The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 02, 1896, Image 1

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    C ' J
NO 205
Were Organized ly the
Katlmatett Tliat Between 30,000 and
40,000 People Lout Their Lire
In the Riots.
Constantinople, Sept. 1. There ia no
longer any doubt that the massacres of
Armenians were organized by the Turk
ish authorities, and it has been ascer
tained that orders were only given to
Basbi Bazooka to cease massacreing
Armenians after the bloody work had
been going on for 30 hours.
It is also a fact that hundreds of Turks
were brought over from the Asiatic Bide
of the Bosphorous in order to take part
in tbe massacres, and many Armenians
were put into boats which were then
taken out to sea. Their fate is un
known, but there is not the slightest
doubt that they have been drowned. Al
though it may be true that the attack on
the Ottoman bank originated with the
Armenian revolutionary commission, it
is admitted on all sides that the massa
cres which followed were not justified,
and that 30,000 to 40,000 people lost their
lives in this city or in the suburbs dur
ing the past week.
The Poet Scout Accidentally Killed
While Mining-
Seattle, Sept. I. News reached this
city today of tbe accidental death at
the Blewett gold mines near Blewett,
Kittitas county, Friday evening of
Captain Jack Crawford, who claimed
to be the original poet scout. An ac
cident took place in what is commoniy
called the hydraulic claims, located a
short distance below Negro creek.
Crawford had been piping against a
bank and had stepped upon a small
elevation to see what effect the water
was having on the bank. A rock fell
out of . tbe bank, striking him on the
breast. He was thrown backward and
fell down a hill eight or ten fest, strik
ing on the back of bis head among the
rocks. He died instantly. Whether the
claim of Craword to the title of the
"poet scout" was founded on fact or was
claimed on account of resemblance, real
or fancied of the famous rover, remains
to be seen. - It is said that Crawford
served in tbe United States army and
was one of Custer's scouts. This piob-
ably explains his claim to being the
original Jack Crawford.
Rothschilds Purchase a Gronp of Mines
Near Eugene.
San Francisco, Sept. I. The Roths
childs, through the Exploration com
pany of London, have turned their at
. tention to gold mining in Southern
Oregon. They' have purchased a group
of three quartz mines in what is termed
the Lucky Boy, in Blue river mining
district, near Eugene. This is a new
camp in which between forty and fifty
locations have been made. Gold is of
the free milling sort. The camp is 45
miles irom Eugene, and 40 miles of the
distance is traveled by wagon road and
live miles by rail. The final papers have
just been put in shape and George S.
Baum, formerly superintendent of the
Omaha mine, in Nevada county, accom
panied by a crew of men from Grass
Valley have gone to the scene. They are
to make a thorough investigation and
development of the property.
JL Terrific Explosion.
Pinole, Cal.; Sept. 1. A terrible ex
plosion, occurred - at Hercules 'station,
where the California powder works were
blown up. Four terrific explosions were
heard in succession and tbe sky in the
"vicinity is black with smoke.
All the buildings of the company are
on fire and the ground in the vicinity is
rent by, immense fissures. All the prop
erty of the California powder works will
be a total loss. So far as known at this
hour, thirty minutes after the explosion,
three whites , have been killed. ' There
has been other loss of life, how extensive
cannot yet be stated.
Absolutely Pure.
A cieam of tartar baking powder. Highest of
all in leavening strength. Latest United State
Government Food Report.
Koyai Baking Powdee Co., New York
Hugh Wallace Starts a Boom for OroTCr
Indianapolis, Sept. 1. Delegates to
the national eold Democratic convention
came in at a lively rate last night and
this morning. They are bringing a
throng of visitors in their wake. Indi
cations point to as large an attendance
as was anticipated. The boom for the
nomination of Cleveland, . which was
started last night by Hugh Wallace of
Washington is being discouraged by the
president's friends, who say he would
not accept. Comptroller of the Cur
rency Eckels favors Vilas' nomination.
A disposition is developing in the East,
which is considered safe for gold, to al
low the Middle, Western and doubtful
border states to select the candidates.
A majority of the Iowa, Illinois, Indiana,
Ohio, Tennessee, and Alabama delega
tions seem' to be. for Watterson, who
eeems . to have an undoubted lead.
