state of Oregon, as a violator of the law and a man who disregards his word. Mr. Sherar is not the kind of a man this Dixon represents him to be. Mr. Dixon has not found Mr. Sherar's herders on the reserve and has never ordered them off. It would be a great satisfaction to the people of Eastern Oregon if Mr. Dixon would demonstrate that the sheep men are violating the law or injuring the government, and quit advertis ing himself in tlie papers. The Democratic papers are claim ing that the act of congress under which the sheep men are being ex cluded from the Cascade mountains was enacted under a Republican ad ministration. The act referred to was an act concerning the repeal of the timber culture law, and the last clause provides that the president may set apart public lands as forest reservations. The law passed March 3, 1891. Mr. Harrison continued in office' until March 4, 1893, but the Cascade timber reserve nonsense was never thought of until Cleveland came into office and made his procla mation of September' 8, 1893. The Republican party disclaims any re sponsibility for this. or other attacks upon the sheep industrj. : Mr. Bryan's Columbus speech is in effect:- "We all want more , money. Open the mints to silver at 16 to I and silver will be coined in enor mous quantities, so that we can all have'some,.' How will we get it into circulation? "Why, just aa we get gold into circulation, pay our obliga tions and buy what we need.'"' Does he believe his listeners are beinp; fooled by this clap trap ? ' .. . On most questions the opinion of Judge Geo. II. Williams is. 'pretty soqnd, but he too has joined. the gold bugs" and is advocating the election of McKinley. In fact nearly a'l the careful thinking men of the nation have done likewise. ' " If Maine will speak ext Tuesday as positively as "Vermont did. yester day Ihe Boston woolbuyers will re turn to Oregon and commence to do business at the old stand, for McKin ley's election will be pretty , well as sured. . . " . ' r , . . The Ideal Panacea.- ' . ' : Jamea L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago, says : . "I regard Dr. King's" "New Dis covery as an Ideal Panacea for coughs, colds and Lung Complaints, having used it in my family for the last five years, to the exclusion of physician's prescrip tions .or other preparations." ' ' -- Rev. v John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes: "I have been a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal church for 50 years or more, and have never foiled anything sobeneficia, or that gave me such speedy relief aa Dr. King's New Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial bottles free , at ' Blakeley & Houghton's, Drng Store. : : :. . '',.: - Dalles-Moro Stace i- - . - Leaves the Umatilla house 8 a. m Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. r -f . Douglas Allen, Prop. ' . For Sale. ' A fine fresh Jersey cow. Calitornia winehouse. Apply at the aug29-2w Ti Owi login Eigosii Opens Sept. 19th. " The Great- Resources of the Pacific-Northwest.-. Agri culture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Mines, Manufactures', Ma chinery, Transportation, Trade and Commerce will be repre sented more completely than ever before. ', '.'' , ' . . Grand Band . Concert Every Afternoon : and Evening. SPECIAD ATTRACTIONS EVERY NIGHT, -f , - Itocaest Hates Ever Jrlade on all Transportation Lines; ADMISSION, 25c. CHILDREN, 10c. : For exhibit space, apply to GEORGE L. BAKER, Superintendent, at the Exposition Baildiug. .. . E; C. MASTEN, Secretary. . CEffiENf DURBBLE, SUBSTflNTIAli, OltfiJlKEllTflli. ' Cost only twice as much aa wooden walke, and will last forever. Oae-ebould surround every block in the city.'.'.. '.''''. KOGHER - ; FREEMA1T - ' Mkke a epecialty of laying' Cement Walke, and guaran- , tee their work. Estimates of qost furnished on appli- '"' cation to the above. - THE CELEBRATED COLiUmBlH EOlEV, AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Portei east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and on. y the first-class article will be placed ox he market. . . -. ' '.,-... ; . : ; :''...-. BLAKELEY & 175 Second Street, a I i i i i c-r-r-ie jr Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention: , i " u-' 'V FOB SALE BY BLAKELEY &. HOUGHTON. - Reduced Kate. Effective March 22d. The O. R. & N. Co. will reduce their round trip rates between Portland and The Dalles as fol lows: Two day rate, cood going Satur day and returning .'Monday " night, $3. Ten day tickets $3.50. , Good on all trains. . . E.- E. Lytle, . m24-diwtf ' ' ' -..Agent 'The readers of this paper will , be pleased to learn that ,there is at. least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Ub stages, and that is Catarrh. - Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only Vpositive; cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh -being a constitutional dieeass, requires a consti tutional treatment. 