Should the nomination go to Watterson,
a Northern man will be named for vice
president, probably Bragg of Wisconsin,
Judge Morgan of Chicago, or David Law
ler of Minnesota. . '
Green Mountain Bays Stand by. Re
publican. Principles. '
White River Junction, Vt., Sept. 1.
The Green mountain state declared for
Josiah Grout, Republican, of Derby, for
governor today, and for the Republican
state ticket entire, by a majority "' that
equalled the prediction of the most con
fident Republican managers. Returns
from the distant towns are, as usual,
rather slow in coming in, but the count
in all sections shows substantial Repub
lican gains, indicating that the majority
for the Republican state ticket will be
about 30,000. . This is the' largest major
ity ever given for governor in this state,
the nearest approach to it being in 1894,
when the majority was 2(5,521.
. The Republican leaders tonight claim
the majority may reach 35,000 and even
Speech at Stayton by M. C. George.
Stayton, Sept.' 1. The campaign was
opened in earnest by the Republicans
here tonight. . An address -delivered
by Hon. ' M. C. George touched
a ' patriotic chord and aroused Re
publicans to a sense of responsibility.
They reckon without their host who
think McKinley and Hobart will not
poll a big vote in this part of Marion
county. ' " '.
How's This!
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15. years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all buei
neBS transactions and financially able to
carry oat any obligations made by their
firm. ' :
West & Trnar, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O., Walding,' Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh, Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Price,
75c. per . bottle. - Sold by all druggists.
Testimonials free. . .'1-5-9
Save the 'wrappers Hoe Cake Soap
wrappers are worth a cent' apiece. Ask
Pease & Mays for premium book. jly24-i
. There's more clothing destroyed by
poor soap than by actual wear as the
free alkali rots them. Hoe cake is
pure. ' ' , jly24-i
' . Old People.
Old people wbo require medicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneys wil
find the true remedy in Electric Bitters
This medicine does not stimulate and
contains no whisky nor other intoxicant,
but acts as a tonic and alternative. It
acts mildly on the stomach and oowels,
adding strength and giving tone to tbe
organs, thereby aiding Nature in the
oerformance of the functions.' Electric
Bitters is an excellent appetizer and' aids
digestion. Old people find it just exact
ly what they need. Price 50 cents and
$1 00 per bottle at Blakeley & Hough
ton's Drug Store.
Redaction In Wood,
The Dalles Lumber Co. will close out
their stock of 16-inch stove wood cut
ready for stove at $2.00 per cord in order
to obtain yard room for fall stock.
jly25-dlm. .
W. S. Geary, the piano tuner, in a let
ter desires us to say that he will be in
The Dalles shortly, and that no one is
authorized to use bis name. Orders left
at . either music ' stores will receive
prompt attention. aug31-2t
None But Ayer's at the World's Pair.
' Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extra
ordinary distinction of having been tbe
only blood purifier allowed on-exhibit at
the world's fair,' Chicago.- Manufact
urers of other sarsaparillas sought by
every means to obtain a showing of their
goods, but -they were all turned away
under the application of tbe rale for
bidding the entry of patent medicines
and nostrums. The decision ' of .the
world's fair authorities in tavor of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla was in effect as follows:
"Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is not a patent
medicine. It does not belong to tbe
list of nostrums. It is here on its
y' Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders - of tbe
Wasco Warehouse Company will be held
at the office of French, & Co., The Dalles,
Oregon, on ' Wednesday,- September 30,
1896, at 3:30 o'clock p. m., for the pur
pose of electing directors for the ensuing
year, and for the transaction of such
other business as may come before tbe
meeting. ! . W. Lord, Pres.
Attest: G. J. Farley, Sec. , '' . , 4w
The Dalles, Of., Sept. 1, 1896.
. ,
. ;.' Wanted.'.
Mra. Drews is prepared to furnish
board and lodging for four or five pupils
attending school in The Dalles at $12
per month.. Apply at residence, corner
Court and Tenth streets. agl2-dlm
Tygh Valley Roller flour Mills.
Tygh. Valley Roller Flour Mills are
running full time on No. 1 wheat.
Flour equal to the best always on band.
Prices to suit the times. Also mill feed
in quantities to suit.
W. M. McCoekle & Son.
augS-6tnw ; Proprietors. .
Money! Money! Moneyl
To pay Wasco county warrants regis
tered prior to Jnly 3, 1892. Interest
ceases after May 15, 1896.
. C. L. Phillips,
myl8-tf , County Treas.
The Cheapest; Purest 2
wA THa t?a.:U. Mi
cine in the world 1
An Efvbctual Spbcific
for all diseases of the
liver. Stomach
and Spleen.
Regulate the Liver
and prevent Chills
Awe Fkvbk, Malari
ous Fbvkrs, Bowel
Complaints, Rbstlbss
kess, jaundicb amd
Nothing is so unpleasant, nothing so common, as
uu uicaiu ; ana in nearly every case it comes from
the stomach, and can be so easily corrected if you will
take Simmons Liveh RftcirLATos. .Do not iim-Im- me
sure a remedy for tKts repulsive disorder. It will also
improve your appetite, complexion and general health.
ptxes! ;
How many suffer torture day after day, making life
burden and robbing existence of all pleasure, owing
to the secret suffering from Piles. Yet relief is read
to tbe hand of almost any one who will use systemati
cally the remedy that has permanently cured thou
sands. Simmons Liver Regulator is no drastic,
violent purge, but a gentle assistant to nature.
' SHOULD not be regarded as "
a trifling ailment in fact, nature ' ' i
demands the utmost regularity of ' 1 s
the bowels, and any deviation
- from this demand paves the way
- often to serious danger. It is
- quite as necessary to remove
impure accumulations from the - -' -bowels
as it is to eat or sleep, and ,
no health can be expected where
a costive habit of body prevails. -
Tb b distressing affliction occurs most frequently'.
The disturbance of :he stomach, arising from tn
imperfectly digested contents, causes a severe pain in
the head, accompanied wilh disagreeable nausea, and
this constitutes what is popularly known as Sick
Headache, for the relief of which take Simmon
Liver Regulator or Medicine.
, uartupactuked only bv
J. EL 7F1I.TX CO, Philadelphia, Pa. .
T or Infant and, Children.
Castoria promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Castoria ts so well adapted to children that
X recommend it as superior to Any prescription
.tnown to me." H. A. abchkr, M. IX, -
,. in South. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
"For several yeara .uttvr fecommeilSedyonf
Cagtoria,' and shall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial results.1;
Edwik F. Pardee. M. D.,
, r ' 135th Street and 7th Ave., NewTork City. .
MThe use of Castoria Is so universal and
Its merits so well known that it reems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are tbe In-
teuisent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Carlos Marttw, D. D.,
New York City.
Tax CsjrrAun Cokpajtt, 77 Hurray Street, N. Y.
Residence, Tenth nd Liberty Streets.
ly23-tf .
modern stand
ard Family. Medi
cine : Cures the
common . every-day
ills of humanity.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon on tbe 12th dav of August, 1806, in a
suit therein pending wherein Stella K. Eddy is
plain'iff and O. D. Taylor, Sarah K. Taylor
John Barger, State of Oregon, as trnstee for the
common schabl fund of Wasco county, Oregon,
Joseph A. Johnson and C. W. Cather are defend
ante, to me directed and commanding -me to sell
all of the lands hereinafter described to satisfy
the, sum of $377.50 and Interest thceon at the
rate of ten per cent ser annum from the 10th
day of June, 1896, and tbe further sum of $50 at
torneys fees and $20 costs and disbursements, I
will, on the 19tb day of September, 1S96, at the
hour of 2 O'clock p. m. of said day, at the court
house door in Dalles City, Oregon, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash in nand,
all of the following described real property situ
ated in said county and state, to-wit: Com
mencing at a point 100 feet west and 60 feet
south from the southeast corner of that tract of
land deeded by Mar." A. Stephenson and D. D.
btepbenson to Geo. W. Rowland, parallel with
the western boundary line of Neyce and Gibson's
Addition to Dalles City, thence southerly 120
feet; thence westerly 100 feet to tbe eastern
boundary tine of the Dalles Military Reserva
tion: thence north along said reservation -line
120 feet; thence easterly on the south line of
Eighth street to the place of beginning; to
gether with all and singular the tenements, her
editaments and appurtenances thereunto be
longing or in any wise appertaining.