'Hall'8: Catarrh Care is taken internally, acting:' directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the eyetem, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease,, and r giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. ' The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails , to cure. Send for' list of testimonials. Address : , . ". - F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75 centq. . : ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, The Dalles, Oregon. : y Thfs institution rill be re-opened for the re ception ol boarders and day pupils on .- . - Monday, September 7th, 1896. Parents end guardians are kindly requested to be prompt in sending tbeir daughters or wards at the beginning of the session that all may en joy the lull benefit of proper classification.- The classes ore divided into five grades the Primary, Junior, Preparatory, Seniorand Gradu ating. Those who are desirous of scnuirine a thorough business education have all the faeili-j ior a uuiug. uuott-Keeping, eienograpny, Typewriting and Telegraphy are taught at the regulsrrates. The Musical Department affords special oppor tunities to acquire a knowledge of-the Piano, Organ, Violin,- Zither, Mandolin and Guitar. Thorough Bass and Harmony taught according to the most approved methods. Vocal Music in classes, German, French, and all kinds of Plain and Ornamental Keedlewoak taught free of charge. i . ' ' In the Studio, lessons are given in Pastelle, Oil, Metalic, Mineral and Water Colors, and in. Crayon, including Portraiture: . - - ST. JOSEPH'S SCHOOL FOR BOI8. The attention of parents is called to this pop ular branch of the institution, which is under the supervision of a competent teacher. Boys attending this school will receive 11 rst-class in struction In the branches taught. , For further particulars and rates ql tuition, ap ply at the Academy or adoress eptl-lmo SLSTEP. SUPERIOR. . Closes Oct. 17th. HOUGHTON The Dalles, Oregon a i i . i-i , -r- a -T- r"i JyS. Schenk, President. J. IS. Pattbrson. . - Cashier. first Jlational Bank. THE DALLES. - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted JJepoaits received, subject to Sight ' Draft or Check. ... , Collections made and proceeds promptly - remiuwi on uay 01 coiieunoii. , . Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on iN ew orK, Ban a ranciaco anc- ort- IRBOTORS. . ' D. P Thompson. .'. : Jno. S. Schenck. EdM. Williams, Gxo. A. Likb. --: : iH. M.BKAii.. ; . .. i -; ; Money Loaned. ; First mortgages on Improved property nego tiated. - We are 'prepared to Negotiate first mortgages upon improved- farmo in Oregon, Washington and Idaho with eastern parties and foreign cap luuifiia Bt me ubum raw ui miercsc. .mortgages renewed that have been taken by other compa nies now out of business. Address (with 8'unp) - ilKKVIK BWARTZ, JnUS-tf r - Baker City, Or. Meals at All Hours - , ; From 6 a.- m. to 10 p. m. - Board, $3 to $4 per week at Mrs, C; TTelsbn - & Co.'s. Steam "Wood Saw. Wood Sawed by the Champion Wood Saw, every other day Monday, Wednes lay and Friday during September. Leave orders ' at Blagden' & Morris' Blacksmith Shop on Third Street.-' TELEPHONE 130. Otto BiVgfeld is - now ready to supply amilies with . the celebrated Gambrinus keg or bottle beer, delivered, free of charge tp any part of the city.-Tele-phone 34. :'-;.' - ', ' : -. . Wholesale. CXUnes and Ciqafs . THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt beverage, uneq-aaled as a STUBLING &,. WILLIAMS. Must Be Seen The new Stock of iGopds just received by C. F. Stephens from the East, which includes every' class of Goods in his line needed for man, , woman or child. The low prices will astonish you. The goods are of the latest style. The general public are invited to call and inspect them. They are certain To Be Appreciated. Cascade Warm Springs Hotel " : IS NOW OPEN" FOR GUESTS. Board and Room per day ..i:.... ..........$1.25 Board and Room per week ..V;..... ,...,-$7.00 and 8.00 Baths .,..:-.-;:f. ;.......25c each -For Particulars Address ; T. ivr l. i.lTTf 274 Taylor. Street, - - : ang7-dylmo .'-.--. PORTLAND; OREGON The .Is -aw P D . 02 O . .r-i ,ri -- t . v a g ; 6jd : m The Dalles Commission Co., -DJJAI.ER8 m- Coal, Ice and Prote, Foreip anl Domestic Fruits and TeieiaWes.' " .., Oysters Fish, Poultry and Game in Season. NORTH POWDER ICE, which is noted for its parity and lasting qaalities. BOOK SPRINGS. KOSLTX, ANTHRACITE ud GIOK6SS CBIEK : Phone 128 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets. - ' Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding. ' 4 There is a tide tn the affairs ofl men whicki, taken at its flood ' . . leads on to fortune" ; .-. ' , The, poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out : Sale of : i atRANDALL Who are selling those goods " ; . MICHELB ACH BRICK, Kill; orCatcii thpse Flies; ; -with "TANGLEFOOT" or "DTJTCHER'S LIGHT ,NING FLY KELLER;.. ; ' : X Only 5c a Double. Sheet at Donnells Drug Store - BUSCH and BEER .es. Nutrine. a non-a.lrnioH tonic. . Gerrnania -v . : - OTTO BIRGFELD, Prop. - Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. -SOLE AGENT FOR THE- Celebrated Gambrinus Beer. V - ' XO. 94 SECOND STREET, ; THE DALLES - - ; - OREGON. FOR ' FUEL MANCFACTUK ruaro Furnitare and & BURGET'S, out. at greatly-reduced rates - ;' - UNICJ. ST.