' al5 5t-2 . Sheriff of Wasco County, Or-
Administrator's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
will, on -aturday, the 22nd day of August, 1896,
at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said
day at the front door of the county courthouse
In Dalles City, Wasco, Co., Oregon, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand,
the following described real estate belonging to
the estate of C. V. Lane, late of Wasco County,
Oregon, and now deceased, to-wit- Lots one (li
and two (2) and eleven (11) and twelve (12) and
the north half of lots three (3) and ten (10) in
block 81 in Batids Second Addition to the town
of Antelope, in Wasco County, Oregon, said
real estate will be sold subject to a mortgage
thereon in favor of W. Bolton & Co., dated Octo
ber 8, 1895, for the sum of $305.55, and interest at
the rate of 10 per cent per annum from said date.
Dated at Dalles City, Or , this 21st day of July,
Administrator of the estate of C. V. Lane,
deceased. jy25-5t-ii
Assignee's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that Young Quong, Lee
Juke Yow and Daong Tung Tang, partners doing
business under the firm name of rt'a Tai Young
QuongCo., at Dalles City, Oregon, and Young
Quong, on the22d day of August, 1896, assigned
to me all of their property for tbe benent of their
respective creditors in proportion to the amounts
of their tepective claims. All persons having
claims against said assignors or either of them
are hereby notified to present their claims un
der oath to me at the office of Huntington fc
Wilson, The Dalles, Oregon, within three months
from the date of this notice
Dated August 24, 1896. J. O. MACK,
-. Assignee of Young Quong and of v a Tai
Young Quong Co. aug26-7t
The Eiahth
Annaal pair
Second Eastern Oregon District Agricultural society
Commencing Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1896,
and ending Saturday, Oct. 24, 1896.
For Premium Lists, Entry Blanks and all information, write to the Secre
tary, The Dalles, Oregon. , A. S, MAC ALLISTER,
J. O. MAUK, Secretary. . . President.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Teleeranhic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
at. Lome, ban t rancisco, .Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
Soipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Drugs, Paints,
Wall Paper,
Glass. Etc.
: 129 Second St.,
Co.. .
Second and
Streets, opp.
We are" now settled in our new quarters, and
are -prepared to do all kinds ol work in our Hue.
We make Corsets, Lfedies' Dress Reform Waists,
Misses' and Children's Waists. Abdominal Bands
or Supports of various stvles. These goods are
all made to order; a (rood fit guaranteed or no
sale. Why not patronize home industry? If this
western country had ten per cent, of the money
paid eastern and foreivrn manufactures it would
make us all rich. Why not keep the money at
nome oy Duiiaing nn inaustries at nome. rac
tory and office at corner Second and Washington
: entrance at First National Bank.
Chichester's EaaHlah Dlassrad Braa.
Original ma Only Genuine.
Arc, always reliable, laoim ask ,
UrnMist for Ckteheatera Eitqlt Dui-i
mondBramd to Keil and Ooid meia)Ilo
uoxea. seaJoa vita tuu rt M)00'-
tionm andimUatUmj. At Druggist a, or aecd 4e.
in ataininsi far nartloalara. testimonial aod
i Relief for taalca," n feur, by retvra
JHfklf. lu.UVV T-jiitaoiii. Aam tairr
i c b eater UMeamicaa V,ML atfMn 3 ,
1 "KLlirii k imii- r
"Tie Regulator Line'
- -,. . , , . . ,.
Tie Mes. Portland aiii Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freigat ana Passenger Lias
Throngh Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 8 a.m., connectingat the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 7 a. m., connect
ing wilti Steamer Regulator for The
Oneway ...$2.00
Round trip -. 3.M
Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, itritk
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings mast be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solictecL
Call on or address.
w. Callaway
General A-gwnt
fnlLDDD PaiSOn
mm Mas-Bw uuuju7 orl-ta
Clary BLOOD POISON permanently
cured In 16 to 85 days. Ton can be treated as
home for same price under same ffnatraot
ty. If you prefer to come here wewilleoo
tract to pay railroad 1 areand hotel bills, an
no eh
aches antS
Ilmples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers a
any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falline
out. It Is this Secondary BLOOD POISoi?
we rua ran tee to care. We solicit the most obsti
nate cases and challeng-e tbe world for sw
case we cannot cure. This disease has always
baffled th skill of the most eminent physi
cians. 500,000 capital behind our uncondi
tional guaranty. Absolute proof sent sealel cua
application. Address COOK REMEDY fO.
03 Masonic Xemple, CHICAGO, "JT
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.